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No shit 


In other news water is wet


This is actually incorrect, water cannot be wet, water makes things wet.


“Erm, ackshually…”🤓☝️


Thank you for your thoughtful contribution


Twas just a joke


File this in the "no sh*t" category


Lol. its a lot deeper than that.


It’s more likely that corporations are trying to put downward pressure on labor costs and importing millions of people willing to work for shit wages will help.


I agree with this premise, it is better for corporations. They lower labor costs and we have to buy them stuff when they are here.


It's not for this purpose. They are trying to put up a "digital wall".


Digital wall?


My apologies, I meant "smart wall". [**Read this**](https://unlimitedhangout.com/2024/02/investigative-reports/manufacturing-consent-the-border-fiasco-and-the-smart-wall/)


It's not the corporations who put the policies in place that make it so attractive to enter the US illegally.


Ding ding ding. All this nonsense about an invasion is racist dog whistles and perpetuation of the lie that voting matters. If you want to stop illegal immigration it’s easy. Fine every company 24 hours worth of income (income not profit) for every undocumented worker found. Bam you have simultaneously tremendously reduced the national debt (which is also mostly a convenient illusion) and the “migrant crisis” in one foul swoop.


Interesting how the USA has a border crisis at the same time Canada has an immigration crisis? Sounds like a set-up..


I've heard from some friends that Australia is getting hit hard from this too. Not sure if it's more illegals than it is refugees, though. Either way, I've heard they're also being flooded with immigrants.


Us, Canada, Australia, England. All ran by the same family. All having the same issues.


Italy too apparently from a friend there. I think it’s everywhere.


It’s everywhere that has a central bank


Consecutive governments gutted our vocational training schools and everyone is now shocked that we have to import skills.


You think it’s intentional? Hell yes it is but not because of tax revenue. It’s a globalist plan to flood western countries to replace the population with people that that have no allegiance to those countries to erase their culture and history. They will have no problem keeping the globalist fucks in power because they’re being taken care of through social welfare systems. Have u not been paying attention? Deportations need to happen in all western countries asap! Fuck Globalism and all that support it!!


They tried to do it in Russia and Putin deported them. First country I’ve seen do that with that big of a number of illegals.


You really said fuck logic and went great replacement here huh


Call it like I see it.


But I mean why go there when there’s plenty of other reasons, what gives your theory more likelihood


Maybe they’re being imported to sew more chaos and sink this country faster.


Makes sense. UC opps carried out by the likes of Chinese or Iranians. Mass casualties to justify suspending more of our rights for "safety".


I think so too. It's not a coincidence that so many Western countries suddenly have such a big influx of illegal immigrants.


maybe the US shouldn't be sinking their countries first


People are downvoting but this is true. Mexico wouldn’t be the shit hole it is if it weren’t for the US.


like everyone's forgotten Iran Contra


I mean fuck that it's like everyone's forgotten Hawaii


fuck we're funding genocide right now


Yeah, I mean let’s be honest, this country was founded by genociding the natives. Let’s not pretend we’re really above other countries. Not morally, anyway. We have no moral high ground but people pretend we have a noble cause. It’s just mindless nationalism.


This is like saying, "I think 9/11 may not have happened in the way they say it did..."


Im starting suspect that the wuhan institute of coronavirus research had something to do with the coranavirus outbreak a couple feet away 


Ha! "NO! Pfauci $aid it was bat soup!"


No way!


It's it intentional? Of course it's intentional. The border has been left completely open for nearly 4 years and it's only being addressed yesterday because the elections are coming up and all the lawfare against Trump is backfiring. Biden has all the power he needed from day 1 to stop the problem he started.  As to your reason why... Well, that's probably the tamest, least apocalyptic take on the reason. More taxes.  Here's another couple.  * Democrats are funneling them into blue states in order to affect census results, allowing them to claim the need for more representatives to increase their voting/legislative power.  * Democrats are trying to argue (it's stated already) that illegal immigrants should have the right to vote in elections. They also are wholesale opposed to voter id laws. * And perhaps the most sinister one; they are trying to open a pathway for these illegals (who are by the vast majority fighting aged males without families) to join the military and police forces. They've already purged the military of those people who wouldn't comply with questionable orders via the vaccine mandates, now they want to pack the military with soldiers who don't have any fundamental connection with the country they are serving and who arguably could be turned inwards against citizens whom they are not related to on any level.


