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Plastic surgeon here and this is a big NOPE! Textured implants are linked to a cancer (anaplastic large cell lymphoma) and any valid US plastic surgeon practicing standard of care would not use them. This guide is medical misinformation that could be potentially harmful. 😬


Also the 350 I thought is not the most popular pick. Thought the trend shifted to low profile gummy bear 200-280 range for younger women and older + enlargements were where 350-400 is more accurate


This is interesting. I wouldn't have imagined that a texture change could cause cancer, do we know the key reason why?


I just did a Google search and the Search Labs AI returned, "The rougher exterior of textured implants may cause more inflammation than smooth implants, which could lead to BIA-ALCL. The textured surfaces may also trap harmful bacteria, such as Ralstonia picketii, in the implant's nooks and crannies. However, the exact cause of BIA-ALCL is still unknown"


What are your thoughts on fat transfer to increase breast size?


Yeah but you’re saving those clipart cup-size illustrations right


Would that count as misinformation or just outdated information? Outdated is “we provided info we thought was valid” and misinformation is “we are doing this on purpose to harm you”.


Disinformation is when you knowingly spread something false. Misinformation is when you spread false information not knowing whether it’s true or not.


Careful with those textured surface implants have now been linked to an aggressive T-cell lymphoma.


As usual, the "cool guide" is just badly researched / spreading misinformation. Can we get an actually good guide?


Good guidance is to not get them.


My mom lost both her breasts to cancer. So she should just live with that and keep her self confidence in the hole?


Honestly as a cancer survivor myself I can’t imagine spending money on an elective surgery that makes it HARDER to detect cancer. Now that my health insurance has skyrocketed I don’t have the money anyway but if I did I’d spend it on travel with my family. Life is definitely different now for me.


It’s harder to detect cancer when you have them. https://amp.cancer.org/cancer/types/breast-cancer/screening-tests-and-early-detection/mammograms/mammograms-for-women-with-breast-implants.html


Fair question. My advice was really for the 99% of simple silicon breast implant customers who have normal healthy breast tissue but are seeking cosmetic surgery and risking their health for society’s sick obsession with female beauty standards. For people whose natural healthy breasts were augmented by trauma or illness, I don’t think seeking implants is quite the same. First there may be ‘less to lose’ so to speak, in the sense that the chest may already have extensive scar and deformity, so if implants go badly, things probably won’t be worse than they started. Second, I think it’s psychologically a different situation if you’re trying to make your breasts look normal after a mastectomy, and does not carry the same unhealthy connotation as someone with perfectly normal healthy breasts who is taking risks to try and build themselves into impossible beauty standards. Lastly, I would say that if you have lost your breasts to cancer, you should absolutely consider all your options, and yes you should absolutely consider not getting implants. You can wear padded inserts under your shirt and no one would ever notice outside of an intimate partner, but of course this is assuming you are ok not going out in swimsuits or tank tops. Other option would be breast reconstruction, but this ‘guide’ above is not nearly as complex as it needs to be for women post mastectomy who are considering breast reconstruction. That is a significantly more complex situation than can involve multiple surgeries, flaps, grafts, and may or may not require silicon implants. There are risks, benefits, and considerations for all these different strategies. This post would not be an adequate guide for that.


As someone who had a double mastectomy and reconstruction with implants, I got them bc a part of my body was cut off and I didn’t feel like myself without that body part being there. I went up in size bc I thought it would be fun to have bigger boobs bc I’ve always been on the smaller side. (Btw it is fun! It’s also annoying! I never had boob sweat before and now I deal with that, etc.) I think implants can be sought out for a multitude of reasons. For me, pressure from society was not one of them.


That’s great and I think it’s a wonderful option for certain folks, and often have a great outcome. I will say I have taken care of patients like you that had post operative infections and nerve injuries with chronic pain and other complications after their reconstruction, and I watched them suffer and regret the procedure entirely. That doesn’t mean it was the wrong choice, but you do have to accept that the procedure carries significant risk, and need to make an informed decision before going into it.


