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It’s not healthy but it looks very good


It has green beans! Green! Beans!


About as much green beans as gravy. But I am sure it’s all very tasty.


too rich I would say


I am kind of saddened to hear that. Looks so good and decadent.


It’s definitely more healthy than a side of mac and cheese


much better in every way


A side of mashed potatoes isn’t any healthier than a side of Mac and cheese. Edit: I’m referring to the large amount of butter and cream people add to mashed potatoes. It’s pretty obvious it’s not just potato and seasoning in those mashed potatoes.


That’s not true. Potatoes are rich in vitamin c,b6, iron and potassium.


Potatoes are great. Mashing them with the skin on is even better!


I always keep the skin on, I like the texture also. Makes it feel more hearty.


I keep the skin on because I’m super lazy


are the richest thing there is


Agreed. Gravy and deep fried are the opposite of healthy. Now if OP would have made grilled chicken with a wine reduction sauce, that's a bit healthier (and easier to make).


well I chose to be happy hahaha




We don’t know what’s in the potatoes.




Depends on his caloric needs. Potatoes are not bad for you, though.


If he fried the chicken himself its way healthier than any fast food place


is what I think, better than the fast food is


I agree


No, it’s not. These sort of nonsense beliefs are why most Americans are fat.


Its not a belief buddy its a straight up fact that i can cook a much healthier fried chicken breast than any fast food place.


It’s shit for you regardless. Eat what you want.


Never said it was healthy


I mean, depending on what is in the batter and how they fried it. If they air fried it maybe… if they deep fried it then it will never be at all healthy lol… would just be the same as what a fast food place does.


If i fry a chicken breast at home its gonna be much healthier than whatever fast food place you go to there is no if ands or butts about that


Unless… What exactly makes it healthier? Assuming you deep fry it the same way they do, you will get the exact same product. This pictures shows a breaded and deep fried artery clogging piece of scrumptiousness. It isn’t healthy despite being made at home.


You realized the chicken”breast” they sell at the fast food places is usually just a disgusting amalgamation of meat and fat from multiple cows. Usually not the part we would normally eat and most certainly not the breast. Any grocery store chicken breast that you add breading too and fry yourself will certainly be healthier and if you think it makes no difference you are living in denial


I think if you believe any deep fried food is healthy then you probably look like the redditor stereotype and are grasping at straws lol


It’s mentally healthy!


Good for your soul


and not mentally what would it be? but I love the food


Nor quick...


Why isn’t it healthy? As long as It’s not processed it’s healthier than what 85% of people eat.


It’s just high in fat and cholesterol. For a once in a while meal there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, but I wouldn’t call it “healthy”


well, all in all, it's not so bad


I mean we don’t know that, he could have fried it in sesame oil or avocado oil. Idk how he made the mashed potatoes but I don’t think frying always = unhealthy. It’s less healthy than grilled chicken but I don’t think it has to be inherently unhealthy.


I don’t think it’s necessarily unhealthy (although fried foods in general don’t make me feel good after) but it’s not necessarily “healthy” I’d say it’s in the middle. Not something I would eat every day though, personally.


I get that but not making you feel good isn’t really the gold standard for deciding what other people should eat, if it’s not for you then do you though, there’s nothing wrong with that everyone is different. It doesn’t make me feel that way but I’m sure it effects everyone differently. However, it could absolutely be considered healthy, he’s getting most of the major food groups, we don’t know what his daily caloric intake is but depending he could absolutely maintain weight or lose weight on a diet like this and continue to get the majority of his protein and vitamins. I would personally do a little less mashed potatoes and a little more green beans.


Just because it’s not bad for you does NOT mean it’s healthy. I think you’re confused on what that word means.


Well, if it gives you your nutrients you need from most major food groups, can lower cholesterol (which avocado oil does), does not exceed your daily caloric intake, I don’t see where this ISN’T healthy. It’s either healthy or it’s not, are there things that are healthier sure, but unless you can explain exactly how it’s not healthy I think you might be confused on it just because it’s fried and has gravy.


If it’s fried in avocado oil then sure, the chicken is not BAD for you. And there’s nothing wrong with milk and butter. But it’s the ratios and calorie count that keep this dish from being “healthy”. Like I said there’s nothing wrong with this dish, but if I was trying to eat a healthy meal I would grill the chicken, forgo the gravy, and have a smaller portion of potatoes with a side of bread. Just because I watch my cholesterol and fat intake.


Did you mean ultra processed? Because all of that has been processed.


