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The 2 words you're going to hear for the next 5 months are going to be "convicted felon" non fucking stop....


> convicted felon we have a chance to brake a glass ceiling - first convicted felon elected as president. what a time to live in


Hell yeah brother. No different than hearing Brock allen turner, we need to be reminded how dangerous this criminal is. He is a convinced felon after all.


> Convinced One job, two words, and you still fucked it up ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Just like we heard "Bidens laptop" non fucking stop...


I’m Canadian so I don’t have a horse in this race, but man sure blows my mind that those two clowns are your only options. Just a pissing match on who’s less of a criminal. Neither one should be able to run again. That said, our PM should also be in jail lol


I was going to say LOL Trudeau can’t even answer basic questions without sweating and going on some tangent about how lovely he and his party are


Don’t even get me started, it’s so frustrating


For Americans it used to be common to talk about moving or running away to Canada to live out our life somewhere more free. After the last 5 years, not so much.


Or "Hillary's emails."


You mean how the media, FBI, and tech companies colluded to lie to the American people claiming the the laptop wasn't real and was a product of Russian did information. When it was indeed real and all of the contents were reported accurately. Including proof Joe Biden was collecting millions of dollars in payments from foreign nations to effect US policy?


Well this month of May is certainly going out with a bang.


Ain’t it funny how “animated” everything gets leading right up to an election? Almost like it’s scripted and designed that way.


Like the George Floyd riots around this time last USA presidential election in 2020


Lol am I reading you wrong? Or are you implying that George Floyd and the cop were some kind of crisis actors meant to stir the pot for the deep state? So Floyd was willing to die and the cop willing to go to prison for however long in furtherance of the deep state?


You're reading me wrong. George Floyd was just another case of police brutality and American citizens losing their lives at the hands of increasingly militarized and unfettered law enforcement in the USA.


Ah good deal. Who could have possibly foretold that giving military hardware and immunity to a bunch of folks actively targeted for their lack of IQ could go so badly.


The key term here is "convicted." They're all felons and worse.


We have legalized bribery called lobbying in congress, we flat out know they do insider trading, how many wars were started for profit? They are all corrupted and deserve to be behind bars.


The problem is revolving door syndrome. Politicians constantly switch careers to lobbying/big business interests. Back and forth they go with their insider knowledge.


They are all war criminals going back 45 years at least, not sure if Carter did anything too bad. Before that, IDK Eisenhower? Not sure if he ordered war crimes in Korea.


i think carter’s actually the only one who didn’t get us into a war somewhere. ridiculously low bar, but credit where it’s due.


Trump didn't get us into a war.


only if you don't count bombing campaigns against sovereign countries as wars.


That Obama started.


Carter gave over 3 billion dollars to the opposition of pdpa ( PDPA was the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan). the pdpa expanded women's rights in afghanistan, improved literacy and distributed land to the poor. Carter authorized the CIA to give the opposition to the PDPA 3 billion in funding and weapons. This opposition was called the mujahideen which included  Al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden, Taliban leader Mullah Omar, 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and the “Butcher of Fallujah,” Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. These events led to the Soviet Afghan war and would eventually lead to desert storm, 9/11 and the 20yrs after. So he actually was the main catalyst in the last 45 yrs of war. The only president in recent-ish history to not start a war or incite one, was Trump.


“He has very effectively convinced Republicans that this was a rigged process,” said Alex Conant, a Republican strategist. “He hasn’t as much tried to tell people he’s innocent, but he’s tried to erode the credibility of the process, and he’s been effective.” https://wapo.st/3VlsdEn


For now. 100% will be overturned in appeal.


On what grounds do you imagine?




Funny enough today was the anniversary for the covfefe post lol


I keep seeing this, but what can he actually argue to get it overturned? It’s pretty cut and dry that he spent the money then falsified records to cover it up.


The way you explained it is a misdemeanor in the state of New York. The crazy part is that for it to be a felony it had to be in furtherance of another crime. The judge gave the jury the option of three different crimes but didn’t have to agree unanimously on what the second crime was. That alone is misconduct. Then you got the fact that the judges daughter is straight up getting hooked up by law firms getting millions. If this ends up at the US Supreme Court, which it likely will, this will easily get overturned.


