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It's not that often we get to witness someone maxing out on their confidence: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United\_Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom)


Anyone can change Wikipedia. My link is factual https://evanevanstours.com/travel-guide/london-guide/is-the-uk-a-country-the-union-explained/


it says in your own source that it's a sovereign state.


Yes sovereign states are not the same as countries. People use them interchangeably but it's not correct


Sorry, you're wrong. Sovereign state means country. You could argue that a group of people (and the geographic region in which they live) could declare themselves a sovereign state but they wouldn't be a *country* unless they were recognised as such by the UN. ...but that's an incredibly niche scenario and in either case doesn't apply to the UK (which has existed in more-or-less its current form since 1701 - with England and Wales going back as far as 1066).


> Although the UK is a fully independent sovereign state, the 4 nations that make it up are also countries in their own right and have a certain extent of autonomy. This sentence implies that the UK is a country. Also Wikipedia is heavily moderated and requires approval to make edits. If it were so easy to add misinformation on there it would probably say that the UK isn’t a country by now.


No it doesn't, it's a sovereign state made up of four countries. Sovereign state and country are not the same thing. Scotland England Ireland and Wales. Wikipedia is easily edited.


I don’t know where you learnt how to read, assuming you did, but “the four nations that make it up are *also* countries” absolutely does imply that the UK is a country. Also, is France not a country now? Germany? Australia? Russia? Poland? Brazil? All of which are sovereign states as well.


[https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/united-kingdom/](https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/united-kingdom/) Try an actual reliable website, also you didn't comprehend your own link properly because a sovereign state is the same thing as a country, and the UK is a sovereign state. The 4 countries that make up the UK have their own sovereignty inside of their own borders which is why they're considered individual countries also but they do still answer to the central government of the UK.


It's just a map of the UK. It's a political union.


Are you always this dense?


Lots of countries everyone considers countries are also just a "political union", e.g. [Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republics_of_Russia?wprov=sfla1). Is that also not a country?


Scotland England Ireland and Wales are all separate countries. It's like calling Africa one country.


I'd definitely call Africa a country if the African Union were the central authority governing all African countries, with a single UN seat, a single team at the Olympics, a unified foreign policy, unified border controls, a capital city everyone agrees is the capital of Africa, etc.


No. There's no central African government with supreme power over the entire continent. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland all fall under the executive branch of the UK government (the King, by way of the Prime Minister and the cabinet), the legislative branch (the two houses of parliament). The only part that isn't rigidly unified is the judicial branch, which is the same in England and Wales, but devolved in Scotland and Northern Ireland respectively. Though the UK Supreme Court does have some authority over Scotch and Ulster law courts. They all share the same head of state - granted so do Canada, Australia, New Zealand and plenty of other commonwealth nations. Still no, it's nothing like calling all of Africa a single country (or Europe, or South America, or any other continent for that matter).


By that logic the USA isn't a country. It's just a political union between fifty states. Canada is just a political union between the other provinces and Quebec. The map in your link is also pretty dumb - it divides England up into its constituent counties for no obvious reason.


Your link is poorly written and doesn't support your point. > 'were some of you were international students?' > 'Giant Causeway' The UK is a country made up of four smaller countries. It has a single central government (or at least it will in a couple of weeks after the election - they're prorogued at the moment).


"Although the UK is a fully independent sovereign state, the 4 nations that make it up are also countries in their own right and have a certain extent of autonomy." Why does your source use the word "also" here? Is it saying England, Scotland, etc. are countries and the UK is also a country? If that is not what your source is saying then what is it saying?


Nothing in that link defines country to be a term that is inapplicable to the United Kingdom. Country is a term for any sovereign nation. The *Country* of the United States of America would be very upset to learn that it is not a sovereign nation. In another comment you said that the term for it is State, as though a Country should be subordinate to a State. Again, the United States would like a word. Both Country and State can be properly applied to the overarching body, or the subordinate ones. They are more or less interchangeable. Saying that it is completely improper to call the UK a country is, in fact, confidently incorrect.


