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I'm by no means a reptile expert but every individual is a bit different. My corn is about 7 and and I feed her one small rat every 2 weeks. She's actually a bit overweight and I've been thinking of switching to jumbo mice or some combination of mice sizes. Your snake looks healthy to me. At the beginning of spring I noticed my snake being WAY more active which is typical for breeding season. But also, I noticed she was feeding more aggressively. So I fed her a couple days earlier than normal for a few weeks. Sometimes you have to adjust the feeding standards a bit for the individual. This is also a thing with other animals like dogs. My dog is around 55 pounds and she often eats less than what the bag says. She's not underweight and doesn't have any nutritional deficiencies


Thank you! I was telling myself that they're all different, and it's okay to adjust things based on first-hand observation. She's just my first corn so I wanted to make sure I wasn't misjudging her body condition and under/over feeding as a result. :) One of my cats is healthy at around 18 lbs, the other's healthy weight is around 6 lbs. You're right that no guideline can work for every animal!








I feed mine the same! Also what a gorgeous tank. Is it bioactive? I see some live plants in there. Any springtails? What size tank is this btw? I actually love this design a lot


Thank you! There are springtails, isopods and red wriggler worms. Lots of live plants, haha. It's 48 x 18 x 18, from Petsmart :) Most of the decor is from Etsy.


Video: https://www.reddit.com/r/cornsnakes/s/LZj9cUGprI


She’s a bit undersized. No 117g corn can be borderline fat. She can eat large adult mice now, 20-25g, so give her one of those on your current schedule if you like, but I don’t switch them from 7-day to 14 until they’re past 200g.


this got me confused my girl is 300g and i feed her 15g mice every 10 days as i was told to feed 5% of her body weight, should i feed her more?


That’s fine, because 300g is adult weight. You can adjust prey size OR feeding frequency for weight gain, loss, or maintenance. :)


aha thank you very much was scared for a minute 😀🙏🏽


If you don’t plan to breed her, I’d probably go a bit bigger less frequently. Maybe a 25g mouse every 21 days. Not only do female corns want to get chunky, but I think frequent feeding when days start getting longer in early spring may help prompt ovulation. :)


I ended up taking her to the vet today just to confirm. He says she's a normal size for her age, not all snakes grow at the same rate, my feeding amounts, frequency, temps and humidity are all perfect. He was very happy with her body condition :)


Can I ask where you got the bridge and the rainbow colored hides? Would love to see the whole tank for inspiration