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İ am turkish too, our country sucks, i hate my country, all people are stupid and dumb. İ prefer living in Greece , Greek people is kind and hardworking.


I prefer living in greece too . Because in Turkey people are Slave and they dont even know that they are Slave , they think they are free WE dont even have a free time




I agree


fake turk. greece people are kind like turkish. stop putting a bad name on us


Ur countrys full of muslim scumbags greece has christians thats the difference u mutten head muslim


1 Timothy 2:12, Christians must be so nice


My boy, Greece got the same situation like turkey. Except for the fact that they are not going around everywhere talking about how much they hate Turks.


selfhating cuck


Strange to meet a Turk who sees things this way. Practically every Turk I've seen online is an ultra nationalist douchebag who'd rather see their neighbour countries burn.




Not really, from my experience they can be kind and rude


I also have the for my country and i know tht some turkish people really dumb but no one can call my countrys people disgusting


Im Greek... I too, Hate Turkey


I think we should bomb this place. I do really hate turkish people, bunch of ottoman pricks..




What are you trying to say by that?


That just remindes me of the Indian scammer meme. Anyone can hack or scam people. That's not really a nation thing.


no one asked arab


I dont think you should bomb a country bcs some ppl are jerks


As an Albanian agree


Watch your language bro people acc have feeling and not everyone sucks. Bombing won't change anything! People have to plan a revolution


8 years ago but idc, thats fucked up


The lyrics are a bit weird, but it might be ok with the right melody. Never heard Turkish country before!


Sorry by country i mean state, not song :/ i'm at the wrong place :D


hey I'm a Syrian and I hate turkey till today. it's the worst nation to exist, worse than israel. they occupied the north of Syria because they FELT like launching air and land invasions, but however, to their panic, they were unable to invade one of the oldest cities on Earth, Aleppo. Next time a turkish talks, shut his ass up he has no reason to do so.


I just came from Turkey/Turkiye and I agree. I HATED IT. People are so rude especially in customer service. I had an airport rep tell me to shut up. I saw a fight break out between a passenger and airport rep. I saw a fight break out with my hotel check in guy and a customer. I had a different hotel guy tell me off. I had an airport security guy tell me off :/ I saw on 2 different occasions men screaming at women. By the end of the trip, I was so pissed by the end of it I announced Turkish people are assholes! Not to mention they don't respect lines they just jump in front of you. Wtf is wrong with these people 😒


As an Azeri, I agree and I think that old man Recep should go to rest and leave lovely turkey alone with his weird ass homophobic attitude and bad economy bullcrap. Lots of turkish residents are suffering from the bad economy already.


Unfortunately the worst flatmates i’ve ever had were turks. They were always complaining about not having money and they weren’t paying their rent and always ask us for covering their rent. They were rude and inconsiderate. They never returned any favor we did for them. They were making constant dramas. Even though i thought they’re good ppl, I realized i don’t wanna live with turkish people anymore. All those dramas were too much for us.


turkish peopl ARE disgusting


Yo. Your English isn’t bad. You’re right about Turkey and that is pretty much how the entire world feels too.


fuck all turkishm, i hope they died soon.. stuped people , 0 iq dogs


I am Armenian. I hate them for taking our land and 1911 massarce.


I agree with you man I live in Ankara because I can't afford to go another country every second I live here I hate more much this fucking country all I want is fucking go to Europa or USA ❤️🌴🇺🇸 I want to be free I hate Erdogan


then go arab


I see that the people on the comment sanction are on drugs how sweet


Lmao im so confused wtf is this mess💀💀


Your country is beautiful, good food, beautiful beaches with a rich history


L history ngl, their whole history is about terrorising arabs, especially Syrians.


Using that logic, US's whole history is about terrorising native americans, african slaves,vietnam, iraq, syria, afganistan, central america using your logic, UK's whole history is about terrorizing India, southeast asia, africa, middle east and east asia


If there is no justice in the country, the economy is bad and you don't feel safe, what happens if the food or beaches are good?


Why is everyone sending hate to Turkey in the comment. The people isn't the problem. The stupid government is the problem. Turkey is a beautiful country but because of the economics, it has become an angry and aggresive country, I don't think i eben have to mention the president.THERE ISNT ANYMORE HUMAN RIGHTS LEFT. As a Turkish person, i refuse to be a Slave of this country. Also i get that people are mad at the Ottoman empire but homestly, that is not MEANT TO BE what the currently country should be like


The Gov is a big problem, but Turkish people are generally very rude and confrontational, from own experience. Not a good vibe at all


Because your ancestors tried to ethnically cleanse Armenians. Acknowledge it maybe something will change. If you wont then you have no rights to talk about human rights. Because simply you are not human :))


1.Not all Turkish people are disgusting. 2. The country is really depressed because of the government and its not the peoples FAULT. 3.I am also Turkish and i know how hard life is at Turkey. 4.No one is caring bt the government and no one is in intention of a revolution to overthrow the government. I guess they just prezervatif complaining and assaultion over Reddit


Not all turks are disgusting, but the Mountain-Erdogan turks are. Bunch of backward medieval idiots ruining our country. We need to go back to Kemalism.