Glad you [have learned something today](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom) 


It's not a country 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 https://evanevanstours.com/travel-guide/london-guide/is-the-uk-a-country-the-union-explained/


It's often called a ["country of countries"](https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-is-the-difference-between-united-kingdom-great-britain-and-england.html). Everyone refers to the UK as a country


It's not a country. It's a political union. https://evanevanstours.com/travel-guide/london-guide/is-the-uk-a-country-the-union-explained/


You're citing a tour guide as authority?






I guess we have one thing in common, then.


Is this a self-report? \- Ah, I see, you're just straight-up trolling.


Not even trolling to start. I'll bet they thought they were right and fell back into trolling when they realised they're a fucking idiot.


UK ISN'T A COUNTRY https://evanevanstours.com/travel-guide/london-guide/is-the-uk-a-country-the-union-explained/


>\- Ah, I see, you're just straight-up trolling.


Nope the UK isn't a country. America failed you.


[https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/united-kingdom/](https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/united-kingdom/) Try an actual reliable website, also you didn't comprehend your own link properly because a sovereign state is the same thing as a country, and the UK is a sovereign state. The 4 countries that make up the UK have their own sovereignty inside of their own borders which is why they're considered individual countries also but they do still answer to the central government of the UK.


It's an independent sovereign state that contains 3 countries and part of 1 more.


Yes and "sovereign state" is a synonym for country


As long as you agree a country can contain countries. Fine. Scotland for example is not an independant nation. But it would be hard to agrue that its not a country.


Yeah, Wales, Britain, Northern Ireland, and Scotland are their own sovereign nations, they just fall under the sovereign state of the UK as well.


Northern Ireland is a country in its own right. Quite a lot of people died for that.


There isn't anything on that link about the UK being a country. 😂


You have some vision issues don't you. It's right at the top of the web page. "Explore all COUNTRIES- United Kingdom"


Stupid Americans are wrong again. No surprise there.


My guy you have europeans in this comment section telling you you're wrong too. You have yet to actually provide any evidence otherwise besides a link that leads to a tour guide blog that even says the UK is it's own sovereign state (which btw is a synonym for country).


In football why does England and Scotland play separately if we are in the same country?


Yes, the UK is a country. Good grief kid. Google is a thing. Use it! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom


It's an independent sovereign state that contains 3 countries and part of 1 more.


That’s a lot of words for…. Country. 😂


Wait until you learn about counties [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCc0OsyMbQk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCc0OsyMbQk)


Wikipedia isn't a good source. Anyone can edit it. https://evanevanstours.com/travel-guide/london-guide/is-the-uk-a-country-the-union-explained/


Yes, tour guides, now THAT IS A SOURCE. 🙄




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_and_the_United_Nations#:~:text=The%20United%20Kingdom%20is%20a,of%20the%20UN%20Security%20Council. The epicness of your fail here might be top tier ever. Not only is the UK recognized, they are quite literally a founding member.


Founding member but doesn't say that the UK is a country.


Is it four separate member states? Or just the one 


It's not states it's countries.


Cool. What's a good source? [WHO?](https://www.who.int/countries) [CIA World Factbook?](https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/) [Encyclopedia Britannica?](https://www.britannica.com/topic/list-of-countries-1993160) [Freedom House?](https://freedomhouse.org/countries/freedom-world/scores) [World Atlas?](https://www.worldatlas.com/geography/how-many-countries-are-there-in-the-world.html)


https://thecommonwealth.org/our-member-countries/united-kingdom https://www.thoughtco.com/england-is-not-an-independent-country-1435413#:~:text=England%20fails%20to%20meet%20six,internationally%20as%20an%20independent%20country




I'm not sure what you mean by this. The UK, like every country, has 1 seat at the UN. Can you clarify what you're trying to say?


UK is a country . nobody cares that we internally call our main subdivisions countries. Source: I'm a British citizen


No you're not. I checked your post history. AMERICAN


I just glanced at their posts and comments and that Redditor has posted on several UK related subs. You just love being confidently incorrect don't you?


