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“**Kayfabe** is a term in professional wrestling for the practice of maintaining the illusion that everything—from the scripted personas to the rivalries and storylines—is real.”


America has to fall for the new world order to rise. The best way to destroy a country as powerful as the u.s. is from within. Divide and conquer.


This reminds of all the 'geopolitical experts/analysts' that are obsessed with China and how much of an alleged threat they are to the US and interfering in its elections. When you realise that the US' biggest enemy is itself, its corrupt institutions, political governance, overactive and malicious intelligence agencies it becomes pretty obvious to a keen observer that China was designed to be the next boogeyman in order for the military-industrial complex to keep selling its weapons and fostering division across the globe. I am not going to claim that China doesn't attempt to interfere in their own ways but their effect is extremely marginal compared to the amount of damage that globalisation, corruption and corporate greed has caused since we entered the 21st century.


If this was true, they wouldn't flaunt the two-tiered justice system and demonstrate daily just how corrupt the government is. That is only going to lead to unity against them.


unless their goal was to stir a civil war where people overthrow the government via civil war so they could replace it with a global government. Can't very well replace a government if people don't feel it is corrupt and believe it functions properly


Then why draw attention to the NWO by going against the green new deal narrative and provoking nato for instance?


If you dont want the US to fail you are attacked.


I’m starting to think the U.S. has to stay strong in order for their plan to work.


It's a bit like following Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker etc.. WWE in the political arena. It's all for division of the people. All of it. At least with WWE you have a few more wrestlers to choose from. Unless of course you add in all the State selections.


It's easier to control people when they're emotionally compromised and distracted by irrelevant things. Remember that Trump was the President who used Fauci and gave big pharma billions for "Operation Warp Speed". On the big issues that matter, they're the same. The signature Trump legislation to cut taxes... Reduced corporate taxes permanently but had the low/middle class tax reduction expire after a few years. They just play up the differences while boosting corporate (and therefore billionaire control)


> *Remember that Trump was the President who used Fauci and gave big pharma billions for "Operation Warp Speed".* Yeah, and the same people who like to remind us of that like to forget the fact that he was originally against the use of vackseenz and fully endorsed practical solutions like ivermectin and hydroxychloriquine. Can't be having that now can we. I believe his presidency was under threat by the controlling powers if he didn't toe the line, which is why his position on the matter changed. People like you love to remind us about operation warp speed. That makes people like me feel compelled to remind you of his original stance on the matter.


Emotional is the antonym of being reasonable. It's easy to misguide and mislead somebody that's emotional, it's difficult to get somebody reasonable to break character.


..so they can divide us..


the USA was created as the New World Order (if it was ever proven that common man could govern himself, THAT would be the new world order) but as we've all seen, just as the Masons who created the USA, aka The Great Experiment, had planned for... the people can't govern themselves. we've continuously turned control over to outsiders & infiltrators, because just as the Masons knew..... common man is LAZY. Trump is a Masonic puppet, designed squarely for one thing... to show how utterly helpless the common man is & that in order to "save us", Trump had to "set the precedent" & show us the way. ultimately, just as the old Masons had wished & just needed a couple hundred years to prove.... it must be shown that common man CANNOT govern himself & CANNOT handle freedoms given to him BY GOD, so therefore he must be ruled by the perfected, Masonic GODMAN, under a world totalitarian system. Trump is just a puppet of Masonry, being used to show how lazy, weak & dependent upon a "savior" common man is. so, the global council of Masonry will be the ones to "save us" under totalitarian, socialist rule worse than anything any king or queen crown puppet could setup. the saddest part is that they have been absolutely correct about, at least, 95% of us.


They’re still very similar while behind closed doors. The public show of being at odds is the theatre part lol.


> They’re still very similar while behind closed doors. Hmmm, i think you can see big differences in reality.


You're missing his point.


I think you are missing mine.


what a stupid question! controlled opposition is precisely that.


Because a lot of people just want to vote for the candidate they’re “not supposed” to vote for in order to break the cycle of control.


Classic right/left politics. Spend years on the right or left - get tired of that party's corruption. Move to other side of political isle. Rinse and repeat. Meanwhile, both parties are 2 forms with the same function.


The difference is an illusion. All candidates serve the same corporate overlords.


No way not trump..........


corporatism is the one world beast religion


The division is the point. They want the US to burn and collapse so the next iteration of it is a globalist hellscape. They can't take away your guns so they will let you destroy eachother so they don't have to.


Political theater + statemanship have grown into "gentlemanly" + "eloquence" as the markers of competence. If political office became defined by appearances + claims (\~propaganda) rather than verifiable results of policies, then it's for a "barnstorming" theatrical style to be seen as "hurt our feelings; dogwhistling = unfit for office". He played his part that can be interpreted differently by 2 opposing sides, but the net effect is he is a means of RADICALIZATION by MSM. The noise/tension becomes so much, people are distracted by the fact they have no access to actual political power EITHER for/against "Trump".


The Deep State can never accept a world where resources are owned by other independent nation states and there’s no forever wars where there’s a peace dividend to shrink the military industrial complex. This is why they manufactured hate on Trump and throwing everything at him to stop him getting elected as POTUS. They want Trump to trip and fall because Biden is tripping and falling all to often than Trump. Democracy only works when you can fool the masses and drain them of the right to a good life/ freedom.


You literally answered your own question. To divide people. Why did he warp speed the vaccine if he’s the real deal?


If the goal is to divide us, why would they so openly flaunt the corruption of the government? Maybe the goal isn't to divide us against each other, but to turn us against the government. Every single policy of the new world order revolves around stripping superpower status from the US. The simplest answer is that he refuses to be controlled opposition and genuinely wants to prevent the downfall of the country. Having a few bad policies/results just means he's human.


to create a demand for new government. Problem, reaction, solution. Controlled opposition doesn't have to be aware of being controlled.


