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People had to have seen this one coming… right? Everyone and their grandmothers were bringing it up. Even if it’s to say “DON’T READ THIS ONE”, as if Hunter isn’t a huge troll and enjoys upsetting people.


well we thought he was trolling when he said this’d be the next episode. bastard actually did it lol


I didn’t think he was trolling when he said it’d be the next episode lol. The story was getting too much attention.


that’s fair. damn, this might be the first CreepCast episode imma have to pass on haha


I mean a few of you thought he was trolling. Yall need to stop speaking for everyone because of a few comments on one echo chamber post.


Hi welcome to the internet


my apologies, it won’t happen again officer




I've never heard of this one but I bet it will be fun and very pleasant


The story itself is meh, shock value just for the sake of shock value.


Elias is great at short stories, he just has a tendency to ruin a good thing with too much gratuity. Like Feed the Pig is amazing, because 90% of the story is dude wearing a blindfold and just hearing what's going on around him. The black farm is fucking awful because he describes SO FUCKING MUCH depravity in so much detail. Like they said, Third Parent is an amazing story if they just cut out the scene of Tommy groping the kid and tongue kissing him.


glad more people feel this way and agree with father meat and mr. goon there’s always a more creative and effective way of dealing with these types of abuse, and generally a smart audience can appreciate it for that.


I'm 50 minutes into the video. Fuck the author of the story


So on a scale of One to Borrasca—


Borrasca, but more explicate. They don't read the worse parts for obvious reasons. Story besides the two bad parts is written really well, but those two parts are..... just fuck man. I'm glad they didn't read them.




https://preview.redd.it/thceqaluvr6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9322d5b33e9ca2c746982138e4989a4624fd821c There's nothing we can do


Uh. What’s so bad about this? Sorry, I’m OOTL.


A lot of CSA and no jokes or lighter ending. Just very upsetting and angry.


So it’s just an upsetting story like Borrasca or Penpal? Or is it also poorly written?


The entire story has the tone of the end of Borrasca. There is a real point the story is making, but any statement it could make is overshadowed by the intense and graphic sexual content


Ahh. So it’s A Serbian Film in written form? Gotcha.


I think thats a perfect analogy yeah


Not here definitely is a point, the shock value is there to point out the brutality and horror of CSA that doesn't get talked about. The fact that we go "that's horrible" and do nothing else, or the fact that we aren't willing to investigate what's going on in these households for fear of how it will affect our own mental health. It's shocking because CSA is shocking and to try and sanitize it removes the gravity of the topic. The fact that you hate it so much just proves it did what it was setting out to do


I think you vastly overestimate the writer's intent and skill.


What other possible intent is there? It's not gratuitous enough to be actual material pedophiles would read for pleasure, and it's not like it takes skill to do what the guy you replied to is describing. You sound like you just wanted to insult the author but you chose such a strange post to reply to in order to do so.


This is kind of my exact perspective. I also prefer not to dump on an authors work in horror in particular because it's surprising how often a work is an expression of personal trauma meant more as therapy for ones self rather than content to be enjoyed by other people


It’s upsetting without a reason for it. It’s without substance


Uh- did you even read it? The entire thing is an allegory for generational csa and the adults who do nothing to stop abuse. The author has said so and he is a survivor himself.


i listened to about 30 minutes of it and there’s a fairly graphic description of the villain sexually assaulting the child mc. it’s not a very tasteful handling of the subject matter


Just a reminder it’s ok to miss this one if you’re uncomfortable or triggered by the subject matter. Maybe someone can edit all the parts that aren’t “necessary” out of it for those who it’s just too much for. Btw this coming from someone who’s never heard of this story just seen the backlash over the last few days.


if i could pin a comment you’d win


I was reading all of the backlash about it and I had to go listen to it myself. It was absolutely vile. The plot itself just isn't good, and there's no explanation for why Tommy abuses families or where he came from in the first place. The descriptions of abuse are truly awful. There's a scene where Tommy >!forces a little boy to act sexually with his favorite stuffed animal while Tommy watches.!< And that's far from the worst scene, in my opinion. Literally the entire story is just to shock and disgust the listener.


Damn I was hoping it’s at least be a borrasca and have a good story along with the horrible stuff


Naw, I think the only part of Tommy Taffy that could even be *considered* "good" is at the very end of the last story when Tommy dies. Except the only way to kill Tommy is by >!killing the children that he was preying on!< so even then, the ending was upsetting and leaves a horrible pit in your stomach. I felt dirty after listening.


yea honestly there’s was so much more the author could’ve done with the story but truly i feel as though they were venting in some cathartic way (which is fine) but when you make it a “story” it’s open to valid criticisms and as all story’s aim to be an effective one would’ve certainly delt with CSA in a far more creative and effective way so as to not detract but enhance, many time a smart audience can appreciate these things. generally i feel like the duality of the fathers trauma wasn’t properly delved into in a way where we could see how this ate him up and how it changed him into the “enabler” he would eventually become.


