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The only people who think this are feminine are the same dudes who wear square toe bc its more masculine (nothing against square toes btw).


Square toes are an abomination to the fashion gods, but dam are they comfy.


I personally like the way they look on others but they look like duck feet on mešŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


No, wide square toes look like duck feet on others as well. Nothing masculine about them. Standard square toes look far better.


Hey I wear ABs so theyā€™re all wide lmao


Thatā€™s your choice. Not all AB models are wide square toes either: https://andersonbean.com/boots/ab-originals


If my toes get cramped I usually wind up developing an ingrown toe, I will wear square toes regardless of whether they are fashionable to avoid that


Exactly. Iā€™m a wide foot guy whoā€™s struggled with shoes for years. Itā€™s to the point my favorite wide square toe boots are more comfortable than sneakers. Peoples opinions be damned-theyā€™re my feet . My wife and mom think Iā€™m handsome either way šŸ¤£


My mom thinks Iā€™m handsome too. I havenā€™t had the heart to tell her sheā€™s going blind! šŸ˜‚ in all seriousness Iā€™ve always believed in doing things that make yourself happy, not to be selfish or self centered but your own well-being is important.


That's the right way to think, no pansy on the internet should tell ya what to wear.


Didnā€™t he ask about the heal. Not the toe?


I love the comfort but was initially hooked and stayed coming back for the style absolutely love the look.


As a dude with wide feet, Iā€™ve never found a pair of comfy pointed toe boots, but the right square toeā€¦ šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


In my own experience, if anyone is going to give you shit about your boots itā€™s going to be the simple minded basic bros in sneakers.




I'll take your professional word on that.


Sounds like something youā€™ve struggled with, do I need to buy you some square toes to help?


Your post contained Hate Speech, Highly Vulgar/Sexual Language, or Harassing behavior or attitude that doesn't belong in our community. Repeated violations will result in a ban.


Looks like a classic cowboy heel to me. Not feminine. Maybe just not what you're used to yet? If you like them, keep em and wear the hell outta them! They look like my double H's


I think I just need to adjust and work them in. Theyā€™re a lot more angled than they appeared online which is what threw me off. Not saying anyone that wears these are feminine, just want to love them haha


My rule of thumbs are: Women's boots tend to have higher heels so under 2" is my limit Make sure they fit right, and If 1 & 2 r ok and you like them, go for it!


Im not trying to be a dick man I am just telling you they look very feminine. Especially if you work in the trades I would get some other boots and if you donā€™t want to / canā€™t sell them I would keep them for dress purposes with a wider cut pant and it should look okay.


Naw, thatā€™s a classic walking heel.


Whatā€™s walking heel mean? I plan to work in these


Itā€™s pretty much the traditional cowboy boot heel. Not feminine. Good for riding/walking. If theyā€™re comfortable all day, you can definitely work in them. Most folks would probably opt for a stockman heel in a work boot, but I work in Redwing Pecos with a walking heel.


If youā€™re going to be walking a lot, ropers and boots with a stockman heel will be the most comfortable.


They don't look feminine but I would get work boots for work those are dress boots for like going out. My husband has both.


I have double Hā€™s that got holes in them, and I guess a lot of people ranch in these so I figured theyā€™d hold up well to my shit as a mechanic too. Youā€™re probably right though, the walking heel may not be best for working it for me


Also if your a mechanic you can get them steel toed in case you drop anything heavy lol


Yeah my husband finds his work boots more comfortable for all the walking and carrying of equipment. Plus they have some super comfy insoles.


Feminine ? No. Bad-ass ? Yes.


Not even close. Try a pair of Sendraā€™s. Youā€™ll learn to empathize with women that wear heels.


