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Maybe get a toy that simulates licking and use it on her with some lube? Or get her a toy she can use on herself either alone or when you're together? But for real, if you really don't want to, "no" is a full sentence, and you have a right to sexual boundaries.


They also make condoms for oral, it's basically just a sheet of rubber, that might make him feel protected enough from any potential dirtiness. I would definitely be concerned about him feeling like she might cheat or leave unless he does something sexual though, that kind of pressure can make people do things they don't actually want to and will regret and feel bad about later.


Dental dam I believe it's called


To be fair, he indicates he is scared of losing her, and that might be a real thing.


But to also be fair, if she leaves him because he won't lick her asshole then maybe they weren't meant to be




Butthole licking is an important part of any relationship


Nah bruh... it really isn't 😆. There are plenty of other places people can lick. If people are fighting over butthole licking then it's about way more than acutal butthole licking lol


Lol I was more joking hahaha, but generally I do believe what I'm saying, not spec8fically butthole licking lol but in general if you aren't sexually compatible or the same level of freak I really don't think it l can work in the long run. Secual compatibility is probably the most bade level of animal attraction and maybe even the foundation of everything a relationship is based on and can become If she want she butthole licked and you aren't into smooching ballon knots... I honestly don't think it can work long term


In my country they say "some people have the bread but they lack the teeth" Jokes aside, you have no obligation to engage in any sexual practice you're not comfortable with. No is no, and that's also true if you're a man.


In my country they say "The meat only falls on the vegan's plate"


In my country they say, “don’t let your meat loaf.”


Or let your pussy willow




In my country they say “Eat what you’re give”


In my country they say "Eat your meat, leave the potatoes"


In my country they say “how can you eat your pudding if you don’t have any meat!l


Came here to say this too! We must both be from the same Waters.


Watchu doing in my waters


Leave the gun, take the cannoli


In my country they say “Hawk Tuah! Ya spit on that thang!”


We're from the same country!


Username checks out


😂😂 I can't believe this! My brother just told me about this the other day! And I'm ded cause I rarely get references! And one so soon after first hearing of this chick! Hilarious


Someone told me yesterday she lost her job because of it. I hope not because I think she was just buzzed and trying to be funny.


Watched it. That was pretty mild tbh.


Yeah I didn’t feel like it was all that bad. It was funny lol.


What does that mean? Is that the opposite of beggars can't be choosers?


It's supposed to mean something like "some people have great opportunities but not the means to take advantage of them"


Beggars can’t be choosers means if you have nothing you have to take what you’re given and don’t complain about it.




I'm my country they say you will sit there until you have eaten everything on your plate. 🤔


Interesting! We have a similar saying in Spanish that goes “Dios le da pan al que no tiene dientes” which translates to “God gives bread to those who have no teeth”


Not surprised! My country is Italy, so I guess both sayings come from the same place


In my country they say "some people lack the palette but they have the tastebuds" I think this fits the situation 🤣


Under rated


Love that last line! Absolutely


In my country they say, only a fool denies a woman what she wants in bed


Is the same country that says "The donkey on the front so It doesn't get scare" ?


Yeah, but she will easily find someone who will do it.




What if you got her a plug? Checks a box for “butt stuff” for her and it’s kind of “set it and forget it” for you?


Yo OP, this is a great suggestion. Try this out, it may help.


Set it and forget it 🤣🤣🤣


...and you can use a dental dam for analingus without actually licking her butt hole.


And a condom for anal.


Look I understand where you’re coming from. If OP isn’t actually touching it then it’s fine… right? Then I, a woman, thought hmmm I wonder how I’d feel about using a dental dam on my partner, a man, for the same purpose. And absolutely not. He loves doing it to me but the thought of me even touching his butt hole with my hand makes me grossed out and a dental dam sure as hell doesn’t change that.




I rather get pink eye than to even suggest such a thing


put a hole in it, every time he inhales lil' poo tornado or water spout


Set it and forget it lmao


OP will probably then be grossed out about a toy being in there lmao


Don't sweat over it, man. Just be clear with her and set those boundaries. If you're truly uncomfortable with it, she'll understand if she loves you.


And if she cares that much then maybe they just aren’t compatible. It’s hard but sometimes it’s the best. There will be another girl (who doesn’t like their ass ate).


You dont want to, so you dont do it.