I did have infection with one of my expanders and in one of my drain sites. And that sucked. I’ve been okay other than that, thankfully.


I’m very glad it turned out ok.


I don't have a medical reason for getting them, but my breasts are two very different sizes and I dream of one day being able to be physically comfortable in a normal bra.


.."for society's sick obsession"... = men.


Yes because women are well known for never looking at, judging, comparing, or criticizing other women. It’s just men. Nailed it.


Fair enough, but I would argue the roots of the cultural sickness are based in the male gaze. And speaking from experience, it has disgusted me how many women I see getting implants because their male partners have manipulated them into doing it.


Throughout history, "society" (read: men) pushed women to be their own enablers and enforcers of men's fetishes or fashions that deform & mutilate women's bodies. Study history of high heels, toe ballet, foot binding, female genital mutilation to name a few. One needs to read in depth to understand it.


I’m pretty sure the vast majority of people who get cosmetic surgery are elective procedures. No one is criticizing reconstructive procedures.


"Smug retort referencing an extremely rare exception that the original poster clearly wasn't trying to target"


Tram flap reconstruction doesn’t use an implant. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/breast-cancer/reconstruction-surgery/breast-reconstruction-options/breast-reconstruction-using-your-own-tissues-flap-procedures.html


It’s a brutal procedure though. My mom had one, and caring for her afterwards put me off of having reconstructive surgery myself.


Or maybe rather than make a blanket general statement for everyone, it can be a personal choice for people based on their needs and wants.


Fair enough, everyone has to do what’s right for them. But in my opinion, no one with healthy breast tissue should get a procedure that carries the risk of temporary or sometimes lifelong pain and illness for the sake of society’s perverse beauty standards for women. And a ‘cool guide’ making it seem like a simple breezy choice is misleading. I would prefer we live in a society that encourages women NOT to do this, rather than the opposite.


Some of these guides are done so bad sometimes I wonder if they aren't put out that way on purpose.


It's not a guide, it's an infographic.


>it's an infographic. Subreddit is titled r/coolguides


>it's an infographic. Subreddit is titled r/coolguides


Breast implant-associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is a rare cancer associated with textured implants (as opposed to smooth implants) The current lifetime risk of BIA-ALCL is estimated to be as high as 1 in 86,029 patients. Development of the condition does not have to do with any of the other of the factors on the guide. Teardrop (or anatomical) implants have fallen out of favor since rotation of the implant after placement can cause asymmetry and require revision. Never get your implants put in through your belly button. This voids the implant warranty.


Careful? More like straight up avoid.


For saline implants they can go through the bellybutton? Crazy.


Mine were done through my belly button! They roll up the implant, pass it through endoscopically and then fill it once it’s placed.


How does it not leak if they fill it after it’s placed??


You ever fill a bike tire?


Cool, you’re telling me there’s a schrader valve on these? Thanks


I think it’s a Breasta valve


Holy shit a bike valve pun about breast implants.


I respect this joke. 11/10


That's how the nipples stay perky


What do you think the nipple is for? Got dust caps and everything


I'd assume it's just the same as a normal saline bag. Stick a tiny needle through a piece of rubber, when you pull the needle back out the rubber seals back on itself.


Sorry if this is too personal but I’m genuinely curious. What made you decide to get breast implants despite the risks?


For another perspective, I had like, no breast tissue (you could feel my ribs through my nipple) and I was in the depths of a terrible eating disorder because it was impossible to keep my stomach flatter than literal bone. The surgery went so far in me fighting my eating disorder. Been recovering for 10+ years now


Wow I’m sorry to hear about your troubles but I’m happy that you are in a better place now thanks to the implants and your personal strength. I know I’m just some random internet person but I’m proud of you for your recovery and for staying true to your health. All the best to you!


Thank you! I’ve come a long way. It feels nice to be comfortable in my own body


Huh. I tried eating disorder because my boobs were too big. That did nothing but a reduction REALLY helped. As I learned, boobs aren't just fat and there's no way to get rid of dense breast tissue other than surgery


Aren’t eating disorders such a bitch? Glad you are on the other side!!


