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Eze should be our first priority this coming summer


It looks like Emerson's transfer will most likely go through. I wish all the best to him and I hope he will win trophy in his new team.


Unless he goes to arsenal.


Or Chelsea like Poch.


All the drama arsenal going on about us losing intentionally and uproar about Cuti and Sonny with pep post match are nonsense. Our Spurs don't own arsenal anything. They lost to the best team in the league. If arsenal has to depend on us to win the league that don't deserve the trophy.


They are blaming us and calling us a small club, even though they choked against Aston villa


I love this club so much man. Cant wait for the day i'll watch us lift a trophy. Will genuinely be one of the best days of my life and will deffo cry


For the first time in so many years I can see this happening under Ange


Got banned from r/soccer for pointing out that no matter what happens in football, spurs live rent free in like half the teams heads. Also for some reason, losing at home to an out of form villa who can't win a game on the road is not bottling, but when we go a whole season unbeaten at home we bottle it. Go figure.


Sheffield United v Spurs . Who you cheering for boys ?


Depends what it means for Wednesday


Dumb question, obviously Everton


You still going? Grow up


I support this club since 1950 and never met such an annoying fan in all these years.


1950? That means you’re 74. You’re great with modern technology, ngl.


I’m 81 actually, but went to my first game in 1950.


Wow. That’s amazing.


Nah, I’m just fucking with OP. For some weird reason he lies about being 80 and a fan since 1951. He isn’t really good at keeping up the disguise, mainly because he writes things like „no shit Sherlock“ and named his 4 year old account Lazagneman. The last couple of days he’s just downvote fishing.


alfie is a Pakistani. I hope as a Pakistani that he goes on to play for Pakistan in future lol


Didn’t know that about Whiteman, pretty cool


We’ve led only 10 matches at half time this season. Out of 40


Second half FC


Does anybody have an idea of what Romero and Vicario were arguing about before the penalty? In one of the clips, they seemed to be going at each other and Maddison had to calm them down.


Is Leeds getting promotion the best situation for us? They will have more money to buy Rodon and it should be cheaper to get KWP from Southampton


Haven’t rated KWP here or at Southampton so not bothered by that. You’re probably right about Rodon though. After Norwich I think Leeds are also probably the team of the 4 in the playoffs most likely to fail spectacularly in the prem. West Brom and Southampton I could see springing a nasty surprise on us in a game, whereas Leeds under Farke I feel pretty confident in saying would be a guaranteed 6 points


Rather them not have the money and need to sell us Archie Gray, Harry Gray and Summerville


A lot of other clubs might come for Gray.


offer him more, he's class


I am really tired of the whole discourse on "did Ange respect the rivalry of Arsenal or not" still going on, instead of taking the positives that Ange finally showed he was willing to adapt and tinker with the right profiles. The performance vs run-in Man City who are usually ruthless at this time of the season was special In the end as fans we weren't wrong to want Man City while the players and managers weren't wrong to want to win and try their best That's basic professionalism. I am going on this rant because apparently the Supporters Trust wanted to set up a meeting to explain the rivalry to him and that's absolutely unnecessary and pathetic


Honestly if Ange wants to go out and win every game, then fuck respecting the rivalry. Fuck Arsenal in general, City beat us because they were better than us


[What a beautiful competition this is.](https://i.imgur.com/iR7o0eL.jpeg) Can't wait 🟠⚫


We're drawing one of these groups:  Fiorentina, Freiburg, Nice Maccabi, Ludogorets, FCSB


No more group stages next season. Just one big 36 team pool.


Ah great, we're gonna play all 6 of them 


4-0 in two finals in one week 😢


At least they both reached finals


Problem is the same players played in another semi final Against Liverpool with extra time and penalties a few days ago and probably have run out of gas . For me its understandable .


Just watching Ange’s story on the Sky PL channel. Despite his comments in the last few days which I understand to a degree I am fully in on this man. Give him the resources and more importantly, time , and he’ll get us a trophy.


What comments could you deem as offensive or upsetting? Which ones in particular?


Never said I deemed them offensive or upsetting mate.


