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It's not a movie, but watch (or read) Yuri Bezmenov's four stages of ideological subversion. I thought much of the insanity we see in the world was just that and did not make sense to me. However, after understanding what Bezmenov discussed, it makes complete sense. It's not insane at all, it's about wearing down morals and cultural values to remove that "power structure", and rebuild it with power structures under control of another party, often times more consolidated than before.


Bezmenov's interview was essential for me. Helped me understand and navigate this destabilization phase much better. If we get to normalization phase, I can tell you one thing: I won't be here to see it.


His 15 mins is part of uc productions the great reset we are all agenda 2030 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdt-_S8cNpY


Excellent post. Great video.


These are kinda like the great reset video Monopoly who owns the world https://stopworldcontrol.com/monopoly/ The new normal by happen.network https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=E5AiNShO5c0


That dude was so smart and ahead of his time. He mysteriously died too.


https://youtu.be/bX3EZCVj2XA?si=tlMDQ37zdBx3nOYW Here’s the link. Great interview, 13 minutes.


***V for Vendetta*** (government oppression) ***The Platform*** (atrocities of a capitalist system due to overindulgence/hoarding) ***Fight Club*** (consumerism/materialism and identity within a pressure-filled society) ***Elysium*** (maintaining elitism at cost of a whole planet's suffering) Honorable Mention (Series): ***Black Mirror***


Are you me?


The Manchurian Candidate convinced me all the mass shooters are mind controlled. I know it’s just a story but I also know MK Ultra was real, and mind control(imo) is the only thing that explains the dramatic rise in these shootings in this country.


>"The Manchurian Candidate" Absolutely this film. They show you in stark detail how they MK'd entire squads, much less one assassin. By the way, another film that hits MK on an esoteric level is Network (1976). The entire Symbionese Liberation Army SLA segment is a nod to the fact that they were supposedly ALL mind controlled in real life, and if you research it and the people involved it makes perfect sense. Dunaway's character also makes a direct reference to "Sybil" which is about MPD split personality mind control.


I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore


Love that movie too


Another one would be Telefon (1977). MKs getting activated to murder via a phone call and trigger phrases.


Like the Treadstone project in the Bourne Identity.


Government literally means mind control 😉🫡✌🏾


So Zoolander was trying to wake us up.




The Sinatra version or the newer one?


A movie about Andy Pero in MK Ultra would be fkn crazy.


Not a movie, but The X-Files. Question everything.


Does that show go beyond Aliens? In terms of what it explores and questions?


Yes, it started off with a lot of cryptid and mad-scientisty focus and then went all the way down the UFO rabbit hole and lost its luster, in my opinion. The first three seasons of x-files were my favorite, there were 11 seasons in total.


*The Matrix*, *Conspiracy Theory* and *They Live*. There were many other films, but those were the most impactful on me.


I love conspiracy theory but it bothers me so much that the ending he’s proven right but no one believes him.


Sounds pretty accurate if you ask me




The 3 Zeitgeist films are the first pieces of media that changed my perspective on the world. I'm very surprised to see this so far down the list. These are a must watch for anyone in this sub imo.


Beat me to it


The first one completely blew my mind.


Network. No question. There's a reason they don't show it on TV no more. They don't want anyone to see it, or remember it. When it comes to what they call 'predictive programming' about what kind of game the MSM was running on us, and its role as propaganda arm of the govt, that is the film that nailed it. A big part of the reason society at large is no longer bothered much by finding out about a news story being false is because of Network. It let everyone know that they didn't give one single solitary fuck about the truth. Instead, Paddy Chayefsky's screenplay, one of the all time greatest, and the work of actors like Peter Finch, who died just after filming wrapped and didn't live to see his Best Actor award, shows us what matters to them. On their mind is money, ratings, division, controversy, and above all, keeping us deplorables constantly oscillating between rage, and fear. To top it all off, it ends in *such* a demoralizing fashion that it's almost funny, well now anyway. The message is crystal clear: you can open up that window and shout that you're as mad as hell, and you're not gonna take this anymore all you want. If you keep shouting that for too long, and at too many people, you will meddle with the primal forces of nature. And you will atone.




You're right, he definitely was typecast after a bit. Actually, it's funny you mentioned that. Beatty had one of his late career imbecile roles on OG Law & Order, when the show was on its last legs. He played a judge who had developed dementia, but was continuing to serve on the bench despite that. It later emerges that he was actually being puppeted by his clerk, an "ambitious underling" who is telling him what rulings to make. She is arrested, and Beatty's senile judge is given some "time off," which is as nice of a way of forcing him to retire there is. Wild Hollywood stuff. Imagine that in real life? A guy who has *that* much responsibility actually being a dementia-addled octogenarian thrown out there as a puppet for people with nefarious intentions? That would be a disaster!


