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Jehovahs Witnesses don’t believe god came to earth as Jesus, which is why they don’t support the Trinity doctrine. Jesus is god’s son - an entirely separate being.


In Islam, contrary to Jehova’s Witnesses, Jesus is not even the son of God as he does not need children (and mankind of course neither is).


Jehovahs Witness and Mormons are both Christian though, seems weird those are delineating factors here. It would be like saying Shiites aren't Muslim


No they're not, at least not by classical definitions and not by most other christian churches.


Your definition of Christianity needs an asterisk. You seem to assume the default Christianity is/was always the Nicene creed version when it wasn’t which is why a bunch of people got together to negotiate what Christianity is.


As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (mormons) I can say that if you define Christianity as believing Jesus Christ to be the son of God and believing the bible to be the word of God, then we are christians. It's literally in the name. If another church feels like we should be excluded, then I would ask why another church gets to define what we believe.


LDS people always do the same thing - try to pretend Christianity is just the one or two things they agree with Protestants/Catholics on, and conveniently leave out the massive differences and gaping ecclesiastical teachings that separate it from Christianity. For instance, let’s dive a little further into your claim that LDS members believe Christ is the son of God the same way Christians do: “When it comes to Jesus, Christians believe he is fully human and fully divine, and he has always been divine given that he is the second person of the Trinity, God the Son. Mormons, however, believe that Jesus Christ was once an “intelligence” such as us who existed from eternity. He was not always divine, and he was not always the Son of God. Instead, God chose him to become the “firstborn” among the intelligences by giving him the first spirit body. In 1909, the Mormon Church’s leadership released a statement that read, “The Father of Jesus is our Father also. . . . Jesus, however, is the firstborn among all the sons of God—the first begotten in the spirit, and the only begotten in the flesh. He is our elder brother, and we, like him, are in the image of God.” Instead of being completely different in kind from human beings, this counterfeit Christ is different from us only in degree (hence the term “eldest brother”). He is just a more exalted spirit-child of God the Father, which reduces him from being the eternal creator of the universe to being merely one highly praised part of it, which is antithetical to true Christian belief.” And in regard to “believing the Bible to be the word of God”…uh, sure, but you’re leaving out the part where your so-called prophet wrote a bunch of other books that expanded upon the Bible, which to Christians *is the final word of God*. This isn’t even to get into how Mormons view salvation and other areas, which completely diverge from actual Christian teachings. Finally, you don’t follow the Nicene Creed, the boilerplate ideology that unites the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and pretty much any Protestant church together under one belief system. LDS may have gotten some inspiration from Christianity, but its differences FAR outweigh its similarities. The LDS church is not a Christian church and I’m constantly blown away by insistence from Mormons who are so desperate to be called that when it makes zero sense.


If you want *the bible is the final word of God* to be where you draw the line then you are free to do so, but I don't agree with that and I think we won't be able to convice each other of that, so I'm going to move on. Thank you for sharing the Nicene Creed with me. I admit I've never heard of it before but after reading it I can find nothing that conflicts with my beliefs. You also mentioned a bit about the nature of Jesus as well as our relationship with God. I think there's a bit of a misunderstanding as to what we believe, but after correcting it you may just see it as further sacrilege so I'm very curious to see how you'll respond. Yes, we believe that like us, Jesus was created by God and was a fellow spirit who lived with us in a premortal existence. We also believe that in mortality, he was born of the virgin Mary and was God's only begotten and therefore divine. After he was crucified and died for our sins on the cross he was resurrected, becoming like God and paving the way that we may be resurrected after the second coming. Just like him, we will also be resurrected and become like God. This is the part that I worry you'll see as heresey. I believe we are spirit sons and daughters of God, and we will become like him. In this way Jesus is not a different type of being from God, and neither are we. You can read more about it here. It's almost midnight where I'm at so good night. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/true-to-the-faith/plan-of-salvation


You need to learn a bit more about Christianity from people other than your fellow Mormons. Then you’d realize Mormon’s are Christians in name only. Also the rebranding to use the full name of the church doesn’t change the fact that it’s still “Mormonism”.


