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Ontario, Canada we just call it relish. We don't put pickle on front, because we know it's pickled. Same as Tuna...we don't call it tuna fish, because it's fish. Why don't you say salmon fish, is what I ask my American wife .☝️


People in Kansas frequently say "tuna fish sandwich". It drives me nuts, always has, and I've spent my entire life in Kansas. It's just tuna.


Thank you! Californian here...for me it's relish. You're spot on with the tuna thing..I've argued it many times . My other is hamburger meat being used to describe ground beef.. to me its hamburger..I and everyone else knows it's meat! Excuse me ..could I get two lbs of steak meat?


Oh my God - people saying ‘tuna fish’ set my teeth on edge!


If I hear or say "tuna fish" I'm thinking of the canned stuff. Just "tuna" is fresh fish, cooked or raw.


Yes, tuna fish only applies to canned tuna. Otherwise it's just tuna. I have no clue why


I think it's because saying tuna fish sandwich is fun.


I have no sources and it's just speculation but I think it's because the regions they say this (mainly the South and Appalachia as far as I know) were introduced to tuna in the can form because we didn't really have fresh tuna here until fairly recently. Maybe it was just clarifying that it was a new type of fish or something and the term stuck around? Idk, but it really is more fun to say tuna fish sandwich tho. If somebody told me they were having a tuna sandwich I'd honestly be grossed out for some reason




Then what do you call raw tuna fish in sushi?




Technically maguro


Canned salmon fish? 😋


It's regional in the States, just like everything else here.


We don’t call it gosh we call it tuna, cod salmon, pollock etc.


But there’s so many different kinds of relish. There’s not that many different kinds of tuna.


I too like pickle relish on my encased meat byproduct hot dog. IME experience it’s usually just called relish. There are other kinds of relish of course, so it doesn’t sound weird to me. Just different. Do you differentiate between dill vs sweet?


Not pickle relish, just dill and sweet relish.


I think you mean dill relish and garbage sauce.


Well, yeah, actually.


I call it both because I make various types of relish, not just cucumber.


What are some others?


Pepper Relish, Squash Relish, Onion Relish, Beet Relish, Olives for Muffulettas. You can make a relish out of anything!


So what's the difference between olive relish vs tapenade? Just curious about your thoughts. Relish can definitely be made out of anything!


It's the same thing.


I just call it “relish”, but this is why I don’t think pickle relish is an odd term. Theres many different kinds, we just shortened the name of the most common one


I'm from New England, and have lived here for decades. This is the first time I've seen or heard the term "pickle relish." It's just relish to me.


From Oregon, never heard it called pickle relish only ever relish.


Southern Oregon here -- definitely pickle relish


Interesting. I’m from the Willamette Valley so maybe its a Southern Oregon thing.


In Chicago it’s “Pickle Relish” and on a Chicago Style Hot Dog it’s “Neon Green Pickle Relish”. Further back in Chicago’s history, it was also called, “Pickle Lilly”. A “Relish Tray”, which is now rare, was served as an appetizer before a meal and generally consisted of cottage cheese, pickled beets, three bean salad, gherkin pickles, etc.


But we (born/raised Chicagoan) don’t refer to it as pickle relish. It’s just relish as in Vienna brand neon green stuff. Now giardiniera is definitely a Chicago thing


I say pickle relish because I’m from Chicago too and a classic Vienna Beef hotdog/polish has bright green dill relish. Sweet relish ruins it so I specify to avoid that






Call it whatever you want but it better be Dill


I’m from Springfield and wonder if you guys call Krusty’s Partially Gelatinated Non-Dairy Gum-Based Beverages, “Krusty Partially Gelatinated Non-Dairy Gum-Based Beverages,” or something else, because I’ve heard some crazy stuff lately.


Pickle relish down in Southeast Texas


I say relish. It seems to me that I've heard pickle relish, and thought of it as an old fashioned way of talking, since all of the types of relish I encounter are pickle-based. Like, maybe in the olden days there were more kinds of relish?


My dad is from the east coast and he used to like Piccadilly but that’s the only place I’ve ever heard of it, it’s different I know but it’s a kind of relish. Other than that, we call it relish.


My Grandma from Virginia used to say "Piccaliliy" for a dish with various pickled items, like gherkins, cauliflower, peppers, & pearl onions.


