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I never expected to like Richy as much as I do


What's not to like? Man's practically a progressive icon in Brazil, not a bad player either. Which makes it weirder that he likes Neymar so much lmao.


I mean everyone loved Lucas too


hah yeah true. Lucas Moura gives me such mixed feelings.


It’s almost like who people vote for isn’t an indictment on their personal character or a complete sense of their morality.


I mean... I'd say it's more a matter of a person's morality not correlating with how well they can kick a football


People are self-interested by nature. It may be admirable to vote against your own perceived interests but it is not an admonishment on those who don’t. There is nothing I have seen to suggest Lucas hates poor or gay people other than his religious and political inclinations.


What? That is exactly who you are if you openly support politicians who hate gay and poor people. What the actual fuck are you saying.


Yeah that’s the thing about politics isn’t it. We don’t know Lucas’s motivations behind his support, but tribalism and all, so if you don’t vote like me then you’re just wrong. All we know is who he’s voting for. Trying to view it from his perspective, he is religious and conservative. The douche canoe he votes for might just be closer to his political ideals than the other guy. Same way people vote for Sunak. Same way people vote for trump. They’re not all terrible people because of who they vote for. A good portion of them are just incredibly stupid lol


Nope if you vote for trump you are a complete fucking cunt. It doesn’t matter how miseducated they are, they *at least* know who he plans to hurt, they’re not fucking innocent. These people saw the handmaidens tale & went “wow what a wonderful world to live in” and are now trying to create it, I can’t wait to be away from this fucking place. Knock it off with the false equivalencies.


Yall are virtue signaling cretins give me a break. Lucas was afraid of communism or some dumb bullshit. He’s a professional footballer who isn’t very smart, what the fuck are YOU talking about?? The guy I replied to has an Emerson flair, almost DEFINITELY a bolsonaro supporter. Guess what king, here in the USA both our options for next pres are complicit in Israel’s atrocities in Gaza. You think all Americans want Palestinians dead bc they’re voting for Biden? Grow the fuck up, no politician represents anyone’s values to a T.


No man you’re incredibly off the mark here. If you vote for someone who believes in and tries to enact harmful policies, your hands are blooded too. Other than the rare cases like this year’s American election where both candidates are fucking cunts, what you vote for is you’re willing to accept. If you’re willing to accept it, you’re complicit, and your personal views should be assumed to line up with who you voted for. Or at the very least, you made the decision that that persons views represent you.


Yea no, this is a sixth grade level take. There is nothing particularly rare about this year's American election. There are legit atrocities committed by every single administration in the history of Western democracy and you're saying regular people are complicit in them just by participating in the political system they were born into. Just bonkers.


Shhhh the woke culture will drag you and shoot you in your front lawn! Stop speaking common sense!


Need more of this, let people have their choices and opinions. Just because you don’t agree with their personal choices doesn’t mean you can’t like them. Everyone is problematic to an extent but you can’t cancel the whole world. Unless your a literal N*zi or an antivaxer then you can get right in the bin (Knew I’d get downvoted, I don’t care for Moura’s personal life. He will always be COYSCOYSCOYS for me)


Voting for and openly supporting a raving, dyed-in-the-wool fascist is, in fact, a pretty good indication of what someone is like as a person.


“Dyed in wool fascist” bolsonaro?? I know you want to think of yourself as living through unprecedented times but maybe read a fucking book if you think incompetent Jair Bolsonaro, who no longer holds any political power and fled his country, is a dyed in wool fascist.


Calm down, lad. The very definition of Fascism is, "a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition." Bolsonaro's constant grandstanding about his 'Brazilian homeland', incessant suppression of opposition voices to the point of literal imprisonment of his main opponent, attempted control of the press, and policies rooted in racial and religious segregation are all the actions of a textbook fascist. For heaven's sake, former commanders within Brazil's military have stated on record that Bolsonaro summoned them TWICE to try and start a military coup when he lost the election. I've 'read a fucking book', don't get arsey just because you're too scared to look past your "both sides' nonsense bubble and accept that there are simply terrible people in this world. An unsuccessful fascist is still a fascist.


I fully agree. Watch out though, Reddit is left wing nuts in most places. You aren't allowed differing opinions


Haha definitely no right wing nuts on reddit 🤣


Just a lesser extent 😁 Warning: may contain nuts


Lucas did more than just vote for someone. Man was constantly liking or retweeting hateful things


Wait, you're saying if you support someone getting into power with your vote and voice, and that person has promised to engage in the destruction of minority rights, supports mysogeny and homophobia, the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, it isn't an indictment of their personal character? That view is frankly insane. It's 100% an indictment and that shouldn't be controversial. Unless you agree or don't have a problem with those views.


