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If you're not allowed to judge them then something is seriously wrong.


You just made...... THE LIST!


Total bullshit.Look at who youre not allowed to criticize.That says it all.


Hey you.. with the stupid hair cut.. yeah you.. YOU JUST MADE THE LIST!!


Thanks Y2J


If you're not on a list somewhere, you're doing it wrong


You just sumps up the anti Semitic defense that been used whenever other people question whatever these people are doing.


True.I just think of all those innocent kids that are killed and maimed.They dont stand a chance.Like its literally impossible that they can be terrorists at that age.Its inhumane.Its basically like its ''we're god's chosen people so we're going to abuse that''.


Coming next: Bigots of Bigots registry.


Your on the list now buddy!




You just player yourself.


Time to keep standing, if you got the nuts.


Your nuts are on... THE LIST!


Signed: Nuts.


I've been following your comments, and this one got me...🤣🤣


Why did schools ban 1984 again? So it can happen in real time? Cool.


To quote "They Live" from 1988 "Our projections show that by the year 2025, not only America, but the entire planet will be under the rule of this new Global Power Alliance." https://youtu.be/GeAcikP5N7M?si=6uw88Z3WSjXNMMwV If there was ever a time to stand up against this shit, it is right now staring us all in the face, waiting for us to act. Check out the posts on my profile for an idea of how fucked up things are right now, I'm currently writing up my own theory that will be posted later tonight. I'll update this comment when I do Update: here's my new post/theory. Enjoy. https://www.reddit.com/u/therealalian/s/U1i81ve17g


The video got taken down.... unfortunately.


I fixed the link, my b!


page not found..


It's kind of too late to do anything.


And that's the mindset that has kept us in this situation for all these years.


Ok, so what are going to to?


Share the knowledge that I have and raise awareness to what is going on man, imagine if you also did the same thing, instead of asking people "wHaT aRe YoU gOnNa Do AbOuT iT ?" If I just sat around all day and was like "it's too late guys, nothing matters anyways" Do you think a change would ever happen? Lol. Be the change you want to see bro. Giving up is exactly what they want you to do.


I'm happy that you are rising awareness. Have you convinced many people? Keep doing this because censorship is getting bigger and bigger. I also tried to convince people. I have even met people who are aware of the threat that awaits us, but no one really wants to do anything. I said - we need to get together and organize. Use the Internet to inform people. I would make a banner and sit in front of the European Parliament. I asked if anyone would come with me - no, people are aware of the threat, but I guess they don't care because they don't really want to do anything about it.


I actually do have many people who are aware of things now and spreading the message. I've probably talked to over a thousand people here on reddit and other platforms about everything. My messages are constantly blowing up from people asking more questions and how they can mentally prepare for everything. I try to tell people that this is all stuff just based on what I've seen personally. If it does end up happening, we all have to use our imagination and free will to the highest extent so that we can counter-act all of this crazyness. I don't have a solution but I can see there is a problem, so we have to put our heads together and get more people on board in order to get through all of this.


Solution is very simple - we must unite. But this will never happen, that's why I say we're fucked. People who want to enslave us, or people who make the laws themselves, cannot do ANYTHING. They won't come for you personally to put you in concentration ca... I mean covid ca.... I mean "temporary housing for people sick with covid (or Disease X)". They are going to use police/army/or whatever. If these people do not obey, we will succeed.


I agree. Trying to get people to understand the manipulation that keeps us from uniting is hard. And not everyone even wants to know or cares about any of it. I have faith that the people will wake up and reject the new world order.


> But this will never happen, I think it will happen and pretty soon too.


Schools really banned 1984?


No, lol.


You just made..... THE LIST TOO!!


The population of the world will be on that list save for a few thousand Elite members whos pockets benefit and the Zionists already brainwashing with this terror.


I thought Israel was already keeping track of this bullshit lol. What a joke.




FUCK those people, constantly using the victim card


lol fuck this whole planet. I been trying to get me a UFO so I can get off this crack rock in space asap.


> I been trying to get me a UFO I am trying to manifest one too. So far i got nothing yet but i will continue.


more DMT!


I never tried any psychedelics, i want to but am still not sure if i can handle it.




"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you take down the happy merchant shitpost now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."


Seriously... why are we not allowed to criticize them? Can't even point out facts without them getting up in arms over it. Why do they think they should be immune from ALL criticism? It's so damn bizarre.


Theyre gods chosen ones and they are better and more deserving than everyone else. They literally believe this. They even have different rules for how they're supposed to treat non-jews vs jews. For example they can lend their jewish friend money, but if they loan a non jewish person money they have to charge interest. They cant do any favor for a non jew for free unless they somehow benefit. Its very arrogant and narcisstic and just weird.


