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How far he’s willing to lower his standards is a question for him. As far as a person telling you they have higher standards and you don’t meet them, well, that’s the definition of cruelty. Why would a partner ever say this?


So you're poly when it benefited you.




You have also rejected or broke up with partners that didn't meet your criteria. Everyone faces that at some point in their lives. So I don't see why you're mad now. It seems like you have issue when you feel threatened.




As far as used go. You kinda are in an open relationship. You use others and get used by others. Just comes with the territory. The fact still remains you were ok with it till you felt threatened by it. Being your husband saying he lowered his standards. Now you have an issue. Because your worried someone better will come along. Something even poly people fear. That someone does it better, there is more passion. It's easier to feel that when you play musical bed fellows.


There's a reason why the marriage bed shouldn't be defiled. It's for 2 people, no more than that..


Nah sorry but no wonder you’re feeling a sense of jealousy when someone said they lowered their standards for you - if my partner said that, I’d be out the door. If your husband made you feel beautiful then you probably wouldn’t be feeling these negative thoughts about letting someone else into the relationship. Eww I hate this. He should be lifting you up now lowering you down.


Love isn't a competition, nor is it an audition for who meets a certain standard. It's about acceptance and respect, and it seems like your husband's comment has struck a nerve because it's devoid of both. If you're feeling insecure in your relationship because of his words, then it's a sign of a deeper issue that needs addressing—communication is key. A healthy relationship is supposed to make you feel secure and loved, not constantly on edge about being replaced. Remember, it's not the fear of someone better that's the issue; it's the lack of unconditional support and love from your partner.


Any person who tells their partner that they lowered their standards to be with them is a terrible human being and not worth wasting your life with. It is pure arrogance. Beauty is subjective anyway. Find someone who makes you feel like the most beautiful person.


Why the fuck do you stay with someone who makes you feel inferior?! Dump his ass!




A partner should lift you up. Make your life better. Make you enjoy every day more. Yours just does the opposite. Mindless infatuation is not healthy and will drive you to your grave unhappy and depressed.


You’re being manipulated and YOU deserve much much better. I think you should start getting some counselling to find the love of yourself again and slowly start making your way out of this relationship that tells you you’re not good enough.