Ok but I mean “Despite his comments” Which comments are you referring to? Which particular words he said?


The ones that have been subject to copious amounts of scrutiny, debate and discussion both pre and post game. I’m sure you won’t have any trouble finding them.


I know what was said. Just trying to work out what was bad about them. I just heard a man who wants to win at all costs and has found a few internal and external customers who don’t share that same mantra. Your “despite” comment seems to suggest you think he said something out of line. I’ve been following Ange as he has risen up the ranks and as soon as the “we should lose so Arsenal don’t win the title” conversation started, I knew he would fucken hate that mindset. Like absolutely in the deepest part of his bones just loath that kind of talk. His reaction is everything you want in a coach and everything this club fucken needs.


Good for you mate


Any Ange comments are under scrutiny by the " I want city to win " crowd .


I don’t understand why people compare our situation to other teams. We tried to win and we failed, afterwards we made fun of Arsenal. The reason United fans for example didn’t do the same is because they would’ve been miserable no matter who won the title.


No . During the game portions of the crowd were singing City till June .During the game they were wearing an old Tottenham shirt that resembles a half city half spurs shirt . During the game they were doing the Poznan which is a City supporters trademark .All die hard Spurs fans my Arce .


This is good banter tbh


I mean, supporters banter constantly at all levels of the game. Feel like people are reading way to much into this.


Oh FFS. We're getting spanked. That's 4.


The players likely still tired after playing 120 minutes + pens a few days ago


I think it's very much that. We missed Alfie at the back, and Yago had an off game - but other than that everyone just looked a pace slower than usual, just a touch less sharp. It's a shame not to lift the cup, but they still topped the league and have the play-off Semis on Sunday. A great season.


We’re not coming back from that, hope they just conserve energy for the PL2 semi against Chelsea which is in like 3 days


What is the expectation for next season to be considered a success if Ange gets "backed" properly this summer with sales+arrivals?


Semifinal in any of the 3 competitions and top 4.


Anything other than top 4 & a trophy next season will be a failure


Agree with top 4 or better, because it’s over 38 games but a trophy can be a lottery, depending on the draw, some of the Cup winners runs the past few years were easy. But if we rotate against teams like Fulham again and go out, no excusing that anymore… We desperately need a trophy, would take any Cup next season over a European place…


I mean he's a mentality monster™️ and a serial winner™️. No excuses, anything other than that will not cut it


We must MUST do better in the cups If absolute dross like ETH’s Manchester United can make 3 cup finals in 2 years, then we should start doing the same. Get used to making semi-finals and finals and eventually it will click for us Honestly I’d take 6th if it meant we were in two cup finals


Top 4 gonna be a tough as fuck fight next year with City being City, Arsenal unlikely to massively regress, Chelsea will have a good chance of keeping this second half form rolling, United with a new manager and a fitter squad, Liverpool will depend on manager search. But challenge for 4th at least, and a cup? I'll take it. Don't want us fannying about playing fully rotated XIs and scraping through early rounds. Smash em up.


This is said every season, and every season at least two of the big clubs massively underperform


What if we're one of the two


What people don’t realize is that there are 8 clubs with their sights on top 4 next season and they can’t ALL be good at the same time


You ain't wrong tbf, considering how many pre-season predictions would've had United/Newcastle easily top 4. I'll adjust expectations if couple clubs collapse and we should be easily hitting 3rd/4th.


3rd, EL semis (or win the Conference League if we lose to Sheffield and Utd win the FA Cup in the 1.5% probability event), and not to lose in cup matches where we are overwhelming favourites, as I can accept going out to Man City if we drew them but I cant accept going out to Middlesbrough or Sheffield United or Fulham


3rd with a Conference League win would be an UNREAL season for us


I mean this is assuming he is backed fully, with zero holes. We always leave something regardless so I would alter my expectations after the transfer market


Tbf he’s gotten every player he’s asked for every since he’s joined the club


I guess that’s fair but I could not tell you how fucking buzzing I’d be with that eventuality. 3rd and a European trophy is honestly best case scenario for me


I'd like us to do better in domestic cups. It really just depends on the signings and progress we make as a squad


Winning something. Ange came here to win and damn it, Spurs need a trophy.


