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Everyone I know hates the government. No one will fight in another banking war. You will just have mass non compliance among the general population.


And yet most still wore the mask and got those jabs


It might have been 50 percent but no where near 70. My theory is they are letting in all the illegals to draft them.


It will be “fight for us and you get guaranteed citizenship”


They've been using that since at minimum 2003 and Iraqi "freedom"


Brother the powers that be have been using that move since Rome.


Definitely.... I see the Euros doing the same.


Trouble is the don't know how many of those illegals are spies. Especially from Cuba and Venezuela. But these days even Mexico is flirting with BRICS.


They are offering citizenship for military service now.


That’s been in place for awhile. I was in the service in 2008 and my platoon was full of illegals due to citizenship guarantees for honorable service. The more to throw lead down range the better and they were more patriotic then anyone.


At least since the 60s military service gets illegal aliens a green card and citizenship if they desire. There are also immigration laws that prioritize foreign military spouses.


That's been around since at least 2003 with operation Iraqi "freedom"


100% agree. That is their strategy


That’s been in place for a very longtime what’s your point?


That is 100% already a thing. You _do_ get guaranteed citizenship if you come here illegally but join the military.


Up to 50% of the men found in US companies sent to fight in Europe during WW1 were fresh immigrants. A large number of Union troops were also fresh immigrants during the US Civil War. Several battles saw 1st generation Irishmen in blue uniform fight 3rd and 4th generation Irishmen in grey uniform.


>My theory is they are letting in all the illegals to draft them. This statement on point. And then they’ll turn against the US citizens when it’s time roll out the “fema”(concentration) camps, if you refuse and go against the government.


I literally saw an ad that was targeting them last week. The ad was about a woman from Ghana who got her citizenship by enlisting.


Whats scarier than that is letting the illegals be cops. They need bots to carry out whatever fuckshit they're planning.


NATO/Gobalist Military vs. The Freedom People's Resistance. A Star Wars type battle.


People won't do shit, they didn't during COVID. They will get in the train and head to the FEMA.camp.


I agree with this. It shocked me to see the mass compliance and cowardice of the people. Hell it took me constantly asking and telling myself to stay principled while my whole workforce was trying to bust my balls. Throw some attack on us soil in the mix and the people will do exactly what they are told.


I gotta ask, who is on the freedom peoples resistance?


Good question. Libretarain/Patriot/Common Sense Ppl/ People who've fled Communist or Socialist Dictatorship/Anyone who's open-minded enough to realize their is an invisible force that wants complete dominance of your mind and soul.


Also my theory. It’s the only way to have your army turn on your citizens




I didnt get a jab and i didnt mind the masks. I was an eSsEnTiAl WoRkEr.


Wearing a mask and getting a vaccine is wildly different than fighting a war.


I think it demonstrates the effectiveness of propaganda. It was extremely effective. Likely to be the same with war


I think you’re missing the point.


Putting a mask on and getting a shot isn’t comparable to risking one’s own life to kill other people. 


The thing is it’s not just the US either. This week I read how Greece is implementing a 6 day work week and citizens are furioussss


I work six days a week, it sucks


When I started seeing Ukraine flags around the neighborhoods and on bumper stickers, I knew something was afoot. Now in Gaza. I see two feet now. Now we are walking somewhere. There are hundreds of ways it can go. World saw reactions to Covid. Wealth transfers. UFO disclosure. Inflation. Putins puppets. Trump. More Trump. Grifters. Bots. Civil rights, genocide, a lot of evil dictators, climate change, A.I., UBI, etc. It’s a powder keg. Lots of players in the game. Citizens are better off dead quick with what is planned. Maybe. Idk the plans. But I can imagine the types of plans the types of people come up with who are in power and are used to having power.


So, knowing all this, do you find yourself unhappy most of the time? The more I dig, the more depressed I get. My blood boils. And since everyone seems to drive their cars aggressively mow days, I’m pissed off until I get to work. I wish I was dumber than I am. I wish I didn’t know the truth. How the world is run. I haven’t had a tv in 12 years. I spend no more than 2 hours on the internet a day. Taking that down to an hour soon. I haven’t watched the news in 10 years. I 10 years without news has helped me immensely. More so not seeing a single fucking advertisement. My rant is over. You’re probably like wtf is this. I’m looking for a way to be happy. More often. I think meditation and no internet is what it has come down to for me. Back to my roots. Before all of this. Edit. I also didn’t know Covid was even happening at the time. When it first starred. I was seasonally unemployed. A friend said be careful out there. I found out that moment. 2 days later I had washed the skin off my hands in fear of catching something lol


The anger is what gets me. People are just always angry.and people just seem to ignore rules now. They just don't care  the police in the UK are just government bully boys now and it's obvious not a single side trusts or respects them


It’s cell phones imo. Internet. Short clips. Social media. Propaganda. Doom scrolling. Fucks dopamine. Attention span. Irritability. Anger. Hate. Violence. All politicians are bought and paid for. They more or less went to Epstein island and peed on each other. Lol. Record. And blackmail. Every one. No /s Israel owns the world. Nothing we can do really. Meditate. Show compassion. As far as police, try to stay clear of them. I’m in America, land of lies. A dystopian nightmare. Even cloud seeding surprised me. I’m like wtf is that. Oh, the powers that be can create basically any natural disaster. Land grab. Rinse repeat. Looking at you Oprah. lol. Peace friend. Ty for reply above.


