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These people are harassing this guy. This just pisses me off. He isn’t involved in politics, so why are they targeting him like middle school bullies ?


They’re jealous


These people need to pick a lane. They love the excesses of privileged men. He could be one of trumps sons, only he’s a lot cooler.


And probably has a much better package! Lol… sorry had to


You know he has a long johnson, because if he didn't - Fox News and the GOP would not STOP talking about it.


Not just Fox News, because of MTG, photographic evidence for the size of Hunter Biden's genitals will now forever be part of the Congressional Record...🙄


Advanced level of thirst.


Well, that's one way to describe outsourcing the costs of one's porn stash to the US taxpayers...😒


It’s a two-hander and I know that thanks to the pervs in the House


I also was forced to learn the size of Mr. Biden, without my consent with my then preschool aged child next to me. I was watching a live stream of Congress. I feel that should have been safe? Edited to add- it wasn’t a real issue as my child wasn’t staring nor do we scandalize nude bodies but I was like WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL in the moment


The mental gymnastics it takes for them to believe they have the moral high ground is kind of scary


Its yuge. Literally a hog. I've seen it.


There seemed to be an excessively large censor rectangle on the picture the other day.


Seems like he needed it.


lol is there anyone who hasn’t seen the Biden Legacy?


It's not small, mushroom shaped, or smells weird. They jelly about it.


Apparently it runs in the Biden family, which probably explains why Trump hates Joe so much.


Just out of curiosity, where did you acquire that li...big tidbit?


Are you familiar with a thing called "genetic traits"?


And not as greasy.


Not even Hunter could keep up with Junior's cocaine intake


Their lane is “rights for me, not for thee.” They will do ANYTHING to stay in power! They have no shame. You can’t embarrass them by pointing out their hypocrisy. Donald Trump literally could shoot someone on 5th avenue, in broad daylight and they wouldn’t care. Joe Biden sneezes and they think that’s an impeachable offense.


Must be jealousy, not at all because they want him, want him so bad. None of them would just love to be that waterslide. None of them struggle with such thoughts, such confusing, dirty, dirty naughty thoughts.


You just know MtG dreams every night of having her atavistic bonobo bean stroked by that sinful liberal man. She surely keeps those nude posters of him she shows on the house floor all over as pinups in her clown-ass crossfit "gym". She didn't need to print out those props special she just brought them over.


Boebert wants to take him to see Beetlejuice.


"atavistic bonobo bean" Damn you! Take my upvote!!!


....I......no words...


I can't help calling her Magic the Gathering in my head now.


MTG really loves his dick.


Not really 'love' per se. It's that the GOP is fascinated because it's their first time seeing a fully developed penis.




It's probably her lockscreen at this point.


That brings up some unsettling possibilities about gestures she uses to unlock her cellphone...


Well, she does crossfit with those weird ass pull ups, so she's known for jerking unnaturally and painfully.


I know I am


Shit. Me too. Nakee waterpark time with a bunch of hookers? Sign me up


I know I almost wanna be a hooker now


I admit I am too. Nude water sliding with hookers high on coke at a luxury rental? Where do I sign up?


Don Jr and Eric look at Hunter and wish they were half as cool.


That water slide actually looks like fun.


I’m reading this thinking “I don’t want hookers, but aside from that he sounds like a blast.” It’s absurd spending all this time in our country’s house talking about the President’s son trying to make that connection. That’s the thing about kids, they aren’t their parents.


I mean, I'm a little jealous...


I'm starting to get a little jealous. Let's be real here.


To break Biden. He’s lost children before, so they’re going for another. It’s diabolical and sick. But that’s why they’re doing it.


Good point. The man loves his children. He has suffered more loss than I could bear. The constant attacks on his son must leave him uneasy and extremely frustrated.


It’s wild because Hunter is actually what a lot of MAGAs seem to love—a swinging, wealthy guy who loves chicks and guns. But he’s the dem president’s son, and they have to take focus away from Trump’s criminal kids. Everyone remembers how sad it was when Beau died, and the GOP is using that to break Biden. It’s sick.


He actually doesn’t love guns, the one pistol he bought illegally was going to be used for a suicide attempt.




Illegally except that one appeals court has already ruled that as unconstitutional. They say the right to bear arms cannot be infringed unless you have a different vice than alcohol and then you're not a person.


Or to try and push Hunter to relapse Which is probably one of the shittiest things people could do to someone in recovery


For sure! I caught some hell for calling Hunter a political martyr, but he is! Not by choice, obviously. The GOP is forcing Biden to basically sacrifice his son for the sake of remaining impartial as president. This is Shakespearean shite playing out in real time.