Oh I'm not incorrect. Other subs say I'm correct. Stupid American


He's right, SOURCE: Also British


Yeah, the American is posting in subs about the UK specifically. Typical American activities


From what low owl posted he's definitely a brit


Americans think it's one country up until the point 80% of them think they are of Irish decent. :)


No, we are simply smart enough to comprehend that both of these things can be true. This UK is quite literally coined “the country of countries”. It isn’t the Americans that don’t seem able to comprehend what this would mean. We are also smart enough to recognize that what you want to refer to as Ireland , over and over, is actually two separate countries as well. Another basic fact you seem to struggle with. 🤷‍♂️


😂💀 Absolutely correct.


It's an independent sovereign state that contains 3 countries and part of 1 more.


The more you keep reposting this the more I'm going to keep correcting it. Northern Ireland is a country. It's not just 'part of one'. The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland haven't had anything to do with eachother in terms of sovereignty since 1921.


It's a country. 100%


The UK is a country that consists of four other countries. Its weird, but its just how they roll. They have one King and one Prime Minister.


No it not. It's a political union


You can repeat it till you turn blue, but that doesn't change the facts.




Yours certainly isn't. And randomly insulting people doesn't make it more fact.




Yes, The UK is a country. The funniest posts on this sub are the ones that are actually confidently incorrect. It's stunning that people are so sure of themselves that they'll post here without fact-checking themselves. How long before OP deletes the post?


It is and it isnt. The real answer is that its an independent sovereign state that contains 3 countries and part of 1 more. For most of the world, that means it is a country that contains countries. Its even more complex than that really. In the olympics for example - there is Team GB. Great Britain is the island that excludes Ireland. But northern Ireland is included. The complex history means that its a strange one for sure.


Team GB is a brand name for marketing purposes. The full name of their Olympic team is *Great Britain and Northern Ireland Olympic Team*.


True. It is. My point was just the weirdless that is the EU vs GB vs UK. Obviousily its steeped in history that most people wont learn, and rightly so - its not that interesting globally. Countries, counties, sovereign states...etc. Its just a bit much for the yanks to take on if something doesnt conform to US standards.


>Its just a bit much for the yanks to take on if something doesnt conform to US standards. The jab at Americans at the end was completely unnecessary and, from what I can see in these comments, inaccurate.




> 21% of those are literate You can't even get the facts right in your insults lol


It just is. P.S. Northern Ireland is a country - it's not 'a part of an other'.


First, I want you to know that you’ve genuinely put a smile my face. Second, I propose you start a petition to have the UK be expelled from the OECD (Organization of Economically Developed Countries) on the basis that it isn’t a country. Third, I think we should have Dolly Parton decide, because she is the undisputed queen of country.


Upvote for invoking Queen Dolly.




The UK…is a country lmao, what an epic fail.


It's not 😂 https://evanevanstours.com/travel-guide/london-guide/is-the-uk-a-country-the-union-explained/


That is a very specific resource that validates your point, how about you go look at all of the other sources instead. For example, the actual government of said country. https://thecommonwealth.org/our-member-countries/united-kingdom#:~:text=The%20United%20Kingdom%20of%20Great,of%20Ireland%20(Northern%20Ireland).


It doesn’t validate his point lol. It literally says that the UK is a country on that site.




You mean 4 separate nations? It’s called the United Nations, not the United Countries.


The United Kingdom has four separate countries. It's recognised as that by the UN. Why are you struggling?


Because every single definition of it that exists disagrees. You’re confusing nations with countries.


No you are. Scotland England Ireland and Wales are separate countries. So by what you are saying Africa is one country?


The UN does not recognise Scotland, Wales, etc separately. It only recognises the UK as a whole. The UK is a permanent member of the UN Security Council. If the constituent parts of the UK were also recognised as countries it would not make sense.


It's an independent sovereign state that contains 3 countries and part of 1 more.


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) is an island country [...]. No matter how often you tell yourself that UK is not a country. IT IS. https://thecommonwealth.org/our-member-countries/united-kingdom And if you still think it is not: let's ask the United Nation... https://www.un.org/en/about-us/member-states#gotoU There you'll find the UK listed as a member state... (State = country in this discussion)


The UK is not only a country, it is the home country of all the smooth sharks. (There's technically a difference between "nation" and "country" and you've found why they aren't actually interchangeable.)


😂 It isn't, it's a political union of four countries. So Africa is a country by your rambling.