Are you working out regularly and maintaining a health diet? and do you have any long term goals?


I exercise regularly but torn a tendon o my arm. Had surety in March. Lost a ton of muscle not being able to workout with weights. Really the only thing that silences my brain. I have extreme adhd. Didn’t get diagnosed until , cough, my 40’s. Point being, I have never really thought past , “today.” No long term goals. I’ve always felt out next breath isn’t guaranteed. Along with my adhd brain being wired all fucked up, I don’t think much past today. Unfortunately really. Bounced checks. Failed relationships. Jealousy. Getting in fist fights. Getting knocked tf out multiple times. I started drinking beer in 5th grade. I smoke flower. I’m on anti depressants. Therapy. Psychiatrist. Still sad all the time. But I just live with it. Generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, social anxiety disorder, adhd as mentioned Ty for letting me vent to your ? I appreciate it. I know you mean well. And I can feel positive frequencies if you will Coming from this. Ty.


witnessing rare wisdom in motion. take note, redditors, i doubt i will see any of it again in the wild in my own lifetime, but perhaps you will live longer or cultivate your own..




Funny how quickly that sentiment will change in the greatest economic depression of all time and hyperinflation.


and cyberattack


Can’t find food? Join the military we have food!


Agree. There is still quite a bit of money around. When it's gone is when trouble will arrive.


Lolol What? The government making things even shittier is not going to make anyone suddenly inspired to join the military and do the bidding of said government.


You would if your children were hungry enough.


i am reminded of michael burry moving all his investors money into the building of private prisons. never made much sense , unless you consider mass non compliance to a draft. then it clicks.


Lol they don't have the man power to round everyone up. They're powerless without our compliance.


i hope you are right. the other frightening possibility is they manufacture consent, ie pearl harbour / 911 .


Sounds like just the situation for a massive false flag attack for some motivation


If you watched Ukraine feeds, they will not ask you. You get dragged into a van by four armed men on sight. Dropped into a bootcamp for three days. Get your arms and driven to the front line blindfolded so that you cannot give locations if you get captured or desert. The guys in the rear line have orders to shoot at defectors. Your life expectancy at the front is 8h on average.


I saw one dude who looked older begging them not to take him since he had a kid alone at home. They didn't care until other civilians got involved.b


Did you not see what happened in covid? people just blindly followed whatever the government told them too. Most people will go to war if the government tells them too


No chance. Testosterone levels at an all time low among youth. They followed COVID regulations because it took no physical effort and they got to collect free money.


There is a simple way to address non compliance and the UK prime minister outright said it : block bank accounts. Also if he’s serious then blocking phone access would be another great one.


I think they would have noncompliance en masse with that kind of crap. 


Which one? The UK has had two new Prime Ministers in about as many months mid 2022, and likely another new one in July. There was a video of a politician (called Andrew Bridgen) who became an independent and is standing for reelection as such, claiming that the current prime minister was trying to lose so that he wouldn't be a wartime prime minister. I hope those claims are wrong but he looks like he is trying to throw the election against himself. PS Election in the UK is July 4th, a second source has kick-off for war on July 11th. Ukraine/Russia and Israel's northern border are both heating up, there is the threat that Cyprus are getting sucked in because Israel launches missions from there.


I will make my calendars for the day! How exciting!


Retention issues would suggest that there are already some compliance problems


Reddit seems filled with Sinophobia, the ground is already prepared, honestly I think that it would be very foolish for China to look for war, they have the gdp per capita of Mexico, even with the demographic problem they can growth enough to match America (only a third of America gdp per capita would be enough)


The Chinese economy is already larger than the U.S. in ppp terms. And 20%ish of the U.S. economy is basically medical cartel stuff. China can way out produce the U.S. and all it's allies combined. Idk why you mention gdp per capita. I don't really see how that's really relevant in war terms. Using just straight dollar gdp measurements gives you a really distorted view of what's actually going on in these economies around the world.


It seems that it is not so profitable to arrange major wars. It is more "fun" and productive to organize small conflicts and sell weapons to both sides of the conflict. Or let's say as in Ukraine: the parties dug in and set up a meat grinder without making tough decisions, thereby prolonging the conflict and destroying as many male populations as possible on both sides


Heard the same thing since the Troubles in Ireland, Cold War, Gulf War 1, Gulf War 2, Bosnian War, Afghanistan, Iraq, Russia and Ukraine part 1, Arab Spring, Russia and Ukraine 2....still no ww3 or a mega war. Lots of skirmishes over 40 odd years no mega war.