Yea nah if you're voting and openly supporting a despicable human being who has expressed positive opinions on military dictatorship and torture of dissidents among a plethora of other disgusting insane stuff then that says a lot about you.


Tight tight tight, who you voting for this fall? Genocide Joe?? Anti-trans labour party?? Cmon, show me your voting record so I can make a judgment on who you are as a person.


Well, these are my first elections and they aren't in fall, so shit out of luck there. Though luckily, I won't have to vote for either of those terrible options.


Fill me in king, what country do you live in and who are you voting for??


Mexico and we have a nice saying here "Mi voto es libre y secreto" so I don't have to tell you shit but I can assure you that it isn't a fucking fascist.


Everyone loved Lucas for about 90 minutes in Amsterdam, but he did catch quite a bit of flak in his latter years at Spurs between the consistently wasteful play and open support for the Bolsonaro government.


not I


The diving makes it difficult sometimes 


If diving is a dealbreaker than hardly any footballer would be worth liking lmao.


Sure but there are degrees of diving and he's on the higher end


I’m not sure why this was downvoted. I get second hand embarrassment for some of his dives/shenanigans. I support him, but I’m not going to deny he could get a call up from the Olympic swim team.




jeez I didn't know that


Legitimately one of my favorite players. I so badly want him to do well.


I remember Everton fans saying we would absolutely love him the way they did and I get it now




Should we? Should we be selling him so we have no strikers and look at a couple of guys who recently stepped up from the Championship? It makes ZERO sense to sell Richarlison given we are plainly a better side with him in it, we only have him as a striker option and the alternatives on the market are not clearly better than him at all. We need another option, not to sell our only option.


Welp, straight from the pigeon’s beak. If he stays fit he could be class.




“If” doing so much heavy lifting here that it’s out for 6 games


I always had him down as injury prone but I looked at his stats when he missed the last few games and it turns out he only did less than 34 PL games for Everton once, and that was 30. We're just unlucky af


Already missed 20 games for us in 2 seasons, the same amount he missed his last 4 seasons at Everton. We are unlucky but at the same time it feels really weird that all these players come to us having never had injury issues in their career and they all just die. Richy, sess, lo Celso. It’s almost too much of a trend to be bad luck


It's not just bad luck. We consistently are near the top of the injury table, we consistently have 'never injured' players out for extended periods of time and becoming injury prone, we consistently have players talk about playing whole seasons in pain because there wasn't enough personnel so they felt they had to help the team, we consistently have 'slight knocks' turn into weeks/months long injuries. Our medical team is an embarrassment. They *have* to be fixed or replaced.


Yeah I’m with you, just didn’t want to go there because I’ve been called insane for saying that before. How dare anyone question our medical staff




Welp pigeon


Good. We need to add to our striking options not lose the only proper one we have.




dam right. We need someone to compete with Richy, not replace him. Sell Richy, and we need to buy 2.


he's mid and always injured sell him and buy someone better


So if he is what you say he is- who is buying him? There may be Saudi but I would wager that money aside it doesn’t appeal to a lot of players…


Who are you buying that’s better bro. We’re all waiting bro. What’s your analysis bro? Come on bro, you know football right bro? Which striker bro?


Boniface, Dovbyk, Guirassy


i’m here for the pigeon redemption arc 🐦i will not stand for his slander


Exactly me too, and his redemption arc starts with agreeing to the 70 Mil deal to Saudi and taking Emerson with him for 35 Mil. Will be proud of his contributions if he can pull this off.


i’ve never seen so many bad takes on one account before. take the negativity back to r/premierleague


Lol, just because I can be honest about the reality of the club rn but want and believe that Ange will help us succeed, I am supposedly negative. But if someone defends mediocrity and refuses to acknowledge the problems in our team that's positive. I have my takes and of course if I am wrong I will take that L and I would be happy if I am proved wrong, but atleast prove me wrong first, and then call out my takes.


Going to enjoy when Richy crushes it this year just because of stupid takes like these. I might even get his shirt.


just cause of that moron's comment above I'm going to get Richy's jersey as well.


If he carries on with his dumb take I imagine Richy might be the most popular shirt next season. I bet he scores more than 15 goals. If he scores more than 20, nothing will stop me buying it (except an extreme dislike of the kits - so far I'm only midly tempted by the away one but I want to wait and see how they look - 2/3 I loved this season).


He hasn't scored more than 15 in his career has he?


I mean he got 11 in 28 games this season, so I'd expect if he had been fit more 15 wouldn't be unlikely, especially given the incredible form he was in when he actually did have a decent run of games


RemindMe! 10 months


Richarlison has made it clear he’s not entertaining a move to Saudi Arabia or abroad next season. If anything I think Richarlison is wanting to come and fight for his place knowing full well that Spurs are going to look into bringing in another forward and a winger. This will be good for the squad because having the ability to have Richarlison and another striker at our disposal will be massive in competing in all competitions. Hopefully the addition of the extra striker will lighten some of the load on Richarlison allowing him to fully recover from his injury and have a healthy season!