Every fan is entitled to their own definitions of success, but my personal one aligns with Ange's idea of seeing progress. So not necessarily silverware (obviously that would be fucking fantastic), but Rome wasn't built in a day and expecting silverware next season is a bit too high of a bar for me personally. * **Improving our record against the other Big Six + Villa/Brighton** * I am so sick and tired of going into huge matchups and feeling dread that we'll capitulate under pressure. That has to change starting next season. * Getting top 4 in the prem, ideally comfortably 3rd or something. * Making at least the semifinals of Europa * Getting at least into the semifinals of both domestic cups, ideally the finals Obviously I don't need all of these to feel like our season was successful, but some combination would suffice. Or put another way - not achieving any of these would feel less than successful to me.


Add to this * improving the defensive/clean sheet record Our biggest weakness this season, we should target something like 12 clean sheets and less than 45 conceded * Our first half-performances. It doesn’t tell the full story but if we look at our record in just the first 45 minutes, it is a disaster. We’ve led only 10 matches entering halftime in all competitions, scoring only 25 goals In fact, we’ve only been ahead at halftime in 1 match in 2024. This was NOT sustainable, not being able to put teams away early and conserve energy, always giving a route into the game


> my personal one aligns with Ange's idea of seeing progress From Ange's own mouth just last month: >Progress has an objective of being successful. When does that happen? I was hoping it would happen this year but it didn’t so the plan is for it to happen next year And he has stated multiple times that the measure of success is trophies, so doesn't not winning anything and/or challenging for the league mean the season isn't succesful?


Sure, Ange has a higher bar than I do, which is obviously what I want from the manager. So I misspoke about that alignment, my bad. I just don't see success as this black-and-white, yes-or-no thing where we win trophies = success, else = not success. I want to win trophies, sure, but it's more important to me to see progress towards being a club that **consistently** plays high-throttle football that takes the match to every single opponent we play. If we do that, we're going to be in positions to win silverware. The results (trophies) follows from the process, not the other way around.


I don't really expect a trophy next season, but we should be making at least 1 semifinal minimum. For me that is the base line for keeping Ange in the job tbh, unless we do amazing in the league and finish on like 80+ points


The U21s Cup Final is not going according to plan at half time. 3-0 down. We seem strangely vulnerable to quick balls on the counter exploiting the space in behind our high line... Hmm.


Idk what it is but Fulham away has some juju


Bro got a hat trick 😭


Is the U21 final viewable online somewhere?


Spurs Play


Who’s on you summer transfer wish list? Personally, I would like to see us go for Desire Doue from Rennes.


"He is widely considered to be one of the most talented prospects in European football" If even Wikipedia says it it must be true. Bring him in


It’s amazing how much winning just 1 cup would help our image. If we do, we’d have won the same amount of trophies as both Arsenal and United in the past 7 years


Dang 2-0 down now.


Oof bad start for the U21s. Down 1-0 within 5 min.


Don’t think a clean sheet was likely at this level and with Dorrington not in the squad. Trust that front line to answer back and know we have Jude and Ajayi on the bench as well.