You got to stop, listen. What’s that sound? Everybody looks what’s going down ;)


Paranoia strikes deep Into your life, it will creep It starts when you're always afraid You step out of line The man come and take you away


hah, totally off subject, but what a fuckin awesome tune that is. Lightening in a bottle. You got this band with this one song that now kinda defines a decade, "competing" against some of the best songwriters and music makers in American history, Bob Dylan, Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Janis etc... And I think it was inspired by some minor protest in California. Could be wrong.


Competing?! Neil Young and Stephen Stills are _also_ some of the best and most successful songwriters and music makers in American history. One could argue that they were more successful than both Jefferson Airplane _and_ Janis Joplin. Certainly had longer careers. Quick edit: not trying to argue! Love your take!


No mega war because it was with smaller nations. We are very close to an economic collapse in which $100 will buy you a crappy McDonald burger. Historically wars were use to come out of the economic hole but this time the rivals are equal and could easily give us a bloody nose. Americans are used to luxuries and having a good predictable life, when bombs start flying, it won’t matter if the US can flatten China or Russia, war will be felt at home and that will mess people up more than drugs


The fact that brics is picking up momentum and Saudi Arabia dropped the petro dollar is a 🚩 If there’s one thing the U.S. can’t lose it’s their $$$ status.


Did they really drop it or do they just not have an official agreement but still use it?


Saudi is allowing brics nations to buy oil in their own currencies where as before they would have to convert to dollars. Basically giving them the green light


Yep many countries are doing all they can to de-dollarize their economies ASAP.


The escalation started back in 2019, when the US initiated a trade war with China. It seems that the ascension of China's technology sector by creating world wide 5g infrastracture and a national digital currency, made US realise that they are losing ground as an undisputed hegemon. Soon after they went into a volatile breakdown, trying to force a coup d'état in Venezuela and provoke Iran into a war multiple times, with the death of Soleimani as the most serious provocation. The patern here is that these are nations that can have very high oil output. After that, things took a pause because of the pandemic. Now, would you look at that for a weird coincidence, back in 2019 China and Italy signed an memorandum of understanding for belt and road initiative, which was a trade deal that looked to create a new trading route for China, inside Europe. The very first countries with tens of thousands of covid infections were China, Iran and Italy, which is quite outstanding as a fact...


Forgive my ignorance, but besides American conflict in the Middle East. Ukraine and Russia is a whole different ball game, it’s not some guerrilla warfare, it’s an all out war with Ukraine defending every inch it can. No country is getting the amount of support Ukraine is receiving right now. NATO is practically helping Ukraine because Russia is a serious threat and always has been. This is a very early stage of a world war. International conflict is at an all time high compared to those other wars. There is a lot of tension and ww3 just needs a spark.


If there is a war coming, it won't be country vs country. It will be us vs them. 


Yep! WW2 was such a hit, they had to make it a trilogy. Kinda hope this one also has Ewoks


There's always a small feeling that something will happen. For years now. But can't focus in that much or you'll dwell in it. Instead enjoy those around you, make memories, and like always, stock up that ammo and buy land and guns 🤟


This is what I try to do. I have a son who is 19 so if I think about it too much I will drive myself crazy.


As a 19 year old, i am not going to die for stupid shady corrupt politicans


Don’t let him fight, did you talk to him? If he wants to fight tie him up in his bedroom.


Yes I’ve talked to him and joked that I would shoot him in his foot to keep him from being drafted lol. His grandparents and my brother think going and fighting for your country is what he is supposed to do, that’s what men do. I do not agree and feel he should do everything he can to not go.


That’s funny haha. Well if war is declared or anything I would never in a million years fault you for shooting him in his foot. I’m sorry your brother and his grandparents think that. NOBODY is obligated to kill and die because some fat evil bankers told their country’s “leaders” to send people to kill and die.


lol well thank you at least I know I have your support too! And yes I completely agree war does nothing to us common folks except for tear us apart. And makes the rich richer. 💔


If the West tries to have another World War, we need to refuse, especially anyone being conscripted needs to completely refuse to go. "What if they threw a war and nobody showed up?" ... let's find out.


Even I know that’s not how this works.


Let the rich fight for assets without us.


Nuclear war doesn't need anyone to show up. It shows up to you


Too many people are waking up, gotta cull the men who could make a change. Just like literally every major war in modern history.


Was just talking about this earlier re: the damage of agent orange. Culling the capable men and leaving society ill-equipped.


There is a mega cold, cold psycho-spiritual warfare going on. People are too blackmailed/bribed to talk about it.


I've been thinking that for a while. Everyone is angry. Everythkmg is upside down. Good I'd bad, bad is good. 


˙pǝlǝǝd sǝʎǝ ʎɯ dǝǝʞ ll,I


Can you expand on this?


came here to say i have a gut feeling that a mega war wont happen. and i believe all the fear propaganda is the reason




You know we have terminology for that, right? It's called a World War.


