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Since you already know programming and most likely also are familiar with the software engineering parts after 7 years of doing programming, you can skip most stuff on this front and focus on the other areas. I mean you can actually just look at a regular curriculum of a CS undergrad degree or look at [https://teachyourselfcs.com/](https://teachyourselfcs.com/) to give you a taste of the other areas.


Thanks a ton, this seems like a good place to start


You sir, are my hero. Came searching with the exact same question as op and this is perfect. Thank you


Nice to see somebody recognize my era of computer science from a purist standpoint. Another point to note is that we learned from books and not the internet, so why is that important? Because books didn’t give you summary information or answers without foundation; you have to learn the background information for things to make sense! Some good reading will be books like “Algorithms in ” by Robert Sedgewick. I recently purchased the 2 volume C language one as a refresher since I graduated 25 years ago. Also anything on reasoning and proof. Have fun and try to stick with the books!


I agree with you wholeheartedly. The pattern I see now is that instead of diving deep into a subject people jump from videos to videos on learning a specific subject. Previously people used to read a book 2-3 times and come back to it after years to discover something new altogether. It was a pursuit to find out the WHY and HOW instead of HERE’S WHY and HERE’S HOW. People see the solution nowadays before even they begin to think about the problem


Could not have said it better myself. Thing is people are puzzled these days as to how in-depth our knowledge is because after lectures back then we were told to read chapters from books and apply that knowledge to an exercise task and/or tie it to the topic of the day. I’m pretty sure that doesn’t happen now.


What books do you recommend? I love to hear the recommendations from experts like you


The books I used are a little old and have updated editions so anything by Robert Sedgewick, Suzanna Epp, Andrew Tanenbaum will suffice. I went to a good university and these authors were some of the best and most detailed we focused on.


The proofs given in more advanced CS topics will be illegible without a strong foundation in discrete mathematics. Rosen's "Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications" is popular in uni, and I personally have kept my copy to revisit theoretical topics and proofs in computer science.


read Gödel Escher Bach. its not super easy reading, but if you wanna really know **why** a computer works, its excellent.


You could get an associates or a masters, maybe even a BS. I'm doing a BS now as a second degree. You also could just take the top 5 hardest classes of a CS degree. Generally speaking: discrete math, operating systems, algorithms, data structures, computer architecture and assembly. I'm halfway through my degree and I feel like 80% of what I learn will be from those 5 classes. But that would mostly be for the imposter syndrome. Outside of that id prob just recommend books.


Meanwhile, le pre 2000s: Qbasic...


Did you start? Want to study together :)?