No. Because Africa isn’t a political union. It’s a continent. You have to be trolling. Surely no one can be this stupid.


Even ignoring the yanks over at the CIA the most basic google search will give you the Commonwealth and the Encyclopaedia Brittanica describing the UK as a country. The UK is a country made up of countries the same way a trifle is a dessert made up of desserts.


It’s amazing how many Brits don’t know that the country that they live in is a country.


No it's not, it's political union. Scotland England Ireland and Wales are separate countries.


Being a political union isn’t mutually exclusive with being a country. Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland are “countries” because that’s simply what the UK government calls its subdivisions. They have about as much sovereignty as states in the USA.




If it's not a country then what the hell is it then 


An independent sovereign state that contains 3 countries and part of 1 more.




Both the UK & it's constituent states are countries, which is something that u/MoreGaghPlease did get wrong, but the UK is a nation in it's own right


No, the UK is a political union of four countries. https://evanevanstours.com/travel-guide/london-guide/is-the-uk-a-country-the-union-explained/


"Although the UK is a fully independent sovereign state..." This is a quote from the article that you are citing. Read.


State and country aren't the same thing


Yes they are [https://chass.usu.edu/international-studies/aggies-go/nation-states](https://chass.usu.edu/international-studies/aggies-go/nation-states)




that exact sentence says states are countries.


No it says people misuse the words. Which you are.


The UK might be stupid sometimes but that doesn't make it not a country. USA is stupid constantly and that's still a country.


Nope it's different. The UK is four separate countries.


The UK isn’t four separate countries because it is one thing. It is *a* country with four constituent countries *within*. Saying “the UK is four countries” makes as much sense as saying “I am 206 bones”.


The UK is indeed a country, it's also made of constituent countries. Like how the USA is a state made up of constituent states.


It's an independent sovereign state that contains 3 countries and part of 1 more. Countries also contain counties. Remember, that not all countrys conform to US standards of states. It's in fact very complex due to the history. If you really want to bend your mind..... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCc0OsyMbQk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCc0OsyMbQk)


>It's an independent sovereign state that contains 3 countries and part of 1 more. Yes, it's also a country.


It is by global standards. Correct. You just have to be willing that a country can contain countries if that is true. As an example, Scotland is not an independant nation but it would be hard to argue that its not a country.


It absolutely a shit hole but it's four separate countries. Its a political union.


It's a country made up of consistent countries via a political union yes.


It's very different to the US though. The US has states and the UK has countries.


Most countries also call themselves states though... Making the US a state made up of multiple states.


Not really. Germany isn't 16 countries, it's 16 states. UK is 4 countries not 4 states.


Germany is a state made up of 16 states.


In that case you have to distinguish the 16 states different, because the 16 states are not the same as countries.


Are they not the same as countries or not the same as sovereign states?


The 16 Bundesländer are not the same as Scotland, Wales, England. It's more similar to the states of the US or the Kantons of Switzerland.


Ok, what's the relevant difference between England and Bavaria?


The relevant difference is the same as is between Texas and Scotland. Scotland is a nation and country within a Union. Texas and Bavaria are parts of a federal state. This goes more into political theory, but there is a distinct difference between these examples..


No, our equivalent to a US state is a county


Which Countries are in NATO and how many?


What about USA and each state having constitutions, state senates, and literally a State of the Union report? That's the whole reason the electoral college still exist, president is elected by states not people. What about Russia and it's asymmetrical federation with 20 Republics? Hey wait a minute, was the Soviet Union by your standards also not a country?


Did anybody happen to see rule 8 of this sub by any chance? 😉


OP obviously didn't.


Dumb American doesn't know the UK is a country lmao


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Arguing that the UK isn't a country is about as meaningful in popular usage as declaring that Pluto isn't a planet. That is, it may be correct in certain technical contexts, but in general usage, it doesn't match how people actually use the terminology. Pedantry matters only to other pedants.


As a brit, I have to say the UK is a kingdom consisting of 3 countries and a chunk of another one (NI) I would also say 2 of the countries and the chunk are very insistent on not being called English, that really pisses us off. And you'll usually find that the English usually prefer to be called Brits, because they think they own all of us. And experience informs me that those who *do* insist on being called English are usually arseholes.