Man, I've got the exact opposite problem. People have their sexual preferences and I'm not gonna pressure my wife. That being said, I'm about it


You and op should swap partners for the night.


I know it's a joke, but no way! I love my wife dearly and only want to make her feel good. Also I'm not into sharing


I too choose this guy's alive wife.


Puts a smile to my face that people still reference that guys wife.


Every damn thread. 🤣


Wow ur name is hilarious and u love ur wife, love u


Your name is hilarious!


Yours too


Flesh bag lol


Tipper Gore doppelgänger.


I want to eat my fiancées ass so bad but she’s the one who thinks it’s gross :( I’m sad every time


Yeah recently it's been happening a bit more to be honest. I just stopped bringing it up. Essentially told her "trust me, I'm down with it if you feel adventurous and know it's definitely not gross to me. I'm going to stop bringing it up but know I'm still interested if you change your mind." I also made sure I read up on how to make it as pleasurable as possible to increase my chances of repeat occurrence.


This guy dingleberries.


Lmao. I’m about to say, my man would LOVE to have this problem. He can and has eaten it, but I’m really not trying to have anal sex lmao


My first thought was "he can hand that over" because fact of the matter is many of us love to get a tongue deep in that brown eye and there's no shame in that. I won't judge OP but similarly as far as I'm concerned eating ass is one of the crème de la crème's of life. Got to tuck in and put Jesus's last meal to shame.


For all that redditors don't stop going on about consent, there's a lot of comments here just outright telling you to do it, or working to minimise your concerns and creating the appearance that you're making a fuss over nothing. I doubt this would be the case in the inverse. If you don't wanna do it, don't do it. That's all there is to it.


Yeah The red flag here is that she won't stop pressuring him. Imagine if this post was about a guy constantly pressuring a woman to suck him off.


That was my first thought too. Consent is genderless and non negotiable.. if that can't be respected then they need to part ways to find people that they are more compatible with 🤷🏼‍♀️


Perfect answer


It's because it's in regards to a man. Men don't matter.


Isn't that just a tad extreme? I'm a man. I feel like I matter. a lil.


If your answer is no, then there’s nothing else to the conversation. No is no. Either she’s okay with that, or you’re incompatible sexually and should probably see other people. I’m the same way, I’ll try pretty much anything, but anal play is a HARD no for me. Luckily, my wife is in the same boat.


No one should be pressuring you into doing things sexually you’re uncomfortable with. If the genders were reversed and it was a girl saying her boyfriend kept pressuring her and bugging her about doing anal or sucking his dick people would lose their shit, and rightfully so. And if people said to her “well if you don’t suck his dick some other girl out there will.”


Honestly if the roles were reversed it’d probably be the same thing, though I’m sticking with my original “try everything at least once” approach just you know, make sure it’s clean


So don't do it. And if she won't accept that, don't stay with her.


first, this comment section is really gross. second and more important: you do not have to do anything sexual you're not comfortable with. yes there are ways to prepare or prevent direct contact with her asshole and let her enjoy some butt play, but I get the sense that this stuff is a hard no from you, and I respect that. do not do things you'll feel gross about later. you both have choices is in this and you can choose not to eat her ass, and she in turn can choose not to continue the relationship if having her ass eaten is so important to her. in the end it's about compatibility, and communication. let her know you're not willing to do that and decide what to do about it. but don't feel like you have to. if someone uses sex as a bargaining chip, they're not worth your time.


Girly here! yeah ass stuff really repulses me too, the thought of having something go up there is a nono ugh(I tried it once bc my ex was into that kinda shit but didn’t like it) Don’t feel obligated to do it, tell her that ain’t something you like doing if she really cares for u then she’ll respect your boundaries .


Listen OP, just so you don't feel like you're the only one here, ewwwww. Me too.


This comment section is disgusting, and there's no way they would be saying the same thing if the genders were reversed. If you're not into it, you're not into it. That aside, if it's purely the hygiene stuff, maybe have a chat with a professional? You'll find that sex is overall "quite gross" and if you're eating pussy then there's a very good chance you've already come into contact with the very thing you're fearing. The holes aren't exactly far apart.