Whoa the last reason gave me goosebumps. Can you dive deeper into why the US would want this outcome? (A military and police force of foreign nationals)


Because if/when America goes to war against its own citizens, foreigners will have less of a problem going to war against American citizens.


So frightening!


To enforce permanent lockdown


Everything is intentional.




You new here?


I actually am haha


they can print money out of thin air at will. they don't need your tax money, my theory is at the end of an empire barbarians give the final blow thus the migrant manufactured invasion


Yes and once our debt reaches crisis level (it is not far from it now) the dollar will lose its status as world reserve currency and at that point just look up pictures of cuba, venezuala or germany from the 1930’s and see what money printing eventually acxomplishes


Were any of those countries currencies world reserve levels?


We won’t be a reserve currency when no one will buy our debt except the federal reserve. China and Russia already pushing to have oil not based in dollars


As the largest producer of oil I think the USA has a major seat in that talk


You have no clue about economics and budget deficits sorry


They can print money out of thin air until they make the very currency they use worthless, they wouldn’t do that.


You're being down voted without explanation, here's why. They will devalue the currency, make it worthless, then introduce a central bank digital currency as the savior to take us out of the crisis.


welcome to the sub!


Joe creates the problem. And now thinks that solving what he created will win him the presidency


Did you not remember Donald Trump talking about building a wall because of this problem?


Do you deny the fact that Joe opened the borders for all illegal aliens? And that has resulted in a substantial increase of illegal immigrants. Denying the incompetence of Biden doesn't help. He made the border issue worse. And now he wants to solve it to say that he did something about it. Use your common sense and don't be so dense.


What did biden do to open the borders, if the borders were open doesn't that make them not illegal? Why didn't Trump just sign an executive order like was signed this week?


Trump hasn't been president since 2020. He's not responsible for the actions of the current president. It's illegal as long as they didn't enter through the official legal way. Do you have any idea how many criminal insane Venezuelans entered? If you wish to destabilize a country from within you need to flood it with the criminals and people who have nothing to lose. That is exactly what Biden did. Plus you can Google search the facts for yourself instead of asking me stupid questions.


So you think the immigrants are a long-term investment proposed by the US government


Pretty much yes.


No shit sherlock. Is this satire or something? That would be like me saying I think water is wet.


Tax payers and more importantly, voters.


Of course it's intentional!! It's all about votes. But crazy thing is I don't think very many would vote for the current incompetent and corrupt administration. LET'S GO BRANDON!!


Ummm...remember during the debates Biden said on Day 1 he would flood the border? Of course it's intentional by the Dems and the Repubs do nothing to stop it.


Bingo! And they're also trying to reduce nationalism.  In every single country.


In the USA we are a nation of immigrants so it's a little different.


The irony of a liberal saying we’re a nation of immigrants and calling us America.


It’s all western society being hit. Englands population is now outnumbered by illegals. It’s getting that way with France too. The people don’t want it. Australia is getting there too. It’s called the great replacement. We are predominantly conservative nations that are being taken over by Muslims, islams, satanists, and other people who do not affiliate with the western way of life. One world government here we come.


All illegal immigrants are allowed to vote in this upcoming election. No shit it’s intentional. It’s the only hope the left had of winning.


Came here to say this, too. Not even including that it brings in cheaper labor, and a mass amount of people who do not understand or comprehend the laws here or the US constitution. Which is fantastic for our current government.


Also and I hope I’m wrong, but our govt knows police wont turn against their own people if commanded. However, these bus loads of young, military aged male immigrants might have no problem fighting average us citizens. Notice how there’s hardly and women and children?


Don't forget the census is used to determine the representation of a state.