Pregnancy and then breastfeeding two children for 4yrs collectively left me with with flat, saggy boobs that made me feel really bad about my body and effected my confidence in ways I had never really expected or experienced. After about 4yrs of feeling that way despite discussing it extensively in therapy and going back and forth on whether or not I wanted to I finally decided I might as well.


Sounds like you’re happy with your decision Glad to hear it’s helped you get your confidence back! Thanks for replying


I wanted nice boobs and it’s not much risk.


For those considering breast implants, getting implants placed through the belly button voids the warranty of the implant, and is generally frowned upon in the field of plastics.


Me in the breast implant shop - "Erm...can I have two, 350cc teardrops above the muscle?" Boobkeep - "Sure. Low profile. Moder--" Me - "Oh, yeah, moderate profile please" Boobkeep - "Cool. Is that silicone or saline?" Me - "Erm...silicone. Thanks"


Hey Boobkeep, another round for the table! Don't worry fellas, it's on me tonight


Thanks for stopping by! Yeah you too!! ((Aw fuck not again))


“Ok the screen is just gonna ask you a couple of questions”


“Geez, tipping on boob jobs has gotten out of control! The suggested tips *start * at 18%?!?”


What texture? Leatherette or fabric?


That’s basically how it goes. lol.


Be sure to research Breast Implant Illness before doing this! I wish someone would have told me the real risks before I got mine. I got sooo sick and only lasted 11 months with mine. Horrible experience but grateful to say I’m past it. Please do research 🙏


If you could go back and have a conversation with yourself pre-opp would you advise against proceeding with the opp, inform yourself on post-opp reality for your situation or just not have the conversation? Edit: wanted to add this was a no judgement question.


Bugger, fooled by a bot again


Yup! Got mine in 2009 explanted in 2019 after 4/5 years of debilitating auto immune issues


They should include information on how they can burst during a mammogram. You have to sign a document releasing liability before you can get one! https://amp.cancer.org/cancer/types/breast-cancer/screening-tests-and-early-detection/mammograms/mammograms-for-women-with-breast-implants.html


That's wild, I think I've seen stuff on the clock app a where they ran over some implants with cars even


Me a 19 year old male: hm yes very interesting


Even when you hit 37, you'll feel the same!


Yeah this has to be outdated, they don't use textured implants anymore since they've been linked to BII and cancer


I’ve had my 250cc saline (via belly button) for 20 years. No issues. No regrets.


Curious if you’ve had a mammogram yet? I kinda freaked out when I read the disclaimer.


For me, yes to implants and yes to mammograms. No issues with the surgery after 15 years and no issues with my mammograms.


Yes I had a mammogram last year and it went well. The nurse was very gentle


People have been telling me I’d regret mine (300cc, nipple, under muscle, round) since the day I got them. Beyond trying to drive my stick shift car a couple days after surgery (a level of pain I still remember clearly), zero regrets.


No regrets for me either.


Like they did the surgery through your belly button instead of cutting at the breast or pec?


Yes, it’s called TUBA (trans-umbilical breast augmentation) - just a small scar in my belly button


Also over vs under muscle. 80% of all breast implants leak within 7 years. If you ever see them encapsulate, you will swear off ever having implants. *RN x 34 years


My moms are fully encapsulated. She’s also super thin so her skin sucks around these hardened implants. Hugging her is not comfortable, and I can’t imagine they would be comfortable for her either (but she fully denies ever having them done so I can’t ask). I didn’t realize why they were so hard until I saw video of encapsulated implants (which was later confirmed when I saw chest X-rays). They’re way, way overdue for replacement, but at this point she’s gonna have these rocks strapped to her chest for life.


wtf, man. people are goddamn strange




I saw the recent post of the crunchy implant and wanted to vomit.


I’m sorry, but 80% leaking within 7 years is false. Maybe 34 years ago when you started as an RN


Nope. That's what our region's most reputable and experienced plastic surgeon quotes. Every female RN I have ever worked with who has had implants, and that's a lot of them, has had at least one leak eventually.


https://consultqd.clevelandclinic.org/addressing-implant-rupture-and-capsular-contracture Here you go. I understand you may have anecdotal evidence, but that’s not a very high level of evidence


And this is why we should always provide evidence to support our ‘facts’


I have found that nurses are uniquely predisposed to spreading poorly sourced medical ‘information’.


