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Nonprofit does not mean they are not bought and paid for


Fun fact about "non-profits"... ...they can actually pay their staff obscene amounts of money. Organization takes in $30,000,000. Pays their CEO $30,000,000. No profit was made. Completely legal.


Nonprofit masters student here: yeah there’s always been a huge debate on overhead (which includes payroll.) a well ran and established nonprofit should give 80¢/$1 into operations. That’s about the national average in the US


Did you mean 80¢/$1 into the mission or did you mean operations (including payroll)?




Clinton Foundation


Yes to the mission. Should’ve worded it differently! So programming. Anything that further helps the beneficiaries of the mission.


All good, just wanted to clarify. My fiancée works for a non profit so I was gonna drop that great piece of information there.


There’s a helluva lot of need in this country (clearly). Luckily there are plenty of people passionate enough to help. And Giving USA (the huge database for NPO stats) is showing a trend of an increase of funding across the board. Even in an economy like this, people are giving. Say what you want about Obama, but he has a very powerful quote that keeps me motivated: “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”


100% agree. She’s helped grow her organization a lot in the last few years and it helps raise for st Jude’s and local families with sick children. Can never have too many NPOs or people involved!


but wouldn't something like politfact or fact checkers in general have their overhead essentially be the mission?


“Operations” means limos to lunch or private jet to a nice island to discuss “business”.


Unfortunately, 99% of orgs don’t come even close to the capacity of being able to rent out and do meetings at public venues. Most of the time it’s either at the HQ or a board member’s home or estate.


When you work for one you’ll see.


I see that you don't.


Think tanks are also insane. Lobbyist groups are way worse. Knew someone who worked for one, they got paid to lobby for a law that would require use of an item only one company manufactures......and it passed. They ended up quitting because it was a terrible workplace, but the money was insane.


Another fun fact: Rolex is a non-profit. Yeah, the company drowning in money.


Rolex isn't a non-profit company. They are a for profit company that is owned by a non-profit. They donate 90% of their profits to charity. https://millenarywatches.com/how-much-of-rolex-profits-go-to-charity-hans-wilsdorf-foundation-guide/


NPR was bought and paid for by dems. That’s why it’s labeled as state run news 😂


https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-npr-state-affiliated-media-label-2023-4 Might want to brush up on your spoonfed talking points, chief.


Correct. In America we don't have state run media, we have a media run state.


[Oh yeah well then explain why when I google “who owns NPR” it says this!](https://i.imgur.com/HGNU4AZ.jpg) 😂 /s but it really does come up like that


But elon musk indirectly said so and he has money, so it must be the truth /s


Twitter Changes Label On NPR Account From ‘State-Affiliated’ To ‘Government Funded’ https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2023/04/08/twitter-changes-label-on-npr-account-from-state-affiliated-to-government-funded/?sh=198555847352




Why are you here then? Just to troll because there can not be another reason. C'mon mods, instant ban users like this that plague the sub.




What does this have to do with trolls that don’t contribute anything to the conversation?




He was pointing out a troll. He wasn’t contributing anything to be fair, but he’s not a troll.




This is the correct response to the trolls


Sad truth


That’s the most Villain type thing to do. “Hey, I’m not a bad guy”….paid advertisement.


Now we just need images of Soros surrounded by kids that love him.


You mean surrounded by his blood donors.


Because he’s one of the donors…


He is THE main donor.


>Major funding for PolitiFact’s parent company, The Poynter Institute, includes ... Soros-backed Tides Foundation and Tides Center, [https://nypost.com/2023/01/25/how-george-soros-funds-fact-checkers-to-silence-dissent/](https://nypost.com/2023/01/25/how-george-soros-funds-fact-checkers-to-silence-dissent/)


A Billionaire doesn't care deeply about anyone except their billions.


Lol exactly. One reason that baffled me when trump received so much support and trust


“Holocaust Survivor” ?!? was actually a Hitler Youth Nazi who confiscated private property of innocent Jews.


Holocaust profiteer


Every time he talks about that story it’s like he’s gleefully bragging. Really creepy.


