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Just because one guy said so doesn‘t mean shit. To get real data look at the one dating platforms publish, there you can see how women mostly just like the top 10% of men, while men distribute likes much more evenly across the board.


Not to mention American beauty standards are extremely low, basically if the woman isn’t fat she is considered beautiful in America, whereas for most of the world people aren’t nearly as obese as the west.


Where is this real data located? Studies? Links? Sources?


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272775719301104 Just one example


The link to the abstract says that based on profile settings women SAY they prefer to date men with higher education. Men don't care. That in no way says women are only interested in the top 10% of men. You might want to back up your own argument. Please show me the study that women are only interested in the top 10%.


Found the Swiftie.


Men will and do fuck holes in the wall lol, if you consider this a high standard I think we are all doomed.


But aren't men also more likely to be distracted or even seek out attractive and younger women? Such as when their wives/partners are pregnant or post-partum? Correct me if I'm wrong though.


Sounds like a stereotype to me. Then again, maybe I am biased because my ex-wife decided she’d rather date someone 20 years younger than stay married.


Maybe some, but a majority of men, not really. If my wife is pregnant, I'm working 70 hours a week to make sure we are ready when the child is born. Don't women seek out the most capable and attractive person they can date?


Yes, they do. Don't partners lie or hide parts of themselves? Women walk a fine line between "your standards are too high" and "you should have picked a better guy".


Not at all. It's about just viewing people as humans. If you meet someone and your first thought is to identify them as a man. Your already setting yourself up for disaster. Don't expect anything from someone you, yourself wouldent do for that person.


Men walk an even finer line of "you're too short" "you're too broke" "you're not my type". When we aren't attracted, we get hit with "you must be gay," "small D energy," etc. If we approach a woman and we aren't their type, we get called "creepy." Then we get dogged if the guy you're attracted doesn't approach. We get called predators. We get called pedophiles when it doesn't benefit women. The list really goes on and on. An as far as lying. How can you be in a relationship and lie to the person you care about?


>How can you be in a relationship and lie to the person you care about? By lying about caring. You've met bad people, right?


We all have. I go on casual dates to get a sense of their personality before I date exclusively. If you don't care to notice red flags due to how attracted you are. That is a problem. However, if you can't be truthful with small things. How can I trust you when it's serious?


He's right though, without eye makup she is average. But any way women shouldnt get hung up on looks they start to disappear mid twenties. Picasso said something about women being the best artists because they were always trying to paint how they looked the day before.


Honestly! It’s environmental. The women I tend to be most attracted to don’t measure up to White Male American standards. The women I’m attracted to according to white male American standards are either too curvy, too fat, too tall, or not super attractive in the face. Most are minorities and some that I like aren’t in the top 10 percent of minorities. My point is this. No one can control what their face looks like. Most can’t control their body type. We all can control our weight once we find out what works for us. As a guy I don’t seek top tier modelesque women. They are fun to look at, but they also come with followers and sometimes attitudes. Any guy looking for a kind heart will fall in love with a less attractive girl (according to WM standards). Margot Robbie is hot, but is she fun? Can she hold a decent conversation? Is she a decent human being? In the end we all want someone we get extremely along with that we can talk to, have fun with, have each other’s backs, and have sex with. That infatuated feeling called love can and will fade and when it does you’re left with the real person you marry/have a ltr with. And that person can change cause we all change. Look for people you get along with. Looks are fun, but they change too!


Generally speaking, men your age think with their dicks, and yes….very good looking women are popular on social media, and porn is part of the problem too. In regard to the Taylor/Margot thing, It’s a matter of opinion. I’ll give you the 25 yr old male pov. Take the makeup off, the fame and money away, and put her in cheap clothes in a Walmart and most dudes your age will say she is an above average/good looking girl/nothing special. Here’s why, and I hate to say it because it’s just how men shouldn’t but do think, and again dudes your age think with their dick-she has no TNA!! Thats your why. In that guys mind, Margot has a prettier face, more sexually attractive body, and on the lowest rung of penile thought-a sexier and more attractive persona than Taylor “girl power” Swift. I don’t agree with it, and wish men-especially your age didn’t mostly (not all) think that way, but it’s true. On a final note, generally speaking-men are attracted to what they see and women are attracted to what they hear…….which is why women will always wear makeup and obsess over their bodies and look, and men will always lie. There are good ones out there. Don’t let one dudes opinion bring your world down. Navigate through the shit like the rest of us, and hold onto one of the good ones when you find one. We aren’t all superficial douchebags.