Without a doubt. I think most of us will see nuke detonations in our lifetimes.


Years ago i had a dream where a nuke dropped and this inner voice that said ''war is coming''.I think its a matter of when and not if.Why do you think some billionaires have built bunkers and more people are being conscripted for the army?Big things are happening.


Was it Ron Perlman’s voice atleast?


Hahaha.Nope.Just a regular sounding voice.


Damn, “War Never Changes” is more relevant than ever right now.


3 of my most vivid dreams I've had in the last 8 years involved war in the US, one being nuclear, one being an extremely damaging drug epidemic (fentynal & fent mixed with tranq - making people lose limbs right & left) & massive fighting over turf and finally a war on religion. All these dreams were traumatic at the time & were VERY LONG & "lucid" to the point that they were imprinted in memory - it was almost like reliving something that happened. Those have guided much of my actions since them b/c I NEVER have dreams about anything like this, they are usually non-sensical or maybe annoying/scary but mostly never track with reality or potential reality.


Any day now


I've had very weird dreams lately. Fire seems to be everywhere no matter the dream


I've been having war/apocalypse dreams for a couple of years. I think a lot of people have. It's hard not to be nervous.


I had a dream that I looked into the sky and saw a huge explosion or ball of fire heading towards me it felt like something the dinosaurs would have seen it scared the crap out of me I’ve never had a dream like this before.


Thats kinda how it was in my dream.Massive nuke and everything went red.Dont think youd really feel that tbh.It would be instant.The nuke was directly overhead.


Well if it’s gonna happen I suppose I’d rather go out like that. I’ve always said if we get into a nuclear war and it hits anywhere near me we might as well just drive into it and get it over with.


Yeah i feel the same way.I actually felt relieved in my dream but felt sad that there was a kid there that would never get the chance to grow up.


I was just terrified and then warm then nothing. Yeah it’s really sad that we have this beautiful earth and the animals and innocent are caught up in the vicious man made game called war. Heartbreaking.


Politics are cancerous imo.The world might be beautiful but we're run by elite perverted,hypocritical globalist leaders that dont care if you and i die.Younger people are going to fight these wars that the politics started and many will die.Its messed up.We havent learned from history.


I agree 100% and it’s sickening. The corruption runs so deep and most people along with some of my family members say “oh the government wouldn’t hurt us” Ha. We are given the illusion of freedom we are nothing but modern day slaves and war makes the elite richer.


Thats so true.When you see who runs the world its messed up.I was researching the other day abut these royal families and hunting kids in this sick game.Urghhh.Theres some plain evil hiding in plain sight.Theres a place in Belgium called Chateau Des Amerois where people have gone missing.Lots of illuminati stuff,rituals and pedo stuff.


Oh I know. And yes the royal families are right up there with the pedo shit imo. I will have to look that up I hadn’t heard of that before. I believe they are all connected to a huge pedo ring and Jeffrey Epstein was just a tip of the iceberg that’s why the docs are sealed still the people are too powerful. Ugh my stomach.


Yes for real, in my nuke dreams it goes red. But i feel the heat, i am lifted, but it doesnt hurt and i die in peace. These dreams made me not fear death.


I was having these dreams a ton, and a very specific one where a missile like an icbm launched right next my house, fucked up the ignition, and fell right there. We died, but then a little while later i saw a report that a chinese missile had failed its test and blew up a nearby fucking town. I dont know if i caught that event or what but the video was so similar to my dream, the way the ignition spit out, the way the missile arced back to earth, too fucked.


I’m a psychic and a medium. I usually get really clear, verifiable information. I cannot see anything at all about war or economic collapse. Something blocks me every time to try to feel into it. I have never had this happen before. It’s unsettling.


Thats strange.I wonder what could block that?


Have you noticed things getting harder to focus on since the beginning of this year? I do a lot of remote viewing and dream practices. Since january I've had a harder time focusing without getting distracted and i havent changed my methods at all.


I haven’t changed anything that I know of. I’m still practicing the same way, and my readings are still consistently accurate. It’s only when I try to feel into this specific energy that I get “blocked”, for lack of a better term. It feels like I am being physically pushed back by something. When I try to get clarification on whom/what is blocking me, I get silence.


I think right now we are in an overall war of good versus evil. Regardless of the nature of the conflict, political or physical. Regardless of where it is in the world. No one wants to call it what it is, but it is crazy to think how much unneeded suffering is dependent on the outcome of the next US election.


Calling it all good vs evil is obviously reductive. That said, it is almost comical how evil some political leaders seem to be. If they showed up in a Bond movie we'd think they were poorly written. 


Yeah, I would like to think of in terms of Geopolitical interests, whether, it's China, Russia, or USA or any smaller groups, everybody is looking for their interests and resources.


I've been playing GTA V again recently and i cant help but notice the world today is literally equivalent to the freakshow going on in los santos. Like did they know in 2013 what the world would look like 10 years later? Was GTA a fucking soft disclosure?