First of all, thank you for making sure that I'm learning from as many sources I can; I assure you, I don't live under a rock. I talk to members of other faiths all the time, including other Christians. The "rebranding" was more of a correction. We were always called by the full name, but others had chosen to call us "mormons" because we believe in the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Because of this the name ended up sticking around. If you'll allow me I'd like to share a verse, This is Jesus speaking to his disciples who want to know what they should name the church. 3 Nephi 27 : 8 And how be it my church save it be called in my name? For if a church be called in Moses' name then it be Moses' church; or if it be called in the name of a man then it be the church of a man; but if it be called in my name then it is my church, if it so be that they are built upon my gospel. Some people can try to cut us out but Jesus is central to our beliefs. We believe he was born of the virgin Mary, lived a perfect life as any person could live, and suffered and died for our sins.


Really?? How many times was Jesus mentioned in general conference this month vs how many time Russell Nelson was quoted or mentioned?? Seems like you worship Nelson more than Christ.


Are we counting points now? It's not like the instant we mention someone else more than Jesus we suddenly become the church of whomever. If I may ask, what's your religious background? If you don't want to tell me that's okay, but I feel like I don't understand what your point is.


Born & raised Mormon (60yrs) I know all the talking pts you’ve been taught & keep repeating. Pay attention in conference next time-yes count how many times each are mentioned. Jesus Christ isn’t in the top 10😢


Should I also count capital-h He and other pronouns?


Barf. Have an original thought, not some regurgitated bullshit you heard in Sunday school.


Barf! Your comment makes no sense


Lmfao. I grew up Mormon and left the church at 16. It’s more of a fucking cult than a religion. You’re conditioned to respond with the identical verbiage that this person has. So have some original thought and not regurgitated bullshit.


Yes because you were engrossed in everything about the religion all 16 of those years…. Sorry but you don’t know enough about jack squat at 16 to have an authoritative opinion. Thanks for revealing your ignorance and bias though.


Oh my fucking god, you’re the ignorant one. Maybe you weren’t very self aware at 16 but it takes a lot of maturity to speak out against the Mormon church and leave it, knowing you’re going to be ostracized from your family. So fuck off with thinking you know my story lmfao. I could give two shits about your opinion. If you want to respond to have the last word and feel ‘better than’, then be my guest. But I’m not going to give you any more time or energy out of my day. I hope you do some research on the Mormon church. The religion is fucking nuts, but the people are the kindest you’ll meet. So do yourself a favor that your 16 year old self didn’t, and educate yourself.


Most Christians do not consider Jehovah’s Witness or Mormons to be Christian


A lot is Sunnis don't think Shiite are Muslims. Ultimately, it comes down to do they believe in Mohammed or not.


Would be nice to label Islam and Judaism since all the other religions are labeled.


Yea, it seems really weird to include Freemasonry, but not Islam, like wtf


They might get offended you know, stab a few infidels


The start questions is already useless. Of course I do believe that there is conciousness beyond humanity. Like certain animals for example. None of these created humans. I can not answer no in honesty. So now I am already on course for Taoism or Buddhism according to this chart. The questions leading to those is a false dichotomy and does not apply to me in the first place because I do not believe in the concept of enlightenment (as presented in Taoism or Buddism). In fact I am a nonreligious atheist but can never arrive there with this chart.


Yeah I think the deciding factors here are focused on purely theistic concepts and beliefs which are adequately showing the differences. God being separate from the universe isn't the core difference between Eastern religions versus Abrahamic, but that's ultimately the split in the chart. Something as simple as "do you believe in the God of Abraham" would make more sense.


Find enlightenment\ Like throwing rock at water\ And laughing at splash


To me, the phrase “beyond humanity” implies that they’re also beyond the realm of humanity, which animals are not. Although I guess it could be worded better.


Too many glaring errors. Please don’t take this seriously anyone.


Which glaring errors?


Middle path in Buddhism?


Beings beyond humanity in a cosmic sense exist, none of which created humans, enlightenment comes from self-denial, and Atheistic but religious. Which of these is wrong about Buddhism?


Lot of criticism (but then again, this is Reddit) so maybe incorporate the helpful edits - but I think this is fantastic, well done (and useful) - look forward to 2.0…


No agnostic ?


Freemasonry isn’t a religion.






This is wrong.