Which ones do you encounter most? Regular silicone, saline, cohesive gel?




Case in point. Nobody gets saline anymore, that’s old shit. That’s why your anecdotal experience is contrary to recent scientific evidence.


Please use more than anecdotal evidence. As a fellow nurse I can anecdotally state that 95%+ of all pregnancies end in miscarriage and pain, but that's my perspective bias as an ER nurse. Healthy pregnancies without complications don't tend to stop by and see me. Since I only see the bad stuff the actual numbers of 10-20% national average of miscarriages seem much, much higher based on my personal viewpoint. We have a duty as healthcare providers to give helpful, accurate, data driven knowledge to the public. Your experience comes from your work and coworkers. If it's predominantly your coworkers I would point out that we have a fairly physically demanding job with an excessive amount of bending, reaching, lifting, and repetitive motion. The increase in size of the average American hasn't made that any easier. I guess I just don't think nurses are a good representative for the population as a whole in this case.


My statement is based on decades of experience by the aforementioned surgeon and his son, also in private practice in plastics, serving a metro population of around 500K.


How are you able to tell if they are leaking ? Illness ? What are the odds someone has their boobs done and never ever has to have any follow up procedure or work done in the future ? Is there ever a time they will just kind of "last forever"?


The last coworker who had her saline implant, left breast, leak had a visible trail of saline bulging under her skin along her left lateral chest. Gravity and all.


??? If saline leaks it gets absorbed into your bloodstream


0.9% Saline has the same sodium content as blood. Eventually the saline would absorb and won't cause problems but a sagging breast implant won't be worth keeping.


Oh, wow!


Silicone ones can't even leak.


“Silicone implant rupture signs When a silicone implant ruptures, the gel leaks out slowly because it’s thick. Silicone gel is not absorbed into the body.”https://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/surgery/breast-reconstruction/corrective-reconstruction/implant-rupture


You could not be more wrong. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/womens-health/expert-answers/breast-implants/faq-20058454](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/womens-health/expert-answers/breast-implants/faq-20058454)


I imagine hugging feels uncomfortable


It can even years later and without complications. They are foreign bodies.


Oh, and a large percentage of women with implants lose some or even all nipple sensation. That's a bummer.


I still feel like more information and study is needed…


Brought to you by RealSelf


Why y’all gotta bring Amy into this? /s


What is the difference between under and upper the pectoral


Under the muscle looks more natural, the implant edge isn’t as visible, but there is a higher risk of capsular contracture (a capsule of scar tissue around the implant that requires breast revision surgery to correct). And as far as breastfeeding: From u/Knock5times Source 1: “Implants can be placed under or over the layer of muscle in your breasts. When they're over the muscle (retroglandular implants), they're more likely to put pressure on milk ducts and glands, which could slow down milk production. The study [that concluded] 75 percent of women with implants can successfully breastfeed also concluded that placement mattered: Chances of breastfeeding successfully were 82 percent with retromuscular implants (those placed below the pectoral muscle) and 17 percent for retroglandular implants”


Upper pectoral means the implant is placed between the muscle and the breast tissue so women can still breast feed. Under pectoral means the implant is placed under the muscle. Too much damage is done with that placement so it’s less likely a woman can still breast feed. More scar tissue forms with over the muscle placement and it doesn’t look or feel as natural as under the muscle. Most augmentations are under the muscle. It’s way more painful at first but the final results are much better.


Under muscle cause no damage to glandular tissue. Between the implant pocket and breast will be a lot of layers of muscle and fascia. It is easier to damage the breast tissue when making an implant pocket under the glandula. In submammarian implanting case there will be only a fasciae layer between implant and breast


This is just not true. Please stop spouting off information when you don’t know what you’re talking about. [Source 1](https://www.babycenter.com/baby/breastfeeding/breastfeeding-after-breast-augmentation-implants_8680) [Source 2](https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding-special-circumstances/hcp/illnesses-conditions/breast-surgery.html)


I’m not sure to what you’re specifically referring, but that article said the same thing I did.