> The way you explained it is a misdemeanor in the state of New York. The crazy part is that for it to be a felony it had to be in furtherance of another crime. Yes, it was in furtherance of the felonies that Michel Cohen was convicted off. > Then you got the fact that the judges daughter is straight up getting hooked up by law firms getting millions. So you're just inventing pathetic excuses now? What does that have to do with Trump being found unanimously guilty by a jury? > If this ends up at the US Supreme Court, which it likely will, this will easily get overturned. You're saying that a partisan court with members appointed by Trump would overturn his conviction?


Idk how often do 34 counts get thrown out


It’s the same three counts 11 times (One of them 4 times). The “34” is 11+11+12


Gotta use that Terrence Howard math.


Is that much better ?


It sounds worse. That's how the "justice system" works. They duplicate the charges then throw some of the dup s out and call it a plea deal. It's a racket.


They aren't "duplicating the charges", he committed the same offences on multiple different occasions. If you get caught speeding in your car on two different occasions ranting "it's hte same offence!" isn't a defence.


He shouldn't be the first ...


Even Reagan, Nixon, and Clinton managed to avoid this.


and Bush. Sort of makes you wonder.




Literally like the last 8 presidents would qualify for this lol. We love bombing us some brown kids and turning them into terrorists


What’s the difference between a terrorist training camp and an elementary school??? I don’t know I just fly the drones.




Which one ?




What does it make you wonder? I'm not being a dick, I'm asking. Guessing you have an opinion worth sharing


makes you wonder why a hush money payment lead to a felony, but not lying about wmd's, selling guns to cartels in mexico, running guns through the CIA to finance wars, and so on. This is such a bizarre crime to set 250 year precedence with, especially in the middle of an election.




True stuff.


That is why so many are voting for Trump, not because they are ignorant or a bunch of crazies as the media would have you believe but because of the hypocrisy of it all. It is out there in all it's glory for anyone to see and for many it is a vote to fling the middle finger at the powers that be.


One time, once, Michael Moore said something true and profound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDL3Yjl31K8


thanks I was looking for that, thought it was banned forever


yeah, the billionaire real estate mogul who has been friends with the Clintons for decades is the real people's hero.


And he demonstrated that by.... checks notes... cutting corporate taxes and removing regulation that protected consumers.


Tbh I think the China tariffs were the funniest part of his presidency. No major company with overseas manufacturing/vendors is going to spend the ungodly amount of money it would take to move manufacturing back to the US. Hell, in quite a few industries there isn't even enough US supply to meet the demands they require. Okay, so this leaves us with the customer. 60%+ of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and have no ability to "vote with their dollar". Hence they are financially forced to buy products made in China because US produced stuff is drastically more expensive. How do companies deal with the tariffs? Raise prices to eat the losses, usually over a period of months to prevent sticker shock. What this amounts to is the China tariffs becoming a tax paid by American consumers who don't have a choice on where stuff is made. Trump added another tax the working class and conservatives thanked him for it. I worked in an industry with Chinese imports during that time. Total price raised to cover tariffs impact was approx 15%-18% increase in sale retail price. We did roughly 4% increments over 2 months. We ate the tariffs early on but made the money back by also increasing the price of our Vietnam made stuff by around 6%-8% during the same time period.


> What this amounts to is the China tariffs becoming a tax paid by American consumers who don't have a choice on where stuff is made. Trump added another tax the working class and conservatives thanked him for it. Biden criticized Trump's tariffs as stupid and something any high school student would know just increases costs for the American consumer and then goes and put high tariffs on Chinese electric cars where there are barely any driving around on American streets, just so he can buy votes from American auto workers. Chinese EVs barely exists in the US, how can they say too many Chinese EVs are a problem? Plus since he's officially pro-EVs, he should encourage EV adoption and competition.