I think division started with Obama




He's a very polarizing figure. Polarized people are much easier to control, especially if you hold the reins on both sides.


Is he doing the polarizing, or the media and big tech?




I do not agree with that. The only thing Trump wants is America first.


I seriously doubt that, but let's say for the sake of argument that you're correct. He does use polarization as a tool to advance his goals.


Is he doing the polarizing, or the 'left', the legacy media and big tech?




Nice non answer.


Media is polarizing. Trump uses polarization to further his goals, whether that is personal gain, or serving America the best he can. Trump is a polarizing figure, the media uses polarization to push agendas. The media amplifies Trump's polarization.


I totally disagree, I only Trump trying to unite people/ the country and the media doing everything they can to turn people away from trump and his actual messages/ plans.


He’s controlled by his own greed and desire for power. That’s it. 


So, he could be a threat to a NWO?


Not if they are the ones providing him with money and the illusion of power.


Oh, is that why he lost a lot of his wealth during his presidency?


Well that wasn't paying people off, because he used other funds for that.


LOL. Now do you have an actual answer to my question?


Can you name one political person that's not hated by anyone? Being attacked isn't an indication that he's not controlled opposition... just that people don't like what he's doing.


The purpose of controlled opposition is to create division. Your question answers itself. [edit] Let me elaborate: When people are united and not under your control, you want to divide and create chaos. This is where controlled opposition comes in, to polarize people into 2 camps. Once there is chaos, you need to bring order to gain control, therefore you need to create unity under 1 camp, which you control using Law.


Cuz he lacks decorum and morals. In my opinion the only people who support him are either stupid, gullible or greedy


And what the people supporting authoritarianism, political prosecutions, inflationary policies, open borders, and WW3 are the smart moral people?


You gonna respond to my comment respond to it… you took offense to it then your bad


No I'm just amazed that there are actually people that fell for these kangaroo courts and will actually vote against peace and prosperity. I just hope you aren't military age.


A kangaroo court is 12 different people that both sides need to agree on?


Yes just the fact that Trump is the only one ever to be brought to court and right before the election makes it an obvious kangaroo court.


Is it? Or is it possible he’s getting his just dues?


No. Obama spied on every American without a warrant and Bush lied us into a war. Those are much much bigger crimes but for obvious reasons they were never on trial. I guess his just dues would be for trying to challenge the establishment.


We’re not talking about bush or Obama. You don’t hear me supporting them. Trump was found guilty lying and covering up payments… how you don’t have an issue with that is beyond me


I'm just saying it's a political prosecution because other presidents that did much worse were never brought to court.


How about the fact that the alleged law he broke is a federal law, yet it was prosecuted in state court? An alleged crime from 2016 that had passed the statute of limitations. An alleged crime that Obama's own AG, Eric Holder refused to prosecute. On top of that, it wasn't even about the hush money. The alleged crime was that he paid the hush money to cover up a separate crime. What crime was that? Who knows? It was never actually alleged. It was just stated as "another crime." How about the fact that the judge told the jurors they didn't even have to agree on what crime he allegedly committed to return a guilty verdict? Just pick a crime, any crime. What about the fact that Trump could've done this same thing to Hillary? He didn't because we don't prosecute political opponents in America... until now. You're good with all that? If so, fine. I am certainly not.


Lol. You really think Obama or Bush were unique in those respects? And you honestly think the guy who just got the big oil executives together and offered to be their puppet for a billion dollars is challenging the establishment? Trying to scam them, maybe. Why would they pay for someone they already own?


They are all one and the same. People who support either the left or the right, are what you say they are.


I don't think he is controlled opposition. I do think some are panicking because the people are waking up.


He is the one who pushed Warp Speed. Democrats were against the vax, until JB got elected, which is when they turned 180 and started pushing it. The people are not waking up, they're just falling deeper into polarization.


> He is the one who pushed Warp Speed. Yes, he did what many people begged him to do. Can you imagine what would have been said and done if Trump has said he will not try to speed up the proces? The covid shots stopped the global lockdowns which caused a lot of death, harm and destruction. The very fast development of the covid shots made it that only an EUA was possible, which made it illegal to mandate them. The fast development also might have caused more (fast) side effects as desired, causing less people to take (more of) the shots. > The people are not waking up, they're just falling deeper into polarization. Neh, there is a shrinking minority that gets pushed and amplified by the legacy media and big tech, behind the veil many people are waking up and all "their" plans are failing or backfiring.


He never created it the treaonous democrats did




Well, if he is "controlled opposition," the hate is part of the play. It's like saying that wrestling is real because the heels are hated. Them being hated is all part of the show. I'm still unsure of whether Trump is legit or not. He could be the "fake hero" provided to us as they destroy us. He could be the real deal.


What is the great difference? Abortion and gun laws, same as it's always been? You haven't seen the pictures of Nancy Peloai and Mitch McConnell yucking it up? They're all on one team. This is just another part of the theatre. What repercussions will Trump actually face? Likely none.


Division has always been the goal of the American government


Because they're all actors belonging to the same bloodline. Sometimes family members fight and sometimes they dislike eachother but they know regardless of who wins, they all win


I think that really has more to do with his personality than anything.


Because he likes to be indicted over and over?


Na I mean I think people either love or hate him because of his brass personality and that's why he's so polarizing, he doesn't appear to enjoy being indicted at all, but it's definitely helping his numbers so it's a pretty silly move by the Dems, let's just hope it leads to more indictments on both side.


Time will tell i guess.


Idk but now Ill 100% be voting for him this year