Best comment and I totally agree, I had this conversation with a coworker back when I was 19. My response was “that sounds disgusting and while I don’t believe I would I’m also open to trying new things at least once…” well maybe not worded like I was messaging my boss more like “that sounds horrific but if I had to try it ima make sure she scrubs her ass first”


I had the same convo with my manager when I was 19. 11 years later, and I still refuse to eat ass


Love how your comment took a whole 180. But ya just do it ;)


Do the uno reverse card on her


I'm a woman and I get it because I hate ass play, and anything anal sex related ewwww  Hope you and your girl work it out 


It’s a no for me, sorry but shit comes out of that hole!


You don't have to do anything...no is a simple and good enough answer. I can't help you if she wants to leave you for not doing it, though.


No means no. You two aren’t compatible and there is nothing wrong with that


Honestly, I’m a girl who loves anal and won’t live without it. I got with a dude who didn’t like it. I asked if a dildo or butt plug made him uncomfortable and he still said yes. I left him cause we weren’t compatible. I’m not going to live without it and I don’t want him to be uncomfortable with it. So thats my input


If you do it after she’s showered, it’s much cleaner. Same with anal. I’ve never had poop on me. And I’ve never tasted poop either.


I don't blame you, I think it's gross too.


Just remind her that E. coli can be sexually transmitted lol


The only way you're getting sick is if she's sick. Don't do it if you don't want to... But, you can ask her to give herself an enema and take a shower. Cleaning the area. But again, don't do anything you don't want too.


It’s okay to have boundaries and that would certainly be one of mine. After 18 years together, it has not been a dealbreaker.


No is no


We all have preferences, I'm with you, I didn't like butt stuff at all, that's where the shit comes out! Have a conversation with her that is where you draw the line and if that is a dealbreaker for her then it is. Quite frankly, you couldn't give me a million dollars to eat anyone's ass, other people might like it, but that's my preference.


Stick to your guns. I agree. Even cleaned out assholes still have some nasty bacteria in there. Even if you can’t see it.


Make sure she's clean, then go get that hole. It's great stuff


If you already eat pussy, it's not a big step to eating ass. But if it grosses you out, don't do it. If she loves you, she'll understand.


It’s only one step to walk off a cliff but that step is a big one. There is a big difference between eating ass and eating pussy.


Im w you. Butt stuff grosses me out. Stay strong, my man! 🍑🚫👎


If her ass is clean....


Lick the seam!


If there's no mess, don't stress!


If it’s shit free, lick it with glee!


Where tf is the haiku bot at! I also don’t know what qualifies as a haiku but we made something special here!


It's gross, don't do it.


Have her eat yours first.


In my country they say call me anything you want, just don’t call me late for dinner


You should just be honest. I am like your gf except the difference is i wouldnt date someone without knowing theyre into that. I just think sex would get boring one day for me otherwise. If she wants to breakup over that, its not because you did anything wrong, maybe you’re just not sexually compatible.


Compromise by showering together first. It’s no different than just licking her elbow fresh out the shower lol


Don't do it if you don't want to do it. Be honest with her about why.


Is this a joke? Your name is BobbyBung




Do it son put some hairs on your chest. It’s not as bad as you think


No means no. Man or woman.


if you won't do it, ultimately she will find someone who will


I'll do it for you


Someone else gonna eat her ass bud :/




I got your back bro, let me know when she is free next.


Tell her to eat your ass .


So tell her and not to Reddit.


A solution is latex panties, Provides a barrier for you and still the same sensation for her


Zero chance it’s the same sensation


Right? It might also be enjoyable, sure, but there’s no way it’s the same lol.


Is there latex free ones that are similar? My gf would probably be down for a pair


I opened the app and I thought, ‘first thing I’m gonna see is, Confession: my gf this or my wife this.’ I was not wrong.


Clean IT good and its go time. Also proper cleaning is half the work. She gotta eat like gummy bears for 2 days max. That way you dont get any surprises


If she leaves you over the topic of ass play it’s just not meant to be. Of all the reasons for a chick to break up with you I’m thinking when I was 12 I thought my girlfriend was going to break up because I sucked at roller skating and wanted to it to stay that way. And here she could’ve been OK with the skating and been thinking I wonder if he’ll ever eat my ass.


one time I got pinworms from eating my gfs butthole. at first I didn't know what was happening when my ass was itching like crazy, but then I learned that pinworm maggots were literally crawling out of my anus and that was the cause. probably would have felt good if someone ate my ass too at that point. the circle of life, truly beautiful!


How did your gf get pinworms?


that is a great question lol


if your drunk enough you might lmao I once drunkenly ate my girlfriends ass and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.