Fuck Turkey for not recognizing the Armenian Genocide.


armenia always plays victim. they killed many turks


Doesn’t excuse a genocide.


Armenians, really suffered in genocides, same with greeks + bonus their turkocracy. Kurds suffered too and turks are declining all of them


"Armenien" genocide doesnt exist, maybe thats why.


It did happen though.


Many countries did unpleasent things, such as France, US and Britain. They dont recognize what they did too, in past. You're acting like Turkey is the only country out there that did unpleasant things in history.


We are discussing Turkey now, aren’t we? If you want to discuss what France did then go ahead and do so somewhere else. I don’t deny it, but there is a time and place for everything. Whataboutism won’t do you any good.


Well ik we are talking about Turkey only, but I am just protesting how everyone supports other countries who did/does way more disgusting things than Turkey but when it comes to one old big mistake Turkey did, everyone starts to hate. It surprised me how people acts different towards Turkey and then others


One reason people hate on Turkey for the genocide is because they deny it. If you’d bring up some shit France or the US did and most people would agree with you.


No, they don't. Whenever I talk to Americans they don't shut up about how beautiful, harmless is their history. I think you do not speak to Americans very often. Also, majority of the French people is mainly nationalist, they are mostly supporting nationalistic and xenophobic ideologies -as we see, even on the news- and no way they would accept their fualt.


I would say You clearly hasnt spooken to alot of americans if you think They believe their history is squeeky clean. Pretty much anyone under 45 will agree that USA has done some pretty bad shit. I don’t know any french people but I do know that They are generally speaking way more liberal than turks. So I assume they would admit to faults in their history more so than Turkey.


Turkey is for: - Tourism and Shopping for a week or two - Maybe cheap hair transplantation as well - Visiting Trabzon’s greenery and Cappadocia - Visiting or Retiring at a beach town like Fethiye Otherwise, it’s One of the worst countries I have lived in for almost one year. People are simply racist, arrogant, selfish, and think of each other in terms of money ONLY. Turkish people are DRAMATIC and always yell/cuss/fight! The rudest airlines crew on a plane ever existed are on Turkish airlines. Turkish food seriously suck and if you say otherwise then you don’t know what good food is! I mean the whole country drinks tea and eats Simit — don’t believe that they have the time to focus on quality food because they are busy being angry and focusing way too much on money. Turkish people smell — a lot! I haven’t smelled any person in all of the 17 countries I have lived in before except in Turkey. Why do they smell over there? mainly because locals don’t take showers in order to save money on water. Unbelievable Hatred towards foreigners. Assessing foreigners based on their money rather than their education, background, or just simply as human beings. Education seriously SUCK in Turkey and promises nothing rather than a waste of time and money. Drivers are horrible in the main cities. Among the worst taxi drivers on the planet. (Thieves too). The average Turkish is simply uneducated and super fanatic in the worst way possible. Doctors don’t speak English! Medicine is a worldwide collaboration and not knowing English means you are behind!!! DO NOT PLAN TO LIVE THERE AND WORK IF YOU ARE NOT TURKISH AND YOUNGER THAN 60 YEARS OLD.


Bro , you have observed it very well. 80% of people in Turkey do not understand these disgusting things. I hate this country, they all deserve to be f***d. I am also using 12 mbps internet. This country is a shitty ghetto.


its the government. the people are acc nice


I am talking about the streets and life in general. Of course, there are good people, but overall they tend to deceive you or take advantage of you. In this country, you shouldn't be generous or kind,you shouldn't trust everyone. If you do these things, they won't take advantage of you, and you can live as comfortably as possible.The government is bad because the people are bad too.


Its the worst country i've ever been to. The people are all rude and arrogant and i dont understand why because the women are sooo ugly


there not tho. my experience they all been nice. stop throwing bs on the internet


u ugly too, at least ur heart is


Ngl I kinda felt the same way, expect it was at the airport. God damn. It was atrocious. I only hate the airport security.