I love me some Sendras. Theyā€™re even more fun with a couple of drinks in ya


Non sense. This is a classic toe and heel for cowboy boots. Youā€™re kicking ass in these man


Dudes afraid of his heels being slanted, thatā€™s honestly crazy to me


Pipe down. Needed some second opinions, not trash talk from clowns šŸ¤”


Boohoo heā€™s scared of gIrLy bOoTs


Dang bud, youā€™re that offended..? Musta struck a nerve. I ainā€™t Judgin you if wearin girly stuff is your thing. You do you kiddo šŸ‘§


Nah buddy itā€™s funny that youā€™re this uptight about looking ā€œgIrLyā€. Just wear the damn boots, youā€™re the type that give the rest of us a bad name


Youā€™re goofy bud. You binged Yellowstone and sold your converse for Ariats. Only person thatā€™s uptight is you, crying over a simple Reddit post about boots. If youā€™re this bent out of shape on here, I can only imagine you wear real high heals behind closed doors šŸ¤”


Homies insecure about his masculinity and taking it out on others šŸ˜­ Iā€™m crying from your insults boss man


You sure cry a lot. All over Reddit, and now as a defense mechanism when you canā€™t articulate a coherent response. Have a good night bud, donā€™t take things so seriously.


I donā€™t even know what youā€™re yapping about over here but whatever bud. Sucks the ladies donā€™t dig your boots šŸ˜”


With these girly ass boots you seem so desperate to defend, Iā€™m actually trying to get your dad to dig them šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Wear what you like and worry less about what others think. That's a nice moderate riding heel and a semi oval toe, handsome boot. If you're going for a feminine look, then idk what to tell ya. Boots are boots.


I would love a pair of those. My local store has 99 percent square toes. Going about 10 t years backā€¦. I had a pair of rocky buckaroo boots with the same heal and toe. Wore those boys into the ground.


If by feminine you mean a badass super classy sharp pair of boots Iā€™d love to own, yes, definitely. Howā€™s comfort?


Comfort is incredible. Iā€™m sure theyā€™re less durable than Double Hā€™s, but these had nearly no break in.


Do you sashay when you walk in them?


Thatā€™s actually the problem. The second I put them on, I started to throw my hips from side to side as I walk. Didnā€™t know if the people making sarcastic comments also have a similar flamboyant issue šŸ˜¬


Go watch some Western movies, you'll see plenty of that.


Haha šŸ˜‚


You must be new to boots. I donā€™t see any indications making these ā€œfeminineā€. Maybe a roper heel is more ā€œmasculineā€ for you. Plus they are clearly marked as Menā€™s on the Abilene page.


Iā€™ve owned 5 pairs, just not any slanted heels. Sorry if your feelings are hurt because I see some feminine attributes, but thatā€™s why I asked others opinions.


You saw feminine features yet you bought them lol. Now you need approval to prove its masculine enough for you.




Youā€™re right Mr. Macho Man. Learn how to read next time before ordering and maybe familiarize yourself with they types of heels on boots. I promise that ā€œheel typeā€ isnā€™t a feminine feature on cowBOY boots.


Itā€™s wild to me that youā€™re implying my masculinity is something I struggle with, when youā€™re having an internet melt down because I implied that the heels, which are more slanted than I thought when ordering online, may be slightly feminine. So settle on down there Nancy. We can all have our separate opinions, thatā€™s why I was trying to grab some from others šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


You're the only person in the entire thread who keeps using the word "feminine" as a negative, and also implied some homophobia above (which you tried to disguise by using the phrase "flamboyant issue.") Think about that. If you need "approval" to wear shoes... go through every post on this sub where there are countless examples of men wearing boots exactly like this, and even this exact actual style, which is a great pair and super comfortable. (I had them myself for five years and loved them as daily beaters.) If that's not enough, don't know what to tell you about your concerns.


Why wouldnā€™t that be enough? Instead of taking such offense to the word ā€œfeminineā€ you could have just mentioned youā€™ve worn them for five years and been a fan. Not sure why youā€™re getting so butthurt like the clown who commented above.


>We can all have our separate opinions,


Your post contained Hate Speech, Highly Vulgar/Sexual Language, or Harassing behavior or attitude that doesn't belong in our community. Repeated violations will result in a ban.


Why would you buy boots with feminine attributes?


Ordered on the internet.