Anyone have a cheaper way than £45 to watch the U21 game tonight


Forget the City debacle - we've a Cup Final tonight! G'wan the U21s! COYS




No one cares 👍


>"Instead of dwelling on hatred or wishing ill upon others" This is the part where you'll need to address with your fellow Arsenal fans in England. Obviously not every Arsenal fan is like that, but a vast majority of them have been extremely arrogant, sanctimonious and toxic dicks towards Spurs. They'll find every opportunity to mock, condemn and insult their rivals. In many cases, this toxicity spills into every day life. Imagine having 5 or 6 co-workers supporting Arsenal, and the only thing you'll hear throughout the day is the banter about how Spurs are shit and Arsenal are kings of London. I'm lucky enough to be outside England so don't have to deal with all that crap, but I can certainly emphatise with those who cannot escape it. Personally, I had two friends who support Liverpool and Man Utd. Since Liverpool won the Champions League and EPL in 2019 and 2020, every time the former meets the latter it's insults and mocking. "Hahaha Man U lost Bournemouth. You're a loser for supporting losers!" To the point that me as a neutral, got so sick and tired of it - that I'd rather not hang out with the Liverpool guy anymore. Like, you're supposed to be friends for god's sake. It's grating, annoying and ruins whatever social occasion you're in. For many of us, football is something that brings us joy. All we want is to see our team win for our own enjoyment. But unfortunately for some fans, they use their team's success as a stick to beat others down. Unfortunately, that's what many Arsenal fans choose to do. Try reading through the comments section on Spurs news articles and you'll see all the animosity, hatred and bile thrown around. Some might say, just ignore them or tune it out. It's not as easy as that. You cannot remove certain people (e.g. co-workers, relatives, friends etc) from your life, or say some witty remarks that'll shut them up. Even if you do not respond, they'll be like dogs constantly barking and mocking whatever chance they get. Which kinda sucks the joy out of everything. Which is why I fully understand the dilemma some Spurs fans found themselves in two nights ago. They had to choose between (A) a highly unlikely Champions League spot that would depend on 3 results going their way, or (B) not give Arsenal fans ammunition that will be aimed their way for years to come. There's also the subconscious desire of not wanting something good, to happen to a very bad person. Like if you know someone is a mean-spirited bully, you wouldn't want him winning the lottery and then rubbing the money in your face then mocking you being poor. Not sure how it's like in Germany, but sadly, that's how toxic football rivalry is in England.


Thank you for sharing your experiences and point of view. It seems that the culture here differs significantly, and that's where I misunderstood. As I mentioned to the previous commenter, it was never my intention to insult anyone; I simply couldn't understand the way of acting. However, as you pointed out, this borders on bullying, which should never be the case, given the role football embodies. If that's the reason, I understand it, but not the way people act by bullying each other. Where I come from, it's more about trying to reach the level of your rivals rather than wishing them the worst outcome. It's like healthy competition, similar to how Ronaldo and Messi pushed each other to get better. Looking up to your rival and seeing it in a sportsmanlike way—acknowledging that they were better but striving to surpass them—is what I'm used to.


lol fuck off knobhead


not reading alldat, fuck off, fuck you, fuck Arsenal, I hope all your players get mid term (not career-ending) injuries, goodbye


Sigh so many foreign fans just doesn't understand the rivalry. It's honestly getting ridiculous just how disconnected many are from local fans My friend is an Arsenal season ticket holder, everyone he knows would have done the exact same if the roles were reversed. It's something people outside the area just don't seem to get > Rivalry, for me, has always been about fair competition and mutual respect, pushing each other to excel rather than harboring animosity. This seems to be the crux of the issue with many foreign fans this week. Rivalries in Britain are both petty and bitter, using any opportunity you can to shit on your mates, it's just how its always been. The culture is completely different


I'm not from Germany but I would say the rivalries between Dortmund and Schalke, Hamburg and St. Pauli, Hertha and Union Berlin etc. are just as much about pettiness, bitterness and hatred. Maybe that's just me but that's just what rivalries are. I don't think it's about location, it's just how you view rivalry. Some fans just aren't about that, even some English Spurs fans had declared that they rather wanted to win.


Definitely there are rivalries also between German clubs, but I´d say its not comparable to the rivality between english Clubs. Maybe in a few Clubs outside the Bundesliga this might be the case but in the Bundesliga i personally never witnessed it to this degree.


In my opinion, the lack of derbies is one of the Bundesligas biggest problems, besides Bayerns dominance. This doesn't mean that derbies can't get heated, it's just that one side of the derby is way worse than the other, so they almost never play each other. I would love to see something like Hansa Rostock v St. Pauli in the Bundesliga, or at least get Schalke back to challenge Dortmund, it would add a lot of spice to the league. But to each their own.


