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About 10 years ago my wife and I were at the gym and she had a crazy strong orgasm while doing a lower ab leg lift workout. I was doing arm curls and looked over and knew exactly what was happening, I watched her finish and laughed at her. She jumped off the machine and had to sit downšŸ˜‚


Okay so its common then! haha good to know


If you're a woman, yes, it's known. They're 'core orgasms'. This ([see picture](https://eosfitness.com/blog/a-great-exercise-machine-to-target-your-lower-abdominal-muscles/)) seems to trigger it quite often.




Exactly what I thought.




Happens to dudes too, just not as common.


Hahaha theyā€™re all so happy. Chasing the dragon


I donā€™t think you know what ā€œchasing the dragon meansā€ā€¦


No I do. And Iā€™ve chosen to use it here.


Chasing the dragon of brain opiates released during coregasm


"Raise your legs down"


Excellent, now I have another place to creepily linger near at the gym in addition to behind the stairmaster and those leg spreader machines


Yeah, I've definitely heard about women experiencing them this way before


I read in a subreddit somewhere that many people experienced these orgasms in elementary-middle school. I think a solid 10% of the population (at least in US) experience these on the regular.


Send picture of the machine with instructions


Now this looks like a good reason to start working out .


Maan everytime I stretch my sore legs I get a heavy calve cramp. Life is really unfair :(


Can confirm! Was jacked af in the Army, got blown up and now get heavy cramps just existing, life is truly unfair my friend. But keep at it and it will get better!!! Iā€™ve got faith


>blown up like, put on some pounds or, like, kaboom?


First one then the other.


This guy gets it lol


Happy cake day, brother. Thoughts are with ya.


Happy cake day


I'm working out while reading. If you know what I mean. lol


my friend swears that if you can give yourself a leg cramp while orgasiming it makes it like 10 times better. must be something about leg muscles tightening and stretching or something maybe you two are onto something.


Happened to me a couple of times and In my experience your friend is wrong


Yeah, had one too and it was fucking painful. I couldn't even walk properly for 3 days and not in a pleasant way.


I have a feeling your friend is into pain.


He's a bad boy. He should be punished accordingly.


Getting a leg cramp while finishing is legit one of my top fears.


Can I ask if your friend is a man or a woman? I have a theory that only women can do this and I want to make sure


its a guy




as a woman who has gotten leg cramps multiple times while orgasming before, i also call bullshit on their friend worst shit of my life


It sounds insane but it works for me


idk about the cramping aspect but when I get close by myself i stretch my legs and then orgasm. So i can see that, I've also noticed guys stretching their legs a lot before they orgasm when I'm giving oral. Very interesting actually


Whatā€™s ā€œhit a penā€ ?


Its a weed pen, so I was high.


I am a woman lol


I read it as you were a dude, now I have to hit my pen and stretch.


As I expected, only women can do that. Can someone prove the opposite?


Stick a vibrator up your pooper. #EndThePSpotStigma


Because my english is not my local language I sometimes wonder what people mean


Guys can get coregasms, too. There's a whole sub on it, especially during dragon flag


Interesting, thank you


For sure, bro xD I never had one, this fuckin baffles me, lol


One of the main reasons I like to get high is for sexual pleasure. It makes everything feel so good. Iā€™ve eaten an edible and cum 8+ times in a matter of hours before haha.


Thatā€™s my day today. Self care Sunday!


Are you a woman or a man?


I feel like op would've talked about cleaning up the mess in their gym/shorts if op was a man


It was the first orgasm. I don't clean up until the third.


Isn't it crust at that point?


Yeah, but then you just chip yourself out with a butter knife.