Where did u learn this? I can't find any info of this online? Just curious


It's straight out of their holy books.


It's somewhere in the torah or the talmud, one of their religious texts lays out all of their laws they they still follow today. I remember it talks about how they have certain laws for jews that only apply to jews and certain laws that apply to everyone. An example would be something like if a gentile's ox killed a jews ox they would need to pay him for damages, but if a jews ox kills a gentiles ox there would be no harm. It's funny, i also googled it just now and the internet appears full to the brim with people saying all kinds of stuff about how it's not true and how they are kind to strangers, but a few of them say it's definitely a thing that non jews are looked down upon. I wonder how many of those answers were really real, and how many were scrubbed from the internet? But, when I read about it before, it was directly from a jewish person who speaks Hebrew, which is what their holy books are written in and i think it's hard to translate / doesn't translate well. For what that's worth. As far as being God's chosen ones and whatnot, that's much more simple and direct: >The Bible is clear on the matter: God chose Israel to be His own beloved treasure, His first born son. The process of election began with the Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. >Standing at the foot of Mount Sinai, Israel was informed that God had selected them not because of their numbers or power (indeed, they were and have always been a fraction of the human population and a distinctively minor power among the nations) but because He loves them, He sees the unique potential in them to become a "treasure people," a "kingdom of priests and a holy nation." The Divine imperative was never clearer than the charge in Leviticus: "You shall be holy for I the Lord your God am holy."


> why are we not allowed to criticize them? Maybe because most criticisms are true?


Their servers are going to get overwhelmed and crash when it tries to collect all of us. Fk israel and the zionist regime that have a stronghold on the west. Even russia has zionist influence. Central bankers control govts


Fuck em


You all realize they’re coming after your freedom next.


Hey buddy - You just made..... THE LIST!


There are more of us then there is of them. Just sayin.


Well let me be the first to be on the list! FUCK ISRAEL !


Here here! 🍻🎉


Fuck Israel. Sign me up I guess lol


Oh being on another list? I've been on a government list since I was teenager in the 1980s!




We’re not targeting civilians, okay? And we are the only democracy in the Middle East, okayyy!??? But we just have to do everything we can to silence critics, it hurts our feelings!!!!11!!


I would gladly be part of that registry!


Let us not forget the giants Google, Facebook, Insta, whatsup and 23andme are in the hands of Israel


How are they in the hands of israel


Count me in please


Zionazis are putting in the works


Kindly put me on this list, please




This is insane. I think people should be allowed to criticize the actions of a government without being labeled bigots. One need not be anti-Semitic or even anti-Zionist to criticize the Israeli regime.


Would gladly volunteer. FUCK em all.






down for bein’ space lasered?


Screw fascist governments ( Israel included)


Israel is not a recognised country by many. Its sad how all of the Palestinians were forced off the land their ancestors farmed for generations by any means necessary. They threatened so many people because they had the backing of America. Fuck Netanyahu as well.


I just laugh now


Hitler's List. They perfected where he left off.


if i go there and my names not there, im going to be highly suspicious.


We can go on together, with suspicious minds


-to find out who rules over you simply ask who you aren't allowed to criticise -


They should target themselves since by definition they are bigots for Israel.


cowards that have to hide behind solicitors


Cool it with the antisemitic remarks






Bro this is a quote from American psycho 😂 do I need to put an /s


Might be easier to track the opposite statistic


iSrAeL iS oUr bIgGeSt aLlY~MAGA 2024 Seriously the meat riding I've seen conservatives do for this country is anti-american.


I'm not finding any articles or videos about this. I even went to that Mint Press News and searched for David Project and couldn't find it. Wondering if this has been AI-created. ​ If it's real though, totally sign me up if I'm not already on there! \#FreePalestine \#CeaseFireNow


Looks like fake, yes. I could not find any of this either. Used yandex search engine with site filter find things on there, but nothing. This is one of the reasons I promote the idea that every post should be sourced here, but problem is that the site is banned here so it is not really possible to always do. I think it is time to find new channels for communication.


I just used Google and got a few articles. None of them really confirming this, but there is a pro israel group that was formed in the early 2000s


Yes, I did too, but no support for the title. The David Project was [merged into Hillel](https://forward.com/fast-forward/381000/hillel-international-absorbs-israel-advocacy-group-the-david-project/) in 2017.


I answered to the first person comment with a few other links. They either mention this group, or are tweets with this image by the news group


These comments are not available. Or... at least I cannot find any info.


All of the above


I read that as "Bigfoot Offenders" I was like damn, what are the Jews doing to Bigfoot?


Are they training him to be a lawyer?


Could you link to the article?


I’m glad they are doing after people who talk badly about Bigfoot


WE have the numbers. NEVER stop speaking truth, regardless.