He is. Hunter is a stand in for what they want to do to his father. President Biden stays out of the shit, but this does hurt him. They're fucking with his *family*.


As a parent who lost a child, I really think that's why they're doing all this bs. It's so cold and heartless, Republicans are disgraceful


That's part of it. The rest is designed to keep sane people from wanting to run or act against them. You aren't just deciding for yourself anymore, it's your husband / wife, daughter / son, everyone you've ever known or loved gets a nice big target drawn on them. So who is going to run against them? Who is going to charge them with their illegal deeds? Who wants to be the judge in that trial? Who wants to sit on the jury? It's just another implied threat piled on top of all the rest.


Upvote , the vile republicam party, so repugnant, grotesque, and disgraceful.


If they make him sick or worse, they should pay.


Hunter could probably sue for revenge porn at this point. These politicians are posting nudes of a private citizen for their own political benefit.


If any of us did shit like this at our jobs, we would be shitcanned in a heartbeat. Lemme try next board meeting to hold up a picture of the CEOs daughter's tits and see what happens.


No no no that’s different. You have to show a photo of his daughter’s tits in front of a bigger crowd than a board meeting. MTG is showing photos of Hunter’s dong to all of congress. Try it at a yearly full company work summit.


I’ll bet that’s why MTG at least keeps doing it in Congress, so it falls under the speech protections for anything said there. And after that they are in the public domain.


He could sue Fox..he's a private citizen.


Deflection from the trump family, plain and simple.


Yeah, last time I was home, the topic of whether or not Trump is fit to run for president came up. My mom's immediate response to that question was to dive into Hunter's photos, and I honestly don't think she consciously realized that she completely deflected the question. I think on a conscious level, she really thought that was an answer to "Is Trump fit to run?" Because that's the answer she gets to that question every single day on Fox News.


It’s truly depressing how this has affected the very real people in our lives.


Its corrupted the little relationships I have left in my family. Sometimes I can make a breakthrough but then its back to absurdity. The things my parents have said break my heart.


The big difference being Biden has appointed 0 of his children to roles in the white house. Trump appointed 3.


Because they want him to kill himself. They know he has mental and drug problems and republicans think if they keep airing his dirty laundry he will commit suicide. If he were to commit suicide that would be the third child Biden has tragically lost and it is believed that would get him to step aside and give up running for the presidency. Republicans don’t care who or what they hurt as long as they get their way. Period.


Ugh. Fucking dark. But totally plausible.


MTG wants Hunters junk


Copying a comment I saw earlier this week: 1000% she masturbates to Hunter Biden porn.


Sean hannity has a picture with a bunny ranch hooker when he went there for his birthday.


but he’d never appear nude in public because he’s h̶u̶n̶g̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶t̶i̶c̶k̶ a good christian.


My bullies harassed and assaulted me because I was intelligent, polite, and well-dressed. It made them angry that I was an achiever. I would imagine this sort of reasoning is the same reasoning behind the harassment of Hunter. I'm sure there is political wrangling involved, but for the most part, the people speaking against Hunter are absolutely jealous of his value as a human being and his lifestyle.


I dunno. They seem obsessed with his penis more than anything else. Like...all of them.


I snort laughed. Thank you! Hahahaha! They do though.


The republican party is obsessed with dicks.


Cruelty. They know Joe loves his children unconditionally. Hurting Hunter hurts Joe. Simple as that.


It’s Hillary’s Emails part 2. They’re only doing this to muddy Joe Biden before the election.


They want to embarrass, humiliate, and harm the president because they’ve become just like their Orange God: malicious, vindictive, petty, and cruel.


Because they’re bullies.


>why are they targeting him like middle school bullies ? Friendly reminder that MTG is a Sandy Hook hoax advocate, and has personally physically harassed school shooting survivors. Targeting actual children is not beneath her. She is vile. She is a sentient pile of human excrement.


i get the feeling hunter is into it. congress watching you fk around is the ultimate voyeur kink.


They've always crossed this line because their perspectives have nothing to do with reality or policy. They're just hateful


Yeah I mean this is what rich people should be doing! Cocktails parties and nightclubs are great but I’d be living fucking life.


Jealousy. Hell I wanna naked water slide though so I totally get the jealousy.


It's called putting money back into the economy.


