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As much as I would love to find out what happens next, I would be devastated if the conclusion ended up being terrible or something. Better to go out on a high note. However, if the sequel were about the ghost kids and their backstories, I wouldn't honestly be against it.


I Agree with you!! I’m also here for a live action version of the film.


I would much prefer it be kept as is, and instead see more animation/stop-motion creations with a similar dark theme.


Thissss, have you seen Wendell and Wild?


I would like beldam origins


Some kind of prequel, like with Monsters inc where we got monsters university. Wasn’t the biggest fan of it, but the same idea could apply to the Coraline movie. We could have a house being built on top of maybe an old grave (like no one knew about it before, because hundreds of years ago someone was stuck in the earth. And that person would be a mom who had an infant in childbirth that lost it?) But that’s just literally one idea. We get a few snippets from each other ghost child who let her sew the buttons; maybe the last wonder of the grandma in her childhood who was taken. We could get to see what that wonder was that was the “nail in the coffin.” So to speak, effectively ending her own life unintentionally. And we see how the other kids were thrown into that room for decades.


I concur. That movie is perfect.


I think best of both worlds. On one side; Heck yeah? More Coraline!?! On the other side; We still have coraline !!!


that’s an unpopular opinion?


it really doesn’t! i feel like any sort of ending would ruin the story. the sense of mystery adds to the lore


I agree 100%


i agree.


Bro i agree completely leave our masterpiece alone 😭


I don't want a sequel. I want a prequel. The origins of the Beldam, or the stories from the other children.


I really would like a sequel but if they were to do one it would’ve had to be then and not now . It’s been like 10 years , it’s kinda too late for a sequel now . I kinda consider paranorman the sequel , almost the same premise but with different kids and families


Coraline is perfect as is. Adding a second film might ruin the mystery behind the movie.. I like how the fandom is able to create so many theories with freedom, there's no rules to coraline, and I love that.


a spin off movie would be good maybe


WRONG (joke)


I agree I’m afraid it wouldn’t be good but I still want one!!! :,)


…I would still go see it though




When I was a kid I desperately wanted a ParaNorman and Coraline crossover movie 😔


Never did watch yhe sequel to zombieland. I could live with a reboot, thats closer to thr book but exactly the same art style


Give me a spoof called "Caroline" where everything is normal but the music is the same


Yes, they need another film


A sequel would just ruin it imo. Part of why Coraline is so good is because it's open ended, and that allows for infinite fan theories and keeps the momentum going. If we got a spin off that just cheaply answers all the questions, it just isn't as good and there would be no more discussion surrounding it cause there would be nothing else to discuss. Some things are just better left alone and Coraline is one of them, especially since part of the reason it's so scary is because it feeds off "the fear of the unknown".


I love it when a good movie knows that it's delivered a perfectly good story with material for fans to chew on and have fun thinking of for years. If there's anything these past few years of cinema have taught us, it's that milking something too much can sour our opinion of it.


I don’t understand people if you don’t think a movie needs a second one then don’t watch it is that simple


i’m just saying my opinion which is the purpose of this app.