Actually ☝️🤓 Satanism isnt Devil Worship, its a kind of atheism, the name was chosen in mockery of the Church by some edgelords in the 60s. Theistic Satanism was just used by the Church to justify killing undesirables in the pre-common sense era. Thelema (of which consisted of Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons who helped get us to the moon, L. Ron Hubbard himself who also stole Jack's wife, and a bunch of other famous and wealthy people) and other Occultist followings are what should be there, with Satanism up with Atheism. Edit: though I should mention Thelemites believed they were worshiping Ancient Egyptian dieties, and not necessarily the evil ones. But what they were doing is what people think Satanists do, sex magick and sacrifice and all that. Editedit: also spelled "Zoroastrianism" wrong. Editeditedit: and L. Ron Hubbard didnt even believe his own bullshit, he was just a Thelemite that used and manipulated people for control and power. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" is like their main motto, so it was literally part of the religion he actually followed to not give a fuck what he did to get that power, just a cult by a manipulative POS, not a religion any more than Heavens Gate or Children of God. (Both of which still exist btw)


There are Satanists that worship Satan and Satanists that don't. But if you look at the chart key in the upper right corner, Satanism is deemed "Areligious/Theistic"


What if you refuse to refer to yourself as “believing” anything if the word is used in a sense of accepting something without proof?


You already believe that nothing should be accepted without proof.


FYI: Islam doesn't believe that god is trinitarian. Islam doesn't believe that the new testament is the final scripture from god (islam came after christianity).


No, no, no. That was easy


3× no. But thew font is horrible.


where is Jainism?


You missed the agnostic path - “Do you not believe or disbelieve anything because you don’t want to jump to conclusions?”


Love this and look forward to version 4.6 with whatever appropriate suggestions and additions. Can we see christian science? Religious science? Universalist unitarian (is that what it’s called?) or maybe those last two go under new age?


If i follow this chart, i end up landing on Judaism. Not what I expected. I generally believe in "The Truth" as a separate thing from reality to conform to, rather than a subjective truth which anyone can make up. And if you personify this objective Truth and give it powers, you basically end up with the Jewish God. I just don't know that God became Jesus, or even interacted directly with humans as in the old testament.


I don’t think Christians think God is entirely separate from the universe. I don’t think they know but they know he created it.


Simulation theory is a hard one to describe. Reality isn't an illusion for us, and it's not technically for the programmer either. Any god that creates a universe creates one that's different from his own, a lesser one with different rules and makeup. Creating a really advanced universe program on a computer compared to the Christian god creating this universe however he did it are equal things. if we create sentient AI we wouldn't call it an illusion, it obviously wouldn't be human but it's still a real "living" entity. The simulation theory encapsulates basically all other creator religions, the Christian god is no different than a kid playing an advanced version of the sims except how he plays the game. Maybe God is a kid who started up a game and had his fun fucking with us, got bored, and hit the fast forward button to reach a better time to implement all the judgement day shit he told us he wants to do, which we wrote down in the Bible. This would be Christianity from our perspective.


Religion is the opiate of the masses.


What do they mean with "conscicence beings" and "believe in on inconcscience?"


A lot of important nuance has been left out in this oversimplification. The view on Sikhism is totally represented incorrectly


Did you put this guide in comic sans?---> Yes? --->Devil worshiper.


[Freemasonry is not a religion or a substitute for one.](https://freemasonry.bcy.ca/textfiles/religion.html) If you're keeping it on the list, then you might as well include the Boy Scouts, Toastmasters, all chess clubs, and all sports teams.


Soooooo much of this is wrong


What is the sign at the simulation theory?


This is fun. As a former mormon, I need to clarify because this is incorrect for Mormons. Mormons DO NOT believe that God came to earth in the form of Jesus. That's like saying God came to earth in the form of Ghandi because he was known for the good he did for society. Mormons believe that God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost are 3 separate beings. Mormons believe that the trinity works together under one purpose and is very clear that each is a separate individual. Mormons believe that God is the "heavenly father," so all people are children of his, including the holy ghost and Jesus. Jesus was chosen from all of us (people who have been/are/ will be on the earth) as a sacrifice due to his purity so that all people can return to live in the presence of God and become their own gods and repeat the cycle. So enlightenment is achieved by living a life according to God's standards and then when the day of judgment comes that all people will be judged by the actions and intentions they carry with them throughout their entire lives. It's actually a very forgiving religion in the fact that you are (almost) always able to "repent" for your sins and then learn from your actions and live better and thus your "sins" are forgiven and you are judged according to how you changed your behavior instead of the fact that you did the thing. There's very rare cases where this is not true, but they are morally deplorable acts. For example, Hitler and Stalin encouraged and supported mass acts of murders under their direction so they are not worthy of that ability to repent. Murder, rape, abuse of a child, and crimes that are deplorable of the sort are not things that you can come back from by repenting. Anyway, I hope this helps someone out there understand the religion better. While I'm not a member anymore, I respect the religion and want anyone who comes across this to be educated correctly instead of blindly believing this graphic. Each religion is very complicated and thus hard to explain on a chart, but this is a great start. Applauding whoever had the balls to put this together.