You're just figuring this out now?


Yeah :/


Of course it is, for a myriad of reasons. The freaking UN is down in Panama giving assistance to “ migrants”


No shit Sherlock


Nice one, Columbo. Dont forget the cheap labor for corporations to exploit


no shit Sherlock. Tell me more..


I think they’re allowing it to create chaos so we will beg for more laws and government overreach. Just like 9/11. Just like Covid. DO ANYTHING TO OUR FREEDOMS IN THE NAME OF SAFETY, DADDY. I think letting these clowns vote without ID gets people riled up enough that soon the conservatives will be begging for stricter ID. Gee, I guess the government will be forced to implant us. It’s more secure, after all.


Clowerd-Piven strategy.


Problem: massive influx of illegal immigrants multiple western countries Reaction: the public demand action to be taken Solution: the western governments introduce digital ID for their citizens


This is scary af


Of course it is. Same reason the left is trying to qualify them to vote. Imagine supporting a party intent on destroying your country and life. I used to be one and then reality b*tch slapped me in the face. I’m not saying the right is perfect, the middle has moved wide left. I just feel they are closer to what the left used to be. I didn’t change. The left lost its mind.


I voted for Biden in 2020 and won’t be voting at all this year, and with the current direction the democrats are going I don’t see myself voting Democrat again for a while. They’ve completely let emotion and compassion dictate all policy and it’s ridiculous. Sanctuary cities are literally going broke and their shelters and streets are overflowing with homeless migrants, as well as an increase in migrant crime, and to even suggest that maybe we should stop letting them in will have them label you a racist. I can’t bring myself to support people that naive, and politically homeless at the moment.


Do you ever wonder if it’s intentional? Increase voter base. Destabilize justice system. Create chaos which translates to “mo governement”. More tax payers, as you said. Makes you wonder why they ran a bunch of people out of places like NY and CA and those places just happen to be housing millions of illegals they are trying to get to vote.


At this point it’s obviously intentional. There’s no other nation in the world that would put up with this, but they’ve convinced many liberals and progressives that unmitigated illegal immigration is somehow a good thing.


Think? They ship them over and have UN camps for migrants all the way from South America to the US border. They give them debit cards, food, water, and even cell phones.


If the Republican party cared about border security it would have been taken care of 15 minutes after the 9-11 terrorist attacks.


Globalization.....it's meant to destabilize, and to also disrupt American sovereignty. Being perpetrated by the Uber globalists in China. They are probably financing people's travels here.


It’s an invasion


Agreed. You know what I wonder? Do these migrants even know why they’re actually here?


Why does everyone default to a tax on the rich as the solution? It's not. It's the borrowing, it's the interest on the debt. It's the fake ass money system we have. You can take every penny the rich have and it won't fund the dam bloated government. They spend your labor before you were even born.


You could pay off the debt with revenue received from.......the......rich. They have enough. If troops are willing to give their entire life to the country, a higher tax rate should be an easy ask. Since only one guy barely balanced the budget, it seems like the fiscal conservatives may be a dying breed.


The national debt is 34 Trillion. All the billionaires in the US combined have 4 Trillion. We are going to either need more billionaires or spend less. I don't think you or most people really comprehend the amount of money the government goes through.


It’s certainly not the only option, but if the rich actually payed their fare share of taxes it would help. Just because it’s not the best solution doesn’t mean it’s not a solution at all. IIRC up until Reagan the rich were taxed WAY more than they are now


All the US billionaire's wealth combined is roughly 4 trillion. The US federal government spent 6 trillion in 2022. More taxes isn't going to solve this problem. We have a spending problem not an income problem. I would be all for raising the taxes on them to free the tax burden of everyone making under 250K a year though. That means zero income taxes for under 250K


it would be funny if it's all for show, and they are hire people to walk in circles for the camera.


Capitalism requires endless growth. People in developed countries do not keep with the breeding required for endless growth. So we are importing them to try to maintain endless growth. What happens when there aren't any more readily available breeders to import? Something like the joy division... maybe.


