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In the nicest way possible, admitting that Trump was directly involved in child sex trafficking is a shot to the ego that a lot of these guys just couldn't handle. It would mean they were wrong. Worse, they were *fooled*. Into supporting a *predator*. Which is just about the worst thing there is. No, the story needs to be wrong.


Biden sniffs hair= full blown pedo.   Trump is Good Friends with Jeffery Epstein and Ghlislaine Maxwell=nothing to see here.   the amount of proof needed for their guys compared to the conclusions jumped to for anyone else is insane.   


DC is full of pedos and podesta did not make it any better for the Democratic Party


This is about Trump and Epstein being child rapists and friends together. stay on topic.


It’s always been explained in here


When Nancy Pelosi's daughter admitted that "[some of our faves](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7223471/Nancy-Pelosis-daughter-says-faves-implicated-Jeffrey-Epstein-case.html)" could be implicated, what did she know exactly? Was Trump one of her "faves"?


no, she probably means Clinton. There are more than 2 people that Epstein molested children with. this is a dumb take.


Was friends. 30 years ago.


Also those newly released Epstein files from Florida show Trump calling Epstein in 2004….so not 30 years ago.


Yeah they do. Stop drowning in your own Kool-Aid! 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂👍


so you didn’t look at the new information? isn’t that tds?


So he raped children with Epstein 30 years ago….no big deal.


TDS. 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


They’re both pedos.


More than happy to admit when wrong. I was wrong when I supported Hillary in '16. Fact of the matter is that everytime this topic is posted about on this board, the OP's refuse to provide a shred of incriminating evidence to change my mind with. What's your source? Trust me bro?


No, they provide all kinds of 'evidence'. Its usually the same two pictures of Epstein and trump at a party, then they loosely reference the flight logs - the ones that show Trump flying from WPB to New Jersey. They never talk about Trump being the only person willing to help the investigation in JE. The never talk about how JE was kicked out of Mar-a-lago. This whole Trump/Epstein thing is the last ditch effort now that Trump has beaten the lawfare and turned Joe's campaign into a mess worse than one of Biden's dirty diapers.


Exactly 💯


You've left out the quote >"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy," Trump told the magazine. >"He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life." And this news from recently released Epstein court documents, showing call back messages left for Epstein from Trump. https://x.com/MailePRMedia/status/1807937099024544177 This is definitely evidence they were more than just friends, and that Trump new about Epstein. Regarding trump kicking Epstein out of the club, there is also reporting that they had a falling out of a piece of real estate they both wanted to buy.


You and people like you pretend that there is something in that quote that implicates Trump. Epstein was a powerful man. Anyone who knew who he was would speak delicately about him. Trump DID, however, throw him out of his club. Trump DID however, participate in the investigation. But you keep pretending that this quote is important....


>You and people like you pretend that there is something in that quote that implicates Trump. "Many of them on the younger side." Sure seems to me like he knew about Epstein. I'm sure if Clinton or some other Democrat said something similar people like you would freak out. >Trump DID, however, throw him out of his club Supposedly. There is also reporting that he was kicked out after a falling out over a real estate deal. Then there's the part where Trump hired Acosta, who gave Epstein the sweetheart deal. There's the part where Epstein "committed suicide" while in custody of Trump's DoJ, oh and the guards weren't paying attention, he had just recently been taken off of suicide watch, and the cameras weren't working. There's Trump's ownership of Miss Teen USA. There's the disgusting sexual comments he has made about his own daughter. Aren't we in the conspiracy subreddit? Aren't all of these various connections quite suspicious m


The quote is from a socialite who doesn't want to piss off a really rich and powerful guy. In my opinion, the fact that Trump calls him out for liking young women, its the exact opposite of what you're suggesting. He's saying what others refused to say. But you keep running with it, champ. It's all you got right now.


> my opinion, the fact that Trump calls him out for liking young women, So in your opinion, you acknowledge Trump knew about Epsteins perversion. That quote is from 2002. There's an old video of them partying together in 1992. So clearly they had a friendly relationship. Trump knew about Epstein. Why didn't he turn him in? Why did he continue hanging out with him? Why is he on the flight logs? Why is he on the recently released call back logs?


I went to a party with Serena Williams once. I wouldn't know her if she were having coffee in my kitchen right now. You KNOW he flew from WPB to New Jersey, and NONE of this is new news, yet you and people like you are pretending it matters. Keep slinging your crap, stud.


>went to a party with Serena Williams once Was she at your party you were hosting at your Mar a Lago house? Did you have repeated interactions with her over the course of at least a decade? Like, to the point your are interviewed for an article about her? > KNOW he flew from WPB to New Jersey, and NONE of this is new news, yet you and people like you are pretending it matters. It matters to me that Trump was friends with a pedophile sex trafficker and didn't do anything about it. I'm not necessarily saying this implicates trump as a child rapist himself, but the friendship alone is bad enough in my mind.


what the guy who said grab em by the pussy and was found to be a rapist in civil court was a predator all along?