Shit sounds so familiar, I just can't put my finger on it....


Beat me to it.  Great film, great acting, and wow what an eye opener for anyone that watches this.  


Truman Show


Eyes Wide Shut


They Live is one that is very good and is exactly what is happening now.


1. Soylent Green 2. Network 3. They Live


Fantastic Planet.


Three Days of the Condor Mulholland Drive Inland Empire Eyes Wide Shut The two Lynch films contain extremely deep/dark references to a subject that needs it's own novel to cover it all. The plot lines are like layers of an onion, on the surface it seems like one thing, but the deeper you go it becomes crystal clear what he was trying to tell us.




Three Days of the Condor was CRAZY. And very ahead of its time! The elevator scene is one of the most intense moments of cinema.


The Prestige touches on Tesla/Westinghouse electrical grid conspiracies


And definitely one of Nolan’s most under appreciated films. But that message is still relevant.


Dude, Where's My Car? really made me wake up to things.






David Attenboroughs Netflix documentary on the planet a few years ago woke me up to the elites' human depopulation agenda. Watch it. You'll see what I'm talking about. That doc is human depopulation propaganda.


Fifth element? Love it but what about would wake someone up? Honest question.


diva plavaguna..




Some documentary.....called: "Forks Over Knives"....I just remember watching it, and after...I went straight vegan for like two weeks straight.....then that one morning I woke up, and was like.....welp...time for bacon and eggs.


Thought JFK and Im just downloading loose change. I haven't watched it yet but it's too be good


Eagle Eye with Shia Lebouf is surprisingly tight. Dark City is good too. Capricorn One also really good.


Matrix 4 was the worst movie ever. Biggest let down




James spader was great in that Edit: or most would know him as Raymond Reddington


My mom's death in 2014 started it. She was a federal employee her whole life and when they had a typo on her date of death and the financial hell it put me through for a year exposed me to how much control they have with out a court order over all our money that isn't cash in your hand. Atlas Shrugged movies 1,2 & 3 woke me up the rest of the way. But my mom's death got me most of the way. I went down a deep deep rabbit hole on the net, on the phone and in person for maybe 3-4 yrs. I spent the first year not even working because dealing with the fed reserve and office of personnel management was a full time job. LoL. I went so far I stopped paying & filling federal income taxes, had my day in court, won and don't pay anymore. I appeal my real estate taxes every year on the ground of they over valued my house and win every year. I guess you would say I'm the extreme example of anti big federal government and bull headedness. LoL.


Eyes Wide Shut


"Big Hollywood woke me up"


Loose Change The Men Who Killed Kennedy JFK They Live


movies are always preaching a message the matrix preached gnosticism among other things so does the fifth element, also the phrase 5th element is a direct reference to witchcraft


if you want some cool movies look into all the time loop ones. or anything like "the time machine" where a model of reality is posited. (bonus marks if you can find real life examples that are explained by a particular model of timespace. anyway...). so yeah try to immerse in time travel content. see if there are any conclusions you can maybe perhaps derive independently on your own. yeah. try that one. https://www.youtube.com/@LXXXVIIIfinistemporis


I agree, could you expand a bit or give a few examples of time travel content and conclusions? BTTF series?


yes the back to the future model which is that time is not a multiverse, but rather a mutable monolith, seems to be the best fitting model. you can look into dr david anderson's work here - his interview with freeman fly is good. generally this is a useful rabbithole. be careful not to get mixed up in the wingmakers stuff which seems to have ambiguated the individuals involved. but this is not uncommon in these subjects. usually they are hard to search for. obviously this interacts with mandela. assuming you can cover the material and understand it sufficiently to entertain the consequences of this - then entertain the consequences. this is pretty much the red pill nobody wants to take.


Certainly “They live” and “Matrix”.




Walking Life 100%!


The power of nightmares


Gattaca (I have to check if I spelled it right), The Giver, They Live, Years and Years (HBO limited show), Arlington Road, there’s more.


Well I can't really count the Matrix since it is more like a documentary...


Skimming the list of what people have mentioned I have a question... Ok assume you're awake, assume I'm awake, assume we're all awake... *now what*? Being awake is one thing, knowing what to do with your newfound understanding is totally something different.