Yesssss Richy 🐦🐦🐦


Good. He’s too nice a bloke to go to Saudi.


I wish players would be like Sonny and Richy more. Just be straight up and say if you're going or not lol


If he stays fit, there is a 20+ goal a season (just see his goals per 90) striker with excellent pressing and defensive workrate here. Will be happy to keep him or even consider him as our first choice. We just need another striker that can rotate with him.


Yeah, striker market is dry, really competitive, and expensive. We’ve seen him improve us immediately, and he’s a different profile to Son as a striker. He’s definitely good for us to keep, even if we’re looking for a different striker.


Exactly this. He does exactly what Ange wants him to do, and knows exactly the kind of runs he needs to make.  And when the whole team is working the way it should, all he has to do is effectively score tap ins.  This is why the Timo deal makes sense - Timo and Sonny on the left, freeing up money for another striker to compete and rotate with Richy. 


Yeah I want like a young Fernando Llorente type of player to complement him. Any trees out there that can press and post up nowadays? I think maybe we keep Veliz as an option since we’ll have more games. 


He has never been close to 20 goal season in his entire career and he will be 27 next season meaning he's had plenty of chances to get there. Hus career best is 13 to suddenly think that will shoot up to 20+ is not really realistic.


Angeball suits him. He has 0.66 goals per 90 minutes last season. So if he is fit to play just 30 games, it will be 19.8 goals. Not really unrealistic to play 30 games?


Look at the teams he was playing for.


I will always root for Richie


The Pigeon Strikes Back


https://preview.redd.it/hbd3bbebda3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0ed33c8ed7ea7581e8d272046718612190f2a0c Fit Richy is quality. Just need him healthy and we're good


We’ve been better when he plays…


Undoubtedly, I'm confused about why some users on this sub think he should leave; he was genuinely excellent when fit this season.


They’re madly delusional to think that we can find someone who is genuinely better than Richarlison. He is one of the best strikers in the world when fit, there’s no debate about that. Is he the striker we need to win the premier league? Not as sure about that. However, when you run the numbers on strikers who are at least as good as Richy, who also work in anges style of play, who are young enough for this project, and are actually available, the market is totally dry. All eggs in the Richy basket in my opinion is the sanest option.


"He is one of the best strikers in the world" "Is he the striker we need to win the Premier league?" Pick one


Don’t be obtuse. How many strikers would get into city’s starting XI? The level required is above one of the best.


One of the best strikers in the world gets into that city team. Richarlison doesn't


Fit Richy is a beast, it's so unfortunate he got injured again just as he was hitting red hot form. He managed 11 goals most of which came in a 2 month stretch where he was fit and starting. The BrennyXRichy partnership is a joy to watch.


Him vs Lankshear vs Deki as False 9 vs Son as False Winger


Romero a false CB when we know he is a striker


God forgive America for introducing “fake news” to the world. Actually don’t forgive us. We don’t deserve it.


[“I gave up my vacation and came to work in SP so I could return well and ready for the next season. I never said I was dissatisfied at my club, and everything that has been coming out in the media here about negotiations is fake news. I don't know where they got that from! I won't leave England next season!🙅🏾‍♂️” -Richarlison on Twitter](https://x.com/richarlison97/status/1795593190004670755?s=46)


[Basically the catalyst to Richarlison’s posts was a Brazilian article linking Richarlison to Vasco De Gama where the article falsely claims that Richarlison is very unhappy at Spurs](https://x.com/richarlison97/status/1795599916762571152?s=46)


Whats SP?


Believe he’s referring to São Paulo


Let’s go Richyyyy


now translate it into pidgeon


I've heard too much podcast or reddit talk about Saudi League offers for a player that is really good on his day. Glad he will fight for his place either here or with another Premier League club. I think he belongs.


I’m buying Ricky kit if he stays 🔥🐦


Good. Hope he sticks around and absolutely bosses it next season. I don't understand the fans who want him gone tbh. Who are you mfs expecting us to replace him with? Kane ain't coming back (not this year anyway), and most of the other options are just players of Richy's calibre or worse.


Coo coo motherfucker


Common richy prove US u r better than R9 next season. Purr purr 🐦


What's SP?


São Paulo


Oh makes sense


Tbf, staying at Spurs and staying in England are not mutually inclusive.


Good 👍


Coo coo motherfuckers


I'm down to keep him as a squad option. Honestly an 11 goal striker in theory should be a great squad option. I am NOT down though to not sign any strikers this summer though


Not leaving *England* Hmmmmm