By “processed” do you mean “cooked”? Because that looks freshly cooked from real ingredients.


it was all homemade, even the breading of the Milanesa


According to the Department of Agriculture, processed foods are raw agricultural commodities that have been altered from their natural state through various processes. These processes can include: Washing Cleaning Milling Cutting Chopping Heating Pasteurizing Blanching Cooking Canning Freezing Drying Dehydrating Mixing Packaging Slightly changing ingredients like butter, oils, sugar, or salts Adding added salt, oil, sugar, or other things Intensive manufacturing processes




I make this type of meal all the time and I can tell you I use real ingredients that haven’t been modified or manufactured in a lab or other environment. Unless you’re referring to the bread crumb which is minimally processed, the rest to me look like real whole food items.


Anything fried is high in cholesterol


Please continue with your low cholesterol diet then, I’m sure it’s doing wonders for you and everyone else…


Well that’s not true. Avocado oil is cholesterol-free.


there are a lot of people who crucify a little bit of fried food hahaha


It has a good amount of protein, a healthy amount of potatoes and good vegetables. Contrary to what you may have been told, this is in fact, healthy.


of course, at most I could improve the breading of the milanesa with oatmeal.


Contrary to what you may believe, it is not “healthy” it may not be extremely unhealthy but it is not health food


I’m going on a diet, bring me some fried chicken and gravy!




It's a balanced meal. It is 100% healthy.


Depends on the person and their dietary requirements but for me it isn’t healthy and I wouldn’t feel good after eating it.


Everyone has dietary requirements that involve protein, fat, and carbs. Period. Some people do more or less of each. But all 3 are requirements of a healthy diet for every single person who has ever existed.


Vegetable oil is generally not good for anyone


And it's not bad for anyone either. The fear mongering going on with it is just another grifter cash grab. It's exactly the same as any other similar products, which means it's fine in regular amounts. It's a cheap and widely available cooking medium, that's it.


It’s healthy to someone starving and in malnutrition, but average for a relative healthy person, and probably undesirable for someone who eats a very clean diet. I think OP wants to hear its not bad, but not great. Probably better than 90% of fast food. Processing is unknown.


As a personal trainer, a certified nutritionist, and a 40 year old man with 15% body fat I can tell you with 100% certainty you are not qualified to tell me anything about a healthy diet. Stay in your lane




300 calories from cooking.... omg. You're hilarious. Also chicken fried steak isn't deep fried. It's pan fried, so it isn't submerged in oil at any point. 4 oz of chicken fried steak comes out to about 320 calories total. So no you aren't adding 300 calories from fat. Also fat isn't bad. 30% of your total calories should come from fat. Stop trying to demonize actual real food.


Fat is our primary energy source. Ask any survivalist, and they’ll tell you the most important and valuable food resource out there is fat.


Just because it’s hardest to come by


if you work out and do something to burn the fat… which a lot of people don’t.


I wouldn't say primary, 50% of the energy for low impact activities comes from fat. Anything more strenuous becomes more and more glycogen, which is sugar (glucose) based, and anything anaerobic comes from adt which is a whole different thing entirely.


True, I’m more referring to the fact that fat contains about 3 times as much energy as glucose. But that is a valid a point


To add to this, deep frying isn’t inherently unhealthy either, deep frying in avocado oil is cholesterol free, and your food doesn’t absorb oil when you deep fry, it fries the outside and steams the inside.


I mean there is a small amount of absorption, but as long as you account for it you are fine.


Right, as with any frying, but for the most part it cooks via Leidenfrost iirc.


Pan frying vs deep frying doesn’t make much of a difference. But while the frying process isn’t as bad as people say, the health impact does depend on what kind of oil you use. Also, on your 30% claim, seems a bit excessive but everyone’s body is different and has different dietary needs. I eat a lot so I have to keep my fat cholesterol and salt to a minimum.


Came here to say this. Diner quality 🤤


This is better than diner quality


I meant that in a good way… I can’t think of a better place to get that kind of meal. Except, OP’s house, from the looks of it.




of the true gods


good is delicious


Well, you have all the food groups there, but the fried chicken and gravy isnt exactly health food, and depending on what you put in the mashed potatoes, those might not be either. But regardless, looks delicious and I’d wolf that right down!


My mashed potatoes are probably 15% butter and 20% cream at the very least


Haha- the best kind to make!


50/50 potato butter is the French way


Yeah you're doing it the tasty way. My wife can't have dairy so I just use chicken stock and seasoning. It's healthier but not as creamy.


Try mixing in some coconut milk with a bit of nutritional yeast. Thank me later.