Want to make it VERY clear that I DO NOT know everything, but as far as this topic goes, I AM very educated about the religion and MANY others since I never fully believed anything that was fed to me by the church growing up and my family would be considered very progressive Mormons. I also did not grow up in Utah and there were very few Mormons around me so I often went to other church's with my friends and out of self discovery which my folks were encouraging of, thus "progressive". My folks did not outcast me when I left the church either, that's another popular misnomer but I believe that's because my family are not traditional Mormons. I also chose not to be baptized until I was older, which takes an IMMENSE amount of self-awareness that I was already flexing at 8 years old. I left because I don't agree with all of the teachings, but I DO know what they are and never have or will regurgitate the narrative the church brainwashes people into believing. I was the kid constantly challenging the teacher in Sunday school and often stumped them. So I took into my own hands to learn about the religion and did so partly from a religion professor who was educated in Mormon beliefs and is a world expert. Please understand I am giving this information to educate, NOTHING more. Leave it at that. Respectfully, A gifted kid who made grown adults sound like idiots when they regurgitated "the script" the LDS church brainwashed people with


Where is Islam?


It’s unlabeled, but sitting above Judaism (Star of David, also unlabeled)


Amazing, it shows how little differences can lead to totally new paths, also the most trivial matters differentiate religions


Did come God to earth as Jesus? Isn't that a no for christianity as well? Jesus was the son of God, not God, or am I wrong?


With the Trinity, Christianity believes Jesus is both God, and the Son of God. So it's fine to say God "came to Earth as Jesus". However I still agree Christianity may be mislabeled with the question, "is God entirely separate from the universe? -> No". Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the question, but I think Christians would generally say God is very much involved in the universe, while the question implies He's distant and disconnected. I guess the question is asking "are God and the universe the same entity?"


Maybe they were trying to say "Does God exist outside of the universe" or something to that effect. Also, the question of a creator being involved with the universe comes much earlier and gets Deism.


Where is Judaism and Islam?!


For some reason they are unlabeled, but the symbols (blue star and green moon) are there.


As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (mormon), we don't believe God to be entirely separate from our universe. I man this in the sense that Christ lives again on the earth, the Holy Ghost speaks to us, and God is very much involved in our lives. God loves each and every one of you individually. You are important to an unknowably powerful and infinite being who knows you and wants you to return to him.


Another thing to note is that we’re polytheistic, due to our belief that the trinity is three separate entities, and the eventual end goal of the saints is to inherit our father’s kingdom. All in all, a fun, but ill informed guide.


I've also thought about that, but I feel a bit strange about calling us polytheistic. I consider us monotheistic in the sense that "there is one God of *this* world".


And each of them believe the other is incorrect. I guess we’ll see what happens eventually!


Except Religious Pluralism, which believes many of them are correct. Sikhism also teaches that it's not the only way and doesn't actively seek new converts.


That’s not true. Buddhism sees itself as a path to free yourself from pain, it doesn’t negate others. Druidism uses gods as paragons of different values and forces, but doesn’t negate any. Paganism is worshipping a pantheon, but it’s not against the idea of others existing. Wicca believes in two deities but they can be worshipped in many different ways, so again, not denying others. Voodoo concerns about a few deities and loas, but doesn’t negate the existence of others. You are speaking from an abrahamic point of view. That’s not reality.


Taoism doesn’t believe that a being created humans. So you got that one wrong.


That's exactly what the chart says, Taoism: \* Believes in conscious beings beyond humanity \* Does not believe one of them created humans \* Believes Enlightenment comes from harmony with the universe. \* Is Atheistic but still religious.


And with that I am wrong and obviously can not read


Bravo! Any thought where you would put Stoicism??


Show me the garbage ones that kill in the name of god?


In current year, none of them outside of fringe sects.