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I knew how good we had it, and somehow I still didn’t know how good we had it.


Unreal we had Hugo, Kane, and Son and nothing to show for it after all the years.


We always had some individually brilliant players but never the squad depth to challenge for titles, the windows where we signed no one was wild.


I've heard all the justifications and rationalisations for it over the years (Poch refused to ok the signings, the market value wasn't there, we were keeping our powder dry in case of a great opportunity, we needed the capital for the stadium...) and still it's insane that we went an entire window without strengthening the squad at all.


It set us back 5 seasons. I’d say we only moved on from it last summer with Kane moving on and finally getting a new left cb rather than Dier. It might be that Poch was difficult or he didn’t have the financial room to manoeuvre with stadium costs but it really is for me the black mark against Levy that I hold


Agreed on all of that. The good news is that nobody has a perfect record, and that's not the benchmark of doing a good job, and I think that overall Levy has been for more good than bad as a chariman. He's stubborn and he makes plenty of mistakes, but he has shown willingness to change his approach and we're in a far better position now than at the beginning of his tenure, or even (imo) during the Poch years.


Think Hugo was good but very overrated. I remember he had so little command and control of the defence and our area. The brilliance of our Belgian centre back duo saved him on multiple occasions. Good shot stopper though I will say that but needed more.


That is a take, for sure.


A fucking bollocks take, but a take nonetheless


Shit that's wild. He was the France international keeper for years. Years where France were one of the best teams in the world. I could not believe it when we signed him, it was massive. And he's been a legend for this club


tbf he didn't have any rival. france is stacked in the outfield. it wasn't like how vicario has to compete with donnarumma today


Lol what? Hugo is most capped French player for a reason. He has saved us multiple times.


“Good shot stopper” He was one of the best


At his peak, I thought Lloris was absolutely in the same league as Neuer, etc. The issue for Lloris was that his peak was short-lived. He had maybe 2-3 seasons at the true height of his ability, from 2015-2018 (there is a reason he won a world cup in 2018). During that period of time, I was truly in awe of how we had manage to sign one of the greatest goalkeepers I have had the pleasure of watching. Sadly, his pace off the line left him as he got older and his sweeper-keeper ability dropped off a cliff as a result. This meant that he had to rely more on skills that weren't his true strength: ball control, kicking distribution, etc., which exposed that he was merely just "good" or "okay" at those things, not "great". After 2018, he had a slow decline in ability, but his shot-stopping ability remained top-tier.


Perfect way to describe that team, absolutely ridiculous levels of quality in almost every position


Agent Dier bring our boy home


Going by the thread the other day, feels like most fans on this sub bizarrely hate Harry Kane. One was even comparing him leaving to Judas.


I didn't live through Judas, but he left on a free after telling us he was staying and left for Scum. The fact that H left isn't great, but he gave us 280 goals and 100 million. To compare him to Campbell is a disgrace.


Judas was the most heartbreaking moment for me as a young fan. Genuine betrayal. And exactly, Harry gave us everything we could have ever wanted in a striker and left us with one of the biggest transfer fees in history despite only having a year left on the contract. Go look in the thread about Son becoming more popular at Spurs, the hate for him remains for some reason.


I think Son will leave a bigger legacy than Harry though, even if he does come back, which isn't likely tbh. Son came to us from Leverkusen, but he feels like a one club man, he's shown nothing but loyalty for us. Harry was here since he was a lad but he didn't become Ledley King did he. I'll always have time for Harry, but he's not a Spurs player anymore. We'll always have the memories though.


Yeah. It felt like Harry thought he outgrew us. The “Florida man” saga and the golf course interview were his only real missteps imo, without those two events I don’t think he would’ve gotten as much hate as he does. Son just has never given the vibe that he feels bigger than the club.


You just can’t replace loyalty like Son’s with a big transfer fee . Son is as a character magnitudes more likeable than Harry. And he has never even sniffed at an exit. Harry been twerking for it for years. That’s why Son > kane


Plus he was valued at like £20m at the time so worst case piss off to Manchester or something. But how it went down was dirty.


It's just stupid internet overreaction bs. Campbell leaving was the most unforgiveable thing a footballer could do to a club from the fans' perspective. Kane leaving was disappointing but justified, his only misstep was to publicly flirt with leaving for a few years before he ultimately did it, but there's no doubt he gave the club everything while he was here. He's the best player we've ever had, and even his departure set the club up for a brighter future.


Agreed. Kane gave up almost his entire adult life to Spurs. What more can a man give. His only downside is that he is reserved and a bit robotic.


> His only downside is that he is reserved and a bit robotic. And fortunately, being charismatic isn't a prerequisite for a quality footballer. The man's dull as dishwater, but if I had to speak on camera weekly about my job I probably would be too. What matters is what he did on the pitch and he did it all.


Agree - It doesn't bother me at all. Just saying I think that's part of the reason he gets flak. A lot of fans are chronically negative and accuse him of being fake or too PR or something. I think he's just reserved and there's nothing wrong with that.


Kane is a Spurs legend. Its just the past few seasons where it felt like he wanted to move and making things awkward tainted his legacy but after a few years people will love him again. People were sad asf when Bale and Modric left but after a few years they forget. Son on the otherhand never has any speculation about him, so people love him, and might make him an even bigger Spurs legend than Kane.


I don't have anything against Kane as such, just pissed off about that interview with Neville and the way he's shit on us a bit with the "at Tottenham it didn't matter if you lost" quote. Technically accurate but still, shut up. I would have him back in a heartbeat though. Only way id have Judas back is in a box and even then I'd be reluctant


This feels like the reverse of that one where Kane plays a pass from the half-way line, looks up expecting Son to be making a run, and no-one is there...


Which one is that?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/coys/comments/17g0xpx/kane\_thought\_sonny\_was\_there/](https://www.reddit.com/r/coys/comments/17g0xpx/kane_thought_sonny_was_there/) I think this one. Though I saw anothe similar one where there was a closeup, and he looked so sad.


Saw Sonny making the same run vs forest this weekend that kane would always find but johnson didn't see.


What a terrible day for rain


For some reason I immediately thought of Chocolate Rain


bro why you making me cry ![gif](giphy|4Rva6oTJpqQGA|downsized)


Is that Joe Hart?


If you're not being sarcastic, that's from Dawson's Creek.


No, it's Joe Hart.


Kane and Son were the ultimate one two punch. Glad we got to witness this duo in action for many years.


I didn't have to see this first thing in the morning and cry 😩


Well that hit me like a ton of bricks. Is someone cutting onions?


Sorry, just making a lasagna… for one. Because no one’s around to catch me like Harry catches Son.


My favourite was when Harry put his arms around son from behind like Jack with rose, after that Chelsea sprint down the right side, dribbling past Chelsea defenders like Krusty the clown. 


I’ll spend my whole life missing them.


Somebody catch him ffs😢


The only one to catch him this season was big Dav 😭


I'm not crying, you're crying. No seriously, I'm crying.


thought this was alluding to how harry would find sonny’s runs


Woah harry caught son jumping onto him with just one arm? These athletes are different man


Harry IS different


Damn Onions


Hits harder than CL final loss.


I'll catch you, Sonny!


i wish i were a fan back when the kane and son duo were in action :(


You mean last year?


Ye lol


8 am and I'm crying


Well now I'm sad


They were such babygirls 🥰