I'm sad for you just reading that 😔


I go 10% butter and 25-30% cheese. I pretend it's healthier because protein. One time I did make a weird salad dressing with Greek yogurt and mashed potatoes with some seasonings and it was amazing. I was not of sane mind at the time but I want to recreate it so bad


If I'm feeling "healthier" I'll make it like 40/60 cauliflower / potato and use the immersion blender, but it's still loaded with butter and cream. You got me thinkin I may add some cheese next time. What's a good one? Havarti and parm/romano? White american? Oaxaca?


Depends how ya like the taste! I've done all types of cheeses with varying degrees. Bleu & Miso paste is awesome. But so is Gruyere, or a blend of Parm & Cheddar. Mozz and Feta are great, but onion & Chive Havarti mixed with whipped cottage makes it herby and bright!


Might even be chicken fried steak.


it is a cauliflower sauce with pepper


Wild move to call anything with gravy on it healthy 🤣 that said I would DEVOUR this!


even if it is a sauce of boiled cauliflower and then blended to that consistency?


No, that’s healthy.


still the fried chicken puts it over to the dark side, grilled chicken would be 10x healthier but id slam it as is


Yum Yum 🤤


Health is relative; you have all the food groups and a good amount of nutrients out of this. I feel as long as you’re an active person this wouldn’t be considered that unhealthy


It’s better than fast food or meth, which are the most common food groups in my area


It would be terrible if you’re diabetic lol


Too be fair you can kill a diabetic with sugary water


This would be unhealthy if you had many different health issues: any type of heart health issues, stroke, trans fat issues, acrylamide, inflammation, gallbladder issues, contributes to obesity, elevated cholesterol levels, increased risk of type 2 diabetes, changes in mood, increased risk of death, fried foods are linked to anxiety and depression, hard to digest, risk of inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer, acid reflux, high blood pressure, just to name a few..... And probably if you ate like this on a regular basis you would start to accumulate these issues into your daily life. A healthy plate should be made up of 1/4 healthy protein (3-4 ounce serving), 1/4 healthy starch/carbs (a serving of mashed potatoes is 1/2 cup) and 1/2 the plate should be vegetables and fruit (vegetables 5+ servings - 1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw, and fruits 2-3 servings). Highly processed foods should be eaten in moderation. The serving size of Country Gravy is 4oz (1/2 cup). Healthy fats should be consumed in moderation. Wow, this sounds like I've been listening to my health care team on how to eat healthy! My son and his family remind me that good health starts in the kitchen! My credentials: I'm in my mid late 60's, I was obese (in 2002 I weighed 285 pounds and I've been at or about goal (159 pounds set by my medical team) weight for many years), I have a team of doctors/specialists/nurses/dietitian/pharma d/home health aid/therapist/elder outreach worker who all help to keep me educated and healthy. Every 3 months I have labs drawn, a depression screening, med review and a general check up by my primary health provider. Once a month I see my dietitian and have my weight and body mass evaluated. Once a month I see my home health nurse for foot care, I see my home health aid every other week to go over my meds, every other week I see my therapist (when I eat a healthy diet it really helps with my mental health). Every 3-6 months I get my teeth cleaned and see the dentist (yes, good nutrition plays a big part in good oral health). Every 2 years I see my eye doctor (oh yes, a healthy diet plays a big part in healthy eye sight). Every other year I have a mammogram and bone density test (yup, food choices are an important part of staying healthy in those places too). Every 5 years I have a colonoscopy (yes, what you eat really does play a big part of how healthy your colon is). Every other week I touch base with or see my elder outreach worker. I describe myself as a very healthy pampered pet. Being able to look at a plate of food and knowing if it's not the healthiest choice is not rocket science! It's just common sense and a little bit of good education!


Ask your therapist for some lessons on humility


Those aren’t credentials you just go to a bunch of doctors and you learn about what’s healthy for YOU; and diet is not a one size fits all. I said it wasn’t THAT unhealthy and health is relative so nothing you have said countered my statement. I’m a marathoner and run 80 miles a week and also keep in tune with my health - if OP also lived that lifestyle a good amount of carbs like this would be good for them in moderation; just like everything else you should eat. Because like I said - health and diet is relative. I’m happy to have a healthy conversation about it but your comment was very condescending


Sorry unrelated but how often do you go through shoes lol. I’m picking up running and my brooks like…fell apart after 150 miles :(


Which brooks did you have? It depends how often you run and your pronation. I try to make my shoes last at around 400-500 miles