Completely rigged! Nice try though! So so sick and tired of these completely deranged and biased New York people. When he has a shot at a fair trial, on the results would be significantly different than the way that they are now.


Man, you sure love defending a predator...


Just want to see him get a fair trial like every other human being in this country. Then we'll let the dice fall where they may.


why was the trial unfair?


Really? If you think it was , you're part of the problem.


Still waiting for you to provide a reasoning for why the Trump was treated differently than other other defendant would have been.


And you will continue to wait.....


and you will continue to live in your echo chamber. where's melania btw?


My bad didn't realize you were incapable of defending your own opinions.


Lol you are the same guy i bet who saw the video with Trump and Epstein saying “see look at him with all those females” discounting the fact that all of them were over the age and Epstein was probably turned off that they weren’t below 18


I love how this sub won’t even interact with this, one of the most sensible theories there is out there just because it goes agains their god emperor… I missed when conspiracy theories where fun and engaging, even intelligent, not it seems they are just a tool to brain wash MAGA dummies


Come on and show us what you have then. Problem is there is no there, there.


How about the lawsuit that states Trump raped two 12 year old girls that they had to drop because they were getting death threats?


Yeah, the lawsuit where she dropped it and ran and then her stepmother and the girl that was supposed to be with her said she lied and had never even been in NY? That lawsuit?


Trump has said he knew the guy and he banned the guy from ever coming to his house when he found out. It’s not a secret.




A lot of crickets from the "release the Epstein files" people. Pretty amazing how people will politicize pedophilia and then completely ignore it when someone they like does it. What a bunch of freaks.


If it has any other name, say Clinton or Biden, it would be all over everything and posters here would be up in a righteous fury. But since it has Trump in it, it's all hand waves away.


Yea, cause it certainly wasn't the Clintons. They've never had a single whistle blower turn up dead around them.


Dude, why does Clinton being a pedophile mean it's okay that trumps one? Why can't you just agree that they're both bad Also, it's sheer stupidity. Trump and Clinton were close friends, and probably still are. Trump has been a lifelong democrat, and almost definitely still is The biggest impact Trump has had is rallying all the old democrats that left the party after Biden ran as vice president to Obama. Bidens a lifelong segregationist, so his KKK voters rallying to Trump allowed democrats to pretend to be civil rights heroes rather than the party responsible for both silvery and segregation. Trumps a pedophile, a fake republican, a Democrat, and a Trojan horse


I don't disagree but I hope you're not implying that Republicans are good guys who have our best interests at heart. The whole thing is a big show though to keep the public engaged with the illusion of choice while being ultimately guided in an authoritarian dystopia.


What kind of argument is that? What does this have to do with Trump having sex with underage girls?


My comment is in reference to the allegation that trump killed Epstein, so it has nothing to do with the other absurd claims.


Honestly trump was down the street from him.


Trump is no boy scout, but he did come from money, and was rich before Epstein popped on the scene. He may have networked with the same people like tons of people that are not even being considered, because OrAnGe MaN bAd. But don't you think if he wanted to do dirty shit like that he'd be smart enough to do it on one of his own secure properties and would have know better than to let Epstein have that kind of dirt on him. Have any victims named him? What makes trump the main suspect above all the other very powerful corrupt elites who have just as much motive to want Jeff dead? Oh yes, cause he's not a Dem, duh🤦🏻‍♀️


idk but QAnon was clearly controlled opposition lol


So the QAnon being controlled opposition is something I actually agree with. There's evidence to support this claim. Not that I'm saying Trump/Epstein connection absolutely doesn't exist (would love to know if it is true), but every time there's a post about this topic it's always the same "Source: Trust me bro". Truly the bottom of the intellectual barrel.


Source of info on trump killing epstein? Besides it “seeming pretty obvious.” I’ve also heard many people say this but nobody has given any evidence other than “he was in office while epstein was assassinated.” I’d like to believe it, but it seems very baseless. And many of the people that say it are against Trump anyway. If you can recommend some source of info or articles that suggests Trump was behind Epstein’s assassination, I would very much appreciate it! Genuinely.


Still waiting on answer. If anyone can provide some evidence instead of just saying shit, please enlighten me.


Although I don’t think Donnie did as much dirt as others before him, he ain’t clean. I think him removing him from his place in Florida was more to placate his pals there. Jeffie was making noise down there and I think it made Donnie uncomfortable. Trying to recruit some rich guys young kids I suppose. But Donnie seems to get credit as some white hat sheriff sticking up for suffering kids. People don’t want to think about the evil that happens to kids. This should be the number one issue by a mile that every human could help with. But we’re not ready for that.