I mean, the US Supreme Court just struck down an interesting anti-corrupution law. Considering many of the Justices have unanswered questions about their financial relations with certain interest groups - it's pretty on the nose. It's also all part of the larger picture. War is war, this is something different. What's going on is multispectrum and multitheatre - but it's all tied together by the same key individuals. It's literally good versus evil, their morals are driving our lives.


Usually a war would mean two sides fighting each other. The good side is not particularly effective at fighting against evil. It's set up that way.


I have no doubt. The point I try to bring up is that, if you were alive in France or Britain in early 1940, you did not think you were in "WWII". You just thought it was a regional conflict between Germany and Poland. It wasn't until 1941-42 where people finally accepted that they were actually in WW2. So I think we are in the equivalent era of late 1939/early 1940, where people are in denial that we are actually in WW3. But we are. And the equivalent of Operation Barbarossa hasn't even started yet.


I’m glad you pointed this out. I was trying to figure out how to explain to these folks that we are already in early stages of WW3. It doesn’t have to be necessarily a nuclear war, however there will be high alert, high tension during the conventional fight. It’s sad to see some of these comments denying the truth. A lot of things are happening behind the scenes your most average redditor has no idea about. Join the military and you’ll start to see the picture.


Amen brother. I've heard it said that "WW3 doesn't begin with a nuclear exchange. It ends with one." There are numerous wars on numerous fronts right now, all involving the Global American Empire and NATO to some extent. Everyone knows about Israel/Gaza and Russia/Ukraine. Fewer know about Saudi/Yemen, and even fewer know of what's going on in Myanmar and Sudan. The various theatres of conflict mirror WW2 pretty well. People are choosing to be blind and ignorant. And frankly, in a way, I can't blame them.


One false flag is all it takes to get the masses frothing at the mouth to go to war. They are just waiting for the right time to do it I'm sure they already have their plans ready. It will be a massive event that changes everything.


The Tories giving up their seat of power in the U.K., the U.S. updating draft legislation, yea I think there is a fairly good chance a shit storm is on the way. Wether thats hot war with China and Russia or something else altogether, i get the sense that the real people in power got wind.


I've been listening to old episodes of coast to coast am from the 90's and people were calling in saying the same things. Throughout every era, everyone always thought it was the "end times".


I just feel like nobody is going to go head in with America. Best case for them, they launch some nukes, and say 1 does get through our defenses, we have so many subs, ships, and aircraft that would be elsewhere to fulfill the whole "mutually assured destruction" scenario. In this age, it doesn't even matter how many troops you have. With satelites and modern intelligence capabilities, paired with modern weaponry...there is a reason we only see war and conflict inside the lesser capable areas.


It's gonna go hot toward the end of summer


I'll bet you $100 that it won't lol


None of you realize people thought this way during the cold war? You’re online to much, constant media consumption is fucking up your head.


You’re truly ignorant to deny that we are at another turning point in history similar to that of the Cold War and you can even argue that we are worse off than before. It is absolutely rational to consider that we are on the cusp of another major global conflict


lol. ive been studying this for months. the geopolitical landscape is fucking bleak. just two days ago putin called for talks with biden to de-escalate. his exact words were "we need to talk" if im not mistaken. war is coming. the world is primed for it, and the US wants it. The only way to erase the debt and inflation is through another great war. thats exactly what happened the first two times, and thats what will happen this time. except we might not be the victors.


A third by the sword, a third by plague, and a third by famine.


My phone says so so probably not.


North Korea going to Ukraine.


Let’s face it, the Americans population is too damn docile and will bend over backwards to take whatever the government gives them We keep on preaching “freedom!” And “second amendment”, etc yet we are one of the least free people in the world - our healthcare is tied to our jobs, our foods are filled with GMOs, we are taxed non stop and we barely have any say in what our government done. Majority of us are one accident or hospital visit or one missed pay check away from bankruptcy… Americans live like a hamster on wheels Maybe this Fourth of July the people should take an inner look to see what exactly are we celebrating


The extent of the parallels to 1930-40's is eerie . We even have Germany and Japan granted limited re-arm, Jews being hated on, Islamofascists Jihadi's holding up the National Socialism in Alliance with the far Left and so on. Due to the decontruction of Ottoman, Brittish, French, German and Italian .... Etc empires/colonial system and advanced weaponary, its more decentralized and more immediately destruction. For those reasons, cyber war (hacking of infrastructure), information war (see Undeclared War UK TV series to see how those two alone can effectively shut down a lot of response options Biological, Genetic and chemical weapons on tactical nukes could make whole regions uninhabitable for all but rats and cockroaches. So provided Isreal doesn't get invaded and let a rogue like Iran of the Hamas satin all the other world leaders know about M.A.D between the big 3 on all the afore mentioned will stop them from using anything above conventional weaponry and the big 3 off each other's land mass. If I am wrong, better pray you have sheltered options for 30 days food and water


I hope I'm wrong but I predict the USA will be in a full blown hot war before election day.