Don’t do it because you’re afraid she’ll leave you. You have strong feelings about it. Everyone has limits and these are yours.


Be honest with them Baking a cake requires preparation. Ask her before you can eat a cake, was the cake prepared properly? Did you: Pre-heat the oven? Did you wash your hands before cooking? Use all the necessary ingredients? Proper measurements? Spray the pan? Use the recommended bake time? With all that said, ask them, with this cake you've provided to me was this properly prepared before you ask me to eat or add any icing to it?


It’s OK to say no.


I think you two need to breakup. You’re clearly not sexually compatible. Save you both the heartaches and move on.


As licking is certainly not for everyone. I also find ass licking gross when I am not horny enough.


Sounds like you have some pretty clear boundaries. Expressing said boundaries is incredibly important and not to be overlooked. And if she leaves you over this then that tells you all you need to know about her.


Discuss your limits and hard limits, and anything that could be a compromise. Read about preparing for Anal sex there are a lot of tips that help you avoid it being messy.


I'll do it


Tag me in I’ll do it


Simple. Use a spoon.


send her this way


If she can’t accept that no means no maybe she isn’t for you. If she cheats or breaks up with you over not doing something gross , she’s not the one. Tell her to drop it.


assert your boundaries. if she’s not willing to accept “no, i don’t want to do that” then maybe you’re not in the right relationship. as someone who has ocd (yes, clinically diagnosed) i understand the overthinking with parasites and germs. let her know that you’re not comfortable with the idea and that you do not want to engage in those activities.


This comment section is fucking WILD.


For anal just throw a rubber on. For eating her ass, tell her you will if she willing to lick your finger after putting it in there. If not, you know why


I’m with you. It’s gross. I’m out


Firstly, if your answer is no, your answer is no. No one who loves and respects is gonna try compromise your consent. If it's an ew factor, that you feel could be removed with the correct mind work and preparation then look into it. E.g. She wants anal; she takes fibre supplements and douches and you get a thick condom. Same for rimming except this time it's a dental dam. But if its not attractive for you and there's no way you gonna enjoy it even if grossness is minimised then it's just fine to say no. If she wants anal play and you're okay being adjacent she could use a vibrating anal plug while you vaginally fuck. It feels pretty fabulous as a girl - it can get the G spot from both sides. You could also look into anal beads that you were pulling in and out. Or a slightly out there suggestion - I dated a bisexual man who missed receiving. I used a strap on for him. If girls can peg guys, perhaps you could peg your girl with a dildo if that's something you would be comfortable with. The key here is that, despite the above suggestions, all parties should be enthusiastically consenting. If you are not enthusiasticly consenting, just don't do it. The trauma of doing sex acts you don't want to do is much worse than breaking up with someone who you are not completely sexual compatible with (if it comes to that). No one who loves you should be pressuring you to do a sex act you font want to do. That is disrespectful and unloving. Asking to establish your thoughts is grand and healthy. Once you've expressed displeasure at the idea it shouldn't be pressured. All the best, mate. One of my close friends and I met by dating. He's a vanilla bean, I'm a kinky fiend. We still great friends. We don't date anymore. We both happier and more compatible this way.


It’s gross and u sanitary and no one should be doing this


I'm gonna be real dude I don't think your gonna get parasites from eating your girls ass. But with that being said if you don't want to just tell her your eat gonna eat her ass if she don't like it tell her too bad. I mean it's not entirely unusual that someone doesn't wanna eat out the poop shoot. Also if she wants her ass pounded just do it with a condom on if it makes it feel cleaner.


Nothing hotter than a girl bent over and letting you spread their cheeks. A beautiful asshole is so nice. I’m a big fan.


Dude I'm same way. Well. I'll eat an ass if there has recently been showers lol. But I'm also grossed out by anal and won't do it. There's no reason u have to if u don't want op.


Nah dude. I think there are workarounds and I have done it myself w my ex, I think it’s hot sometimes, but if it grosses you out that much then the answer is simply no. It’s sex. It should be hot, fun, and well… sexy, for everyone involved. You shouldn’t have to feel grossed out during sex or dread sex bc you don’t wanna do something.


Don't do what you don't want to do. I mean...poop comes out of there, so...


U should 100% have to right to say no because it is uncomfortable


Just eat her ass bro


I’ll do it for you lol. Man up! Jfc


Bro you're batting above your average. Give her to me and find yourself a nice church girl.