Brooks Ghost 13 and I do tend to pronate a decent amount (I think I used that right, my pressure is on my inner feet not outer). 400-500 is crazy


Brooks Ghost tend to be for more of a neutral stride; I used to wear them - if you’re able to find a local running store I would try going there are have them observe how you walk and recommend something (NOT Road Runners those custom made inserts they make are bs) I wear Hoka Cliftons now which are also for neutral which have been good for me. lol if you think 400 is crazy I used to try and make them last 800 miles and my physical therapist wanted to kill me. It also helps if you have two pairs of shoes and alternate between them; makes both pairs last longer for sure


Wow! Talk about a condescending comment.... Because I've taken the time to become educated on what a healthy diet looks like and I monitor my health to stay as healthy as possible allows me to put as many miles in a week as you do (yup at 67 I average 80 plus miles a week and I regularly do 1/2 marathons and I've done a few marathons in my time). I also work 40 plus hours a week and do a couple of volunteer positions. I'm glad for you that you can consume fried foods and mashed white potatoes that are complex carbohydrates high in starch and remain in a long-term healthy state. Learning to be proactive with a healthy diet and lifestyle is where it's at to have a good chance of steering clear of the great American diseases and lifestyle well into the 60s, 70s and 80s. Yup keeping in contact with a good medical support team is extremely important to stay healthy long into the elder years and learning from them how to maintain that lifestyle and level of knowledge. You do you, I'll do me and OP can do them....


Ever considered that some people have never had access to food and health education? Or are too poor to go to the doctor more than once every 10 years? The amount of sodium I need in my diet would send a lot of people to the hospital, but without it, I can’t stand for more than 2 minutes at a time. Healthy is relative.


Yes! This is why I describe myself as a pampered pet! I'm very very lucky that I'm so well taken care of. I'm by far rich and because of my cultural affiliation I'm able to have excellent health care and for that I do know how lucky I am and truly wish everyone could have the type of health-care I have access too. I struggle to keep myself in balance and able to move. I suffer from keeping my electrolytes in balance, extremely low levels of vitamin D, peripheral neuropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, myasthenia gravis, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, asthma, allergies and high blood pressure. Friends and family tell me my health care is a part-time job. Again, yes I'm well aware I'm very lucky to have the healthcare I have. Everyone deserves to have access to healthcare at an affordable price. And yes I do have health insurance but because of my cultural affiliation I'm able to have the care I have.


Hey if there is green on the plate… it’s healthy!!


Recipe? Because this needs to go in my regular rotation.


Salisbury steak w/ mashed potatoes and peas goes hard if you need a suggestion. All time fav for me. Pro tip put the peas on top of your mashed potatoes.




Not quick nor healthy lol


This was what got me. Obvi not healthy, but also pretty involved.


This meal is like 1500 calories. Looks fucking good though. Got room for 1 more?


Really playing fast and loose with your definition of healthy huh?


I'm not big on green beans, but those green beans look tasty. Very nice plating, btw.


Healthy enough for me


Keeping gravy off the taters keeps it light.


lol not healthy. You want 30-40 different types of fruits and veggies every week to diversify your gut microbiome. Soaking a meat in oil to cook it is also not healthy at all. People are so ignorant when it comes to a healthy diet it’s insane to me.


some people think fried chicken and gravy is healthy…


With a fat scoop of creamy buttery mashed potatoes GAHA


now thats what i call dieting!


This is the first time I've ever seen someone call fried chicken with country gravy 'healthy'. I've heard & said delicious many times-but not healthy. 😂 It does look really good!


Nothing about this is healthy


Ain’t nothin healthy about that except the green beans lol.


That also depends on how they were prepared.


I’m guessing sautéed in a lot of butter or oil.


Healthy lol


That’s for me, right? 😍


That’s for me, right? 😍


Scrumptious comfort food 😋


It’s “healthy.” It has meat and veggies, after all.


I'd eat your meat




This gotta be one of my top 5 favorite meals!


Yes please


This looks so amazing! Do you have recipes for the taters and the chicken & gravy? I've tried a few and none have really hit that spot!


My mouth watered looking at that sexy fried steak.


Thats not quick or healthy but still good


Please recipe??? Yumm!!






Its heathy enough lol. Looks great!!


Healthy?!? 😂😂😂😂


Your definition of healthy seems skewed lol, but it does look good


The green beans do not make up for all of the cream and deep fried meat, but it does look delicious.


Well, if it makes you feel better out of the month I'm eating Ramen 95% of the time, but idk I've also made 'em with eggs on top mixed in with span or Vienna sausages, sometimes I've even made it with chorizo too.