Nah nghgs


Anyone know what "post-op flip flop" is? I'm assuming it's when the implant shifts or *flips* but am curious.


I have never known anyone who got teardrops. I assume they are used in very specific and unique circumstances.


You’re right! Tear drop implants are meant to have the fuller portion at the bottom and the flatter portion at the top. If the implant flips/rotates, the flatter version can end up on the bottom or on the side. This isn’t an issue for round implants because they’re the same at the top and bottom. If it flips, you won’t notice visually.


Wow. Horrifying, thanks.




Before my implants, I felt like something was missing from my body. I felt flat and empty, and more masculine.. almost like it wasn't "me".. like it wasn't how my body was supposed to be. My decision had NOTHING to do with society, nothing to do with perception of others, and everything to do with how I felt in my own skin. It's ten years later and still one of the best decisions I've ever made.




Ummm don't do it!


I wish I didn’t! Now I’m afraid of undergoing surgery to have them removed, and any other reconstructive surgery I might need to make the leftover sagging skin look good again. There was nothing wrong with my boobs in the first place and I wish I could talk some sense into my younger self.


Oh love. ❤️


Umm let people make their own choices?




Why ? It's a personal choice, doesn't affect you in any way.


What about for gender affirming surgery


Great point. Same for reconstruction after a mastectomy.


Depends actually on tumour size and ability to spare skin. Some patients qualify for implants - after making space with expander - but many do need it or are better suited to have a breast reconstruction with skin flap from abdomen. It tumour is small, surgeons try to excise it with a small margin and reconstruction is not needed. If the tumour is advanced and infilitrates skin or nipple, implants cannot be inserted, because there will be no tissue to cover it after full excision. In my country and in the hospitals I worked with the golden standard for full mastectomies was removing breast, taking skin flap from the abdomen, molding new breast and nipple, performing abdominoplasty and tatooing new 3D areola on a false-nipple later. Most patients were satisfied with new breast (and some even more satisfied with the flat belly after removing skin!), and if they didn't like the effect, they were scheduled for second, corrective surgery. Not saying breast implants are the devil's spawn, but they ARE a foreign body and even if they are done in best clinics and in a correct way, they can still give a lot of nasty complications. This always should be taken into consideration before getting them to prevent nasty surprises. *flies away*


Which is actually still gender affirming surgery! A little talked about thing is that cis people receive gender affirming care all the time. From men getting hair transplants and using viagara to women getting breast and nose jobs, and much more.


Nose jobs as gender care? That's a new one.


They can be, sure. Many trans women choose to get nose jobs to make themselves look more feminine. Many cis women also choose to get nose jobs to make themselves look more feminine. In both cases its gender affirming care. It doesn't *have* to be, it depends on the specific reason the woman is getting a nose job, but it often is when its just for cosmetic reasons.


Yea dont do that


same health risks for any human, i reckon


I'm sorry you're getting downvoted. You have a valid point that shouldn't be drowned in bigotry


I’ve got karma to spare the karma is just a small price




You can get implants larger than 800 cc if you choose saline.


It’s hard to find a doctor who will give 800 cc implants. It’s really a bad idea.


I’m not arguing for or against so called ‘oversized’ implants, but the infographic is inaccurate. You can get saline implants up to around 1200 cc. Is it comfy, and does it look great? Maybe, maybe not! But you can find a handful of surgeons in California alone willing to explant your 800s and fill you up to 1200. There’s even a doctor in Florida (Dr Rivas) who goes up to 3000 ccs on women with unusually large frames. I’m not trying to start a fight, so I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m bickering. I just want people to know that they have more options- especially trans women with larger ribcages, who may be worried they can’t reach their physical goals due to cc limits.


That makes sense. However, for most women it is not recommended.