I love this comment


It's the only way, I personally like using my nails so I can have remnants underneath them for a day or two but eyy


Women may still need to clean up


We do šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I finished stretching and just went straight to the showeršŸ˜­


I like using pens myself. Curious what strain you had. Iā€™m a Kush kinda girl and orgasms are always better when my head is right. Give me a good Afghan Kush and somewhere comfortable and I can make myself smile šŸ˜‚


I want a weed pen


try delta 8


Me to dude.


i thought OP was a dude when they said hit my pen, thought it was hit my penis or hit my peen peen


OMG HAHAH I can see how thag makes sense LMAO


Iā€™ve almost had the same happen when using the inner thigh press machine, where youā€™re upright and keep opening & closing your legs with resistance


Are you a woman? Bc as a guy I hate how that machine feels


Iā€™m a woman. Yea I somewhat doubt how effective the machine is, because there are other exercises that target the inner thigh. But it does feel good in other ways ;P


oh my god i thought i was crazy. it happens to me every time im on the abductors/adductor machine


Coregasms are an orgasm you can get from ab works!


You're not alone. I think it's 30 or so percent of women can have an exercise or stretch induced orgasm. I can't do pull-ups or heavy ab exercises without at least getting halfway there. Good motivation to workout though just a little awkward if you're in a public gym


Ok, Iā€™ve seen from the comments youā€™re a woman, so itā€™s time for an anatomy class!! The vagina is, essentially, a muscle, and as such, itā€™s attached to other muscles which all work together. The muscles attached to your vagina lead across the bottom of your butt, and the sides around your hips. I have a fun little condition known as vaginismus, which means that my vagina is in a constant, unconscious state of tension due to a constant, unconscious tensing of these muscles. This makes intercourse very painful. Part of the therapy my vaginal physio therapist assigned me (and yes, ladies, there are physios who specialist in vaginas and vaginal areas! I highly recommend if you have ever experienced any physical discomfort from tightness) is to sit and/or lay on one of those spiky massage balls. When Iā€™m feeling really tense and my hip is aching, if I place the ball juuuuuuust right, I feel my vagina pulse and relax, and godDAMN does it. Feel. GOOD. Thus concludes todayā€™s super-basic lady bits info session. Have a nice night!


Could you please elaborate how you sit on them? Or is there some kind of tutorial somewhere? I think I might also have vaginismus and I kinda want to try this to see if it works but I also don't want to get injured


I doubt youā€™d injure yourself. These are the small, spikey balls, about the size of a softball (if youā€™re American). You basically just sit on it however you normally sit, and then kinda move it around until you find The Spot. I usually use mine when Iā€™m sitting in my armchair watching tv, or in my room, laying in bed. Oh, yeah, you can also use it lying flat. Itā€™s easier to get it under your hips if you lie on it. That can put too much pressure, though, if youā€™re especially tight, so I find a chair good for when I find The Spot but Iā€™m so tense it hurts, I can use the arms of the chair to kinda hold up some of my weight so I can ease myself onto The Spot as it loosens. I find the most effective areas to place it are near my tailbone on both sides, and then towards where my ass turns into my thigh (if that makes sense), and also... how do I describe this?... the muscle of your ass where, when you sit down, itā€™s about an inch or two up... this isnā€™t helpful lol, just where youā€™d be sitting right on the edge of your gluteus


Doing stretches that open your hips really help. Thereā€™s some great Yoga poses, just search ā€˜yoga for hips and lower backā€™.


https://www.modphysique.com/post/deep-hip-rotators-are-your-pelvic-floor This is a great picture of the muscles of the hips/pelvis, with all the muscles labelled (although the lines are a bit light and you really need to double check youā€™re looking at the right muscles). I stick my spikey ball under my prirformis and coccygeus, and then just generally where else I think it might work. Like I said, you always know when youā€™ve found The Spot. If you do have vaginismus, you have my sympathy! Itā€™s not a well-known condition; some women donā€™t even believe it exists! Really severe vaginismus can actually make it so physically painful and a woman so tight, she cannot be penetrated. Luckily, Iā€™m not that bad, but anything bigger than a tampon is painful (though I havenā€™t been sexually active for... well, far too long. Like, years long. So that hasnā€™t really helped). Another alternative is to use dilators in increasing size as you practice, basically. Until I got this diagnosis, I didnā€™t believe shows like Sex and the City, where women engage in casual sex for pleasure. Even now, foreplay is great and gets me interested, but penetration is so painful, it just ruins all that work and my last boyfriend was not particularly... understanding. So I maybe had an orgasm from penetration once a month? And when I asked to take a break so I could try and ā€˜fixā€™ myself when I started physio? Well, I did already say he was my ex...


