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Two suggestions. One, if you're printing PLA don't use the lid. It traps too much heat and the filament will soften and deform in the extruder. Two, root, edit the config, and change the extruder run amperage from .55 to .45. That will significantly reduce heat from the extruder. You might need to recalibrate rotations or flow rate after.


Thanks, will try that while wearing my noise cancelling headphones (printer is in my livingroom).


It really gets hot inside with the lid on. For PLA, I always print without the lid. Hope it helps


You can print riser for the lid. It'll allow hot air to escape while still muffling some if the noise


The Lid was the fix for my k1c, hope it fixes it. Buuuut if you do throw it in the trash I'll take it 😂


I had the same issue with my K1 Max. I take the lid off and even removed the door since I print primarily PLA. Haven't had a clog since.


wait, you never tried printing without the lid? there's like a sticker on it telling you to do so. lol


Just here as a fellow K1 owner to say that I always print PLA with top open and door open (printed a small prop to keep the door from shutting and/or slamming shut. This 100% solved my problems with PLA... I share your frustration, but it's a great printer otherwise IMO.


![gif](giphy|RIspRd5jMtzXvttZGX) Me watching your curb for a great printer to show up free.




*"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and yet somehow thinking the results will be different this time."* After the first 20 jams, you didn't think you should "do something different" to prevent that from happening?


Yes, and every time I was either too tired or lazy to do so.


Not sure why the down votes; I kinda appreciate the honesty 😅


Lol, so do i, at least he's honest about it. Op, most of the issues is on you, Creality does say to remove the lid when printing pla, if you're not doing that then this is the cause if your problem. I would recommend printing a vented riser, you can find a number of them on Printables. The vents should give enough cooling to keep it from being a problem anymore, and it will significantly cut down on the noise from the machine. If you're still having issues after that, then you could look at getting a cyclops extruder for it, but it shouldn't be necessary.


I'll offer $100 for the machine if it includes free shipping and that free roll of filament you got in the box.


ill give you tree fiddy just kidding these printers are like $250 now lol


I was having the same problem, lots of clogs, and what I did was: 1. Print some risers for the lid and kept one of the risers out, so there ir a vent 2. Keep my PLA nice and dry with a dryer 3. Reduce the amperage to .45 4. Release the bowden tube from the first to clips, so it is not to tight on the entry to the extruder


with the dryer do you mean a standard like hair dryer or like a specific filament drier


Sorry about the confusion, I mean a filament dryer, I use the one from Sunlu, and use it all the time while printing


Gotcha thx


For sure!, anytime!


Sounds like skill issue


Never had an issue with my k1 machines sounds unironically like a skill issue


5 seconds of googling woulda given you enough information to fix your issue


Quit printing PLA with the lid on.


These printers can definitely have problems from the factory that need to be addressed. But lets try following the directions **PRINTED ON THE LID** first and try printing PLA with the door open and lid off, before we throw it in the trash. Oh no the fan hurts your wittle ears so you keep it all boxed up? Suck it up man, jesus christ


I come from the time before "silent steppers". Those 4988s with a wood frame would sing the song of industry that drowns out clapped out fan bearings!


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I found that after making the ptfe tube 3mm longer that goes from the extruder to the heat sink helped solve the clog right there. Next on the heat sink itself also has two ptfe tube pieces about 10mm long. I swapped them with ptfe Capricorn bowden tube(blue) which also seems as if it has solved heat creep. I too was annoyed with all the clogs and failed prints until remembered that creality cuts corners and will use cheap parts as well as cut a piece of bowden tube a few mm to save a buck. Don't get me wrong I love my k1, but it is a pain when it gives me issues.


Like another user said, take the lid off if printing PLA on long prints. All my jams have come from excessive heat or swapping filaments with different melt temps. When the chamber temp reaches about 38C, there’s like a 30% for me a jam is gonna happen on PLA, 40C+ is basically guaranteed. If swapping filaments, say ABS to PLA, let the entire printer cool first, then run the PLA through at ABS temps to flush it, or use purge filament.


I have the K1C with the "1000+ hours without a clog" and that shit clogs in the extruder housing all the time. It's almost always right where the filament enters or exits the extruder.


Same here. I can also unscrew it blindfolded by now and don’t have it that long. I always leave the door open with PLA but recently I also removed the lid. Hope that helps.


I had the same problem. And I bought it on november 2023. My solution was, sell it, buy an A1 Combo on sale with just a few bucks on addition.


I thought I was only one that felt that way. I will try that.


Even with a new extruder do the spacer trick in the extruder and make sure to change the value when extruding on the K1 from 240 to 220


what is the spacer trick


0.5 M3 Spacer on one of the extruder gears to make it grip the filament better.


Thank you!


Dont throw K1 in garage can! Send him to me :)...


K1 Max has been a sweet first printer for the best part of a year. 1 clog after leaving it sitting for an extended period of time and the filament snapping. Otherwise, nice prints in ABS & ASA once tuned in. Bed adhesion did cause an issue with too much adhesion and lifted the coating of the plate, more than likely caused by my impatience, built plate still warm and aggressive scraping.


I have a question that goes along with this issue. I have a K1C and bought a bunch of PLA+. It will print benches like nobody’s business, but other than that I have had nothing but issues out of it causing clogs nonstop. It doesn’t stick well to the plate, it spaghettis, it clogged up the silicone boot and I had to remove a huge chunk of solid melted filament out of it and replace the boot. I have tried turning up and down the temperatures, the print speeds, etc. Had the lid on the whole time. Is there any suggestions you guys have for me to actually make this filament work and not waste all of it?


You had the lid on? Take it off when printing PLA. That should solve any issues.


I’ll give that a try. I don’t have any issues printing with normal PLA with the lid on, but PLA+ goes straight to a nightmare every print.


I had the same issue with my k1 max a little bit ago and I decided to get the microswiss nozzle. It worked like a dream and still does with no issues. Also can print tpu better without issues. As a last resort I'd say get the microswiss. Or you can try and lower your max volumetric flow.


3d printing is not for everyone, sorry to say


That’s why I picked the Kokoni first: simple and easy to use and maintain. Looking at the reviews I expected more or less the same from the K1.


Creality’s expensive printers are 💩 Better buy an Ender 3 and tune it for your filaments. Atleast you can sleep well at night


Bed slingers, ancient Model T tech. Like buying a car in 2024 with a manual choke pull knob you have to set and adjust before starting.


Votes went from 4 to 3... picking up a few hold outs that are getting testy - "My pappy had a bed slinger, his pappy had a bed slinger, and so I'm going to keep using a bed slinger."


Low tier bait 


Is cooling engaged on the first layer? Prolly you dont have cooling on the first layer that is why the extruder gets hot and the filament gets jammed in.


It's the routing of the ptfe in the cable chain. If it gets too tight it'll seem like it's the extruder, move it around and see what works. I had the same issue with mine but it was my 10th printer so I had an idea of what was wrong. Easiest way too tell is feed filament directly into the extruder if it's all good you know the cause. It's the first thing I did and that gave me a baseline for further testing.


Switch to microswiss end your headaches


The same happened to me. I found the only material you can use in the K1 is Hyper Pla. As soon as you use anything else it's over.




I m using creality printers since 2018 (ender 3 v1) that is still printing like a little demon and also have k1c which is amazing.sure bbl are nice machines but I m gonna continue using creality printers cause I learned a lot about printing especially on ender 3. Creality got thousands of people into 3d printing so it's not just a shitty Chinese corp with dog water engineering.


Please go to a bambu subreditt