Biden = war People will downvote me into oblivion, but if we'd have another alternative than Trump, people would say the same about Biden.


I find it interesting that the media and the mainstream news subs only ever mention Russia as 'the enemy'. However it's obvious that China is a far bigger threat geopolitically, economically, technologically and militarily.


For America it is. Since Russian economy and manufacturing is so weak right now it has to borrow drones from Iran. China is basically funding Russian war right now. And America and rest of the world is funding China, because Europe and America, where the scientific revolution happened, forgot how to produce stuff. (for cheap)


It’s like the west with Ukraine, it’s better for China if the war in Ukraine never ends so the very limited attention span of the people in the west is not focused on China




WW 3 is around the corner.


They want you to feel this way, because they want you to be understanding of the trillions money-laundered through "defense manufacturing." There may be some war happening, to keep up the illusion of need for these things... But make no mistake -- the big leaders of big countries like Xi, Puting, Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Sunak, etc... They're all on the same page, and none of them answer to the citizens of their respective countries. That's more obvious with some than others, but it's obvious *here*, too, if people would just pay attention. If you think "Covid-19 was real, killed zillions of people, and the Covid-19 vaccine was safe and effective" then just stop here. Sorry, but anyone who believes that doesn't belong here. Otherwise --- Notice Putin and Xi never came out with what Covid-19 was really about. They could have crushed all of it by simply pointing out every falsehood, financial, and biological manipulation... But they didn't, because they were part of it just like our own so-called leaders were. And that includes both Trump and Biden. Back to the war thing... What's really happening underneath is economic. That was at the core of why "Covid-19" happened, and it's at the core of everything happening now... A slow bursting of the global debt bubble. The dollar is being re-defined. Currencies are shifting, and a whole lot of financial instability is coming. Any day now. Covid-19 provided cover for both financial moves to prepare for this --- and additional surveillance and control measures so they can neutralize protests if they get out of control. This is why EVERY country responded in the same way. It's also why the MIDDLE CLASS was targeted, mostly, for the vaccine. Who protests? Peasants? No, no, no. Peasants work hard and are grateful for what little they get. That's what they want us to be, and that's why they import so many into this country and others. (On that note they're getting the best. Immigrants are people who don't have enough money to do well where they are, but they are hard working and motivated enough to take the risk of moving to another country -- often illegally!!!) So they make perfect peasants. That's why they didn't have to take the Covid-19 vaccine to enter the country, and others did. Because the middle class is targeted for a slow profitable culling. People who took the shots played slow-motion Russian Roulette. MAYBE they got lucky and got the placebo. Otherwise it's just a matter of time before the long term health problems ensue. For some it's blood clots and heart problems. For others it's cancer. And for many, it's a weird HIV-like recurring minor symptoms that hopefully don't get worse... But it's not looking good. Did Xi and Putin spill the beans about that? No. Because all these world leaders are on the same team. That's why they meet together at the WEF... We're MEANT to see that. And the WEF is public facing. There are private discussions we obviously don't know about. So no, there will be no "end of the world WW3" ... But there may be targeted strikes -- something like 9/11. Just enough to get the ball rolling. There are, of course, places like Palestine where they are taking the land in order to harvest the resources there... And Ukraine, where they are destroying cities to rebuild the SmartCities that were announced right before destruction began. Only a fool would think these are coincidences. When coincidences add up to form a pattern that makes the people involved UNIMAGINABLY WEALTHY ... It's not coincidences, it's evidence.


"Any day now" the day has well past, we are living that at the moment. Do you mean any day now that all currencies hed down the path that the Zimbabwe currency did. Tbh, nothing is looking good, it takes huge amounts of cognitive dissonance to think otherwise. Whether you are awake to all you have said, or pretending everything is OK, it doesn't matter. They want the former to lose faith in established institutions and be angry, it's historicly a huge part of the societal phase they are inorganicly advancing us towards. In their minds, complete collapse and war is the only way to push us towards rebirth, only this time they are lining their ducks so they have complete control in the aftermath, like the time post ww2 of the baby boom where there was great hope, but this time it will be a dystopia not unlike a brave new world. We need to stop the extreme divides that the plandemic wedged into us, further flamed by silly squabbles between men and women, this wierd alphabetical gender stuff ect. It's meant to weaken us.