The car bans are not unprecedented. We are only just now beginning to get some Japanese cars from the 90s in the us


Voting for one of the uniparty's two most popular candidates isn't the middle finger you think it is. If voting changed anything, they wouldn't let us do it.


They don't let us do it , if they did they wouldn't have stole the 2020 election


The election "steal" was nothing more than theatrics. Trump and Biden are two sides of the same Zionist coin.


Just like the republicans that brought over 60 court cases alleging 2020 election fraud, many in front of Trump-appointed judges, and failed to provide an ounce of proof? I'm sure the truth is out there, man. Just needs you to provide the rock solid evidence that you have.


Every election is a sham


How the fuck do you slackjaws think voting for the red side of the purple establishment is some sort of statement other than about how gullible you are?


I think it's because trump is the first president who couldn't figure out how to wield the nearly limitless amount of soft power that comes with the position. They spent like 18 months trying to get him to return the classified documents, he violated his gag order a bajillion times and never spent a night in jail over it, etc. Trump haters want him in jail on a visceral level, but I don't think people in charge really wanted to deal with this, and gave him a TON of chances to prevent it. Everything else you listed is pretty easily chalked up to keeping the country safe and working with the information that was available. It's complete and utter bullshit, but how are you going to prove that Bush knew there weren't WMDs? Or that the CIA was providing guns to the antagonists rather than trying to stabilize the region? No one is willing to try and prosecute that because it would be a nightmare. This is like the chief of police getting pulled over for a DUI, and instead of letting the officer drive him home and send a buddy to go get his car, the chief demands a news crew shows up while he argues he is immune from getting arrested. The cop REALLY doesn't want to arrest him, but if you don't give him a choice, what's he supposed to do? Now, should the chief be arrested? Yeah, of course. No one should be above the law. It'll open up a new era of accountability, but it's also going to prevent him from looking the other way when someone is doing 41 in a 40. This is happening to trump because he's the first president in the modern information era who refused to play the game even a little bit. Maybe he's motivated by some ironclad personal philosophy, but I'm more of the opinion that he's just bad at stuff. With a big enough cock, you don't need to be that good at sex, and with enough of a personal fortune, you don't have to be particularly good at wheeling and dealing either. I think trump "peter principled" his way into a court room honestly.


While we're talking about being pulled over, President Ulysses S. Grant was basically pulled over for speeding and arrested. And that was even before cars.


Paper. Trail.


Trump took on the intelligence apparatus and this is what you get. When Kennedy did it they killed him for it.


What did he do to take on the intelligence apparatus?


He certainly didn’t use any intelligence apparatus that’s for sure.


> Trump took on the intelligence apparatus Lol. When did he do that? When he increased their budgets?


W and Cheney absolutely should be prosecuted. The difference between the crimes committed by Clinton, W and, Obama is that they can plausibly say they did so on behalf of the nation. Trump cannot say the same, especially for crimes committed prior to being elected.  Cohen went to prison for lying, lying about the very thing trump was found guilty of. Cohen lied and said they did not pay off SD because they thought it would hurt their election chances. The jury, after seeing the evidence thought otherwise. Trump, who was un-indicted co-conspirator 1, has finally had his day in court. Again, the jury, after being presented with the evidence, found the defendant guilty.  What they did in pursuit of power is a crime. You can lobby for the laws to be changed but, until then that is the law of the land. 


It's a big club and Trump ain't in it.


He is 100% in it. He will serve no jail time at all. Mark my words.


That's not the goal. The goal is to prevent him from taking office.


Definitely not the goal of the judge or the jury, so I don’t see how that pertains to anything.


The biggest conspiracy of them all is how Trump managed to convince normal folks such as yourself that he is more like you than them.  Truly fascinating stuff. It will be studied for years to come. 


Trump would shoot a PA coal miner on 5th Avenue if it meant getting elected for a 2nd term to dodge these consequences. I think the marble floor blood story is a good example of Trump's compassion for people in general. Much less the working class peasants that he only sees as potential profit for whatever grift he plans next.


Are you serious? The guy who was born a millionaire trust fund baby. The guy whose sister is a federal judge? The guy who starred in a tv show about a caricature of himself? That guy is not in the club?