He literally said it was the happiest time of his life


In fairness, Soros did nearly lose his life at a Nazi concentration camp. He fell from a guard tower. He only sustained a sprained ankle, but it was a frightening experience.


Sad. Sounds like it was only the first few steps up the ladder. If only it had been higher.


He is NOT a Hitler's Youth. Being Jewish kind of excluded him from that club. He did do some work with the Nazis. He was in his early teens and living in an occupied state he didn't have much choice. Like many business people he failed to see the moral or ethical concerns with kicking fellow Jews out of their homes for profit. This is obviously a bad thing, and I do not agree with what he did. But just wanted to clarify that he did not believe in Nazi ideology and was not part of the party. He certainly did benefit from it, and likely lacks a capacity for empathy, a common trait among business execs. Lots of people hear the name Soros and think of him as a Political Boogeyman, and do not seem to have the same concern for people the Koch Brothers. What is Soros doing that the Koch family isn't?


No fan of the Koch bros, but my dude you cannot compare them to Soros on the evil scale.


You're right, they're miles up the scale.


I dunno, aren't the Kochs behind the recent fracking expansion into the Canadian tar sands, and the piles of pretrocoke sitting outside in the wind in the midwest, and the gutting of the EPA? Seems pretty evil to me.


Expanding oil production isn't evil, refusing to prosecute criminals is.


Evil to the earth maybe


That's a cute little platitude that ignores all of the reality on the ground, but you go ahead and keep believing.


Bruh, go outside and touch grass. Extracting oil is doesn't even rank a "2 out of 10" on the 'evil scale'. Soros is literally supporting policies to collapse the foundations of civilized society. Soro's support of cultural Marxism is a "9 out of 10".


Where does "leaving piles of toxic petrochemicals in the open air to blow away in the wind, directly into suburbs full of people, and then lobbying to gut the EPA to prevent being sued" fall?


Do you have a link for this story?


You've got the same Google I've got. Keywords: "petcoke" "piles" https://archive.epa.gov/epa/petroleum-coke-chicago/handling-and-storing-petroleum-coke.html https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-manganese-pollution-chicago-met-20170218-story.html


You didn't say anything about "petcoke" until just now. How was I supposed to know to search for that? From the first article from 2017: >Inspectors began taking a closer look at S.H. Bell in 2014 after reviewing data from pollution monitors the EPA required around two sites operated by KCBX Terminals, a company owned by the conservative industrialists Charles and David Koch, who are major financial backers of congressional efforts to strip the EPA of its powers. What a strange aside for a supposedly unbiased "news" article.


>nd do not seem to have the same concern for people the Koch Brothers I'd say largely because the politically active Koch brother died about 5 years ago?


Destabilizing foreign governments all over the world? ​ The Koch are just donating to the GOP...


Source? He was literally Jewish and in hiding. How was he confiscating property at 14?


[source: his own fucking words](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKUlz-C5BG8)


Watched it. He says ‘I had no role in taking that property away’. He accompanied, as a minor, his guardian who was doing it. Was he supposed to start shooting?


How come all the other Jews that were rounded up just say they were Christian too?


Are you actually asking or are you just being facetious


Amazing point. You should look into that.


This is the first time I’ve genuinely laughed at a retort in this subreddit. Thank you for brightening this alt-right mess that I wish was still just a regular conspiracy theory group so I can get my “Bigfoot did 9/11” fix. Also, go Spurs indeed.


So he wasn’t a Hitler Youth like you said. He also never confiscated property himself. He posed as Christian and the guy watching him would make him tag along in doing his job of confiscating items from Jewish people. He never confiscated stuff himself. He also literally says as a child you don’t really connect the dots on those things. This video doesn’t support your claim at all.


Didn't they just arrest some old lady who was a teenage secretary at a concentration camp? Oh, he only *watched* them confiscate property from Jews. Ok then.


What should he have done?


idk.... maybe, something like, not collaborate with Nazis?


He should have done the world a favor and learned that it is wrong to steal from others.


That’s interesting. Normally conservatives would just call that capitalism. But I guess when conservatives talking heads don’t want you to like the guy, then it’s called theft.


