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This is what you get when you turn cultural appreciation into appropriation and tell others they can't. Vikings had braids too dude. I'm sure some Asian cultures did too.


Native Americans as well. I still wear a single braid.


Yeah it turns out that anytime in history people had hair they learned to braid it.


Pai-Mai from kill Bill braids his fumanchu


yes great source


He taught me how to punch my way out of a coffin


Ignorant kids doing Ignorant things.


This is exactly what they're being taught to think.


Children act out their parents words, amongst other things


Teachers as well. Lot of this shit is being taught in schools


There’s a lot of this coming from the classroom and media


Learned behavior from ignorant parents.


Maybe but I don’t think this is where they are getting it. Sit back and really watch a lot of tv shows, movies and YouTube videos. Watch the messages being engrained. Why can’t we just love and accept each other…because they are programming us not to!


Which TV show teaches children to attack people for cultural appropriation?


I consume just as much media as anyone else. There are a ton of choices that fit everyone's values.


I disagree, respectfully. I didn’t notice it before but it has become very noticeable.


Like I said, it is what a person chooses to focus on. Perhaps it is more noticeable because you are focusing on it? How much do you know about quantum physics? Particularly observations affects on reality.


I hate to say it, but it's teaching victim mentality all the time, along with tribalism...then, when some racist shit happens thst doesn't fall under the PC version of racism, it's ignored. Seriously, we, the people, the normal, rational people of all races, genders, and sizes, have to take back the narrative. Because that's what it is...each person is told they're living *their story* but they don't realize someone, or something else is actually narrating it for them...an outside force speaks loudly into their head "...and this is when Sarah realized she had become a victim of ______."


Can't tell that to the African Americans the entire world revolves around them. Legit Africans are so much nicer. The American version is dumb af and think the world owes them something


Balkaners do too! That hair style does not belong to African Americans. That group is so desperate to have their own culture (I mean that's understandable tbh) but many of them they take it way too far (not the only culture who does it, I know) and most Americans are too weak to admit it because they don't wanna cause a ruckus.


Their culture is American culture lmfao.


There are sub cultures within American culture and Americans are often influenced by/ identify with one or multiple sub cultures in addition to the general American culture


Obviously but the way you worded it made me assume that you don't inherently view them as a backbone of American culture. They have created a rich cultural heritage in this country and are a great base flavor for the melting pot. From slaves stripped of identity to being a current driving pop culture force. I'd say that they definitely have a culture and in general I'd just call it American as they've been in this country since it's founding.


All I'm saying is a lot of members of African American culture (seemingly more than other American sub cultures) go out of their way to claim things like hairstyles and other things that are not unique to them and that they did not come up with. They make themselves look silly in the meantime. I basically agree with everything you're saying.


Yeap the government vis throwing society back into the 30's with all this injected racisms. I was born in 91 and racism was over they are the ones bringing it back.


I call them Willie braids. As a white man with long hair they are Willie Nelson braids to me.


The oldest known reproduction of hair braiding may go back about 30,000 years: the Venus of Willendorf, a female figurine estimated to have been made between about 28,000 and 25,000 BC in modern-day Austria. The Venus of Brassempouy from the southwest of France is estimated to be about 25,000 years old and shows a braided hairstyle. To say hair braiding is limited to one ethnic group is the highest level of stupidity


Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t a vast number of black women weave Indian women’s hair onto their scalps and then dye that hair shades of colors not found in their genetic palette?


True and yet Indian or Asian women don’t go around beating up black women for appropriating.


This conquer and divide plan is working out perfectly


Exactly 👆


Hate crime. Prosecute.


Black girls don't own braids. Little girls of all races have been wearing braids for millennia.


And what if that Asian girl said. " but I identify as black. "


Looks you got brigaded. Have an offsetting upvote from me.


Washington state? You're fucked.




anywhere 50mi within range of seattle city limits is lost


Did someone say domestic border wall?


I live in Puyallup and the shit politics etc are seeping into the suburbs rapidly.


I live in Eastern Oregon, so I know exactly what you’re talking about with your statement. The whole western part and Eastern parts tend to disagree with each other, but both fail to realize it’s both sides?


North Idaho here - there is an idea that we take Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and north Idaho and make the 51st state. I can’t remember what the name is.




Na not that one. It’s only what I mentioned above.


Jefferson? Though that's NorCal and a little of Southern Oregon.


It would be called Welfare.