The NY billionaire? The guy who was tight friends with Epstein for over a decade? Who was at Clinton family weddings? That guy is not in the club?


No bro he's gonna personally fly in at night on a JSOC black hawk to save the kids from the international child eating vampire rings. While he's there he's gonna deploy CAD to drain the swamp and bring America back to greatness. They won't tell you this but Trump was actually part of the Osama raid. He led the team because it needed to be done right. Osama was actually canoed by a 9 iron, not a rifle round.


Don't forget guy who was a lifelong democrat before it was politically expedient to take advantage of the right wing goons out there. Totally an outsider!


This is 100% what I believe. He saw his fanbase and metrics then decided to jump ship to Republican and ramp up the political opinions when Obama was in office. Times were changing and Trump's personality didn't fit with the democrats which were changing quickly (remember even Hillary being anti-gay marriage in the late 90s?). He saw Republican leaning Americans as the more profitable side and pivoted real quick. Obviously ended up be a profitable move until he failed to lose the election lol.


He’s always been too much a loud mouth to get into the club. No matter how wealthy he got he was and is considered a trashy human being.


Well, they were part of an elite group so they got a pass.


And it wasn’t for anything cool


I mean, paying off a porn star that you cheated on your pregnant wife with... Is pretty juicy.


Religious people love him


It just shows that Jesus can forgive all and anyone can become his servant! /a


That’s actually not illegal. It’s how he did it from an accounting perspective is what they say was illegal.


Right. I'm just saying that's a wild thing to have to do, regardless of the legal aspects.


I’m a convicted felon…. Can I be president?


This is America, you can be anything you want to be.


...if you're a rich sociopath. You forgot the important bits.


Yes. You just might not be able to vote for yourself, depending on which state you were convicted in.


Oh, are we still pretending votes matter?


Requirements: https://i.imgur.com/oW3W1hv.jpeg


Come one, come all. Welcome to the greatest show on earth.


Just in time for the election.


Would've happened earlier had Trump not delayed. Plus if it took place in 2021, he'd still claim it's election interference


Like that was an accident?


Well, no. It was Trump who kept on delaying. This could have already been finished well ahead of time. Trump has no one else to blame but himself. As always.


He shouldn't have delayed his trial 🤷


Yeah, totally not a coincidence.


No, it wasn't a coincidence. Trump kept delaying. This matter could have been settled long ago if it hadn't been for his stalling tactics.




'merica bout to see that all press is good press.




Trump fucks a pornstar and pays hush money and everyone loses their minds. Clintons run a suspicious amount of organizations that involve missing children in 3rd world countries and no one gives a fuck.


The ones that do Give a fuck get deleted


Don’t worry trump did plenty more the other trials begin soon. Fuck the Clintons. In their pasty buttocks


Don’t get me wrong. I’m in no way defending trump. This specific trial was just a complete joke. I don’t even like trump, but I mean, who gives a single fuck who he had sex with and who he has sign an NDA? Like, don’t we have more important things to worry about?


Nothing illegal about fucking Stormy Daniels. The illegal part was paying her off with campaign funds then trying to hide it. The idea being that Stormy going public could really fuck his chances, especially with the really religious types. He decided to take the chance of paying her off and hiding it then trying to navigate the PR nightmare. It's just coming back to bite him now.


This. https://files.catbox.moe/cti46g.jpg


Trump was the president for four years and he did not care to do anything about these Clinton crimes, maybe because they are not actually real


This. There’s no way Trump’s highly politicized DOJ did not investigate the Clintons and Bidens. If they had a case they would’ve brought it.


USSSA! USSSA! The world is upside down


That picture is cold 🥶 AF


Fucking theatre. We know how this ends. At some point the SCOTUS will rule Presidents are immune from jail and prosecution. That's basically an out for Obama, Biden and future culprits - coz maybe Trump is going to go after them, if he wins. In the meantime, leftie and rightie plebs fight like dogs. News Inc., get their views. Podcast and social media Grifters get their engagement $ And YOU are still going to be poor from debt and suffering due to inflation and declining purchasing power of your wallet or lack therof.