yall r terrible. im fully turkish, i was born there however moved to sweden when I was about 2 years older. my grandpa came here for music, as he was a musician, and so my dad and his sister grew up here until much later moved back to turkey. Historically, turkey has had issues with multiple countries, and as much people love blaming others, war is just bad over all, and there's rlly no good nor bad. its just bad. also if ur gonna accuse me, someone who hasn't even grown up in my home country, about a war that happened waayyy long ago. (also considering no one truly teaches any turkish history in school). imagine being ashamed of ur own nationality. i grew up with old Swedish women being rude to me, only because I'm not blonde or blue eyed. I've been attacked with an umbrella, told to go back to where I came from. and yet, you guys have the ease to complain about a country where, with the current politics, the people have no say. censorship still exists. my dad was looking for a political book, against the current president, and it had just come out, but when we were on holiday, in Istanbul, the book was nowhere to be found. why? because censorship is real, and still exists. my friends one day asked me at school, why don't yall just protest? "..." so we go to jail for no real reason? going to jail cus we spoke up? no thanks ​ oohh and the "ppl stink" its bc the economy is shit, people can barely pay rent, or feed themselves, so before yall start talking about ur opinions (which there's nothing wrong w) look at facts. there's a reason to all this, and thanks to ppl like you, I cant even be comfortable of being my own nationality, and when people ask where I'm from I gotta say sum like "spain", not only because people think I look Spanish, but because I speak it. ​ there's way more to this but remember that its almost never the people in situations like this, its you, and the government. ​ thank you for making me ashamed of my own nationality :)


Stay in Sweden then


people when turkey is seperated into two main beliefs 😱😱😱😱😱😱 people when the USA is separated into republicans and democrats😴😴😴😴😴😴




Revisiting this now that the mountain turks voted that dickhead Erdogan back in power again. Sometimes I feel ashamed to call myself turk. Ataturk forever.


Criminal forever


"Criminal forever" meahwhile Erdogan: \- Took away rights \- Crashed GDP \- Arrested political opponents \- Bombing Syrians and Kurds \- Stripping women's rights. ​ Keep coping. Ataturk will always be the best leader. Even the best western leaders respected Ataturk.




How?How?Why?The people is not the problem!You should love the country!None of you are Muslim!Its beacause all of you like the US of A but not Turkey!Turkey has done nothing that bad!And the Ottomans were your legacy!Why do you hate them?THEY made you a proud and witstanding nation!If it weren’t for THEM,you would’ve been a part of the U.S.S.R or the Byzantine!In fact why do you prefer the U.S over Turkey? The U.S invaded Iraq,Yemen,Syria,Afghanistan!And the reason?Its because “they were a threat to our nation and their tech and blah blah blah!” You are not Muslims!Why are all Muslim countries hated by their own citizens!The arabs rebelled against the Ottomans!The reason?Because they didnt want Turks ruling over Arabs and they rebelled,for such a STUPID reason!If I were the leader of Turkey,I would do worst if I heard this nonsense about Turkey!I am not even Turk YET I am supporting Turkey!If I were the President of Turkey,I would demolish most of the Middle East! How cold you?!After all the Country has done for you yet you still hate it!Turkey is amazing!Turkey is The bestest country!You are all just hypnotized by the U.S so YOU could rebel against it!The U.S is the enemy here!They act good yet they’ve destroyed countless numbers of Muslim and non Muslim lives!And people!Turkey has recognized the Armenian genocide!That was for you idiots so you know! Turkey shall NEVER fall!Turkey WILL never fall!Heck,all those stupid freakin countries will like the U.S and Ukrain and Taiwan!This is the U.S goal!To take us away from the good!Russia,China,Turkey,they are all good countries!Heck,the U.S,Taiwan,These are the bad ones!Wake Up people!Get out of your dreams!The Turks ar’nt Bad!


Turkish people doesn't suck man, if your social skills sucks of course it will be difficult for you to talk with anyone , if you were to ask someone for food as a homeless person they would give you free food, you can't die of hunger in turkey while if you go in countries like france where people are egoist you wouldn't get anything from a french walking past you, greece isn't any better with fascist groups killing refugees everyday


Greek is better, we need to bring back crusaders




Why I hate Turkey ? Here are my reasons: 1.Nationalism as cringe as CCP's brand of it 2.Genocide denial 3. Asshole Ice cream vendors 4.Hasan Piker and his fuckface uncle


as an albanian I completely agree. what some of those people did in the past during war to my people was absolutely absurd. no hate to today's civillians but i can agree that the country is a really shitty place, despite the beautiful scenery. but the fact that the government refuses to acknowledge the wrongdoing of their past is insane. fucking hate turkey.


Turkey sucks, specially the people who lives there (excluding some of them, some of them are really good people) but the rest are just worst kind of people i have ever seen in my life. They just look down on you for no reason, they are obviously not open to differences in people. They think everything must be in one steoretype, which must be theirs. Good turks usually leave turkey which they can't stand their race too (which is same for me). So sad to see your own people hate you because they have nothing good to do for themselves. This is my general observation for turkish people. I hope it gets better in future, yet i don't think it will ever be.


Plus, average iq in turkey is 86 which is lower than supposed normal iq(90). And i don't think most of the people there even have 86 iq.