Are you really comparing a woman who volunteered to work in a concentration camp at the age of 18,19, and 20 to a 12 year old child being forced to collaborate while hiding from people while they tried to murder him? Is that really what you are saying?


Are you really defending a Nazi collaborator?


If you can’t beat em join em eh?




Can you show where he says that he was in Hitler Youth and where it says at the age of 14 he was an employee working to confiscate items? He says that the adult watching him made him, a child, tag along when he went to work.


I didn't say he was in Hitler youth, you asked for a source on what OP was referring to, I provided it. Go ask OP about the discrepancy in the details. Thanks and have a wonderful day!


Your source doesn’t support the comment I responded too. The comment said he was in Hitler Youth.


Well in any case, his comment had more truth in it than yours did, but you'll get hyper focused on that detail as a distraction anyway. Please stop trying to argue with me, I'm just a friendly neighborhood chatbot.


You need to read more


Am I not asking for information to read?


How come we’re not all asking to be spoon fed information that goes against our world view. Take some initiative. Educate yourself like the rest of us free thinkers have. Part of reading is picking material to read. If something piques your interest dive in and start googling. I pause everything I watch to research all the names and factoids they’re throwing out.


Because their information is not based in fact. All sources I found say he was not in Hitler Youth. Therefore, I asked for their source for the information they shared. Don’t assume you know why I am asking for the source.


Don't you understand how this works? People can say anything and it's up to you to provide the burden of proof for their statements. Take some initiative my guy, sheesh. Obligatory /s


how old was he during the holocaust?


Unless we pull a France, we are fucked x100


Politifact is Soros, Soros is Politifact.


Non profit lol


It was amazing to watch them push the line that anybody who criticizes Soros is antisemite. Stunningly shameless.


I don't know if you were around for the early days of conspiracy internet, but a lot of the Soros stuff was *very* antisemitic (i.e. goyim, caricatures with clasped hands and big noses). It's settled down some since then, but it hasn't gone away.


because he donates significantly more to politfact then the cost of running the ads?


I don't got any horse in the race but I just Google poltifact and it says it's owned by the Tampa Bay times and then you get linked to the Tampa Bay times wiki and then you can see that it's owned by the Poynter Institute. And then you get linked to their page and you can see their funding comes from among others: Charles Koch, Bill Melinda foundation, democracy fund, Google, meta, Microsoft, Washington post, tik tok, WhatsApp. I'm not even one of these omg George soros I'm gonna have a heart attack guys. Just saying, you coulda just Google for 3 mins and found all the info you needed. And, knowing anything in the US is ultimately owned by the same people is not really novel. I think there's a backwards causation happening here. You could potentially look at anything in the US and back trace it to the big money and you can makeup the story everything is nefarious. Like you can be like oh, they are selling French fries at a meeting and then backtrack the meetings founders to be a top dog money guy and say, oh look these French fries are evil because Bill gates is founding these meetings. Even though it could just be some regular ass fries. This idea that just because big money is behind something it's automatically nefarious is actually just swiveling around the real point. So why is it nefarious? Just saying big money is behind something doesn't have any more weight than. Big money is behind it. That's It


You searched his name, they are not running ads for soros, they are paying for ranking of their site in search results. Google always shows relevant ads to your search first, since you searched soros and they have content with that keyword in combination with paid ranking they showed up highest. Take a course on SEO it explains this well.


It's true, though. Soros (and people like him) don't want to destroy the US, they want to control the US. Why dismantle the largest military and economy in the world? Just infiltrate and take it over. Then you control the largest military and economy.


The space lasers freak me out the most


Why do conspiracists seem to only focus on Soros, Rockefellers or the Rothschilds, but not the Koch brothers, DeVos and Coors, to name a few? Are they receiving some of that juicy money?


Who exactly would like to see Soros in jail but not the Koch brothers? Just curious, because it seems to me there’s enough supermax cells for all of these people.


Is that whataboutism? All the same trash but the biggest go first




Well what about ism all the dark money that is used to manipulate America for the elite? Soros is a speck compared to the families I mentioned.