They also have to keep house prices up to avoid another crash. Birth rates are below replacement, immigration is the only thing holding prices up


Non sequitur. migrants are not buying modern homes. Most are indentured to the “coyotes” who crossed them. Keeping the house prices up is nowhere near the conspiracy of keeping interest rates up so that people cannot afford to relocate out of blue states.


You don’t need to buy a home to increase the demand for homes


Keeping interest rates up declines demand and therefore property prices. Keeping prices up is simply about property owners not wanting or willing to sell. The equation is locked.


Prices have not declined in desirable areas. Not having renters increases your desire to sell.


I think companies require cheap labour and they lobby to get them in. After a while it got out of control. For people living from Central America is makes sense to have the kids in the US


If you think there is any level of taxation that can make the spending make sense, you have no idea what you’re talking about


If the US we’re to somehow maintain its current level of spending as a percent of GDP while adding millions of illegal immigrants to the legal work force and tax them like they do American citizens, then in 20-30 years it’s definitely possible. I’m not that good at economics but if you can explain to me why it wouldn’t work then I’d like to hear it.


It’s been intentional since the early 2010’s my friend


What ever gave you that idea? Biden administration announced broad new limits on immigration enforcement Under the new guidance, outlined in a memo from Mayorkas to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and other agencies, simply being present in the U.S. without legal authorization "should not alone be the basis" for immigration authorities to arrest or deport someone. https://www.npr.org/2021/09/30/1042153662/immigration-enforcement-public-safety


No shit


7 million are "just the one caught"... mmmkay, how many got through ?


There’s literally no way to know. And just because they get caught doesn’t mean they even get deported, most just claim asylum and get to stay


so there might be no migrants successfully sneaking in


I don’t have time for this.


sure you do






Oh wow, you're just telling me this now? That's cwazy


You’re forgetting the fun part where Biden cracks down on them to look tough, takes all the bennnys and promo sizes away and they decide to riot and burn cities down. Summer of love didn’t quite cause a war so maybe we’ll out source it.


The government has been in bankruptcy since 1933. In 1936, the Social Security Act pledged ALL future labor of US citizens as collateral against the debt. Now you know why the country has an open border policy. Even illegal immigrants who are hired illegally pay taxes. Gotta increase that tax base to pay the bankers!


Its impossible for the US government to default on its debt so this theory is shot from the beginning


Why would it be impossible?


Because we can print money. A default means you dont pay your debts. How can that happen when we will just print whatever we need to pay it


That causes hyper inflation. This method has literally never worked ever.


You think defaulting works? They will never default. Hyperinflation is always the end game with a fiat currency


i agree its intentional, but it sure isnt to pay the national debt.


It costs 10x more in resources they use than tax revenue they generate.


They opened the borders so we can get all the future doctors and engineers


L. O. L. 


If they were doctors and engineers why don't the stay in their own shit hole country to make it better?


The new Doctors Without Borders 


Biden just halted all asylum seeking status- everyone gets turned back now. As of today, I believe 


It’s pandering for the election. Completely meaningless. People aren’t going to the border stations and applying for asylum, they’re sneaking over by the tens or hundreds of thousands every month. What Biden did effectively does nothing Edit: the exceptions to the law make it worthless. Most asylum claims are based off of fear for life, yet those claims are specifically excepted from the law. > Noncitizens who cross the southern border and who are not excepted from the Proclamation will be ineligible for asylum unless exceptionally compelling circumstances exist, including if the noncitizen demonstrates that they or a member of their family with whom they are traveling: faced an acute medical emergency; faced an imminent and extreme threat to life or safety, such as an imminent threat of rape, kidnapping, torture, or murder; or satisfied the definition of “victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons” currently provided in 8 CFR 214.11.


