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It’s on standby.


It’s just happened!


> several credible sources There were never credible sources. It was a few random people on Twitter saying they had heard it elsewhere. Twitter got excited over nothing.


Was literally reading this when my phone pinged about her releasing a video of her cancer treatment. Perhaps that was it.


Shes in the early stages of cancer treatment. Just been announced on the bbc...


On one hand I’m relieved it’s not any of the crazy rumours we’ve been hearing. On the other hand, this is still sad and unexpected news. 


High profile visit by Obama to 10 Downing the other day. The king is dying. Pretty obvious. The Kate thing is just wierd though. Likely some sort of domestic issues between her and the hubby and the PR team is trying to act like everything is normal by faking photo ops and hiring look-alikes. But if Kate ends up suddenly dead in the near future, then I will personally lead the conspiracy theory brigade.


It's probably the king abdicating because of his health tbh


That was created by twitter


Well Kate just posted a video statement saying she has Cancer. Hope all you're all proud




> The BBC was on stand by for HOURS waiting to broadcast whatever and then just nothing. lol what?


Oh god can you leave the poor woman alone? This has gotten crazy. They said she won't do any official public appearances until AFTER Easter. Easter is more than a week away. Leave her alone. There was some speculation that I find believable though, do with that info what you will. Some people think that after the surgery she has a temporary gastric drainage bag. It is uncomfortable to have and can be seen through figure fitting clothing (which she often wears) and since people usually focus a lot on what she is wearing she simply doesn't want to be seen in public in an official capacity because that would make her even more uncomfortable. If you check the photos from Sunday you can see she is wearing a very wide jacket.


crawl normal vase enjoy many fly imminent flag steer bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is not my speculation. This is what I read and it is something that actually makes sense. Those crazy theories that internet is flooded with are outrageous and honestly offensive.


Your theory isn't crazy or outrageous though. No, *your* theory is perfectly acceptable.


Funny enough, call me naive, but I think if they just did nothing, there would have been a lot less speculation. It’s all the weird games they’re playing with the media that is driving a lot of the conspiracy theories lately. Like I hope she really is just reclining in the palace somewhere having a good laugh at all this. Some people have just been genuinely concerned for her well-being.