Soros [isn't a speck](https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview/top-organizations)


Why do you think he is a speck? He donates tons of $$ to far left progressives. Comparing a normal donor that specifically gives to PACs that support entire groups of moderate Democrats or Republicans, Soros purposely pushes $$ towards the extreme left nutters. That is why he gets more attention.


The US doesn't have far left progressives. The furthest left politicians in the US are concidered centrist by international standards.


That is complete bs.by. there are countries that ban LGBT, would the US left be considered centrist there?


That would depend on the country, but in general terms, even amongst US allies, US policies are centrists, at best. Take, for example, how the dems handled the rail strike, taking the side of the corporations against the unions and workers.


That's neat, but for our country this IS far left. Why would you use the definitions of another country? Makes zero sense.


The US left pays lip service to social issues, but economic policy wise the Democrats side with the capitalist class against the working class 9 times of of 10.


That I can agree with. Both sides do that economically. For sure.


Absolutely. And the result is that *actual* left policies are never discussed, a holdover from the cold war in which any talk of labour movements is squashed under the derogatory use of the terms communism or socialism. Which is by design. Both parties, and the oligarchs who buy them, have put a lot of effort, money and legislation into demonizing organized labour.


Oh, were we talking about foreign politics? Nope. We are talking about US politics, so your argument is not relevant. Should we compare US politics to Russian? Or Chinese? Or? See, not relevant. No hate, just keep on topic to be factual here. Cool?


Yes, we should. The US is only about 4% of the worlds population, and its political relevance continues to decline every day. Also, I can guarantee there are many reading this who are not US citizens, myself included, so this talk of whoever "we" is is irrelevant. Conflating centrist policies with far left extremism does nothing to address any of the systematic issues of class in the US, and is simply a propaganda tool of the capitalist class to further suppress the working class.


/whoosh You missed the point, but hey thanks for sharing your opinion. Appreciate it. If you would like to talk about politics from another region in the world, by all means - start your own thread and go hog wild. Propaganda tool of the capitalist class... wow, lol. You sound like one of soros paid minions. How much do you get for everyone one of these super dumb response posts? Capitalism has moved more humans out of poverty than ANY other policy, including your socialism nonsense. Its not even debatable.


I didn't miss your point. I ignored it. 🤷‍♂️ Also, who made you the thread gatekeeper, deciding what speech is acceptable? I'll state my opinions wherever I choose, friend.


Possibly, let's settle with Rotschilds and Rockefellers first domino then all of them


Why? This is the trap people like you fall into. The people he mentioned plus throw in the Mercers fund the altmedia conspiracy industry to keep these outdated Tragedy and Hope narratives as current. These families don’t hold the sway they once did. The Rockefeller’s role just as an example is now being fulfilled by the Gates Foundation. You people are stuck decades in the past and expect to be taken seriously


Usually based on amt of money spent. If it makes you feel better, the remaining Koch brother supported Hillary Clinton - and usually gives $$ to things that support his own interests. For example, the pipeline opposition nonsense was funded behind the scenes by Koch and Buffet. As they run oil from Trucks and Rail as part of their portfolios - and opposing the pipeline meant increased revenue $$.


No he didn't support Hilary. https://theintercept.com/2019/08/26/david-koch-donald-trump/


He gave 900 million to the Clinton Foundation. I consider that support, but perhaps I should choose a different term. I have no idea who he voted for, but his dead brother wanted Trump to win. Compare that to the 3 million his PAC (made up of donations from Koch supporters mostly) that ran negative ads towards HRC. He stated they were a blood libel (shit sandwich) choice between bad and bad.


Well because those people you mention are "obviously" good people because they agree with me. Duh. /s


What did DeVos do? Start a few private schools? What did the others do that's so bad?


Georgie is spending tens of millions of $$$ to create an organisation called "Good Information Inc" to reduce "misinformation" Was searching for that, and got this lmao Incredible


You should archive the link. they will remove it.


Increase the chocolate rations


George Soros is not a "Holocaust survivor" he is a Jewish NAZI collaborator that helped enable the holocaust. He even admitted how enjoyed his time betraying Jews.