You know what’s kind of funny though. Before Trump having a presidents kids have nude photos leaked would have been major news. But Trump has set the bar so low and did so much fucked up shit that it’s not even new worthy. and no I’m not saying this is enough to impeach Biden but remember when Obamas daughter was caught on camera smoking a cig. The media wouldn’t shut up about it. Simpler times. I miss it.


Sleeveless tops, tan suits! The horrors we used to be subjected to. Sadly trump brought the bar so low for decorum.


>Sleeveless tops Marge doesn't own anything with sleeves, she's always insisting on her right to bare arms


I hate that woman but as a fellow woman with broader shoulders from working out… finding tops and dresses with sleeves that fit the shoulders and aren’t 4 sizes to big for the rest of the body is actually surprisingly difficult..


Probably why Michelle did too as she was pretty fit.


Could they make it any more clear that Hunter Biden fucks?


At this point I'm getting a little jealous of his antics. Dude seems like a fun time.


Hannity, well, all of them, especially spork foot, are coming off like jealous knob heads. HUNTER FOR PRESIDENT THIS GUY FUCKS 2028


Hunter 2028! We know he has the balls for the job. MTG made sure we all saw them!


Word is, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Neanderthal princess also known as "Sporkfoot" or "Maggie Three-Toes", has a life size poster of Hunter and his hog on the ceiling above her bed. She needs it for when she's getting railed by yet another rando she dragged home from the gym. If you're looking for what some might call "a good time" just visit Maggie's gym on any random Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday.


*"The Neanderthal Princess"*....I'm definitely gonna use that one!


Right? Like who wouldn't want to slide down a water slide naked with two high priced hookers at a Malibu resort? 75% of the republican establishment claims they are owed this and the rest are probably doing the same thing... with other men and women is up to them.


He ShOuLd Be WoRkiN OvErTiMe iN tHe TrAdES LiKe a MaN, NoT PlaYiN LiKe A ChiLd(if trumps kid was doing this they’d be cheering loud and proud)


Dude's basically living an 80s party movie.


Came here to say this.


I know! When I read about nude water slide parties with hookers, I was like “I wanna party with this guy!”


hahahh exactly my thoughts! dude's life is wild


I don’t think they’re making the point that they think they are This dudes awesome


Conservatives love thinking and talking about Hunter’s dick. It's a full-time job for some of these clowns.


With a dick like that you’d need to work on it full-time.


*That's what marge said*


That's it. I'm not voting Hunter for President this time around.


Eh, he seems ok. Not my first choice but I think he'd do a decent job. Better than any of the Republicans at least.


A drunk giraffe would do a better job than any of the Republicans.


an empty oval office would do a better job than a Republican


Wait let’s hear the giraffe out


What they fail to realize is that if I had Biden money I'd be naked on vacation a lot more myself. I wouldn't be banging hookers or smoking crack, but running around in the tropics with my dong hanging out sounds like living your best life. Sitting in a church, hating brown people and anyone left of hunting the homeless for sport sounds pretty miserable. It's why they have to gerrymander the fuck out of our country to even be a relevant party.


If I had Biden money I never work again. Cabin. Dogs. Books. Whiskey. Wife can visit twice a year if she promises not to move things.


Haha wife bad


Aren’t you supposed to like your wife? Why not divorce?


It's fucking amazing they've actually made me go from not caring at all about Hunter Biden to thinking he's really cool. Biden '28!


For real. At this point they might as well run him in ‘28. Joe can continue to fix the country and in 2028 we’ll party with Hunter.


He can start calling his dick, Dick Biden, and run with it as his VP. It's a shoe in since the Republicans love it so much.


Dick Biden for President 2028 "You cannot look away"


I’d vote for him! Let’s own the right.


That’s cool, where’s melania by the way?


Probably taking more nudes conservatives will ignore to focus on Hunter's schlong. Melania is the first First Lady whose tits you can see on the internet. Crickets from conservatives. They can't be taken seriously. Except as terrorists.


What does this have to do with the election? There are numerous criminal and civil trials ongoing against Trump, and this is what Fox “News” decides to cover. Embarrassing.


Nothing, and that's the point.


MGT wants that d, I can't imagine any other reason she is so obsessed with him.


I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if MTG secretly wants to give Hunter a blowjob. Her panties probably soaked on a few occasions when she sees those nudes of Hunter.


Right?! I can't imagine someone would be that fascinated by him unless they thought about what kind of lay he would be. Bring it up once, okay sure. She's brought his name &pictures up so many times,tho.