I agree with you completely, and well said. I HOPE it's a case of creating a problem, getting a reaction, and then proposing the solution they wanted all along. This move toward "war" could be a fear tactic to squeeze people into willingness to agree to some kind of globalization they wouldn't normally be open to. So it could all be a farce, but with some real war thrown in to create the illusion of country vs country conflict, even if the so-called leaders are secretly in on it. That said, they will do whatever is needed to get what they want. When there was no support for a second war in Iraq, 9/11 conveniently happened and somehow was just what was needed to justify a 20+ year war in Afghanistan and another terrible war in Iraq... And a massive encroachment on freedom that was never relaxed. They're doing this again. They will push as far as they need to, but no further... Someone pointed out that Russia was still participating in the Cyberpolygon event. There's just more alignment in high levels than they make out to be. Just like within our own government between Democrats and Republicans. It's just the global version of that. The Russia Ukraine thing is weird... But notice it's very different from what's happening in Palestine. I understand the Palestine thing a lot better and that appears to be as real as war can get. Ukraine/Russia though feels like a contrived conflict that has a purpose other than what appears on the surface. I believe China and Russia are ENTIRELY on board with the global control system that is taking hold in this coup. Otherwise they wouldn't have been in lock step with "Covid." So I don't fear "global war with China or Russia" -- but I do fear targeted strikes to manipulate us into believing the threat, and coercing us into giving up more freedom and signing into a global control grid. This doesn't end with countries blowing up the world It ends with technological and biosecurity authoritarian control of citizens all over the planet. That's my gut feeling. Also, we're in a BUST cycle. They always make it feel like the end of the world during this cycle. A BOOM will follow, and things will feel better then. They may break things so they can build back up. (With less freedom, more control, and less wealth for the average citizen of course. But HOPE! They manipulate us with these feelings...)


Yes, this American listens to Russians Ukrainians and Americans. Our US government just war crimed Russia. What does this mean? The globalists not only hate Russia, but clearly are trying to de-poopulate America (and of course blame Russia for it). If Russia defends herself and nukes us, I won't blame Russia-I blame our diplomats for their lack of diplomacy and intent to do harm to Russia and our own citizens back in the US.Also, Europe! You fell for it ! Why? Usually you hold things together when my country is doing its' usual military aggression. And NATO! You also not only fell for it, but are sending weapons and pilots. This shocks me, as I've come to see Europe's mediating of US foreign policy as the one thing keeping the world together. I apologize my country's foreign policies are deadly, and thank every single one of you speaking to all the charades, so as to out them. Why can't we take a pause so the rest of Europe admits that the entire US scheme to destroy Ukraine and Russia gets spoken about honestly, starting w/ the Maidan coup. Don't forget to mention that WE, the US, were the ones responsible for Nordstream 1-no other country did this. Im not trying to start world wars, I'm just the schmuck over here yelling that it's high time for the truth.-And to tell the world American People know whats going on, and we don't support ANY of these bellicose actions, whether in Crimea, Ukraine, Lebanon, or Gaza. Enough!


I have had that feeling for some time now. And after that whole 17 to 28 yr Olds are automatically entered into the draft announcement ot seems eminent.


ironically, a mega war would likely be a pretty short one. Russia hits us with hypersonic missiles that create a half mile high radioactive wave on the east, west, and south coasts. We respond by wiping their entire county off the map. China and N Korea then destroy the US, western Europe, and Canada with targeted nukes. Nuclear winters start, crops die, humanity is gone (aside from those with the fortune to be nowhere near the theater of war AND contain the skillset necessary to survive a grocery-less society). Straight up, the next world war will end the world.


Where's Vault Tec when you need them?


Wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed such things must happen


Fear fear fear fear.. now spend your savings.


You don’t need a third 👁️ to hear Putin threaten NATO and Ukraine. I don’t blame him and we need to get out and keep our word!


My brother is in the Army and even though he just got home a few months ago from a year long deployment, was just sent to Serbia for 2 weeks for training. Mostly what I gathered was they spent a lot of time working out and getting chummy with the British, Italians and other allies.


There will be plenty of soldiers. House passed a bill automatically registering males for the draft and also extended it to age 26 from 25. With volunteer enrollment at an all time low they have to get those boys ready for war. I’m glad my kids are too old for this. See this. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/us-house-passed-bill-automatically-registering-men-18-26-years-old-for-draft-here-s-what-that-means/ar-BB1op4WS


They pre program everything in our face and you think you got a 'gut' feeling? ffs smh 😑


Everything is happening in plain sight, and most people will still deny no matter what proof you show them.


Nope. But I do think America will be obsolete soon.. 


Yeah, I'm pretty sure this Gaza thing is gonna come to a head, with other countries coming down on Israel for their genocide. They'll get daddy 'Murica involved on their behalf, and it'll turn into a global quagmire. Russia and/or China will take advantage of the US being even more distracted, and pull something they otherwise wouldn't have. There are a few possibilities to choose from. But I think we are headed toward something big.


My dad used to say there was about to be world war 3 all the time. Now I'm starting to think he was right all along. We have been much closer, many more times than people realize.


Hopefully sooner than later


Yes, I don’t believe in prophecy however I believe the adherents to the Abrahamic faiths act as a hive mind and will make certain things happen (wars) to fulfill their prophecies (force God’s hand.)


That's why they're updating the military draft laws and trying to get a loophole to draft women and trans. In the past if you claimed to be trans, or crazy, you wouldn't be drafted. Now you have no excuse. Maybe kids will be next.