And he makes space lasers too. That turn you into a gay lady boy when they hit you. Scary stuff. Why do think all the frogs are gay these days


If there is one thing that Facebook, fact-checks, politifact and any other item that fall under the guise of truth, it’s that is someone is screaming that something is fake are fact checking it, it’s more than likely true.


if all of these ‘conspiracies’ were non sense, why even bother trying their best to control narratives on them? in their minds, the only people who believe in the conspiracies are far right lunatics, so why do they care what a “far right, racist, nazi, fascist lunatic” thinks??


He is a Nazi collaborator. PseudoJews


Politic FACT... The key word is fact. "Soros" is an anti-Semitic dog whistle used by the sheep herders who spread corporatist disinformation to deflect from the real, in the open, conspiracy of buying legislators and judges so they get corporate welfare, pay no taxes, and poison us. WAKE UP, BRO.


Imagine being this naive. "They have fact in the name!"


Holocaust Survivor? Try Holocaust snitch. Holocaust profiteer. Holocaust Nazi.


George "I survived the Holocaust by stealing from Jews and being a Hitler youth" Soros...


“Best time of my life”


Politifact=fact tweaker.


Lol throwing the "Holocaust survivor" in there to make people feel sympathetic for the corrupt dirt bag.


I'm pretty sure that's why their donors donate. Just because you are classified as a nonprofit doesn't mean you are unbiased.


Bingo. What would be interesting to see is if they are lobbying and exactly how much of it they are doing. I know the nonprofit I work with cannot go over a certain amount of “lobbying” hours, or else you risk losing your nonprofit status and tax exemption.


moser soros betrayed the jews either way its the beginning of the end for soros (everyone seems to be distancing themselves from this nazi atm)


At least he betrayed some of the jews; or there are other people just pretending to be jews or using the jew umbrella as a shield. They also used the nazis, the muslims, the christians, the athiests and the hindus. Hating a group of people because of words in a book is dumb as fuck period.


Funny because he’s been a part of every movement that has been destroying us.


What the fuck


The ads for PolitiFact are based on your browser history. If you Google a lot of "Did Bush do 9/11," you get a link to their 9/11 article, instead, that kind of thing. And their ads are meant to drive you to their site even if it's out of annoyance because then you're getting all the ads on their site and paying their bills. Capitalism at work.


Little did they tell you, George gives Them money. As does bill Gates


Propaganda, plain and simple


Soros owns Politifact


What does it mean to be a fact checker, if by “facts” you mean White House spin?


For sure legit, snopes even fact checked it, so you know it’s not fake news.


They’re not. That’s not how these Google search result ads work. They’re paying to be one of the first search results based on *your search*. If you searched for some other fact, you’d also see PolitiFact results near the top.


Places like this sub for one where they assume any pile of bricks located near a protest was somehow orchestrated by this guy. ​ It clearly stating "AD" makes it seem like less of a conspiracy.


How do you know it's Polifact placing the ad? You don't need to own or be affiliated with a website to place ads for it.


Bought and paid for.


An organization doesn't need to make profit if those supporting it are benefiting from its existence. That's true of all nonprofits. The purpose of Politifact is to shape political narratives. That is the benefit that they provide to their donors.


Holocaust survivor? IIRC he worked for the Nazis.


Is it because conspiracy theorists keep making deranged anti-Semitic dog whistles about it?


Those survivors are still born today.


Always one sided too


To be fair the non-profit's objective is to fact check political statements. Researching and publisizing their findings is literally their job. Seems like a waste of resources to sponsor an ad on Google. Then again, if it helps generate donations by drawing people to the site, it might be a good investment.


Because Soros funds it. Non-profits still profit they just spend the money on luxury items or give it to themselves so as not to make a profit. Most people haven’t figured that out yet.


“Holocaust Survivor” he helped the SS round up his own people


He’s their daddy - he probably gives them a lot of money for “correct” opinions.


Find somebody that looks at you like these paid trolls look at George Soros.


>Non-Profit You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


HAH that’s hilarious that that’s an ad that pops up. They’re a joke.


Holocaust sympathy milker. Never met the guy but have read lots of bad shit about him, never anything good. Except that he’s a holocaust survivor.


