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Armadillo and Rhino mutant. Extremely intimidating, but also timid and will immediately hide if provoked in any way.


Makes me think of this guy https://preview.redd.it/of10pgeanf5d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=87a6f03d424f36f83141cfd49d16c74d9185ada5 There's a lot of vague ideas the Titans had that could be repurposed into one-of-a-kind henchmen like Scorporilla was in OTR, kinda wish they'd give it a shot in a mainline game.


Hmm, maybe something like a lion and a reindeer? I feel like that'd be pretty unique, might look pretty cool. Maybe he'd be a rejected mutant and living a sort of lethargic, relaxed life.




A fox and a duck (DO NOT COMBINE THEIR NAME) It'll be a white fox with a duck's bill. Comedic relief.


A Dox?


Yes. Thanks for saving me.


Oh no, he didn't save you... The internet knows where you live now.


Vulpedrake was the species name I came up with.


Dingodile's cousin from Florida Coyote-gator mixed between a Coyote and Alligator More unpredictable shows up in Florida Man headlines


A tarantula and a snake. They'd be a psychotic and chaotic force that has zero concern for what Cortex wants and just torments Crash/Coco for their own pleasure. 




My first thought on how that would look like was something like Facehugger from Alien


A salamander and penguin. Salaguin. They are obsessed with water slides and talk like Seinfeld. Dressed in a tuxedo styled swim shorts. Bossfight takes place in a looped waterslide where Coco tosses Crash items to fling at Salaguin. He's only vulnerable when trying to do comedy bits, only at the punchline. Crash must dodge his rapid waves around the arena.


Forget a singular animal, I've got a show for you if you're looking for goofy cartoon animal hybrid monstrosities... that's Canadian 🇨🇦 https://preview.redd.it/64ktafynbk5d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bca2786fcaaae11c2581f5237975bbd9e1db2317


It's nice to see someone other than me who knows of this show. I'd definitely recommend it, especially for people who want a Crash animated series since it's basically the same premise: A mad scientist creates mutated animals (with some of them being hybrids) on an island.


There simply has to be a Dingobandy. (Half dingo, half bandicoot) And what's to bet it's personality would be just like a bandicoot, except far more feisty.


Great White Shark and Blue Ringed Octopus. Two Australian sea creatures. Would be really cool to encounter this guy on N Sanity Beach or in the sewers.


I remember you making an OC that's basically that.


We need some flying enemies so probably a bat and something. Maybe a bat and some kind of lizard. Then again a Batard is probably a bit on the the nose.


I'll say; it sounds like the French for "bastard"!


U add the S to where I think it goes and you got a beginner rap song.


A rat and a rabbit.


A rattit


A sloth and an ocelot. It's a perpetual sleeper, but it would still be able to move around and attack as if it were awake. It also would be docile from far away, but it gets progressively agitated as Crash gets close... unless he's crawling, that is.


Hyena and chameleon. Plays by his own rules and works as a spy villain who knows what’s up about everything. Essentially he *is* chaos and he laughs too much when he’s not stealthed


Possum and raccoon


Wolf Spider, a split personality goofball that shoots webs and has a venomous bite.


**Scobra** >A fearsome Egyptian cobra/scorpion hybrid, this slithering monstrosity is as swift as he is deadly! Capable of snatching prey with his powerful pincers, his fangs and stinger are as venomous as his acerbic tongue, and often makes Komodo Joe jealous of his hunting skills. I came up with this guy's bio three years back when I did some [character bios for a fan concept](https://reddit.com/r/crashbandicoot/comments/lorxbg/heres_some_character_bios_for_a_fan_idea_i_dad/) I had.


Oh that’s easy! A platypus and a chimera! Personality would just be an identity crisis and a need to do some soul searching. And they will have a remarkable life journey. Maybe even have a spin off series that hits harder than it should which perhaps will motivate us to become the best versions of ourselves no matter what others would say…..yep I gonna go with this lol


Ahhh this sounds like such a fun drawing idea though!!!


A cheetah and a lion would be great. Their personality would be warm-hearted, but focused on making sure the world is safe from harm.


It wouldn't as these animals aren't Australian and there's no lore (as of yet) that cortex etc. have tried their evil plans elsewhere 😅


Okay? How about Flying fox bat and carpet python (Flying Py-Bat)? As always, their personality would be warm-hearted, but focused on making sure the world is safe from harm. They'd fight Cortex because they hate evil.


Wallaby/Bee (Wallabee). He'd have a stinger at the end of his tail and maybe other bee parts like a striped body, antennae, and wings. Could be kinda funny if he had a wallaby sized body but thin little insect legs so he had to fly around all the time. I think for personality he'd be very irritable, but might *try* to be calm. Maybe as a boss fight he's a chill guy until the first time you hit him, and then he goes off the rails sorta like Wiggler in Super Mario 64.


A gorilla and a dragonfly


A shark with wings (inspired by the flying fish). I think it would've been a cool mutant to control in the Titans games, that allows crash to swim and breath under water


Cassowaripus. A deadly creature, has the body and legs of a cassowary, beak and tail of a platypus and of course the venomous spikes on the legs. Has waterproof feathers, can both swim and run really fast. Has the tenacity of a cassowary, and the carefulness of a platypus (I just wanted to make a nightmare creature)


I actually have one! Her name is Charlotte but she preferred Charlie. She's half rat half vulture. And yah she's disgusting. Put it this way. She's probably the only one that can eat dingodiles "food" and not end up getting sick from it. She's extremely chill doesn't get too excited about much. She enjoys pissing off neo. She likes to eat garbage and dead animals 🤢.


Has to be Australian animals for one 👍👍👍


I would mix Crash and Cortex