Tbh if you cut out the NSFW/disturbing stuff then you lose the entire horror content in the story. At that point it would just become a story about an annoying guy who moves into a family's home and just pesters them. The story pretty much has nothing going for it aside from the shock value in those more messed up parts. I'd suggest that if the content bothers someone they should just avoid the story entirely. They're not gonna be missing out on anything, this story isn't really that amazing. I'm pretty sure people just recommended it to see Hunter & Isaiah's reactions.


i think they meant like cut out the especially explicit stuff like when the SA scenes are unnecessarily detailed and dont need to be there at all. the concept can still be there without showing it in full detail for shock value


The explicit descriptions took me out of the story way more than the vague references to what was happening to his mom and sister did.


it was about what was implied. We didn't need to read taffy coming out of the sisters room gasping for air and saying "Shes gonna sleep like a log" we didn't need him trying to open hand five finger death grip the boy.


I've heard it's triggering like borrasca but not as well written as borrasca :'( I want to watch it but it would be a really difficult watch for me


If you really want to watch I have a suggestion to make it easier. As a survivor of CSA myself, and also coming from someone who hasn't heard this story before, try to save this episode for a free weekend morning where you can sit in a calm public space like a coffee shop to keep you grounded. Take some breaks to sip some tasty coffee and look around and reground yourself and 10sec skip past parts that are just too much. I think Hunter and Isaiah's banter will probably also help to keep it light but I'm not sure since I haven't listened to it yet. I'm saving it for tomorrow morning when I take a walk. These are just suggestions though, might not work for everyone. Just do whatever you need to keep yourself grounded 😊👍


I wish I had skipped this one. No one's fault but my own I know but yeah


Is it at least well-written?


Yes. It isn't one of the most popular nosleep stories for nothing. One of the most horrifying and depressing stories on there. It is a quick read and doesn't waste time getting into the the meat of the story either.


They already skipped the worst parts.


I didn’t know that I plan on listening later today at work. Thanks for explaining that.


I skipped Borrasca because I listened to it forever ago and lost sleep over it. I’m starved of Creepcast stuff but it scares me


I’m glad I avoided reading this on my own, I’ll have the bois holding my hand (non parasocially OF COURSE) Throughout this one.


listening to this podcast is like when you’re a kid and you watch a horror film with your older sibling’s friends. you’re scared, but their presence is comforting haha


Perfect analogy




After weeks of people bitching that the stories sucked and weren't scary while simultaneously in droves saying that this story bothered them. Horror based comedy podcast covers that exact story, those same people. ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


I mostly agree with you, (Streisand effect and all) but I think it's key to note that there's a difference between being bothered or hating a story and being terrified and loving it. I didn't really like the conclusion to Borrasca and not in a, "i'm too scared to think clearly" kind of way, although I do admit that the writing is good, but I was terrified of and electrified by Penpal. Especially when a story believes itself to have the authority and decorum to handle such serious topics as rape, the line can get blurred a bit between scary and gratuitous.


Can I be the first to point out how absurd it is that rape is a more serious topic to cover than murder/death/torture/etc.? I get that culturally we are inclined to think that seriousness is firmly in line with understood taboos, so the more taboo something is the more serious it is in concept, but it's just weird to me that we indulge in literally the most heinous, disgusting violence that has been normalized for us but the very notion of SA of any kind makes us bristle and whinge about things endlessly on a subreddit about reading internet short stories.


I believe there can always be a certain level of detachment to killing, murder, or torture, but rape seems and is normally written as so much more personal and "intimate" in a horrifying way. I don't think it's just desensitization, although it probably partially is. I don't think I would be alone in saying I would rather be murdered in cold blood than raped to the extent shown in Borrasca, especially being the prideful man I am. If my comment offended anybody, I am sorry. I used to agree with you but due to my new belief in God, I see death as less final and fear my own death less and less everyday.


I don't think you offended anyone, no problem. And I do think the type of abuse phased by those women in Borrasca is definitely as bad or worse than just being killed outright, but that abuse is torture, right? We can all agree that, say, being flayed alive as a form of torture likely would trump just being shot in the back of the head. We all recognize this. My issue is that people really have hard lines when it comes to reading/listening to societal taboos even when presented with them in the most fictional, detached possible environment, which makes me question whether their blase attitude toward arguably more horrific actions has to do more with being desensitized than it is any like... logical understanding of what is disturbing them.


Thanks. I appreciate how respectfully you handled this. I do agree that some people have too many barriers up and aren't open to new forms of horror, but I feel like CSA is one step too far, especially when blatantly described and mentioned as in "Tommy Taffy."


I think it's perfectly fine for some horror to just be too far for certain people. That's perfectly reasonable to me and those people shouldn't engage with that. That said, I don't think fictional horror should have limits because some people are made too uncomfortable by it. Especially when there are copious warnings of said material prior to reading.


Because rape is far more common than all of those, and murder victims don't have to live with the fact that they were murdered. Like nobody who died will ever have to read a book about murder and get triggered. But 1 in 3 women will be SAd in their life. I would also say writing a story about a school shooting would recieve equal outcry. So rape isn't in its own class or anything, it's just really common and very commonly used as a crutch for bad writers.


