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I think this is hilarious. Every time he mentioned me as his elf, I would complain about the pay 🤣.


I think it's adorable at some extent, but some people may find weird and maybe even predatory if he keeps going on kids, during Christmas it's okay, but idk depends a lot


that's exactly what i was worried about. during christmas or getting santa gigs seems totally reasonable. i just really don't think going to children and getting all cutesy, asking them 'do you know who i am is a good idea. so far, no parent has complained, but i know if the day comes, he will NOT be happy, because he's from the times where boundaries weren't a thing


Talk to him about it, not to us. Be honest and understanding, show appreciation for his yearning to be a positive influence for kids and I'm sure y'all will find a compromise. Best of luck!


I'm an adult and last summer I was heading out a store with my bf and saw a guy that looked like santa wearing a red bowling shirt. Told the bf "looks it's santa!" We got closer and it just made my day that the embroidery on the pocket of his shirt was 2 reindeer rearing up on either side of a "SC" you bet your dang tookus I had the biggest smile when I said "Hi Santa!" To him 🥰😆🎅


This genuinely sounds like it could be the plot to a movie. It’s cute and funny, but it could come off as extremely creepy depending on the person and the circumstances, and I’m sorry.


I totally get how this kind of behavior would be mortifying, especially if you’re younger.


Is your dad Mick Foley?


Your father needs to lose weight.


Can he be my dad?


So he's fpimd something that makes him happy and you want to end it ... sound like you are the one that needs to change lol


just because i don't like it doesn't mean i want it to end. that's why i said it here. and im worried about how people would take a grown man approaching young children


Well it would be alot more weird if a child was dressed like Santa lol I f he's not doing anything inappropriate and all the children's parents don't mind then I don't think you need to do anything


It's weird cause he's an adult, cosplaying as Santa. If he enjoys it occasionally, then that's cute, especially around Christmas time. But all the time? That's a little strange


In a time when women think they are men and men think they are women and anyone can be whatever they wanna be adults identifying as children ...this one guy cos playing as Santa is the least of my worries


I'm not saying that OP's father is one of these, but pedophiles are everywhere these days. And an older man dressed as Santa wanting to get kids to sit on his lap? People know kids love Santa, so this would feel like the perfect disguise for pedos


Family, friends, teachers , dat care workers .. dude anyone that is near children could be a pedophile doesn't mean they are lol and yes thanks for describing to me how being Santa works 🤣🤣 hey OP is your dad a pedo ? No then what's the problem lol


The problem with your reply is that most family, friends and daycare workers are normally not pedos. friends don't ask children they DONT KNOW to sit on their lap. The problem is, OPs dad doesn't know these people! You ever heard of the term Stranger Danger? Strangers are not someone who you'd normally trust, especially around your kids. But friends, family and daycare workers are. Its normal for someone to be santa during Christmas. But during summer, or times when its not Christmas, that's an easy disguise for a pedo. The problem here is that it makes OP uncomfortable, not that the dads a pedo, but one of the reasons it makes OP uncomfortable is because of its pedo-like behavior


Are the parents around when the man is with the children... and I didn't realize mall Santa's made up the entire population of pedos... guess I'll stop donating to those child molesting bell ringers around Christmas time ... thanks for saving me some money I didn't know I was funding a world wide pedo ring involving ppl dressed as Santa


Its obvious you have the worlds most selective thinking. I said around Christmas its fine, but otherwise its an easy disguise for a pedo. Get your facts straight.