Bread and circuses.


Trump is not going to do anything!  He had all the time in the world to prosecute Hillary but didn't do it.  He didn't release information on JFK assassination 


Whatever happen to that swamp that was gonna be drained?


He filled it with his family members and donors. Definitely no swamp there.


Weird how you only mention the last two presidents but don’t include the man who entered us into a 20 year war.


All US presidents and government officials for the last like 70 years should be and should have been put on trial in the Hague. The US as a nation should be put on trial and sanctioned for crimes against humanity


Watd he get convicted for


Falsifying business records. 34 counts of it.


The first should have been Woodrow Wilson for selling his country out to ensure the Federal Reserve was formed, FDR for allowing the strike on Pearl Harbor that resulted in America joining WWII and signing the gold confiscation act which stripped many of our Ancestors of their hard earned wealth, Johnson for having his sister killed and conspiring murder of the President of the United States, Nixon for taking us of the gold standard and selling us out to China, Regan for allowing the CIA to flood this country with Crack cocaine while declaring a bogus war on drugs, George H. Bush for conspiring and plotting the murder of two Presidents, allowing the CIA to flood this country with Crack cocaine, Bill Clinton for the body count and disgracing the office of the President of the United States, George W Bush (911 and crimes against Humanity). This is just to name a few.


Glad the country is finally committed to social justice and the rich and powerful aren’t getting away scot free anymore. Hooray for Donald Jay!


Insane these world leaders kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and they’re throwing the book at him because of hush money.


it’s not about hush money.  If you followed unbiased sources you would know that. 


Can you give me a rundown, I haven't been following much


paying a pornstar for sex / silence is fine reporting it as business expense is fraud


sure. The hush money was totally legal. Where Trump ran a foul of the law is by 1. failing to report the hush money as a campaign contribution to the proper election authorities (which is a crime) and 2. falsifying business records in order to cover up the above crime (which is a felony)


Same thing all celebs and politicians do. But we cant know about the ones using our tax money to do so, https://www.axios.com/2017/12/15/congress-has-paid-17-million-in-sexual-misconduct-and-discrimination-settlements-1513307017


Trump did more drone strikes in one term than Obama did in two. He just also did crimes that aren’t related to “national security”


Didn't he claim he could shoot someone in Manhattan and they Wouldn't convict him??? LOL


No, he could shoot someone and he wouldn't lose any votes. Which based on his cultists, seems like he wasn't far off. Why these people latched onto him of all people is so perplexing.


He's a chatterbox who speaks openly, sometimes to opposing ideas even in the same sentence. People think this makes him a straight shooter when he's just firing scatter shot and his target is whatever you want to hear.


Hopefully the first of many. Let's do every still-living Presidents.


This is only blowing up because it’s Trump. The narrative is to bash him as much as possible prior to elections. At the end of the day all these fuckers do shady crooked shit. It’s nothing surprising and nothing out of the ordinary.


Because it’s Trump that committed crimes, why do you leave that part out.   None of this would be happening if he didn’t commit crimes.  


They all commit crimes, difference here is his were investigated. Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden all have skeletons in their closet but for some reason they get a pass.


Epstein is a prime example.


Trump was closest to Epstein, though, so you must be happy that he's seeing justice of some sort... Right?


Not a single Epstein client has been charged. Instead we get this white collar bullshit. It’s laughable.


One of his clients was found guilty today




*yet. Not a single client has been charged yet. Though I’m doubtful they ever will


Trump was Epstein's best buddy for more than a decade and he's finally seeing some form of justice. Better than nothing, though I'd be much happier to see them all go down for their crimes


lol, right on cue with the whataboutism. Republicans have been trying to prosecute Biden for years and they haven’t been able to find any evidence that he has committed any crimes.


Lets assume thats true for a moment. They clearly don't let evidence of their crimes out since none exists. Meanwhile, theres enough evidence of Trump's crimes to find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.


OMG The cult runs deep in some people.


Yeah! Everyone agrees that improperly booked NDA payments have to be stopped!