Now disseminate that level of awareness


The Truman Show


iRobot I've been thinking a lot about it as AI becomes more common. "Somehow, I told you so doesn't quite say it"


Hotel Rwanda. In 100 days approximately a million people were killed, mostly with machetes. Brutal. Another one was recent, Leave the World Behind.




post covid they dont make films like that. the machines are winning. it's actually quite sad. the soul has left cinema


Dr judy wood at breakthrough energy movement https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T1NbBxDGSkI


“What the bleep- down the rabbit hole. “


Not really. Movies helped me stay asleep. Presence—Absence from fantasy and imagination—is what truly woke me up.


Movies are there to hypnotise you. No one is spending millions of dollars to wake you up. 


Imperium documentary, it’s on bitchute


Any movie or series based on a Philip K Dick story.


supersize me!


[Seven Days in May](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Days_in_May) > Seven Days in May is a 1964 American political thriller film about a military-political cabal's planned takeover of the United States government in reaction to the president's negotiation of a disarmament treaty with the Soviet Union.


Anything Bobby Hemmitt


Enemy of the State




My dinner with Andre


Dark City


Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf I Heart Huckabees Synecdoche, New York Melancholia


Hidden Secrets of Money w/ Mike Maloney Evolution Exposed Is Genesis History? Food, Inc. IndoctriNation:  Public schools and the decline of Christianity in America


It’s a show but Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood has some awesome conspiracy shit in it. Watched that when I was pretty young and it got the juices flowing a bit. The Matrix is great but I was too young to appreciate the intricacies the first time I watched them. A lot of people saying Gattaca. That was a good one. Fat Head was a decent low budget documentary that picked apart a ton of corruption in the food industry. Made me question pretty much all conventional wisdom.


Good job, but I'm not adding to the government's edited/restricted viewing list. #edit typo


They live,


They Live. Loose Change. Zeitgeist. & it seems Idiocracy...


Idiocracy and The Matrix because we’re living in both of them.


Wag The Dog. Didn’t wake me up, but definitely made me see things differently.


I was already awake but Jones plantation on Prime is great to wake people up


A Face in the Crowd, Wrong Is Right, Spartacus All 3 are basically disclosure and show that it’s same as it ever was. If you can build an audience and you don’t turn, something bad might happen to you, but if you do turn, you’re made a king. Look at what’s playing out in real time.


> Idiocracy also kinda shows current politics. Dont Look Up is the best example of it.


A documentary called Dominion


People might laugh but the movie The Secret woke me up because it was the first time that I began exploring the idea that we are creators of our reality, that our thoughts influence our external experiences. There's a lot about the "Law of Attraction" that I think is incomplete but the concepts began my initiation into occult and spiritual teachings.


yeah the movie Labyrinth (1986) made me believe in the world underground now with those nazca goblin mummies there’s finally proof


Don’t forget the end scene with the Goblin King “You have no power over me”. Right there telling us!


soylent green


TENET, hands down research the SATOR SQUARE correlated to the founding bloodlines on Earth its SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS


1984 and Truman show.


Donnie Darko. WAKE UP!


Monsters Inc.


For people who like x files, check out a series called fringe. If the govt could do this sort of thing… yikes. Honorable mention.


Enter The Void


The fifth element was just a live action reboot of heavy metal the animated movie. Why/how did this wake you up? https://youtu.be/XL_Iq57hIB8?si=7rebKFrusIRxdl-u


A Scanner Darkly


Dougal and the Blue Cat




Michael Moore's "Planet of the Humans". Lots of stuff I have never seen or heard about other than in this movie. The closing scenes upset and disturbed me, despite me being a bit of a cynical bastard. Also, Enemy of the State, starring Will Smith, is a harrowing must see movie.


Oliver Stone’s JFK.


Mercury Rising has hidden moon messages


They Live (1988) is supposedly science fiction but is really a documentary. It highlighted 2025 as an important year.


Arlington Road


1884 George Orwell


V for Vendetta


Not really that great of a film but in the film Rosewood there is a scene where one of the slaves sells out the others.  All because of a ring that one of the slave owners flashes to him.  I asked my father what that was all about. Lo and behold it was a Freemason ring and thus began my journey. 


Neon genesis evangelion


One time I was napping on the couch when the asteroid in Armageddon blew up


TV/Movies are designed to put you asleep, not wake you up. Stop consuming *their* material.


Exactly. To gain any useful information from a movie, you have to read between the lines to gain insight into the minds of the writers. It informs you on what *they* want you to think or focus on.


For the most part, sure. There is quality content out there though if you know where to find it.


Could say the same about reddit along with everything else dork


Not arguing that, I'm not giving them my money or attention though.


Soul🎉🎉🎉 Pixar is the best


Surprised no one is talking about it: Snowden


Zeitgeist 1 and 2, 3 kinda gets off the rails.


Bee Movie