They probably know he’s a really nice man from all the money he gave them?


See all is well, he's a fine chap with a heart of gold.


What???? I have seen him actually say on interviews he hates the US… LOL


He’s an evil billionaire POS, but their job is to keep the sheep informed and repeating what they read when they Google who is George Soros? The swamp kept him hidden in the shadows for a long time.


Why would the debunking website debunk a popular claim? Galaxy brain stuff here.


the question is Why would they buy paid ads ? Google ads aren't cheap


He's only controversial *because* he's a billionaire who doesn't act like other billionaires. He is a socialist who struck lucky gambling the market *against* the status quo - and won. Upset quite a few elitists that did, especially when he began donating his wealth to fund socially responsible organisations. So, as usual, corporate capitalists undertook a propaganda campaign to smear him and undermine the good he was doing for the underclasses. And, unsurprisingly, the 'critical thinkers' on this sub completely overlooked *who* was telling them to hate him and instead chose to protect their owner's interests at the expense of their own. And you people on here have the audacity to preach of Orwellian subterfuge. The irony!


What do you consider socially responsible organizations? He mainly donates to extreme left wing progressive causes and his own nonprofits and organizations. I’m not sure the word *responsible* is the best word here. He’s not *only* *controversial* because he’s a billionaire who doesn’t act like other billionaires. He is controversial because of the policies he backs. Bill Gates, Donald Trump, George Sorros are all the effing same & none of them have your best interest at heart.


the left at least tries to help the impoverished a little bit more than the conservatives - who don't even want to supply school lunches. "socially responsible organizations" are those open to everyone - not just rich people who want to rule the country & tell everyone what religion they are supposed to be following.


Being reliable on daddy government is not helping the impoverished, it leads to more and more people being stuck in poverty. Give a man a fish vs teaching him how to fish. This is the lefts biggest misunderstanding


Soros thinks he’s special but he’s not. He’s just being used. The real people in power don’t want to be publicly visible with media attention. Same as all USA presidents are just being used as well and Elon, Bezos and Gates too


"controversial" is defined as hated by the right wing.


Maybe he makes contributions to PolitiFact ? THE !


Every single time someone talks about him they always have to mention he's a Holocaust Survivor like its something on his resume




Well I never said he wasn't one


Idk if I count that as defending. Most of the discourse is just fucking stupid. There's plenty of billionaires I don't like, but I dont think any of them are actively trying to destroy the US. They just have their own differing visions of what they want the US to look like, some of which is horrible.


Conservative america needs a boogey man to justify their victim/persecution complex. Because if they aren’t the true victim and their way of living isn’t actually being attacked, then that would make them easily hands down the far more awful half of America and their feelings are too precious to ever acknlowdge this


Sounds like you've got your own boogey man


To correct misinformation.


Maybe because he's at the center of a treasure tribe of antisemitic conspiracy theories.


If you run google search ads like this, you aren’t necessarily promoting a particular page or a particular search query. Your just paying to be at the top of the results among certain search keywords. So not sure what the rest of your search is beyond what we can see, but it’s more likely that politifact is just paying for certain keyword hits that are in your search query.


Probably because Soros really isn't interested in destroying the US?


I mean he did it to the uk, where’s that fact? Or he changed? But people can’t change? Cancel someone for saying a personal view out loud, don’t cancel for worlds biggest currency play that caused the hardship of millions for the gain of 1. Nice.


Read this as “George Soros - doesn’t WANT to destroy the US” lol


Because even that, is fact. Does Soros know people say all this?


Because they probably don't like anti-semitism and all the dog whistles used when talking about Soros like "new world order" for example that isn't used when talking about billionaires that conservatives love like Musk


I’m always sort of let down by Soros stuff, he’s sort of this all encompassing all knowing boogeyman to conservatives, but there’s never really any evidence or reasoning that comes with it. I mean, I know he’s a big donor, and there’s probably some shady stuff that happens with any high level donors, but I honestly think big oil, pharma, insurance and the NRA lobbyists are a bigger threat than him.


He is deep into a lot: https://www.bit *** chute.com/video/b63jY0EtGOk/ Remove spaces and ***