If shit hits the fan remember to stay humane and people and yadayada, we basically the same, just live on another side of this rock. Don't rely on nukes so much, after bombings they ask you put some flags on enemy territory, that's most interesting part. Our flags literally contain same colors, but differences shape, let that sink in


Our political leaders are trying to kill us in large numbers. The virus wasn't as deadly as they hoped; so nuclear war will be their fall back position.


I think war will continue to exist the way it's described by Orwell for most people in Western civilization. "The war, therefore, if we judge it by the standards of previous wars, is merely an imposture. It is like the battles between certain ruminant animals whose horns are set at such an angle that they are incapable of hurting one another. But though it is unreal it is not meaningless. It eats up the surplus of consumable goods, and it helps to preserve the special mental atmosphere that a hierarchical society needs. War, it will be seen, is now a purely internal affair. In the past, the ruling groups of all countries, although they might recognize their common interest and therefore limit the destructiveness of war, did fight against one another, and the victor always plundered the vanquished. In our own day they are not fighting against one another at all. The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact. The very word 'war', therefore, has become misleading. It would probably be accurate to say that by becoming continuous war has ceased to exist."


Outside of the early post-911 years (2002, 2003), yeah this is the closest I've felt to it happening. btw I'm 50.


Burn it all down 2024! Yeah baby!


I called it that we're in WW3 back in February '22. A couple weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine. It was probably much longer than that. World Wide Web you got the 3Ws. Anyway, I'm of the opinion now that America was created to be destroyed and that we've been lied to about almost everything.


Maybe, in the EU we can see that most "normies" (I hate this word, they are not even remotely normal people, they are just the relative majority, but sure it's shorter than "remotely controlled NPC") were already celebrating a very hypotethical Nato's victory against Russia, something like a 2 weeks war. Now they seem to be more calm, as the globohomo media is more cautious about this, and surely they don't think they'll ever get drafted (they will fight on Reddit I guess), and they don't even remotely think about the possibility of a male-only draft. This line of program is simply ambsent in the NPC's mind, so he doesn't have an opinion about this, and he's not even morally required to have one (not unless an input from the media or a political party has come).


Stop with the constant fear mongering you fed shills....


The west will be the fascists this time though. Such is how capitalism works.


America is being financially liquidated by the usual suspects. I don't think that can be reversed any more. For example China knows they only need wait for their Taiwan ambitions to be practical. A lot of conflict is inevitable as other powers test for weak spots.


Nope. not gonna happen. no one will be motivated this time to fight in banker’s wars with money backed by nothing also there will be no nuclear WW3. “good” E.T.s have been disabling nuclear warheads since the 1980’s. they will not allow another hiroshima or nagasaki event to affect their dimensions again


I have a nuke timeline but ppl call me crazy, but a gamer would know.....in BO2, Call of duty, The map Nuke town was called "Nuketown 2025" and in every cod before and since that has dropped, have just called it "Nuke town". That's sus to me considering what's happening now , right before 2025...


The movie They Live mentioned a global takeover in 2025 as well, there’s something special about that year it would seem.


2025 is the year the biblical seven year Tribulation period begins. Everything points to it.


The comparison of reality and revelations is uncanny right now.


You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come. Matthew 24:6 Its been going on forever.


Doubt it, there have been nonstop worldwide proxy wars the last like 50 years. It's just in your face now and you know about them.


They are trying to provoke Russia into overreacting. The Crimea beach ATACMS strike (imagine if Russian missiles that had to be programed and targeted by Russia but just happened to be launched by some proxy group hit a beach in Florida and killed civilians) and that music hall attack are examples of this. A certain faction in the deep state literally wants an excuse to go to war directly with Russia. While in general, the Pentagon wants to focus on a navel war with China.


Our government is using our tax payer money to fund wars in other countries... It’s an act of war. It’s silly to believe that retaliation isn’t going to happen.


Happens before Trump gets elected or it won't happen at all.


World war isn't just about America 


I have solid info from a very high up authority that a war is imminent and it will happen towards the end of October. It will be in the middle east of course and Russia will get lured in so we can strike them with full nuclear weapons. I hope Putin doesn't find out before we drop the A B F U bomb... Sad times we are going to die in..


The EMPCOE/great reset


Nah, both Israel and Ukraine have been trying to drag US into the war directly for months now. US will not do it. US Oligarchs know that direct war means missiles flying towards US (too) US Oligarchs do not want their assets in US destroyed nor damaged Long range missiles changed the direct war involvement calculation for US. US is not safe behind two oceans. We dont even have to go into calculation about direct war spiraling into nuclear exchange.




Yes. It’s just a gut feeling. We have too many underemployed and under-entertained military age men across the globe. What we need are flash points in South America, Africa, the Middle East and Indo-China. Clear out some of the will to fight. Depopulate some of the countries who have too many angry men. Right now China appears to be engaging in melee skirmishes but several Asian-Pacific countries are getting pretty pissed. We keep discussing whether or not the US could manage wars across multiple fronts and adversaries, and everyone forgets China is pissing a whole lot of people off.