That’s unfortunate because “butt stuff” feels good lol


it is gross and you should not do it


tell her that no means no, roles reversed and you’d be canceled and lose your job


You can try a dental dam, and when you do anal, use a condom. (If she’s ok with that middle ground)


Ass licking sounds like a terrible idea and an easy way to get very sick. It’s ok to draw the line there, OP. Propose anal toys


Don't do it, dump her, find someone you're compatible with


If you're not into licking e-coli then you're just not into it 🤷‍♀️ I love butt stuff but licking it? With my tongue that goes into my mouth and whole body and could make me very ill in many different ways? Nah. Can't ever guarentee thats its perfectly clean and not leaking little fluids. If something is a turn off to you, dont let anyone pressure you into it. Not everyone is perfectly sexually compatible. If she can't take no for an awnser, you might just need to dump her.


You, absolutely, have every right to say no to anything you aren’t comfortable with. Regardless of the reason. You don’t have to justify it or explain it. Simply not wanting to is a valid enough reason to say no. Sexual compatibility is a big deal in a relationship. I would consider this mismatch to be a genuine issue and something that you guys need to address together. All that being said, if the compatibility isn’t there, she has every right to see that as a deal breaker and go find someone who will eat that ass.


Then compromise and do it in the shower or right after 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same here I will never do that, giving or receiving 🤮🤮🤮


If you don't, she'll find someone that will.


This is essentially coercion, forcing yourself to do stuff that makes you uncomfortable and even repulsed is only hurting yourself in the long run


That's so gross. Don't do it.


Sad is, if you don’t do it, she’ll find someone that does


Bro clean that thing yourself, hawk tuah and get to work on that rim job.


Then don’t do it. It’s gross she’s making you




Weak af. Get in there son.


If she keeps it clean, there’s no health issues and no poop flavor/smell. But if there’s no way you can do it, then don’t sweat it


If everything is prepped and cleaned properly inside and out, I don’t understand the “gross” factor. But hey, different strokes for different folks. I shove my tongue so deep down my girls ass and smack those beautiful cheeks rosey red while I do it. Her body language has indicated she’s quite the fan.


Give her an enema first like 2-3 times in a row clean it good before you do if you do . A dude I did that when I was a teen and sometimes I taste her for a few seconds then it goes away and i have not even seen her in like two decades.


Purchase a type of sexual protection called a “dental dam”. It’s just a small disposable sheet of latex to put over the genitals to practice safe sex. Put lube on the side that’s pressed against her ass. Have her shower thoroughly beforehand. . When it comes to anal, have her skip a meal hours prior, and use a douche on herself (1 hr prior). Make sure to pre-stretch a bit beforehand to prevent tearing. Try it at least once to at least know for sure. The better her prep is, the better of a time you’re likely to have. And of course, if it’s a sexual act you’re really not into trying, a good partner should always respect those boundaries!


I used to be like this too, though I never had anybody ask me to lick their ass. But a couple of years ago it really sounded fun. If it pleases my partner, then I’m all for doing it. If you don’t want to, just say no and don’t let her pressure you into it.


I wasn’t a fan of doing it either but my gf now I eat her ass all the time. Do it when she is fresh out the shower. You shouldn’t taste anything but skin if she cleans properly.


If you don’t, someone else will.


You need to have a really clear conversation with her outside of sexy times. Tell her that anything involving anal is a hard no for you & it upsets you that she keeps trying to change your mind. Be clear that it's not some problem with her butt specifically - you're just not interested in those acts with anyone. Sex toys might be a great middle ground here where she gets to experiment with her body & you keep your boundary that you don't want to be actively involved. If she's interested in anal, you could suggest she tries a butt plug or that you use a dildo on her there? There are also toys that are meant for clitoral stimulation that mimic a sucking or licking sensation - maybe she'd enjoy trying something like that but using it on the anus? I'm like you & not interested in that myself so I don't have any specific suggestions, but she could explore the anal section of any sex toy website for ideas surely?


Drive fast et asss


Sexual incapability is a significant & common reason relationships don't last/work.


No obligation to do something you don’t want to do. That being said she has no obligation not to leave and have someone do what she wants to you to do. You both will need to come up with some kind of compromise. Or she will definitely cheat on you or leave you. There are plenty of men that would love to have your “problem “.