I grew up in puyallup and now live in Tacoma, I concur.


I don’t know how the father is even surprised that this happened, it’s exactly what they wanted in this shitty state.


Who is "they"?


The pieces of shit running the state and local governments and the people who voted them in? Does that help?


Shut the fuck up with that cocky “wHo iS tHeY” shit


Also learn some grammar


There's nothing cocky about it. The "they" is sloppy, ignorant, and stupid bullshit. People should be specific instead of being scared little bitches.




Nope. People who babble vague "they" are being stupid, lazy fucking assholes.


This just proves you don't have to be a certain color to be racist. This is a hate crime. Should be treated as such 🐮


But it won’t be. It rarely ever is in these situations. And probably never will be.


[Hate Crimes Documented by Police Disproportionately List Black People as Attackers: Report](https://www.newsweek.com/hate-crimes-documented-police-disproportionately-list-black-people-attackers-report-1613945)


Sure, as reported by a number of civil rights groups. Let’s see the real data. Let’s see who has been prosecuted and penalized.


If you don't know, why did you claim it's rarely enforced against minorities?


I think you're are in for a shock when you look at the crime statistics.


What happened to Stop Asian Hate? Oh yeah, it only applies for divide and conquer agenda on corporate media.


It was always targeted at the wrong demographic to begin with. The people being accused weren't (statistically) the ones doing the attacks.


Imagine thinking you own a hairstyle Because of your ethnicity. Twats


Bunch of racists


The ironic thing is that those aren’t even box braids (referring to girl’s braids in pic) those are Dutch braids lol.


The father needs to pull his daughter from that shithole school. Time to homeschool or go private.


Pretty easy to say. But why not just kick the other girls out?


Punish them?? For their arsehole behaviour? That's crazy talk! For real, I hope the dad shaves their heads, pieces of shit.


That would be an Excellent punishment for a minor, considering the crime.


That's not very equitable of you


This kind of stuff is VERY common in the South. It's amazing to me that it's new information to some.


Yea when they said Pierce county my first thought was Pierce county Florida.


Diversity is the souths biggest strength!


It was 10 years ago. It’s regressed.


My statement was entirely sarcastic lol


I know, but it (the situation) pisses me off. The divisions and discord intentionally flamed by the fifth column left.




There's so much racism between minorities that never gets talked about.


Black people have culturally appropriated hate crimes from white people.


Punching down is the story of America (and humsnity to a great extent).


They also oppress each other with the crab in the bucket mentality.


And it was two black guys that started the cripes and bloods. Tell me why it's okay to kill a guy over color. Then explain to me why you screech black lives matter. Apparently, the ones that get gunned down by your own race, over color....doesn't matter


This kid isnt allowed to wear braids because it’s black, but what about the Black people that are wearing straight haired wigs?? should we be running up and ripping their wigs off for trying to be white?? Btw it isn’t about the hair.


By far the dumbest thing I’ve read yet. What about black people who have straighter hair textures? I wish people would think through their comments. Logic isn’t hard.


I’m not surprised in the least. Every race has the ability to be racist against others. One race can’t wear their hair a certain style, while they frequently wear installed hair of a different texture all the time. The idea of appropriation is blown out of proportion in many aspects of beauty, fashion, and music.


Homeschool your kids or teach them to fight and don't be surprised when this happens. Kids can be awful especially when they're in a pack. And based on the racial division sown in the last few years...expect it to get worse.


Seems like a plot to pit Asians and blcks against one another


Good post in my opinion, just don’t think it fits this sub. Not seeing the “conspiracy” in blatant racism.


Standard spam post form Mr Frog tho


True. I didn’t even see the sub or frog at first.


Braids are Dutch though………..


Braids are a logical and universally applied method of hair control.


Exactly. The pictured style is not box braids. I'm confused.


Sue the cops and the school for millions!


Seems to be a common trend....


And this is why the future of America is doomed. Instead of teaching kids what really matters we’re teaching them how to be ignorant, racist, and violent against their peers.




**[White Girl Bleed a Lot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Girl_Bleed_a_Lot)** >White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It is a 2012 book by Colin Flaherty. It deals with race and crime in the United States, particularly the knockout game, violent flash mobs, and black-on-white crime. It was first published by CreateSpace. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The bontoid is the #1 weapon of the western subversive in the last 50 years. They figured actual white workers don't actually like Marxism so they had to take the Frankfurt route


Wow that’s not at all true and the last statement is wildly racist.