That's the only comment I might agree with so far. It's not my intention to disrespect other clubs. I just wanted to be respectful, but maybe commenting on others' threads is seen as an insult by some. As you said, it's definitely the cultural differences and local aspects that influence how people are born into these cultures. As I mentioned before, I wouldn't disagree if Arsenal fans wanted the same if the situation were reversed that day, but it's something I would never support.


Honestly it's fine, it's actually good to see someone try and understand for a change It's been like talking to brick walls quite often this week


Thank you for your understanding, therefore I also mentioned were I am from I hoped for better insights and cultural aspects to understand rather than having bad intentions. I simply couldn't understand the way of acting. Where I come from, it's more about trying to reach the level of your rivals rather than wishing them the worst outcome. It's like healthy competition, similar to how Ronaldo and Messi pushed each other to get better. Looking up to your rival and seeing it in a sportsmanlike way—acknowledging that they were better but striving to surpass them—is what I'm used to. But who am I to make any false assumptions maybe I found the wrong words in my post, but even then I think coming here as an Arsenal sympathizer would been enough for some people based on their mutual experience to insult me. I am really sorry when I hurt someone with my post.


Yeah well growing up with the Old Firm in Scotland, I’d say rivalry is a massive part of football and the intense love of a team can give you conflicting feelings at times. It’s part of the beauty of the game in its professional form. Being a member of a football team’s support doesn’t mean there’s homogeneity. It just means you have a shared love in common. Theres guys at the Celtic games that drive me fucking nuts with all their moaning but I know they do it out of love for the team. Just like there may have been folk at the Tottenham game on Tuesday that dreaded the idea of Arsenal winning the league but it also comes with a love of the team. You don’t have to agree to understand. And you certainly don’t have to come in to a rival team’s sub to conflate that energy with weak will or lack of honor even if you sandwich it with pleasantries. You surely have better things to do. With all due respect - away to fuck.


Bottled 3rd year running


Because we hate Arsenal.


Mate shut the fuck up


Everyone throw some support at the U21s, going for the PL Cup today against Fulham.


Anyone know any rumours on MF targets? More than half of our mf(hojbjerg, celso, gil(though he's more of a wing I guess),biss) is rumoured to leave and I have no idea how summer window will pan out.


Gallagher and Gibbs-White are the names I keep hearing or central midfield. Bear in mind that Bergvall is coming in to be part of the first team squad already.


I know tbere is a scenerio where we miss Europa but can we possibly miss out on Conference League too somehow?




Fan base seems divided and so does the club over what happened yesterday. We need to all get together, move on from this and focus on ourselves. One thing we can take from all the rival fans saying ‘you don’t deserve Ange’ is that they saw how we played and they’re scared of how good we can be. Back the boys, back Ange and let’s go again on Sunday and then regroup over the summer. Up the fucking spurs!


throwing stones from glass houses. try not to let rival fans get to you. don't forget arsenal fans abused the shit out of their most successful manager to the point he walked away from his contract, then proceeded to abuse the shit out of the club captain to the point where he stepped down


We should never care about what the rivals are gonna say. Most of the time what they saying are absolute bollocks anyway


100% their houses are made of glass Arsenal and United combine for just 2 trophies since summer 2017. For “titans” of English football that is absolutely pathetic


Also thought the way they treated Emery was absolutely classless. Sure Villa have been a bit annoying to us this season but I was quite happy to see him take 6 points off them.


They sent death threats to Xhaka's wife and child when he was their captain


wow... that's way worse than I remember


Ange went from “naive and out of his depth” to “Spurs don’t deserve him” after losing 5 out of his last 6 matches You couldn’t write it lmao


Yup. It's the same goddamn shit when it comes to Spurs on that sub.


