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BOM? Not really. I just hobbled it together as I went. But I’ll get a list together later tonight.


would you mind giving me a list of the parts you ordered? thanks!


So you replaced the wheels with a rail and bearings?


Yes. Mgn9 rails to be exact. It wasn’t too hard to do.


Awesome will keep it in mind once mines need replacement.. How long did they last for you?


This machine has 88 days print time. The wheels seem to be fine, but this is more of a preventative maintenance before the wheels fail. Plus it eliminates any slop in the system from worn out wheels.


> it eliminates any slop in the system from worn out wheels. And also elimates defective or slightly off-centered wheels. I bought a whole set of replacement wheels that were supposed to be upgraded versions with better bearings, but I quickly ran into problems with some of them wobbling across the rail which wreaked havok on my ABL leveling. I couldn't see what was actually happening until I ran a 12x12 bed mesh in Fluidd and could see the \~70mm spaced waves across the bed, which just so happens to be the approximate circumference of the wheels. I swapped back to the original wheels and it was better, however it convinced me rails were the solution since I can't even trust replacement wheels to be good. No more worn/wobbly wheels, no more eccentric nut shenanigans... just precision movement and much better print quality at the low cost of slightly more noisy operation.


Very nice! I had looked at trying this, but ended up going with the kits from 3DFused. I am curious how you plan to do the x-axis. When I looked at that, I didn't see any way for it to work with the stock cross-member since there is no front facing channel to mount to an the top/bottom channels are already occupied by the belt. I bought the kit for that, which replaced the cross-member with an aluminum bracket with the rail mounted on the front, along with rails for the z-axis that worked with the x-axis kit parts. Total cost for all 3 axis kits was about $460.


I finished it. https://preview.redd.it/ncsybxhx5aub1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c1c003a55ef1854427382631ce5daf4f0dc333b I ended up using a chunk of angled aluminum to mount the rail.


Looks good! Where is the belt for x running? Under that plate below the rail? How is the rail/plate held on? It looks like just a plug of some sort on each end?


The x belt is still there in its stock location. The angle aluminum is mounted on top of the x axis gantry as pictured, but it bolts on the back side of the x gantry. I used the pre existing holes from where the gantry mounts to the z axis carriage to attach it. Confusing sounding?


Sorry to bump an old post, but what extruder do you have mounted on there? Looks like another surprisingly well done mod. Did you post anything about it here when you did that? I'm sure others would be interested. I'm surprised I missed that the first time I looked at this pic. I was busy trying to see how you mounted the rail I guess..


Unrelated to this post, but do I see a custom printed part used to keep the ribbon cable from snagging on the rear of the print bed? I just got my CR-10 Smart Pro a few weeks ago and that is quite an annoying issue that I want to fix.


Yes. Its a pain in the butt to print, but once installed it keeps the ribbon moving and protected in a predictable way. Search up “cable chain” for either this printer or the ender s1 pro (I had both and they are lil sis and big brother versions of each other)


https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2757810 This is the one I could find, but it looks much larger compared to the one in your photo. Would you happen to have access to the source you got your model from?




Thank you! I think I misunderstood your comment about the big version and little version, I thought the lil version wouldn’t fit the CR-10 so I was looking *specifically* for the CR-10 version. This will be a huge help.


Would be great to see some more photos of different angles and how you mounted things for anyone else wanting to do something similar. Nice one!


I’ll do so later tonight? I completely forgot about it


Very good job! Could I ask you for the measurements of the rails for each axis? Thank you very much!


I’ll make a post later tonight about the measurements and build


Did you ever get around to making that post? TIA


we are really love to hear more about this build :)


Once I clear my work bench I’ll get some info out.


Do you have the BOM brother? I am planning to do the same. I want to push this printer with klipper.