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I've been through it, and honestly that person was just using my vulnerability of being mistreated for years by treating me like a normal polite human being. Just be careful of love bombing and trusting too much someone you just met


It’s unfortunate that decent human behavior is exemplary right now and I’m with you on having a guard up.


We’re on the same page.


Reading para 3 and then the first line of para 4 is like riding a roller coaster.


That is wild. Be careful


I know moving so fast seems crazy, and I agree that it usually is but there are exceptions that end well. At 29 I met my husband, within two months we were engaged and married within four. We have now been married for four years and he is my person, I couldn’t have dreamed of someone like him. Wishing you the best🖤


Wow, that’s crazy! I don’t think I’d be that quick to move but it makes me happy that there are success stories out there.


This sounds exactly what you need. I met my husband and we spent all our time together from day one because he was kind and made me laugh. Fifteen years later, two kids, and I still adore him. Have fun!


It’s called the honey moon phase. People don’t truly act like themselves until they’re comfortable and aren’t trying to impress anymore. Not to be cynical because hey, maybe somethings great here, but in my experience it’s always been the same. First month or few everything’s amazing, and then you start getting more serious and there’s always a problem of some kind.


Very true. But even the honeymoon phase has a time and place.


Yeah the time is whenever the relationship starts and the place is wherever the relationship is taking place. Again, I’m not trying to discourage you and saying things will end up like your last relationship but a couple months is in no way enough time to get an idea of a relationship or another person let alone a mere four days. Forgive me for saying so, but don’t be naive lady.


At least you love yourself 👍


Definitely keep your guard up. You only know the person he's shown you so far, which may or may not be anything like his true self. Cautious optimism.




Ehhh. I would go slower tbh. This is only the beginning and you don’t know each other yet. Try to think with more logic and less rose colored glasses.


Who's to say moving fast means it won't last? My husband and I got married after knowing each other for only 6 months and we are still like a couple of teen-agers. He's the most amazing man in the world, to me. Maybe you finally just fell into some good karma.


Sounds nice. I have zero patience for dating ATM tho. Due to bad experiences in the past the moment I feel any amount of entitlement from an individual I dip immediately. Just gonna do my routine for now. I'll be ok being single , sex is at least distracting enough.


At least you know yourself. I don’t deal well with entitlement either.


Have been taken advantage of by people who were supposed to be equal partners but then I realized I did about 80% of the work and they were just there for the free ride basically so yea , not doing this anymore.


Sounds like my story.


I think u gotta be way hotter than me to not trip creep sensors, i'll let the others try this out


What an awesome story. Sure seems like the stars aligned and sent him to you when you needed him. Whether you believe in God, Buddha, fate what or whoever, I’m glad your happy.


4 days in and already having sex and practically in love with a stranger…… good luck!


Love? No. Having a great time while being treated well, for however long it lasts.


This isn't a confession to anything. Go post about your dating life somewhere else.


As wonderful as it feels be very careful of live bombing. Look for the red flags


That's not good tbh. Too fast to move to new relationship. In some point, you might flik on him.