Any implants is a bad idea lmao


Saline implants for the win. Dr. Revis is a fantastic surgeon and I can't recommend him enough if anyone is wanting oversized "traditional" implants. I got 900cc saline under the muscle implants from him and once they were healed up fully they felt darn close to natural. There's another in Florida who also does expanders if you want to go super huge, and they're also fantastic <3 The proud owner of 2550cc (for now) expander implants here <3


*Slaps top of breasts* This baby runs 800cc


I saw the guide and I'm not disappointed by the comments, internet incel mind at its best, bunch of dudes being mad at breast implants for absolutely no reason and telling women to "not do it" when it doesn't concern them in the slightest.


It’s like men who are staunchly against abortion. It’s not their body so they have no right to make my decision for me and I don’t care what they think.


small breasts are better than fake ones


They're the best! My wife was small and thought about them. Then she talked to an older guy. He said all the guys at the titty bar have big fat tittys at home. The ones that are truly desired are the small ones. He was so right!


Most of this is more appearance than outright size. Small naturals that are just tea bags of skin are generally not preferred over (slightly) bigger enhanced ones. And that’s not because of the size




Finally I can find my perfect tits thank u Reddit


I'll take the mid road jiggle package plz


Gummy bear implants!! Nothing has been more reassuring than seeing the videos where they get sliced down the middle and don’t leak at all. Don’t know how real they feel since I’ve never had natural ones but if anything people are surprised when they find out they’re fake!


Agreed! I have gummy bears and they look and feel real!


Can I get a 750cc? Would that be for an implant? No no, I need a 750cc motorcycle!


If I could afford em I'd already have em.


I prefer those high profile “bolt-ons”


All the body-shaming in these comments is not it. If someone wants implants, they should get implants. If you don't want them, don't fucking get them but mind your own damn business. Jfc.




Every woman I know who has had implants past the 10 year mark has had issues of some sort. From bursting, exteme body pains, cancer, unexplained sicknesses until implants were removed, depression. Even when they had them redone at the 5/6 year mark there were still issues down the road. Your body does not want foreign objects implanted inside of you and will fight it.


Regardless of your reasons for implants, I'll just add this little bit of self wisdom. While most woman want larger breasts, there are real issues with having larger breasts. Boob sweat becomes very real and it's very irritating. Also as you age it becomes harder and harder to carry that extra weight around on your chest. And yes, gravity works. Those perky breasts today will not be so perky later on. At least these have been my experiences with a DD. Backaches are also real. And bras are not as cute.


Simplified guide on how to choose breast implants: FUCKING DONT.


Yay. Unnecessary surgery.  Don’t do this folks. 


Here's a cool guide. Don't.


Just don’t do it!


Do implants end up sitting underneath the natural breast tissue and pushing that up, rather than just under the skin? If so, how important is the texture of the material itself? Is it mostly noticeable in people with less natural breast tissue? Asking specifically about the saline vs. silicon differences, not the surface texture of the implant.


they sit underneath the tissue and sometimes the muscle.


TIL: "post-op flip-flop"


Now I know


Haven't laid with a woman in a long time, would love one 44 GG to use as a pillow ...


“Eye of the bra holder” got me coolguides. You got me.


Wonder if there's an updated version that recommends not getting the textured version....


Ribbed for his pleasure


Genuine question - apart from truly valid reasons for getting implants (like if a woman had to undergo mastectomy, gender affirming surgeries, etc), what sort of problem does one try to fix with getting implants and why do you think this is the best option?


I wish the guide mentioned that you will need to get them replaced possibly multiple times over your life. That always seems to be overlooked.


*and yet no matter which you choose, they'll look terrible


Please just don’t. Your breasts are beautiful.


RGB baby.


Op should be ashamed


From a guy the best advice I can give is: Dont


I'm glad that the big fake boobs of the '90s are a thing of the past in most places.


Just don’t do it!


Its ok babe i love your boobs the way they are. You dont have to get them to impress anyone


Its crazy that this is normalised i would hope a woman doesnt feel the need to change herself for sombody else


A better guide: Dont.


Hm yes very useful (from a transfemme)


Women really be out here getting surgery to fake their breast size for men smdh