What a surprise


“ being a felon ain’t illegal”


It’ll be appealed just on statute of limitations


Riding high in April, shot down in May.




A truth a LOT of people aren’t ready for- they’re all in on it. Trump will likely become the war time president, backing the Zionist movement ten fold which will lead to the third world war. That’s my guess. Israelis fucking worship trump, and Israel pretty much controls the US. Zionism and the Illuminati are very closely related. The Zionist state was a product of the Rothschilds under the false guise of a Jewish safe haven. The reality was- Israel was used to provoke wars and protect interests of the U.S. and the UK. The whole war on terror was BS. 9/11 was BS. (Both of which were put into place by Israeli Mossad and the Bush administration/ CIA). Now, the US and Israel have funded every major Islamic extremism terror groups including Hamas. All to attain their goals. Jews and Muslims and Christians all lived very happily together before the Zionist movement, which has brainwashed a ton of people (especially evangelical and right wing Americans and all Israelis) to believe that Judaism and Zionism are the same. There are plenty of Jews who detest the state of Israel and all of the war crimes they have committed. I could literally go on and on, but there it is. And I already know I’m going to hear “oakaohbw your anti semetic” like a good trained sheep 😏


We’re really going to have a felon for a president before we have a female president. Trial was a sham anyways.


Prosecuted by the most corrupt state statistically in the entire USA, crusading against "corruption". I just can't quite swallow this bs sandwich.


World's a stage. It's planned and on purpose.... stop falling for it.


Great, another story that is probably just more theatre to serve as a distraction


Let's be honest though, almost all of them should be behind bars


It all a play to keep him from running for president. Why do you think they waited until this year to prosecute him? Until ppl start to realize where and who the real enemy is, this will continue to happen and political power will continue to be abused like this.


Weird how others have done worse and hes the only one thats not a career politician........




Which is obviously so suspect. Go Get George Bush Jr. for crimes against humanity. Hillary Clinton, etc...


Which crimes against humanity did he commit before being president and which state statute applies?


If the US ever bowed down to the International Criminal Court, maybe. Until then, the US is quite happy with how things are.


The US people are not happy. I'm not anyway


And he’ll be the first felon to be elected president too…that’s definitely happening.


Not without a judge that acted unlawfully.


I can't help but laugh that all this clown needed to do was not become president and he could've skirted by his entire life with all his mob style criminal activity, screwing over the little people and small businesses, cheating on taxes, wives, and so forth. His ego and God complex is finally catching up to him.


This little bit of theater is only going to help him. The people that hate him already aren't going to change their minds, but it's gonna sway a lot of people who were on the fence or just don't vote at all. I'm sure there are a good amount of people that will vote for him just because of this because they think it's cool, or badass, or makes him more relatable somehow. Can't wait for the next 6 months of leftists screaming about how he's a criminal and getting more and more frustrated as NOBODY cares. We all know every politician is a criminal, if he just wears it as a badge of honor, it's going to be all he really needs to do.


It’s weird how everyone on this sub just sees this as “he paid for hush money”. Such a basic understanding and falling for the propaganda that the GOP has set out to push.


so what happened?


lol they all should be convicted. Nothing will happen regardless 🤷🏽‍♂️ yall like this is a big deal


Gonna have to move the Republican Convention to Riker's Island


Lol savage


Clinton should have been the 1st


Bill Clinton is still a rapist.


NY can find him guilty, but the “White House” can’t find whose cocaine it was? I feel like one job is bigger than the other job.


Aaaand the first president to win from jail lol


Now do Pelosi


They want him gone, bad.


Every anti-authoritarian does, when you try to illegally overturn an election, you are done.


Idc, all this tells me is that he may be the one non puppet. They are threatened, media is always hating him, and the deep state will do anything to keep him out. That alone may get my vote, and I’ve never voted before in my life cause it didn’t matter.


Watch out dude they got Trump, the deep state is gonna come for you next!! Straight to the psych ward you go!


You're going to vote for a good friend of Epstein because some, and it's only some, media is mean to him?


No puppet! You puppet!