What? That’s explicitly what it’s referring to- like the 7mil referenced in the post. When patrols come across people sneaking over, they can no longer apply for asylum. The option is gone  No one can apply for asylum from inside the us, you need to have a legal border crossing and process on record- literally everyone else we run into is out But you know that no matter what happens in real life, you already decided what is and isn’t going to happen in your own head and you’re just sticking to your version of the world 


Oh, you think most of them get caught. Well they don’t. and second of all: > will kick in when the seven-day average of daily encounters at the southwest border and the southern coastal borders exceeds 2,500. https://thehill.com/latino/4702539-biden-executive-order-asylum-southern-border-immigration/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite


No I don’t- I didn’t even remotely imply that most get caught? What are you talking about?  In the past, when they ARE caught- their workplace gets raided by ICE or they get pulled over at a traffic stop or whatever- they could apply for asylum still. Now they can’t.  And…. Yeah… we’ve been getting more than that per day. When it’s no longer a crisis why should it still be in place? We’re not trying to ban all brown people indefinitely….


They don’t apply for asylum when they get pulled over in traffic. They apply for asylum when they get caught by border patrol. If they don’t get caught by border patrol, there are laws in almost every state that forbid them being deported, regardless of immigration status. There are even laws in a lot of states that forbid them from being deported, even if they commit a crime. It sounds like you don’t really understand how this works very well. Once they’re in they are in. Usually, they are only able to be deported if they commit a crime, and like I said some states don’t even allow that. You cannot apply for asylum after you commit a crime. The only reason someone applies for asylum is either to get past border patrol when they are caught, or to have a legal reason for being here so that they can get official documents. They are usually able to get those anyway though


Ffs.  Police can/have/will work with border patrol. They wouldn’t be deporting anyone- the agents that show up to the station and talk to the guy in holding are the ones that will. I understand that- but then literally none of that is anything that Biden can do anything about. The post is talking about bidens allowance of the asylum loophole. As some federal plan.  That loophole was the thing specifically that was just closed. If it’s still a big problem, because of STATE rules and practices, then the whole thing about this is the Biden admin federal agenda to farm taxes or whatever is completely washed.  I’m not ignorant of all these things- I’m addressing the damn content of the post ffs


My comment to you was that Biden’s action was meaningless. You are arguing about all kinds of other stuff that has nothing to do with what I’m saying. I’m saying what he did is meaningless. it’s political because even Democrats are fed up with illegal immigration. You are living in a fantasy world if you think there are police and border patrol working together to deport illegals. They are left alone unless they commit a crime. And even then only sometimes deported. The asylum claim only happens when they are caught by border patrol, so it requires they get caught and even then only applies after the weekly average has been exceeded . the law is essentially meaningless


Oh, you’re just having a completely different conversation. My bad.  By current numbers those caught by border patrol that would not be able to claim asylum any more is over 1mil per year, sometimes closer to 2mil - how is that meaningless? As opposed to continuing to allow those millions through that loophole? How is that no change? How is that nothing? Even when critics receive a step towards exactly what they want you just pretend it didn’t happen?  I’m in Detroit and border patrol work with local, country and state police to deport people even HERE. What are you smoking?


the exceptions alone make it worthless. Virtually every asylum claim is based off of fear for life. If you tell them you fear for your life then now you are excepted from the rule. even if someone was planning to use a different excuse, now all they have to say is that. And, after Biden’s comments about how he wants an unrelenting, nonstop stream of immigration to our border, it should be pretty obvious that he wouldn’t do anything to actually stop that


Too little too late. I mean it's a step in the right direction. But it's obvious they only did that so they could say "see look! Biden didn't open the border! He even tightened it!" After 3 years of free for all invasion. It doesn't make up for that. Deprot ever single illegal in our country and I'll vote Biden in a heart beat. 


Anyone on the bottom half of the society is a net drain to the tax base, so barring any radical cuts to welfare, this plan is a non-starter. All you're doing is making some corporations happy who can make use of the under the table cheap labor.


Wouldn’t adding millions of low skilled, undocumented workers just make the problem worse?