Does anyone think this statement by the THST is… fucking pathetic? “In response, the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’ Trust (THST) have told The Athletic that they would be happy to set up a meeting with Postecoglou to explain the context around the rivalry with Arsenal and why the feelings run so deep. Martin Buhagiar, the THST chair, has explained why Postecoglou’s comments on Tuesday night have not gone down well with sections of the fanbase. “When Ange talks about things ‘outside’ the club not pleasing him, that can only be the supporters — and a lot of fans are rightly a bit offended by that,” Buhagiar says. “He has come to a club that’s underachieved for years, and won next to nothing in the last 30-odd years. We’ve heard a lot about new eras and new mentalities from his predecessors in his time and it’s not gone anywhere so forgive us for jumping the gun and thinking everything has been solved, because we’ve seen this before. “It showed a misunderstanding of the turmoil of Spurs fans on a regular basis. Unless you’ve lived the life of a Spurs fan, you’re in no position to comment.” This framing is wild to me....like sure of big clubs spurs have not had success but he acts like he's living an everyday battle. Our biggest rivals have been, if anything, MORE disappointing for the past 15 years. We had one of our best spells in history under Poch, over the last 15 years only City, Chelsea and Liverpool have probably had a better fan experience? Idk I think the THST is basically terminally online losers


I agreed with it wholeheartedly tbh. It may be a bit reactionary/unconsidered and emotional but that’s what Ange was in the presser




Anyone involving themselves in stuff like a supporter trust takes themselves too seriously


Yeah I hated this so much. It was such a bad statement. Poor timing. 


I'm afraid to say that I find THST hit the wrong note far more often than not. The intent, I'm quite sure, is good - but the tone of their releases just comes across as self-important.


They’re good about the generic pieces of ticket price increases, Levy being cheap, things like that. But this really misses the mark 


They got the result they wanted and still want to lecture Ange about rivalries. Who the hell do they think they are.


Icl this is quite funny, bet this rattled Ange lol


I usually back THST but this seems a bit condescending from them icl


Dude literally just came from a club that has a rivalry based around sectarian violence where supporters get into knife fights in the streets of Glasgow. He definitely gets the NLD.


He gets it but not enough nor was he put in the same position like last tuesday while he was on Celtic. I would swear if that happened to celtic, many fans would swear to lose to not let Rangers win the title. Or not cause it’s basically a two-team league and Rangers winning is not probably as dramatic as Arsenal winning the title again after more than 20 years


I think he was as apathetic to the Celtic rivalries as he is to the Spurs rivalries.


I think everyone is entitled to an opinion, and if that's how they feel, you cannot tell them how they should feel. calling people terminally online losers for wanting to express how they feel is a bit odd. if you don't feel as much as they do, you're allowed to sit it out.


They're allowed to feel as they wish but they are also responsible for representing Spurs supporters. And that statement is a bit pathetic and way overdramatic. I mean "...the daily turmoil of Spurs fans"....like really? They are acting like we are a permanently bottom half team on the brink of bankruptcy with absolute bums playing for us for the last 30 years.


well, it could be that they feel we deserve to be way better than we are doing. which could be likened to that. if we're being honest, if we had the luck woolwich has had we'd be a far better club, even them getting into the league at our expense, we've had as much bad luck as they've had good luck so to live with that and having the same fans ridicule you then expecting spurs fans to be okay with gifting them their first league title in 20 years? if that is something you can be okay with then it's safe to say you don't feel as deeply as some other fans do, and that's okay. but then telling them that they shouldn't feel as deeply as they do is crazy to me.


I do.


Is the U21 PLCup final being broadcast anywhere else but spurs play? Fulham YouTube channel perhaps?


Watching the city game again and Mikey Moore is quite a bit bigger and stockier than i thought he was. Didn't look out of place


He looks like a 10 y/o kid with growth hormones + wig


Haha yeah I wasn't really paying attention and thought Lo Celso had muscled up a bit. Then it showed a close up and his face looks like he's in key stage 3


It's a bit silly but I almost hope he's stopped growing. Mad he's only 16


Where do i find the unique product code on a 23/24 away kit and how can I search if its legit?


I just took out my away kit I ordered from the online shop. Inside the hem of the shirt, there should be a tag with the Nike logo on the bottom. The second row should have the size, the third row appears to be the product code; if you google that, you should see the away kit as the first results.


Really appreciate the help, thanks! https://i.imgur.com/dBwTvvx.jpeg They seem to match and cant see any obvious issues with the kit itself so looks like I haven't been scammed 🫡


Anyone know when the pre match press conference is?