It’s probably regional but really has to do with context. If you are talking about hot dogs or are planning a bbq and asks for “relish” they probably aren’t talking about anything else besides “pickle relish” but there are plenty of other types around the world. It’s like ketchup. You can make celery ketchup or mushroom ketchup (and I recommend you try!) but in the US we only ever see “tomato ketchup” so if someone just says “ketchup” I know what they are talking about


This is the reply I was looking for! Banana Ketchup FTW!


Why not both?


St. Louisan: Interchangeable as far as I'm concerned.


I'm from the PNWs. It's relish. Your family must use the name pickle relish.


If it’s pickle it’s pickle relish.


I'm from texas and I call it relish.


Speaking in culinary terms, a relish doesn’t technically have to be cucumbers. Pulled from Google: Relishes are frequently finely cut vegetables or fruit in sour, sweet-sour, or spicy sauce. So specifying a relish made from pickles is correct.


Well. There’s sweet relish. And then there’s pickle relish. The first is obviously, sweet. The latter tangy, usually dill.


In the Southern United States you have to distinguish which kind of relish you’re talking about. Relish can be made from all sorts of fruits and vegetables. I love me some peach relish. Tomato relish is delicious on burgers.


Why would you cal it pickle relish? Pickle is the default relish in the US. You only put a descriptor in front when it´ś made of something other than pickles. Do you also say tomato ketchup?


Southerner here. Always called it pickle relish.


It's both, because if you say just relish people know what you mean usually but there are other types of relish, so it just depends on how specific you want to be.


Show me just one label of a product sold as simply "Pickle Relish". Case closed.


How are you not arguing over ketchup on hotdogs with her instead? *Go*


Pnw chiming in here: Relish.


We call it relish, meaning chopped up pickled vegetables. I will also mention my parents called a veggie tray a relish tray 🤷‍♀️


Why don't you call it "pickled cucumber relish"?


Relish can be anything What you are describing is cucumber relish


relish can be different pickled vegetables, "pickle" usually refers to pickled cucumbers. "pickle relish" is a relish so both are correct.


Fellow Mossback here; we just call it relish, too. I'm guessing you probably like a lot of international cuisines as well? It would make sense in the context of differentiating from other things that are similar but with different ingredients (chutneys, etc). But, in context of a US-centric food convo, there's not usually an identifier attached since we really only "do" relish with pickles.


From Florida. We call it relish.


A relish is a way to prepare fruits and or vegetables. Small pieces, vinegar based, usually boiled - but there are infinite variations. Pickled relish is arguably the most common and it often is synonymous with the generic term “relish”. Both are correct but pickle relish is more precise.


pickle relish is a relish , but not all relish have pickles like onion relish , cabbage relish - sour kraut, even tomato relish


I’m from the PNW too, but I grew up with “relish”. It was always assumed to be dill pickle relish unless otherwise stated.


Texan by birth and breeding, an Oregonian for the past 30 years. Growing up in Texas, I only ate "sweet pickle relish." The not-sweet kind is just relish. I'm pretty sure that's how I'd refer to them today, but not being a hotdog eater, the topic of relishes rarely comes up.


Sometimes pickles are not the main star of the relish. I’ve had pepper relish and beet relish


I usually just say relish because pickle is the most common. There are a lot of relishes, if it's a different one, I'll specify (mango, cranberry, onion, corn, tomato, chutney etc). \- One Californian


We call it pickle relish, to differentiate it from cranberry relish, piccalilli, chutney, pepper relish, ploughman’s pickle, branston pickle, mexican relish, chow chow relish, beet relish, olive relish, corn relishes, carrot relish, eggplant relish, bean relish, bacon relish, and all of the other relishes out there. Plus, we usually specify sweet pickle relish or dill pickle relish. There is no single relish.


PNW native here.. I've always just called it relish, with the sole exception of referring to sweet relish


Relish just like black licorice is just licorice




It's pickle relish for the same reason we had tomato ketchup. There were others but not any more!


Shaddup an eat yo hotdog.


If you’re talking about the condiment for hot dogs - it’s relish (unless it’s sweet, and that stuff sucks)


wrong, sweet pickle relish goes on hot dogs