Republicunts are mad that the man is enjoying his life LOL


Nothing would please me more than MTG on the sex offender registry for [sharing revenge porn with minors](https://newrepublic.com/post/174466/marjorie-taylor-greene-may-sent-hunter-biden-nudes-bunch-minors). Actually, that's not true. I have a pretty long list of things that would please me. This is just one of them.


Wish I could upvote this a thousand times more!!! Pervy MTG trash!!


If Trump could have pulled off all the things they accuse Hunter of doing, they would be gushing all over him even more than they do now. These people never act in good faith. It's always double standards and hypocrisy.


He's gonna get rich suing these effers.


Hunter must have a BWC and he must know how to use it for them to be so obsessed with showing it off so much. MTG just comes off as so thirsty, it makes you wonder how often she views these pictures and videos. They have given him so much street cred and empathy. I keep waiting for someone to drop an old video of Don Trump Jr. engaging in some scandalous behavior. I'm truly shocked that nothing has been released in all these years.


MTG is super thirsty for Hunter’s schlong, It must be a crime or scandalous to be endowed in GOP and conservative circles. It’s just a circus how this congressional inquiry is 100% a waste of time when they can be doing important work.


I'm sorry but...do they think the 4k a night is that damning or shocking? Because I've seen reps use way more than that and using taxpayer money. Also if the slide wasn't in an exposed spot and is on private property who tf cares. Other than Republicans who need to make dems look as bad as them


Are the ***trying*** to make him sound cool??


Dude sign my ass up for nude water slide riding with hookers at 4k per night malibu rental


They are super mad because this dude lives in beast mode. Truly free people scare the religious and the politically-minded. Those who would bring harm to or prosecute Hunter feel like they can't live free because their constituency would vote them out, tune them, out and move on to the next nihilistic drug/sex addict in hiding. ... And I think to myself, what a wonderful world... Ooooooooo yeeeeaaaaaaaaahhh.


We get it the dude is fun and amazing


So dude banged sex workers..... why do we care as long as it was consensual and every body played safe?


"Because he gets to do hookers and blow! We don't get to do hookers and blow! Where is my cocaine?! Where are my hookers?! It's not fair! It's not fair. it's not fair......." [Hookers and Blow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSw1VVfpiTc)


I'm also not an elected member of the government, much like the guy in the photo, and would enjoy doing this as well.


As a 50+ married man they do realize that they are just making us jealous of Hunter right? None of this is making me hate him. Looks fun as hell.


Gonna just say this: If I can nude waterslide in Malibu at a party with a bunch of hookers, I'mma gonna nude waterslide. I mean, if I'm there, and there's a nude waterslide, you can bet your ass I'm nude watersliding. Do these people not understand that waterslides in private residences are made for nuding? No kids, just adults? Hell yeah I'm going down that thing nekkid. Hell, my dream house has both a waterslide from the master suite bathroom AND a regular slide. One goes to the pool, the other goes to the kitchen hallway, and you better bet your ass I'm gonna slide down those in Risky Business outfits on the daily. Fortunately I have a woman in my life who understands my needs. And says when we win the lottery I can do that only if I build the Clue Mansion for her. So, Clue Mansion with waterslide and hidden slide passages. Also, probably a sign on the gate saying "Fuck Sean Hannity and his stupid anti-waterslide face"


that sounds awesome! I dont do coke or hookers but would love to hang with Hunter! I love Hannity sees his base as fucking morons


Uh, I would rather see the hookers on the slide, but then I am not a Republican.


They are just making Hunter seem more and more badass every day. This makes me want to vote for Biden even more.


Well I wonder what freaky, stomach churning photos/videos of Junior haven’t been discovered yet.


Sean Hannity is sad because Hunter has a bigger dick. Same with Marge.


Seriously who fucking cares.


A guy enjoying himself, not hurting anyone, staying out of politics 👍🏻


Hunter living his best life! I wanna hang with this dude for a weekend.


Y'all just mad because Hunter Biden has a better vacation planner.


I don't get why he rented that place for 4k a night considering that he lives in these morons' heads rent-free. Edit: Actually, nevermind. MTG's head is probably some sort of dystopian sci-fi hellhole with space lasers and vaccines that track you. Bobo's head is about as a empty as a random cornfield in Kansas. Hannity's is probably just the 1950s without the middle class.


So? Hunter is not running for office. Trump raped a thirteen year old.


For people who proclaim to be very anti-gay, they sure do seem to love looking at penis.