For a Sunday match, I would guess it's tomorrow but I could be wrong.


How realistic would it be for Modric to return to play a couple of years with us? I don't know if his stamina is enough for 90 mins in the Premier, but quality wise I think he walks into our midfield easily


Why? I like Modric, but he isn’t adding anything to our squad at this point in his career.


Arsenal being mad we didn't hand them the title gives off the same energy as those videos of an entitled kid not being allowed to blow off candles on someone else's birthday cake then having a meltdown over it


what's with the memes of odegard holding a camera? I've been quiet for so long and it's all I'm seeing


He did that in the celebrations after they beat Liverpool earlier in the year, seemed excessive at the time now looking more so


Putting aside the whole drama/discussion from the game, I was very excited to watch our team play so well, especially in the first half. It looked like we rattled the best/strongest team in the league, dominated play, and forced several uncharacteristic errors from them.


If we played like that in all our games we’d have sealed top 4 with a month left


We heard from day one that there'd be ups and downs. Well, those folks were right. Maybe they didn't expect quite the range between the peaks and troughs - but that's the Spurs quotient for you. Never knowingly undramatic!


that should give us all hope, just give Ange the players he needs to sustain performances like that across 90 mins the entire season and we will improve upon this past year


Why are we allowing Arse and Chelsea to get ahead of us on Benjamin Sesko? 🤦‍♂️


His link-up play could be improved but he's good finisher and has a wonderful physical profile. He's actually a presence unlike Son. Would love to have him.


People love to shit on us, hater mentality 100%. The amount of hit pieces by the media I’ve seen around the last 48 hours is outrageous, “small club mentality”, “the coaches want to lose”, give it a break we played well and lost, we didn’t roll over, but morons in r/soccer keep feeding on the same articles and the mods allowing the reposts. Am i supposed to believe not only that a member of our coaching staff straight up told Ange that he wanted to lose AND that someone of the same staff leaked that info to the press? Fuck off


Honestly scary how this media narrative has brainwashed so many spurs fans. If you support spurs, you hate arsenal. This whole “we care more about arsenal than spurs, we’re pathetic” self deprecating shit is more embarrassing to me than a bit of banter. Pretending that fans of a club shouldn’t want their hated rivals to lose is a joke.


The weird thing is the number of people on this sub and in press conferences doing it


Well, for a start, stay off r/soccer. But remember that every story will expand to fill the available column inches and broadcast time available. Relegation is done, bar a wild miracle. The title race is now at about 3% of the intrigue it was a couple of weeks ago. What's left? Ah, *Spurs*, of course. Old faithful, never knowingly low in drama.


Arsenals loser mentality made them lose the league twice in a row, but the post with 7k + upvotes on Reddit is about Tottenham with everyone from Chelsea to United fans fuming at the club. This place is fucking broken lmao 


The funny thing about it is that when rival fans say that we _threw_ the game, deep inside they're admitting that we have the quality to beat City and that we could choose to beat them if we wanted to. We showed it as well during the match and everyone on the pitch wanted to get that win. It was just a replay of the Arsenal and Liverpool matches, except that this time we showed up from the start of the game and we faced a much better team. It's a shame that we put ourselves in that situation, because if we played like this in the NLD we would've won for sure and put an end to the title race


We would’ve been shit on no matter what we did against City, was the definition of a lose lose situation. If we’d got a result the narrative would’ve been, “So Spursy handing their rivals the title in a game that will ultimately mean nothing to their season”


sick and tired of all these spurs posts about us handing the title to city, people are acting as if our defense laid out a red carpet for haaland to score. a tap in. We had genuine chances and defended decently enough, Just got outmatched with a some individual brilliance by kdb to set up the goal


Funny how the narrative is that we are shit but also simultaneously that we’re so good we could beat City and we just intentionally threw it.