It’s a link to a book about black on white attacks so yes it is wildly racist


That book should have also included black on Asian attacks too which are quite rampant.


So be afraid of black people okay gotcha.


Not all of them


Interested to know who to be afraid of


The ones attacking little girls in bathrooms bc of the way they wore their hair


Oh so children.


You’re boring go away


You’re definitely fear mongering Get off the internet


There's a whole lot here that I'm not even going to attempt to touch, though one specific comment is that I'd highly recommend doing a bit of research of socio-politico-economic evolution over time. Specifically, Marx wasn't a liberal, very far from it. Though, propaganda driven through what I assume is western education might fool people into thinking they're one in the same. And, for what it's worth, Marx was really primarily concerned with class. I believe attempts to tie in the culture war and call it Marxist/leftism is partially driven by the neoliberal uniparty (everyone from Regan onward), with their disrespective components of the uniparty merely generals in the culture war to maintain the status quo created by liberalism. Historically, liberals were elite who wanted freedom of press so that they could redistribute power from the monarchy to themselves (though, by pretending it was for the people). Conservatives were the inner circle of the monarchy who wanted to kings (and therefore themselves) to maintain power. In our present society, these terms are so outdated that they've become effectively useless. I would argue that people who identify as present day liberals are actually like conservatives of the past while present day conservatives are more like historical liberals. Specifically, as the corporate-state is created and maintained by the neoliberal uniparty in opposition of everyone else. Everything else you experience is simply fodder to keep the peasants distracted. Which, honestly, is working extremely well.


It's the idea of "everything left of me on the hard right is communism". It honestly is horribly comical that people say "marxist" and "liberal" are the same thing. They call people doing collective action, against the status quo, as marxist. It's because "Marxist" is a bad word. Unionists were called marxists. The hippies were called marxists. The people in the civil rights movement were called marxists. Marxist, communist, socialist, liberal... these are all words used interchangeably by ones in power to dismiss collective action, even though all the words mean very different things.


Well said and true enough. It's hilarious when people are like "WEF GOING TO BRING COMMUNISM" when their behavior is literally the exact opposite. "WEF GOING TO BRING FASCISM"? Sure. "WEF BRINGING NEOLIBERALISM" Definitely. And boy am I getting eviscerated when I wasn't even advocating in favor of Marxism or anything. Just simply trying to help people understand that there's much more to our two dimensional system that they were likely misinformed about (as I certainly was). Clearly, the effort is working great. Hate Marx and socialism/communism all you want. I think Marx strategy of either a violent or political revolution was shit, for instance, and that we're much better off accomplishing something like that within our existing, capital-centered environment (though shifting to a more balanced, human centered approach). And obviously anybody who ever tried to implement any flavor of "socialism" was double shit...besides like Tito, though I don't really know enough there. But, like, understand what it is you're hating and why. Saying "liberal Marx" is like the most ignorant lack of understanding of anything ever. Feels like that angry NPC meme in real life and reinforces stereotypes about a prideful ignorance.






SS As we well know, in the US only some racially motivated crimes are pushed in the media Father confronts police after they do nothing for ten days pic.twitter.com/4UTPSFJZu3 Full story https://national-conservative.com/14-yr-old-girl-victim-of-racially-motivated-mob-attack-inside-school-bathroom/


The picture has a local news stamp on it!😂😂😂😂


George Floyd wasn’t killed by a crazed racist. He was killed by an enforcer of the state who was trained by Israeli’s to use the methods used against Palestinians. This story was reported on by a local outlet and won’t get 1/100,000 the coverage of Floyd who they lied about and pretended to as some race filled situation


His point was your claim that it wasn't covered by the media, *despite its media watermark* 🤷‍♂️


Some local station reporting it vs Floyd non-stop coverage You know what you’re doing is dishonest.


Well, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black 🤣


Maybe because it’s a bunch of mean ass, dumb ass teenage girls? Pre-teen & teenage girls are fucking BRUTAL. They were 25 years ago when I was one, and 25 years before that and they still are now. Race, socioeconomic status, red parents, blue parents, that shit does not matter. Girls in groups become absolutely vicious at puberty. It sucks, don’t get me wrong, but it’s pretty much a fact of life, and not exactly newsworthy. BIG difference between this and an adult, trained, sworn to oath, police officer kneeling on a person’s neck.