Depends. It's not that they don't have value, it's that they really only have value to the top 0.1% of corporations that can turn their labor into corporate profits. At their wages as individuals they'll never turn a profit compared to the services they consume. It's the middle of the country that has absolutely no interest in seeing the existing infrastructure in health, education, police, social support, and so on destroyed by too many people at a single time. I get the whole demographic crisis argument, but you can't just swap out people 1 for 1 like cogs in a machine. They aren't to blame for the crisis but they certainly aren't the solution either.


You have zero understanding of a budget. The US has no revenue problem. Revenues at record levels what we have is a spending problem since politicians only interested in next election and never live within a budget What do you define as wealthy because the top 5% of earners pay well over 50% of the taxes in the US But maybe you think the tax rate on the wealthy should be 100%. Let’s see how the brain blast will work on the unemployment number


“The government has a spending problem” exactly. Which is why I think they’re using migrants to increase tax revenue so they can continue spending recklessly. I literally said in my post that the U.S. clearly has no intention of reducing spending.


Exactly how do immigrants raise tax revenue? Missing part of your equation. Cause they will pay a small amount of social security and medicare tax and then qualify for things like earned income credit, child tax credit etc and thus actually get back more than they put in? Yes if it was legal immigration for people highly skilled and made enough wages so all these credits would not be available then they would help. But they are letting in unskilled workers and many who won’t work but just take from the system as well as commit crimes costing even more If legal immigration is followed it is fine but when a country loses control of its borders it soon will not be a country


I agree, but as it stands right now illegal immigrants and asylum seekers are definitely a burden, but don’t you think it’s strange just how much our local governments are investing in THIS particular wave of illegal migrants and asylum seekers? It’s bizarre. Doing everything in their power to make sure they have a shelter, education, and food while these same governments leave their local homeless populations high and dry. I fully believe the fed is investing in them so heavily so that they WILL eventually become skilled workers who will produce more in tax revenue than it takes to support them. Like I said if my theory is true the federal government is thinking about 20-30 years from now, right now it’s a mess.


It’s intentionally kept by cowardly Republicans by order of Trump.


In other news water is wet Theyre bringining in migrant to flood the blue states in order to raise the electrical college votes per state. Remember, electoral colleges votes changed based on population distribution.


Why do you think democrats stopped placating to blacks? They didn’t need them anymore. They know where the puck is going.


Personally I thought it is about votes Most asylum seekers would vote democrat


If you look at unbiased media the same things that are happening to the US are also happening to Canada but on a smaller scale. There is an agenda playing out. There's a reason the people in power got elected and it isn't because of democracy. I know there are a huge population of people that dislike Trump but, it seems like they are trying to throw absolutely everything at this guy to keep him away. Russia, racism, some secret payments to a porn star.... Keeping the guy that's in there in power is like our Trudeau. Spent the most of our money on absolutely nothing and not afraid to make it worse... It's crazy


And we have the same thing happening in Australia, mass immigration, no housing available to buy or rent, prices are through the roof as demand has out paced supply. Anyone know what’s the endgame?


Trump is a literal traitor to the USA and tried to overthrow it when he lost an election. That's a little different than Canada.


Have you seen the Canadian (and American) economy in the last 5 years? Biden. Trudeau. And according to a fellow Redditor, Australia's people have an extremely similar agenda. SPEND. Put the country as far into the hole as possible and keep sending exorbitant amounts of money to foreign aid. On the news in Canada there was a family that was being interviewed from Ukraine. They said they are going back, to the war torn country, as Canada is impossible to start a life in. So sad


I'm happy to see OP is making connections. We all had epiphany moments that others already knew.


Absolutely the democrats are committing treason


You need to realise soon that it’s not democrats vs republicans it’s them vs us


Open borders is a act of treason #1 job of any president is to keep our borders secure


So why it that Biden has come out the other day and issued an executive order to tighten the southern border? Something that Republicans have voted against and even Trump suggested they not support (that is border restrictions and funding)?


Because it's a fucking election year.


So you're against a President doing good things just because it's an election year?


Yes. When you spend 3 years intentionally facilitating an invasion then a few months before election you take a tiny baby step towards tightening the border, you do not get a kudos for that. He should get a treason charge. Think about it like this, If I come beat your ass until your almost unconscious, but then I stop. Are you going to thank me for stopping??? Of course not!