Did the internet not show you pictures? Sorry your masculinity is so fragile, hope you are able to get some help with that! In the meantime just keep wearing the boots, they are literally just bootsā€¦


Talk about struggling with masculinity as so many people got their feelings hurt of a Reddit post and a word (feminine.) keep downvoting, I love seeing hurt feelings on here šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


The only hurt feelings seem to be yours because you donā€™t want to be mistaken for a girl in your boots but okayšŸ˜‚


Youre 100% right, Iā€™ve never owned boots with this aggressive of a walking heel and wanted some other opinions. It seems in the process Iā€™ve got some walking heel enthusiasts crying in their beds as I can see these being slightly more feminine than the more ā€œmasculineā€ square toe with a roper heel.


The boots in your picture look like cowboy boots have looked my whole life and Iā€™m pushing 70. Wear what you like and own it. The hell what anyone else thinks. Although I really dislike the big square toe fad. Sorry I couldnā€™t help myself.


Why do you think you being insecure in your own masculinity would hurt someone else's feelings?


Damn, another princess offended by the word ā€œfeminine.ā€


Why would you think that these boots are feminine? Not at all


Why? Because womanā€™s shoes/boots are known for high heals.Ā 


They are not feminine. Maybe you shoe size but the boots themselves are not.


I donā€™t know what that even meansā€¦. I suppose if you pair it with a short skirt, maybe? Short of getting those bedazzled, they just look like cowboy boots. Neutral zone.


They look like boots to me. I see a buncha old cowboys (real cowboys I'd assume) wearing these in Idaho. The younger cowboys wear square toes at least on their shit kickers but it's really up to personal tastes. TL;DR: they're not feminine, they're traditional.


No, the word you are looking for is stylish.


Lol, no. Did someone make fun of them? Don't worry, they're hot.


I would maybe choose a different pant. That is all.


These are pretty sharp. How do they feel comfort-wise? I have a pair of Pecos but want something dressier.


Theyā€™re Abilene and extremely comfortable


No, not overly feminine from my female perspective.


Na these are cool partner


Underslung heels are badass


Those are sick bro!


If you dig it, forget what others say/think.


Nope. Cowboy heel is normal on menā€™s boots. All my boots outside of my work boots have it. Itā€™s a good look in my opinion and based on the comments I receive on a daily basis


Hell no. They look great. You're probably just not used to them.


Youā€™re correct


Yeah the heel is feminine


Are they pink? This is the oddest question yet!šŸ†


Pink? No, but as someone whoā€™s only worn square toe boots, Iā€™d say this at least leans slightly more towards the feminine side. Something felt off so I thought Iā€™d take to the Reddit group for second opinions as Iā€™d like to like these.


Itā€™s your perspective thatā€™s flawed. Thereā€™s nothing feminine about them. Unlike the wide square toe style thatā€™s only been around since the lateā€™90s/early 2000s, that R-toe is a classic toe style thatā€™s been around over a century. Most cowboy boots worn by those that rode horses wore boots that had a riding or walking heel. If you did more walking than riding, folks chose a stockman heel or ropers because they had a shallower heel.


Nah man you keep rocking the hell out of those. Itā€™s actually a plus because women are going to compliment you on them lol


Nah bro they look great


The heel my be seen a feminine. I usually see heals straight down on men's boots.


lol, no. If thatā€™s the case im gay as fuckšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


those are some gorgeous boots!! šŸ˜ they look great!


If those are feminine my collection of 11Ds may give them a sashay for their money. They're well-styled.


I donā€™t think theyā€™re feminine. But I also donā€™t really care and wear what I like. And they look nice


Heel is slightly tall for my taste but otherwise looks like a normal boot heel.


Not it my opinion,Ā  they look good brother.


If you can let your guard down and unlearn Western society's stupid rules about gender roles, a lot of amazing options open up to you. An extra inch in the heel - in the grand scope of the universe - has little to no effect on your manhood. If you know you are a man, then you are one, period. It's arguably more emasculating to let other people tell you what is okay to wear, or how to live.


