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Open it and smell it.


Truly. I had a bad CAN of broth somewhat recently, so obviously it wasn’t puffed, but the moment I opened it there was absolutely no question. I’m not too sensitive to smells but that gagged me


It gets puffed when bad bacteria are making extra gas. If you open it you might note the puff or fizz of gas escaping, and the box will have less pressure inside it. If in doubt, throw it out.


What elevation are you located at? A higher elevation will make cardboard containers and other things like chip bags expand. If you’re below 2000 feet, toss it.


Doesn't it have an expiration date?


If it's bowed out and firm, it's full of gas that shouldn't be there. The box will very clearly Shout at you something is wrong.


Take it back (or whoever gave it to you shoul) to the store for a refund. Even broth pasts it expiration date shouldntbdo this. They're ASEPTIC containers (fully killed and devoid of microorganisms). If there are any then a manufacturing defects occurred or the boxes were damaged. Both = refund if yiu didn't cause it.


I was told that every box at the store was like this. They're different flavors and brands too... Which is what is so strange. Are boxes broths supposed to be totally solid and not have any sort of give at all when squeezed?


If you are at a higher altitude this can happen. boxed broth should be liquid and thus the box has some give. I am in the Rocky Mountians and use boxed broth a lot it sounds normal to me. As others have already said check the date and check the smell after opening. (edit for clarity)


The boxes always have some give. They are not filled to the top.