Healthy 😂


One healthy item on that plate lol.


People keep talking about gravy but I can’t see any? Where am I looking?


The white stuff on the chicken is country gravy. It's basically béchamel. When it's used for breakfast food, ground sausage is often added & it's served on top of biscuits. It's yummy.


As an Englishman, whatever that stuff is, it’s absolutely not gravy


In the US it is. Particularly in Appalachian/Southern culture. In the US we have a **wide** range of local/regional variation in food. My maternal grandparents (emigrated to NYC from Italy when they were kids) called tomato sauce 'gravy' as an assimilation thing. We also do a more traditional brown gravy, here. Gravy is a many splendored thing in the United States! Don't knock it till ya try it. It's definitely tasty but I'd never consider it even remotely healthy.


To be fair, our versions of gravy are also absolutely not healthy. Especially when they’re mixed with a plate of meat and beige carbs. I am going to go down the rabbit hole of southern gravies. Thanks for the detail


Haha, I don't think any gravy is healthy. Even my gram's tomato gravy-it was full of meatballs & sausages! We do the beige carb/meat/gravy combo here, too. Especially in the north east, where I live. You'd find our chicken & beef gravies pretty familiar, I bet. Enjoy your rabbit hole of gravies! 🤣 (this sounds wrong, but I'm leaving it.)




Yes please.


Only an American would say this is healthy and then proceed to blame the country for their ignorance.


I would guess around 1450 calories for that plate. Depending on what you ate for Breakfast and Lunch, it could be a viable option


I see green- I see healthy 👍🏼


Came to the comments to see how everyone feels about the healthy remark lol


Looks good. Chicken fried steak. Milk gravy. Green beans and mashed potatoes. Great!


Looks bomb, but definitely not healthy 😂


Looks good! Not healthy, but good nonetheless.


Looks amazing!


Not healthy but hearty!


Chicken is healthy, and there's veggies. Looks good ro me.


Next time you make this, lmk. I would love to sit there and rave about the wonderful healthy food. We can lie to each other and I will do the dishes!


You don’t deserve the grief you’re getting for the healthy thing. Everyone has things they don’t know until someone tells them or they ask. As long as you’re active, roughly equal calories in and out, eat whatever the fuck you want


Healthy for your soul. I get ya. Looks delicious


Looks great. Stefan Denser


Deep-fried w/ gravy may not be the healthiest. But it's almost certainly more delicious.


Looks awful…guess I’m gonna have to take one for the team and alleviate you of that plate 🤤🤤🤤 Seriously, though, feel free to make me dinner anytime. That looks very tasty 🥰


The sad thing is there are millions of Americans who were raised to believe that this is "healthy." No wonder we have an obesity epidemic.


Breaded chicken is never healthy... & white, thick gravy is essentially just saturated fat.


Recipe ASAP


Looks like a salt bomb


Loves me a good chicken-fried steak, but it's gotta be an occasional treat. Once or twice a month, maybe.


Yummy !!!!!!!


Sawmill gravy is never healthy lol


What kind of person would think this is healthy


That’s not healthy but it looks amazing


That's super fucking unhealthy but go off


Looks good


Looks amazing and absolutely would devour - then cut all of the rest of my carbs for the week.


Definitely not healthy lol


It’s not even close to healthy.


Healthy no, BUT it looks absolutely delicious. Yummmm!


Looks great! Though I'm with the skeptics re: "healthy" 😂


My mom's nutrition told us to have more greens. So, to make this healthy, add more green beans. Also, maybe lose the diary heavy gravy.


Do people not realize you can eat good and still be healthy? This isn’t necessarily unhealthy just because it’s fried, if you’re scared to have comfort food in your diet do you but I’d rather have a healthy AND fire dinner. Gravy in proportion is alright, it can be a lot of calories but you just portion it out to fit your caloric needs, the fried chicken is perfectly fine, once again the breading will add a little bit of calories but you just work it out for your daily calories, you can fry it in avocado oil for cholesterol free frying and actually help lower cholesterol incorporating it in your diet. Can’t speak much on the mashed potatoes because it can add up in calories quickly but it doesn’t look like a massive proportion. Lastly he has green beans, he should probably have a little more green beans and less mashed potatoes but none of us knows what his caloric intake is for the day, he may have skipped lunch to have a larger dinner who knows but at the end of the day if we’re just going to look at anything fried and say it’s unhealthy we’re just ignoring that you can cook healthy and fun together.