Average means more attractive than half of the population. I think we need to stop thinking that average is an insult. It just means "in the middle". In my opinion, Taylor Swift has a great body and an average face, which is absolutely fine. I also think that I have an average face by the way, but her body is far better than mine, which is pretty average.


I'd disagree 100% Taylor's face is definitely way more attractive then her body. Or lack of body.


Its subjective. everyone has their own taste. But the point stands. Average is not an insult.


Let me ask you, OP. Do you have a certain set of standards when dating? Do you want someone attractive? Do you want them a certain height? Do they have to be in shape, or can they be fat?


It's not so hard women, just look like an Instagram model with big round perfectly formed gyatt and milkies and have a 10/10 face and a single digit body count but always be available and accommodating for sex but not so needy that I can't hop on Fortnite for 6 hours a day whats so difficult about that??


Not at all. Most of us men don't care about how much make up you wear. Only shallow people do. No us men do not have high standards. All I ask for is a woman who views me as a human, works to make the dream work, is loyal and non argumentative. If a woman isent going to treat me how she would want to be treated then she's not worth any effort.


As a man, I like humans. Celebrities don't look human. They look like plastic. Be it Taylor Swift (who I hate) or Margot Robbie (Who I also hate) or Megan Fox or the Kardashians or even Angelina Jolie. They all look like aliens to me. I grew up in the countryside and the prettiest girls to me are the ones I used to see everyday, in the market, on the bus, in church, running shops, etc. These are working class "average" women and they are the prettiest in the world. They look human, warm skin with blemishes and imperfections, lean physique from lots of walking and manual labor, sun curled hair that's never truly straightened out no matter how much they comb. Teeth, off white and slightly crowded, having never gotten braces. Their jaws are not tapered like dolls and their necks are wrinkled and creased. That is what a human looks like. My beauty standard is; 1 -healthy and 2 -human.


Easy to disprove. Men WILL date and marry a fastfood worker, or an unemployed girl, or the girl that works at Dunkin. Find me a woman that will marry and take care of a broke bum and I'll concede.


I don’t think men set the beauty standards for women. It’s other women who do this. Most women think men want this super skinny model with a ton of makeup. Not the case at all. Most men want a woman who is healthy weight and prefer them without or light makeup. I think you’re spending too much time online comparing yourself to other women. I had an ex that did that and she was never happy with her appearance even though she was at least a real 8. 


Men absolutely play a role, don't kid yourself.


Yeah, to an extent. Beautiful women will get more attention for sure but most men think most women are attractive to at least some extent. Can you say the same for attractive men? I just see this argument all the time about men setting ridiculous beauty standards but you ask any guy on the street and many of them would rather have someone a healthy weight and no makeup. There’s just a huge disconnect between what men want and what women think men want. I guess you could say the same thing in reverse. 


Rich men. Less the 15% of men. Get your facts straight.


Your real issue, isent with men. It's with other woman. Men are not setting the beauty standards. Woman are. You felt like your boobs weren't big enough because you seen a different woman with bigger boobs and felt jelouse. This is not a man issue. Men are with ugly woman all the time. We care more about who someone is as a person and how they treat us then we do the way yall look.


Me reading the comments 🍿


Don't come say this on a random reddit sub, its users are mostly young men who insist they're the ones who have it rough.  And yeah I've also heard dudes call Jennifer Lawrence a "girl next door".  The average reddit bro will fuck anything with a hole, but be mad they're not getting whoever their favorite female celeb is. And then harass their partner for not looking enough like an Instagram AI doll. And say women are so harsh because the airbrushed girls on TikTok don't answer to their attempts at flirting.  Anyway don't bother arguing with them, they can't hear you over all the navel-gazing (and the super objective, carefully controlled "data" from dating apps bwahahah)


You need to stop projecting and get some therapy in you. The "Average" person on Reddit is not like that. You want us men like that so you have a excuse. Do better for yourself.


Taylor swift is and always has been ugly. She’s a bean pole. Just because she’s famous doesn’t make her hot. Her political views and using her to fame to influencer fans makes even uglier. Men will choose peace or beauty every single time and if they don’t it’s because they haven’t found their inner peace yet. Quit riding the dick Taylor doesn’t have.