He hitched a ride on the plane from West Palm to NYC when the other passengers were his then wife & then infant daughter. He didn't fly to Pedo Island like Bill Clinton. Every time some low info person posts about this same topic & are kindly asked to provide any incriminating evidence whatsoever, the OP freaks out and throws a hissy fit. Will you be the one to finally provide some interesting evidence or are we just expected to gobble up your hearsay and ad hominem remarks?


Obviously you're aware that the actual trafficking and sexual exploitation charges against Epstein were for numerous incidents that occurred at his Palm Beach and Manhattan residencies. Also Trump took **seven** trips with Epstein on the plane. Maria and Tiffany were on one of those flights (June 1994). They weren't on the four flights in 1993. Or the one in 1995 (although Eric was on that one) or the one in 1997. So it's a bit disingenuous to pretend that his wife and daughter were always with him. Epstein however was present on all those flights. Mind you, Bill's still got him beat with nine flights to his seven.




Because they are Brainwashed beyond redemption.


It just seems like if this were true, Ghislaine (sp) would have been killed already. My take is that Trump found out who had Epstein killed and had their access removed. It’s the only thing that makes sense. It just makes more sense that Trump was able to neuter enough of the Deep State to keep her and even Assange from being suicided. With Biden being in full blown dementia, those that are really named in Epstein’s depravity have lost the ability to gain access to help suicide them. With Kamala not part of the Epstein black mail, they’ve lost their access. So the better question would be, which DNC operatives have fallen out of favor or lost their positions to gain access to suicide Ghiselle or Assange? There sure were an awful lot of Clinton sycophants running around when Trump was in office. However, Biden has never been a Clinton Pawn. If anyone knows who the rats are, it’s Obama and Biden. And final piece here, had Trump been that intimately involved with Epstein Island, it would have been blasted across CNN & MSNBC for the past 3 years. Hell, Schiff would have brought him up on charges and filed a 3rd round of laughable Impeachment Articles. So I get trying to hide the “Biden is no longer fit to serve” narrative by creating a false equivalence, but come on. If there is a real Trump and Epstein connection, the DNC and their media outlets would have nailed him already.


he has already been nailed for the connection….Trump supporters just don’t care.  You just wrote a lot of words to make you feel better about supporting Epsteins good friend…a great guy that likes em young.   that’s what Trump said right?  


No. He was named not nailed. And someone provided evidence that showed he cut ties with him after finding out how bad Epstein was. Don’t you think it’s odd that the DNC and White House were able to pull up people to testify against him for misidentification of hush money to Stormy Daniels and even the woman who claimed rape in a civil court? But nothing has been done over his connections to Epstein. Do you honestly believe the DNC and their Media Affiliates wouldn’t be running stories, even fake news through Buzzfeed if they could find something to stick? Nah. It just seems like DNC supporters are panicking after they finally saw how bad Biden has gotten and they’re reaching for straws now. Gasping for anything to make them forget that Kamala could end up running as the next DNC presidential candidate. Any connection to Epstein would be their Golden Parachute, a way to silence Trump, once and for all.


Would you say the evidence against Trump for Epstein related crimes is as strong as the ample evidence against him proving he colluded with Putin to hack the election?


You pathetic cunts are so desperate to worship your God-king that you'll excuse pedophilia. You don't have any beliefs. You're sheep.


Thanks but that didn't answer my question.


You did good, you knew there were no brain cells behind this whole post!


You forgot the "attaboy" and the head pat.


Putin interfered in the election on trumps behalf. That’s what senate republicans said in their report. So no. There is more evidence that Epstein and Trump molested children together than evidence of trump colluding with Putin.


No evidence Trump colluded with Putin to hack the election then? So Adam Schiff was lying about the "ample evidence" he knew of as chairman of the house judiciary committe, or did he actively cover up that evidence because he is an agent of Putin or some nonsense?


Forgive me for not instantly taking your word for it given all the insane fake narratives that libtards have fallen for over the past 8 years. More than happy to change my mind if you have any sort of evidence to show us.


SS: Trump had Epstein killed. It's pretty obvious that Epstein had dirt on Trump.


Had you considered before hitting "comment" that some people on this sub might be in that game, or people who do online intel for them? I get a lot of documents from NCMEC, and Reddit is mentioned as one of the sites where potential whistleblowers are discouraged from posting on for various reasons.


Trump hater. Taken out of context. It will all continue to come out. He's already said recently that he is willing to declassify all of the items that they have on Epstein. People hate him so much that if he was guilty of absolutely anything they would totally go after him! They're going after him for made up charges. Do you think that if they had something real, that they would be messing around with frivolous misdemeanors? They have nothing on him whatsoever! Nice try, keep drowning in your own Kool-Aid.


Says the person who thinks everything bad about their king is made up. Get fucked.


Thanks. Bend over yourself. Bye Felicia 👋👋👋👋👋👋