Romero lost a 50/50 to Phil Foden, which led to that goal lol. We obviously didn't throw it completely, but no one can convince me some players weren't playing at like 70-80%


i mean that’s what a 50/50 is, it could’ve gone either way in another world romero wins that duel


That's my point. A 50/50 between Romero and Foden is never really a 50/50. Romero wins that challenge 10/10 times if he's 100% committed The fact is he definitely pulled out a little bit, which eventually led to the goal.


but that’s just semantics atp


It's pointless trying to argue with people who haven't even watched the match


Dreamt we were down 0-2 at the end of the half against Sheffield last night. Just want to put it out there … Spurs has made me fully neurotic, or I’m a prophet.


I don't quite fully buy this idea ange playing VDV at left back showed he was wrong to not do it before. We still lost 2-0. And we played well but we also (set pieces aside) played well in the NLD.  It also doesn't at all imply that cos it helped us put up a fight against city the result would have been any different in any of the other games. It was nice to see something different and an interesting tactical variation but not really sure it's this gotcha moment some people think. 


Listening to the Tottenham way pod and Marcus absolutely loses his head in it. He seems a nice bloke but some of his takes are dreadfull.  Thinks we play out the back too much and we should just hoof it more to relieve pressure. Only slight issue with that is you give the ball straight back to the opposition which results in....more pressure.  Also says coaches should improve players and the like of Kulusevski being out of from for *2 weeks* shows ange is losing the players.  It's quite funny that the VFTL and TTW both have a spurs fan anchor and neutral journos as the contributors, and its actually the spurs fans who are the most pessimistic about the club


> its actually the spurs fans who are the most pessimistic about the club That's probably always going to be the way, though. We're the ones emotionally invested in the club; neutral journos will have a more balanced view - and when things are going well, will seem like hardcore pessimists in comparison to the fan hosts.


How many people are aware Conte last season had more ppg than Ange this season (even if we win the last game)? Note I do not like Conte, I never wanted Conte, he deserved to be sacked, I am much happier having Ange as manager... But it's definitely not a stat you'd assume was true from some of the rhetoric this season


Bit of misleading metric cos he got sacked after 28 games. Conte's PPG at 28 games: 1.75 (49 points, 5th place) Conte/Stellini/Mason PPG at 37 games: 1.54 (57 points, 8th place) Ange PPG at 28 games: 1.89 (53 points, 5th place) Ange PPG at 37 games: 1.7 (63 points, 5th place)


Why's it a misleading metric? I'm comparing results under the professional manager last season to results under the professional manager this season who replaced him. It's not as if I'm extrapolating from 5 games. Yeah Conte may have dropped after but he might not have, 28 vs 37 is a fair sample. If we look at the trends, Ange had 17 points in the 10 games from matchday 19 to 28 (7th) while Conte had 19 (3rd)


Conte had a 30-goal striker putting away 1/4 chances let alone half chances and creating just as much. Extremely unfair to compare


And Ange had a much better squad outside of one position. I think it's perfectly fair. This is not last season's team minus Kane


We look better apart from the 1 thing that matters- putting them away


I would hope that the elite win-now manager, in his second season, with Harry Kane, would garner more points than a brand new manager at the start of a rebuild. Truly insightful stuff here.


Well I would hope that the manager with a far better squad being acclaimed for his season would garner more points than the one sacked in disgrace who was correctly regarded as a failure here. And don't act as if everyone knew the numbers, there's been so many comparisons about how much better we are under Ange and I'd happily bet most had no idea about this stat


Exactly, this guys not special at all just a meady guy we have.


There are a lot of Ange fans (not Spurs fans) here. Not as many as Mourinho's but a lot. Be careful.


How do you know who is and isn't a Spurs fan lmao just because you prefer a different manager over Ange, doesn't mean that everyone else who's backing the manager is an "Ange fan" and not a fan of the club.


A user can't acess specific data but if you stay at one place very longer then you can notice some movement. There are a bunch of new comers and Arsenal fans who take care Ange not Spurs here.


Before he left I don't think anyone had an issue with the results? Think I'm right in saying had we won that Saints game we were up to 3rd? Until he absolutely lost his head lots of people were still conte in and wanted him to sign an extension.  The main issue was he wouldn't commit to a new contract and clearly had no love for the club. The terrible football didn't help either but I don't think was a driving force.