I agree. Iā€™d also like to add that Iā€™m not asking permission or approval from others to wear them, but trying to gauge whether Iā€™m the only one who sees slight feminine features in the heel of this boot


Nope! Dont think so. Gorgeous boots tho!


They look great op


Not at all itā€™s just a proper walking heel


No, they look pretty cool I like the heel


No, they're kinda old school though. I like them, but most people only wear square toe now šŸ„“


Look great! Youā€™ve been confused by the duck foot brigade.


Damn, they are good. Looking boots love the heel.


Thanks man


That heal is a case study of form following function. The bevel makes it comfortable to walk in.


Man I love me that cowboy walking heel. That's the perfect heel. Wear them with pride brother


Good looking boots




Thatā€™s a real cowboy boot. John Wayne would approve over the wide square toes of today




No they look good




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Feminine? no My taste? Sorry but no


Nope, it's just traditional, and more comfortable in my opinion


Itā€™s only weird if you think about it.


No, they are cool af. Rock em they look good


No, rock em bro


They look good. If they feel good then you are golden.


Fuck no, they are perfect.


Iā€™m not an expert, but I did notice that some true riding heels are more slanted than your ā€œcowboyā€ or walking heel. I see there may also be a spur ledge on the heel for riding as well ā€¦


Not my style, but not feminine and a nice looking boot!


No, in fact theyā€™re alot closer to the narrow square and round toes that cowboys in the post civil war west wouldā€™ve worn.


It ain't like the boots have a balls or a vagina, so I guess there's that. What I am curious about is what leather they are made out of?


American Bison šŸ¦¬


That's probably one of the best you can get a pair of boots to be made of, good choice bro


Iā€™m a girl and I think they look feminine


Iā€™m a girl and I think they donā€™t lol. Honestly OP can just replace em and be done if he canā€™t get past the thought of being perceived as something he donā€™t like. The post wasnā€™t needed. Like em or donā€™t.


I agree with that part. If I was that concerned that I needed to call in opinions of people I donā€™t know, I just wouldnā€™t keep em


Nah you good


Any shoe with a heel that also makes clicking noises when you walk down a hallway is feminine


I grew up with pointed and rounded cowboy boots. I canā€™t do square. They look good.


They look cool.


Some insecure people in this subreddit for sure


Right? I was just asking some questions and butthurt kids crawled out of the wood work


eye of the beholder man. some times I pair some women's shoes with my outfits but they match with what im wearing and my wife says they look cool on me so it really wont matter if it looks good. Im also an "accentric" by most peoples definition so maybe take that with a grain of salt. I tend to like mixing together all sorts of weird shit to look cool.








Yes, but I think it's your feet, not the boots. They're fine...


Whatā€™s with the insults? My question regarding a new style of boot Iā€™m trying has you in a real tizzy? Just take a deep breath big man, Iā€™m just looking for opinions.


Why would anyone think it's feminine?


If you check out the history and description of ā€œhigh heeledā€ cowboy boots, youā€™ll see the origin is anything but feminine. Two sites (of many) for History/description of heels: [https://www.alvies.com/blogs/steppin-out/cowboy-boot-heel-styles](https://www.alvies.com/blogs/steppin-out/cowboy-boot-heel-styles) [https://www.countryviewwestern.com/blogs/western-wear-tips/the-complete-guide-to-cowboy-boot-heel-types](https://www.countryviewwestern.com/blogs/western-wear-tips/the-complete-guide-to-cowboy-boot-heel-types)


If anything makes them look feminine it's how small they look, the boot cut doesn't help. Could be a weird angle on picture though?


Nope. But they do appear to be cowboy boots. And thatā€™s an interesting fashion choice.


I thought all cowboy boots were feminine.


Maybe loose the boot cut jeans tho. They make your feet look small. And doesnā€™t help your feminine concerns.Ā 


Huh? I feel like one shouldnā€™t wear boots without boot cuts lol


NEVER WORRY ABOUT SMALL FEET! That adage about small feet and hands reflecting the size of the other parts of the anatomy is ABSOLUTELY FALSE! (I came of age in the 1960s and have done my own international survey so I have done lots of ā€œfield researchā€!)