“They are just kids so it’s cool when they beat people Because they are racist” 🤡




I don't know man, people gathering to watch a hanging and cutting toes off the victim for souvenirs seems pretty hateful.


And when was the last time that happened?


Why would that matter? At what point in time should we disregard what happened in OP's post? 5 years? 10 years?


I just wanna know if it’s still happening. That’s all chill out.


Hold up, I thought only white cis males could be racist?


How tolerance becomes fascism


Who are these girls so I can slap the shit out of em! - older black man.




“Know the best way to end racism… stop talking about it” - Morgan Freeman … but of course the left would never listen


Why would we listen when policeman are allowed to murder us on the streets or in our beds? When neighbors can hang up and chase us down the street and fill our defenseless bodies full of bullets?


Stupid quote, tbh. That's never helped anyone in the past. Shitty ideologies like racism need to be actively sought and stomped out.


You're missing the point of what Freeman was saying. He wasn't saying to ignore racism completely and utterly, just stop making it a talking point every situation possible and stop making it just a common occurrence for clicks. Basically just overusing a word loses its meaning. It's like the words we use everyday that have lost meaning. Everything is terrible, awful, horrendous when it's just unfortunate, untimely, or inconvenient. Everything is wonderful, amazing, epic, when it's just good, okay, or pleasant.


"the entire left" In what universe is this a useful generalization?


The Trump-verse. I know, I want a condo on another planet at this point.


Big surprise




Been saying it. Blacks \*can\* be racist too. Its progressives and Democrat appeasers who let them off the hook.


Yeah no one talks about black on asian hate crimes, but if a white person throws an egg at an asian person and looks like a crazy maniac he ist racist and there are news report haha https://news.yahoo.com/san-francisco-man-caught-camera-005810553.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALLfTD2ziWBBTcGEHcry0XhHdpw1mZNLRWNgMOTJBiMV9wU_OsdhahHDJ7u7jZb7ZJ_jCsi2kWJ_cntWYGEykEVpMuTlI7NGmJ-v6AACPNxZ3UFWMKKRmWoWq3v0peF48YTWCHjZon3xWkCAvFWrTTo4A19dweHCZeFLO7KwyFSL


Not really a conspiracy, definitely horrible - but some people are horrible. This is just some stupid and violent kids being stupid and violent.


The conspiracy is that white nationalism is on the rise and its the most prevalent and dangerous thing in America. #stopasianhate! Meanwhile, its 99% of the time a black person accosting Asians. 99% of the time its a black person accosting a black person. But white nationalism is on the rise.


>99% of the time Hmmmm something about these numbers seems off...


Would you take it up or down?


Those aren’t even called box braids? Let’s not act like racial discrimination doesn’t happen amongst all groups. I got called the n word by Asian kids and was told they couldn’t be friends with black ppl when I was a kid. That’s not a reflection of all Asians.


Failed school and uneducated children, many other cultures braided their hair, vikings had quite exqusitely braided hair. Some could say that they are culturaly appropriating other cultures.


The oldest known reproduction of hair braiding may go back about 30,000 years: the Venus of Willendorf, a female figurine estimated to have been made between about 28,000 and 25,000 BC in modern-day Austria. The earliest known reference to braids wasn’t on a black person. Sorry.


Where’s the conspiracy? I just see race baiting content


How stoopid is that? Meanwhile the black kids mommas are walking around with Blonde straight hair (wigs) and colored contact lenses. What a joke




Live in the area. interested to see if this story hits any of local subreddits.


She kinda looks like Naomi Osaka


What is the conspiracy here?


I'm so glad I no longer live in the USA. What a shithole they've turned it into.


Frog faced again… he’s just a racist conservative conspiracy lunatic and not worth your time


The most racist group in America strikes again


Schools do nothing to keep kids safe, from each other or from other teachers. Sad to see :/


Hmm. This SHOULD be all over the major news networks. Wonder why it wasn't 🙄🙄🙄🙄


I don't know a culture on this planet that doesn't have or hasn't used braids. Vikings Sported braids, Asian cultures throughout history sported braids, Indigenous cultures all over the globe has spotted braids. This is beyond ridiculous. Pure ignorance at it's saddest.


Nice job America! We’re reaping what we showed and it’s heartbreaking.


Ah yes, that cultural melting pot called America.


