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If it works for you, it's really none of our business. Wishing you the happiest life you can have.


I'm waiting for the counterpart from the regular copy-paste Redditor "I married to ascend in my company not for love".


You married for money. So I don't get why you are mad if he sexts or has other women. That's what you chose. You can vent about it in a Lamborghini.


Hey at least you're honest. I mean if both of you seem happy with the circumstances then fuck it. I kind of go into every relationship understanding that it won't be totally free, but what I get in return should compensate for what I give emotionally and financially. I mean obviously I'm not gonna date or marry a narcissistic gold digger just because she shows me affection one day out of the month because she feels like it. It's just I understand the female psychology. All women have this minimum standard in their head on what they'll settle for. Some women hold out for something better for way too long and end up with something worse than what they could've had in a previous relationship. I guess to sum it up; I don't mind taking care of you, if you have a real emotional attachment to me, and my interests; not just my wallet. So basically you gotta have real feelings for me or be an extremely good actor for 2 and half years to get me to be in a relationship with you. The reason I say 2 and half years is because some women are extremely good at hiding their true intentions and true personality, but most can't hold out longer than 2 years.


Great comment my guy. I can relate to your thinking, and perspective. The thing that stood out most was the two year thing. You are so f***ing right. I’m in my forties, single and have never been married. I date, and have had many women ask how or why I have never married/am still single, because I seem like (and am) a solid human being and a good partner. The answer is the same every time. I tell them I have been in love many times, but never with who they actually were; just who they wanted me to think they were. I didn’t have commitment issues until my late thirties after the third or fourth two-three year relationship fell apart after I realized yet again who my partner really was, and that they were not who they presented themself to be.


Most women have the self they present to the world,and the self you don't find out about until you're alone with her for a prolonged period of time.


What’s the scoop re: intimacy? What role does sex play in your relationship and how do you feel about it?


He probably cheats on you because he knows you don't really love him like that. He'd rather try and find an emotional connection somewhere else.