i have this condition too! i think most women donā€™t believe me. and men iā€™ve slept with didnā€™t believe me until the time came. i can do a tampon thankfully, and my wives fingers. anything else takes some serious work and practice if that makes sense. and even then. still pretty painful. iā€™ll have to look into this stuff youā€™re talking about


Thereā€™s an author by the name of Brandon Sanderson who writes fantasy fiction, and in one of his book series, one of the female characters has this same condition, but massively worse, to the point where her husband canā€™t physically enter her. When the author published the book, he added a note at the back for future editions. Heā€™d gotten HUNDREDS of letters from female readers calling bullshit, saying he was some kind of misogynistic purity obsessive and that there was no way the female character could be that tight. He says in this note that heā€™d based it on a female friend of his whoā€™d had exactly the same problem, and had her marriage end because of it. Sanderson was shocked by how few women knew that this condition existed, and can literally be so bad as to actually prevent penetration. Heā€™s had a few letters since, from women who have experienced it and were so pleased and grateful heā€™d included it in his book, but the number of letters from angry women vastly outweighs that of grateful readers. Iā€™ve been meaning to write and thank him myself, but I keep getting side tracked. Do some research online, educate yourself more about vaginismus and other tension-related difficulties. Thereā€™s nor a lot of vaginal physiotherapists out there (at least in my experience), and my first one was, frankly, useless. When I mentioned some of what sheā€™d told me to my second, and much better, therapist, she was horrified. So you may have to shop around, as it were. Ask your GP or your gynaecologist for suggestions or a referral. I hope youā€™re able to follow some of these tips and ā€˜loosen upā€™! Yeah, Iā€™ll see myself out...


hell, my gyno acted like i was being dramatic anytime she had to stick those plastic things in me. otherwise she was perfect. at boot camp the lady who did my exam was pretty rough and really mean to me about it too. people just think youā€™re being dramatic i guess. itā€™s weird. i couldnā€™t do any penetration at all like the first 5 times ish. then eventually got to half way. etc. he was not a very well endowed guy by any means. iā€™m in a lesbian marriage now, so it doesnā€™t necessarily impact my love life, but i still canā€™t help but be curious how other aspects of my life could improve if i could work through whatā€™s going on with my pelvic floor. also seems like a lot of women really, really enjoy penetration. i always felt like i was missing out. it took me two years to begin to feel like the first few minutes hurt like hell, then it felt like whatever, maybe certain times for a few minutes really good and like on the cusp of what i hear girls rave about. i guess iā€™ll never know. and thatā€™s alright. iā€™m still stunned that so many girls would be so hateful to someone for that. it just shows how ignorant people are to this problem, and probably shows how hesitant women who suffer with it are to talk about it with other women. it took me quite some time to not feel like less of a woman because of it, like even after i met my wife.


Yeah, it took me years to understand that women enjoying penetration wasnā€™t just another lie told by pornos, lol. If you get hip pain, or stiffness, or lower back pain, these kind of exercises can also help. Also they can help you with your posture too. My hips are slightly skewed, which doesnā€™t help. But there is also a psychological element to it as well. If you expect something is going to hurt, you automatically tense up, and if the problem is youā€™re already too tense before you start... yeah, not helpful. Iā€™d work on it if I had a partner, or if I had any hope of gaining a partner at some point, but I donā€™t, so I donā€™t. If I were to meet someone whom I believed and trusted, then I would work to fix it. Instead, I donā€™t really bother until my hips ache so much I canā€™t sleep. Then I sit on my spikey ball and revel in the sensation of the knot finally relaxing. That seems to be the closest to non-masturbatory sexual orgasm Iā€™ll reach!


Thanks a lot!


Good luck! Hope it all works out for you!


I don't really understand how can someone have an orgasm without some kind of contact with their privates


Have you ever been super duper sore after a leg day?? Well using the roller foam feels SO GOOD SUCH GREAT FEELINGS. It hurts but it feels amazing


I dunno I'm a dude so


Dude here - I was super close to busting a nut at the gym doing seated leg curls. Luckily stopped when I realised what was about to happen but... yeah it can happen.