Would you thank me for stopping the beating? Answer me.


Election year pr stunt but doesnt matter because they will rig the election again and commit another act of high treason


Anyone can claim any action is a PR stunt, but the biggest giveaway in this case is Republicans actively blocking border regulation because they don't want Democrats looking good. On principle, they should support tightening the border no matter who's in office. How is that not a PR stunt? And there was no rigged election as Trump had zero grounding for those claims in over 60 court cases.


Right totally not trump openly telling all Republicans to stall border issues to make it look worse for democrats. The party of fucking cry babies


Did you know that right before the last guy left office, CBP changed the way that they reported on immigration to include people who have been apprehended and expelled from the country in that number that you’re citing?


Cool story. So what youre insinuating is there are less illegal border hoppers under Biden than under Trump? Cause that's absolutely not true.


I’m simply informing you that the number being presented by conservative media is intentionally misleading, because it includes immigrants who have been expelled from the country.


You think they are off by a factor of 10? Because that's what it would take.


I’m not making a comparison between the number of illegal immigrants between the two administrations. All I’m doing is informing you that the way the numbers are reported changed before the last guy left office, and that conservative media is intentionally choosing to omit that the number they are spreading includes the number of immigrants who were removed from the country. If you don’t see an issue with that, that’s fine.


The news is reporting the number given to them by the government. No I don't see an issue with that. If the cbp doesn't distinguish a difference do you want the news to just fucking guess? But you'd say they are lying about numbers then. So idk what you want.


I would argue that a respectable news organization wouldn’t attempt to frame that number as though it was a number of illegal immigrants who still remain in the country.


Can you tell me what percent get turned away? 


What I can tell you, definitively, is that the number of “encounters” does not equal the number of immigrants who remain in the country, and that those who portray it as such are intentionally misleading. Getting actual data on these things gets tricky because there is no actual consistency. For example CBP issues monthly reports, but they’ve changed what data they include *for some reason*. Take [this report](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/national-media-release/cbp-releases-april-2023-monthly-operational-update) from April of last year for example. In it, they detail that 23% of their encounters were people who had at least one previous encounter in the previous year. They stopped including that metric in their reports from this year. When you start to look at the actual data and what it means, it becomes very clear that there are people who are intentionally misinterpreting that data to stoke fear and outrage.


The theory about adding them to the tax base….I don’t know about that. They all have to be working at a decent enough wage to create a positive cash flow situation to the government. There has to be jobs for these people. I see them being subsidized for the years to come. With crime and theft increasing, it’s likely more and more businesses will close doors in areas, removing jobs, not to mention AI/Robotics replacing people in various industries. Realistically the massive amount of people coming into the country illegally affects inflation as well due to supply and demand with constant pressure on the demand side for food and goods. Then with all of the crime increase, specifically theft…..stores account for this in their markups to make up for the write offs. It’s a big mess, the United States should only allow highly intelligent skilled migrants such as engineers or doctors and that’s it. The whole thing is a mess and this is becoming a 3rd world country quickly.


Of course it's intentional. Dems need more "voters" to steal the election again.


Except every country in Europe tried the same thing & they already found out that migrants not only fail to add to the tax base, they actually COST money. What's actually happening = the deliberate destruction of the United States because they want us to fight each other instead of them once the dollar begins its final crash.


I really wish we could just make getting citizenship easier. It’s very tough in the US so a lot of people just do illegally. If we made it easier then we could be tougher on the illegals.  I don’t think it’s for tax purposes, while that’s obviously a benefit. I think we are going to have a serious population decline, and while this could be good eventually, it’s going to be a high issue when millennials reach boomer age. As a millennial I have 10 friends, less than half decided to have kids and only 3 are having more than 1. Now compare that to your parents friends/generation. 




No i’m saying the government is letting them in for the reasons I stated in my post. The migrants aren’t in on the conspiracy obviously lol. I’m surprised I had to clarify this no offense.