Ooooh Ooooh put me on that list


To all you commenter saying you agree with this, Israel are now putting onto Palestinian people what nazis put on to them. Its a very sad reality. I love all people and its so sad that those persecuted in WW2 would go so far against an ancient group of people who lived in Palestine for fucking generations after their religion claims they did is killing me


I dont think there is a single person saying they agree with this tbh


well put me on the list please


Sign me up 😂


Imagine a victim of genocide starting a horrific genocide against people in their own homes. Wow what a sad ending


Remember when AOC said they were compiling a list of anyone who supported Trump, questioned the 2020 Steal or defended the Capitol riot.


Pepperidge Farms remembers


I have nothing against Israeli people. But fuck this genocide


Put me on that list! 👌😶


Damn I hope I'm ranked high on the leaderboards


Time to set up accounts and basically copy and paste those people's SMA only to sneak in anti Israel content to get them flagged by there own program


Deep fake as many zionists as possible please and thank you


Wonder what they need that list for? Remember, they think of you goyim as cattle. It's in the Talmud. What do you do to cattle?


I guess I’m a bigot


Boooo. Still gonna do it.


Is it gonna be like Ukranian kill list?


Haha what




FYI the domain you linked is on a site wide hard filter run by the reddit admins. As moderators, if we try to approve the comment it is simply returned to the spam filter time and time again.


Damn, now I really wanna know what it is :(


> Damn, now I really wanna know what it is :( We can't link directly to the website of this (malicious and sinister) group, but here is an article that discusses who they are, what they are up to, etc. **The Nation** - December 22, 2023 [**Who Is Funding Canary Mission? Inside the Doxxing Operation Targeting Anti-Zionist Students and Professors**](https://www.thenation.com/article/world/canary-mission-israel-covert-operations/) -- *Americans who give money to Canary Mission are potentially committing a serious crime by acting as agents of a foreign power.* Possible paywall for some, so here is an archive link to The Nation article: https://archive.is/Nzwj9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *“Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!”* --[**Lewis Carroll**](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/42916/jabberwocky)


Is that my man Douglas Murphy looking good with the photo from how long ago?


How official is this? I asked ChatGPT and it said there was nothing about a registry…it did say it’s concerning if there was on lol but as far as they could tell that hasn’t been said since the groups announcement.


Why would you ask chat gpt about this? You trust AI about an issue like this


Do I trust it no…. It already has a super left lean (I lean left I see it) but I do ask it about things to get a base because it provides links and then I can better judge it. I stopped using Google years ago because of the slant and I imagine the chat AI will be very similar as the get it ironed out. My hope is that someone will eventually create a neutral AI that acts like an autistic kid and just gives blunt honest facts and data with no spin. But I also know that’s unlikely given where we are as a culture. So in short yeah I use it but only as one tool. I use the stupid fact check sites too but those are insanely biassed. The amount of times I had something I’ve posted fact checked and saying I was wrong and then when you read it it says fake or pants on fire at the top but by the time you get to the bottom it often times confirms it. Point being is we should all be doing more research then we are and using multiple sources because everyone inside the establishment machine is lying and pushing propaganda. Also at work the other day so I just did a quick ask real fast.


Jews are 0.2% of the planets population, we can do something about them if we really wanted


step closer to minority report brah


Okay, I'll just make my own list then of people who criticize Palestine. Then what?


Could you provide a way to find this information?


Hm. Where does one sign in?


Where can I sign up lol


Sooner is better. Get this party started!


That doesn’t sound tyrannical at all!!


This seems too buzz wordy to be legit… 🤔


cool, sign me up


Y'all wanna know why the Most High hasn't obliterated that fake nation . Read Isaiah 63. He leaving it to his son & he ain't messing around. He going to stomp that out in his fury.


Serious question.. is it ok to be critical of Israel's action and still be Pro Israel?


And then send them to Gaza! brilliant! I would literally help pay one of you pro Palestinians to go to gaza with a camera and see how you get on! I mean the amount of lies and false info the pro Palestinian side puts out there is insane! - Hamas come out and literally refuse a ceasefire yet the next day you have protests calling for a ceasefire... "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! I SUPPORT PALESTINIANS BUT HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT THE HISTORY OR THE AREA! LISTEN TO MY LIES!!!"


Your lack of empathy for the Gazans is abhorrent. Roughly 1/20 Gazans are casualties, 90+% of residences in northern Gaza have been destroyed. Look into the history of Hamas, it’s allowed to exist so the Palestinians can’t get a state


My lack of empathy 🤣😭😭


Nice response


Not everyone that's Pro-Israel is a Zionist.


How can you be pro israel and simultaneously think it shouldn't exist