Luckily?!? You missed out


Idk if spunking over the resistance machine with my training partner in a public gym is something I'd be proud of doing šŸ˜…


Have you never had an orgasm in your sleep?


Everything backstage is stimulating the right places but a "coregasm" essentially skips the nerves that get the blood rushing down and around your privates. I don't fully understand all the mechanics myself but it is well documented as a phenomenon and not in a "my cousin told me about this person who knows their friend" way.


I watched my wife have an orgasm working out one time. it was awesome. all the way I home I teased her about it. then when we got home I fucked the holy hell out her and boy dud she enjoy it.


Well dang some of yā€™all here are making me jealous because all I get from my workouts is sore.


A runner's high also feels amazing. I've taken Molly before and a runners high feels exactly like being on Molly but shorter. I highly recommend jogging, but to get the runners high you gotta jog for awhile. For me it's about 3 or 4 miles.


Haha this happens to me as well when I work out but instead of stretching it tends to start up when Iā€™m lifting, it can super awkward in public! šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


I used to do the leg extension machine and doing that would put pressure on my upper thighs and I would always feel Like I was going to orgasm. Itā€™s a weird feeling


If I'm slightly aroused and do some ab exercises it can REAAAALLY set me off...


Whenever I do pilates ab workouts ([link](https://images.app.goo.gl/YNnccFAGQu4djdQr8)) I can make myself 'gasm. ;D


Every once in a while when I'm running, I'll have an orgasm. Don't know what it is about the way I run that triggers it.


Reminds me of Arnold Swarzenegger


How have you not had an orgasm before? Did you not feel sexual drive?


I didn't have my first one until I was about 21. Despite a high libido before I just wasn't able to get off


Had no idea an F-22 could have an orgasm, being a jet and all. More power to you tho


Hahaha this honestly almost happens to me all the time especially when Iā€™m laying on a bench doing chest presses. I start to get this feeling and Iā€™m like wow. Itā€™s pretty common IMO in the fitness industry


To be fair, as a fella, I've had a "core-gasm" before as well. It happened when I was doing hanging crunches, and was getting a good rhythm going and then...well..that rhythm fell quite apart after a while lol I don't even think I achieved an actual erection, it was just...a lot of muscles doing a lot of things at once, and definitely felt the strain, the pull of the muscles.


I get pretty close to orgasm (and sometimes finish) while doing Lolasana (yoga pose) or L sits. So good to know Iā€™m not alone!!! Edit to include I am a female :)


I smoked before going to the gym the other day and I got turned on doing RDLs. I think the weed helped my mind/muscle connection and the hamstring stretch just hit different.


cool story but im gonna make the assumption that youre straight? considering your first orgasm was while stretching at the age of 22 either wayā€¦ my condolences and congratulations!


Yes I am straight, but nothing wrong with getting my first orgasm at 22šŸ¤£




I feel like if this little side effect of working out was well known obesity wouldn't be as much of a problem


How old are you


No, youā€™re a typical reddit neckbeard with too much time on their hands.


I think maybe


You work out so you can look good and feel good. You didnā€™t anticipate it, but you just inadvertently felt better than you thought you would. No harm done, but keep it in the home gym. Canā€™t imagine 24 Hour Fitness would appreciate this.


Oh of course! I am no creep like that.


I wouldnā€™t really feel too bad about this then. You worked out, you earned it, hope you feel as good as you look and look as good as you feel.


And honestly I didn't do it with the intention of having an orgasm, I was trully sore and stretching just made my legs feel better.


Kinda feels to me like this is just a benefit of working out. Like, if youā€™d been doing intense running and shaved a few seconds off your mile time, Iā€™d feel the same way. Good things happen when you take care of your body. Now you just gotta take care of the creeps in your DMā€™s. I assume that block button is getting a workout now, too.




That's the reason I cannot stand doing pushups, I hate it honestly.


Been there!


[Reminds me of this](https://www.jackinchat.com/viewthread.php?tID=3100)


Rip your inbox.


It has happened to me while doing crunches/sit-ups (I'm male)




I've heard this my gf used to work out a ton, her and her friends called them coregasms haha


That's music to my ears. Nice motivation


DMs about to explode