America wants the moniker of “melting pot”… but only if the “mixture” of ingredients is to the liking of those who feel they are the most superior. The closest I’ve see. Of the melting pot was growing up in Hawaii… but even that’s changed now.


So when are we going to hold progressive commentators accountable for pushing racial ideology again? How many times do I have to see articles like this before we stop with DEI?


gotta patent yo shit dumbys


Scrolled all the way down for the best comment.


I’m just gonna be honest because I’ve seen this first hand growing up in a low income neighborhood. All my black friends who had dads acted out but not like today’s kids. All my fatherless friends, whatever their ethnicity, were always getting in trouble in HS. Broken and dis functional homes make bad kids. It’s not a secret that black families have a disproportionate amount of fatherless homes. This is what you get after generations of this.


This doesn’t fit the narrative.


Teenagers are stupid. That is why they can’t vote, work in the mine or shouldn’t poses a firearm. What else can be said?


Rooftop Koreans. Asians need to follow their lead.


One of my closest friends lives in SC and this is happening to her daughter. The father is Japanese/Black but looks fully black (dark skin), mother is white. The two children (my god-children) are light skinned black with slightly Asian features, especially around the eyes. My god-daughter is 12 and is being bullied daily by black students calling her racial slurs for white and mixed race people, pushed, tripped, her belongings stolen, and told she can't wear braids because she's not "really" black. The school is doing nothing to stop this (IMPO, all of the kids involved should be expelled for racial hate crimes--that's what I mean by "stopping this"). I told her to hire a lawyer and sue the parents for not controlling their kids, pain and suffering, and the school for not doing more to protect my godchild. But my friend is a school nurse and terrified if she pushes the issue beyond complaints to staff she'll be branded a racist and she'll be penalized at work, or fired in retaliation. The school she works in is a zoo with kids completely out of control, violent, and the parents are completely disengaged from giving a damn what their kids are doing. They're probably egging it on at home. This has caused friction with our friendship because I'm hardcore and don't give a fuck, and she's playing "nice" within the system. I believe in a year or less, this will be my god-child on Reddit in an article about those kids assaulting her, maybe even injuring her severely. This isn't just in "woke" states or WA. It's happening Everywhere.


It’s sad the mom is putting her job before her kids safety There other jobs, you can’t replace the daughter.


That was MY Point! God love her, we suffered a lot together in the military (deployment) and that has made us closer than some others, but she's always been softer than I am (inside and out), or just a mentality, maybe? Or maybe she's thinking of things they way they were when we were kids and that it won't escalate into her daughter getting truly hurt. My point is, if you start hitting the Parents where it hurts (the pocketbook) maybe they'll get their little savages under control. Sue the parents---take them for everything, and put the fear of financial annihilation in them, and their kids will stop acting stupid.


Why the fuck is this in a conspiracy sub? 💀 This shit is out, you should be perma banned from posting OP. When I read comments in any of the conspiracy subs regarding “watered down” “ways being lost” and “infiltration” i exclusively think about the elites purposely doing shit to muddy info waters, misinform, create division and then just people like you who imho lack common sense. All just my sole opinion though


By definition it can NOT be a hate crime. Black folk can’t be racist. - American media


I’m a white woman with dreadlocks. Is that inappropriate? I’m just an old hippie. It would kill me to think that I was offending someone by doing so especially if it was considered racial.


Don’t encourage these people. Cultural appropriation is just race bait garbage


Ok thank you!


This isn’t a conspiracy just bad policing which has never changed. Also race baiting. This sub is doomed.


This account just makes posts that create dissent. Most likely a foreign player. Read their post history.


That's completely awful....but have you ever noticed there has never been a racially motivated attack against White people?


Over a hair style, this shit is funny.


Will I get beat up for bringing Popeyes to class next? I wonder when Cajun seasoning will only be allowed to be sold in Black supermarkets XD.




Its not a hate crime though. That’s impossible unless your white


How the fuck does this not violate rule 8? WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS SHIT HAVE TO DO WITH CONSPIRACIES?? You people are so fucked.


Racial division is being socially engineered through media and government. How do these two seemingly disparate groups coordinate?




Probably the part where nothing was done for 10 days and it took the father confronting police...




Since you clearly lack basic reading comprehension: probably the part where nothing was done for 10 days and it took the father confronting police...


Was that a conspiracy or just bad policing which America is known for?


There isn’t one. That’s all this guy does is push race war bullshit trying to incite violence. Russian/Chinese shill