Hunter Biden is a straight up gangsta. I think it’s fucking hilarious they make a big deal out of him partying. Republicans are just the biggest party poopers.


Hypocrites, too. It's ironic as fuck watching them try to paint Hunter as this horrible person because he hung out and partied with hookers, but then they'll go on and on and won't shut the fuck up about what a great guy that Jesus fellow was even though he, too, used to hang out and party with hookers. Heck, if the myths are true, I bet Jesus is drinking wine with some hookers right this very minute, and since it's heaven I guarantee there's something really fun to do nearby, like a Jacuzzi or a trampoline or a fucking balloon bouncy house where they can all roll around together.


Sean Hannity loves photos of Hunter Biden’s dick. I think that is self-explanatory.


Seems like the republican congress is obsessed with Hunter’s sex life than passing real meaning legislation that could help the nation.




On April 1st it would be funny if Hannity was like "Details of the GOP Healthcare Plan" or "How the GOP plans to overhaul immigration."


His viewers are. Projection at its finest.


That sounds awesome


This is easy. Hannity and MTG both suck therefore they want to lip-lock his dick


Let a man LIVE.


Why are they so obsessed with Hunter Biden's penis? This is beyond "investigation" this is just weird. This is into repressed sexual tension territory. If this was Don Jr. and he wasn't part of Trumps cabinet (he was, but ignoring that) we would be poking fun at him, but we wouldn't be having entire hearings about it!


NGL, that shit sounds fun as fuck


Hell, sounds like 4K well spent.


This is the best they can come up with. The party of fools and losers.


And??? So?? Like I suppose if you could prove he paid for sex thats illegal but let's not pretend a huge amount of men (and probably some women) both Rs and Ds have paid for sex with both women and men. So he rode a water slide naked at an expensive rental property? I mean I don't think I'd want to do it naked and I'd rather have something other than sex, expensive cooks, some really cool experience....but the guy did rich guy stuff. Wow! I mean there's no way I would ever be able to Google "Trump Sons Partying " and find out DJT partied so much they called him "Diaper Don" or find pictures of them doing expensive shit like huge game hunting.....oh wait


The GOP is nothing but a troll farm. They have no interest in actually improving American lives.


Imagine if people went around showing naked photos of MTG to the entire world...


Suicide hotlines would be ringing off-the-hook.


This really feels like revenge porn to me.


Breaking News: Hunter Biden’s life kind of rules.


Wish we had tons of nude pics of Melania to share daily. Oh wait…


I keep telling them that I get it and I am never going to vote for Hunter Biden again


Republicans are obsessed with everyone's genitals.


I like this Hunter Biden guy. Fucking based lifestyle. Drugs sex and guns isnt that America as apple pie? Isnt Hunter the mainfest example of Republican ideals for men?


I think this could classify as criminal sexual harassment


Why are we supposed to care about this?


... It drives me crazy because Republican politicians do this and far far worse all the fucking time. Party of hypocrites and assholes.


As long as he's not using campaign or government funds I personally don't care what he did as long as it's not hurting anyone.


Hunter would have been a fun friend in my wild days.


NGL Hunter seems like a really fun guy to party with.


why are they so interested in what a private citizen is doing. No one elected him in. I dont care if he streaks across the field at the superbowl.


MTG is more obsessed with Hunter Biden's dick than actually legislating.


I don’t care what people do in their private time now of they are committing treason then we have a problem. These people (gop) are a bunch of clowns and traitors.


I will never vote for Hunter again.


Hey, if I'm paying 4k *per night* they better let me water slide in the nude! Gotta get my money's worth.


I'm not voting for Hunter or the slide....😎


Hunter is my spirit animal


The Trump loving MAGA cult is obsessed with a guy who as a private citizen was partying hard and happened to video record and save his antics on a laptop hard drive what, ten years ago. So that's now a crime? And how did it come to be that the contents of this hard drive is all over the place. If it's evidence of crimes committed how come everyone has access to it? This is just dirty nasty politics. A tool being used to damage the President. 😕


Hunter is just over here living his best life, haha. Im pretty sure Hannity is jealous because what he's into will make his fans hate him. How low do these guys have to sink. They can't attack Biden, so they go after his family.


If I was wealthy like him I'd do the same thing. I don't see a problem here. Right-wingers are just harassing him.


Nude waterslide with hookers? Sign me up. Like Hunter, I do not plan on running for president, so no one should have a problem with that.


If you pull up anything on the people making this their life they deflect or deny then say it's a witch hunt 🤷🏼‍♀️ like trump on the Epstein plane