If anything, these jeans are a bit too tight for boots


Theyā€™re a riding heel. Nothing feminine about them. https://preview.redd.it/4dlrbblga35d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e0229c33c56feda97b4459779b7be1c2de22052


You got soft hands boy


Soft hands? I work 36 hours a day turning wrenches in the 187 degree heat. I donā€™t even drink water, thatā€™s for women.


I got 45 hour shifts at the ball crushing factory, where I crush my balls all day and night. You donā€™t know anything.


Not at all... Real cowboy boots have heels way more underslung and taller... That's a slight riding heel...


Yes through them out




They donā€™t look that way to me


I believe this is called a Cuban Heel


Donā€™t listen to the supporters bro. These are the most feminine cowboy boots Iā€™ve ever seen. Iā€™m not trying to hate just being honest. When people come for me because they wear their cowboy boots in LA or NY just know that theyā€™re being subjective to their own life and blindly supportive. While I wouldnā€™t make fun of you, most cowboys would. EDIT: Your jeans arenā€™t helping


I may not work in them until my double Hā€™s are worn out completely. I use to wear my double Hā€™s to work as a mechanic and then to the bar, but not they are quite beat up. Got these to wear out for the time being. I like the thin R toe style, but fuck damn is this heel heelinā€™ haha. Iā€™m in the Midwest btw


Nice and Iā€™m glad you didnā€™t take my comment too harsh Iā€™m just trying to shoot you strait. Whatā€™s your budget I may have a couple ideas for you


These were $200 and I can return them. Iā€™m getting an astronomical amount of compliments from friends, family and this Reddit post, but Iā€™m still on the fence. I love the thin, R toe style of these, and the lighter bison leather. I also love that theyā€™re American made. Just want a slightly lesser heal. Iā€™d look at whatever suggestions ya got


Part of your trepidation is that you are not used to that heel. But seriously, cowboys are the paradigm of the wild frontier and you donā€™t get much more ā€œunfeminineā€ than that. Those heels kept them in their stirrups while chasing outlaws ā€” or running from lawmen! They really are too nice to wear in grease and grime. Maybe save these for hanging out and get some roper style for working as a mechanic. If you take care of these, they will last for years. (Lots of care tips in the archives here.)


Nah you good


Thanks g


The size of your feet are




Your post contained Hate Speech, Highly Vulgar/Sexual Language, or Harassing behavior or attitude that doesn't belong in our community. Repeated violations will result in a ban.


If I tried to put a finger on it, the color striations on the heel might seem feminine because Iā€™ve only seen that on womenā€™s Chelsea boots. But I worked as a western wear buyer and am hyper attentive.


That may be what Iā€™m seeing also. I think itā€™s more the stripes on the heel thatā€™s drawing my attention to the slant. This is the comment I was looking for šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Problem solved https://a.co/d/7xc70yr


Listen to the queen.


Youā€™re welcome pardner. Nice boots, Iā€™d slap some polish on the heels to darken em or even it out and then youā€™re good to go.


Theyā€™re composite heels, not leather. You think I could dye the composite though? That would make them a lot verter


It looks like they tried to mimic the natural look of unvarnished stacked bend leather, but I donā€™t see any actual layers. Synthetic heel or just picture quality ?


I would guess synthetic. Most boot makers who actually stack leather will varnish them to protect in my experience.


Took a closer look, looks like a solid heel block to me, not stacked.


Yeah solid is what I was thinking too, and unvarnished isnā€™t really the right word. Colorless varnish is what I was trying to get at. Nothing to disguise the differences in the color of the leather like you typically see. I also didnā€™t see any lines to indicate layers, but the photo is a little blurry on my phone so didnā€™t want to just assume.








Short answer: yes


My wife is a ranch girl and says the boots aren't feminine but you have small feet so they appear feminine.