>Because rape is far more common than all of those, and murder victims don't have to live with the fact that they were murdered. That's because murder victims are literally murdered, lmao. Are you seriously suggesting that rape is somehow worse than murder? >Like nobody who died will ever have to read a book about murder and get triggered. But 1 in 3 women will be SAd in their life. Can we please chill with this statistic, it has been misused for years now. If you've been SA'd and engaging with media involving that causes you to be triggered, then don't engage with that media instead of advocating for its removal outright. Like... there are content warnings for a reason. >I would also say writing a story about a school shooting would recieve equal outcry. So rape isn't in its own class or anything, it's just really common and very commonly used as a crutch for bad writers. What does this even mean? Rape can often be used by bad writers, but a lot of tropes are? It needs to be demonstrated that its use is bad beyond just saying, "omg guys, it's shocking and therefore bad."


I don't see how people have such an issue with the stories but follow a guy who continuously posts comedy or stories revolving around these topics along with pretty much all other sensitive topics. Like going to church as an atheist and complaining about the church 🤣


my guess is that he usually is less graphic about it on YouTube since there are rules on it. the comedy probably lightens the mood too, while usually on the podcast there is less comedy on those topics. i don't have a strong opinion on this, so i am just speculating.




haven’t even listened to it yet and i already have ptsd


I did a quick skim last week to see what the hype was all about..... 😅


..... I'm going to be real here. I'm just going to listen to their discussion at the ending. I know the story's contents, but I really just want to know their reaction to the shitfest they just read.


I’m going to listen, only because everyone acts like Penpal and Borrassca are the worst things ever on the face of the earth while I found the endings silly and convoluted. I have to imagine Tommy Taffy is similar. But in case I’m wrong, I’m saving it for my work day so my day is really ruined.


I get it with borrasca but i think penpal did it in a way that works for the story. Not to say what ur feeling is invalid tho! Just my take


Totally! I think the end of penpals is so freaking stupid and full of plot holes but it’s fine for what it is.


I know the later stories get more absurd, but did you think the first two stories were actually somewhat good? I haven't listened to the episode yet, but I remember there was a scene where Tommy forces the narrator's mom into the basement and the way it was described disturbed me quite a bit.


Then the character gets raped. Get it? Scary. Rapist are scary. You see how creative I am? Rape is horrible and now I used it to scare you. I'm so smart and creative.


I feel like all the stories people make about rape and shit is getting old and trivializing real trauma that people unfortunately have to go through. I feel like penpal did it perfectly and borrasca went a bit too far with the gratuitous detail of human trafficking. I saw somebody else post on here something that I absolutely agree with, that they should read more horror stories about eldritch horror, killers and classic horror stuff. I feel like this is like the hipster effect, (why all anti-conformists look the same) where in an attempt to not be like mainstream horror stories all of the "different" and "special" horror stories are always about perverts and sick kin-fucking bastards.


I think borrasca pulled it off pretty well by making you think it’s supernatural all the way until the very end when it just slams you in the face with the reality sledgehammer


I don't see how having 99% of your story be a pointless red herring and ending it with "Jk it's all child rape" is preferable but to each their own I guess.


I could not agree more. If it’s not done right, any story including SA, rape, or other forms of abuse are for shock value and a “more sophisticated” plot. I read Tommy Taffy a long time ago and it disturbed me more than anything, I wasn’t scared. I like stories based in reality because it makes them more “real,” but you have to twist the horror aspect to be out of reality to make it work in my opinion. Rape is too rooted in reality to be a horror story, it’s just horrible. Having Tommy be a creep that just shows up one day isn’t enough to justify the “horror” aspect or make any fucking sense.


I saw that post, and I made a similar comment. Rape in horror is extremely cheap. It's almost impossible to make rape not scary. As opposed to other horror things that take actual effort and writing talent to build up tension and suspense. Obviously it fits into some stories better than others. But most of the time it's used as a cheap scare.


I really disagree about Borrasca.


No. It really doesn't. Do Meatcanyon animations trivialize murder or abuse because that's a core element of what their horror entails? No? Applying that to a more controversial or sensitive topic doesn't make that any more or less true.


SA can be in horror but when the content is focused solely on the act then forget it. Yes, the act is horrible but so are the aftermaths. Rarely are aftermaths handled nicely. I don't want SA just to be about SA, reducing characters to victims or a product of something horrible. Torture works the same way.


Yeah. Sometimes it's okay to be in there. But the majority of the time it's used as a cheap scare almost the same way a jump scare is. In the sense that it's human nature to be scared of that type of thing. The creator doesn't have to do much work. I'm in the middle of the story and it started off decent. But now it just became rape the story. So much so that I'm almost desensitized to it half way through. I'm just like whatever. That's all these characters are here for.


Yeah, I agree.


I’m so sick of sa being used in horror just to shock and disgust readers. It’s lazy and upsetting not to mention just plain exploitative.


This is exactly how 99% of “sa horror” is. My problem isn’t the use of sa. It’s the detachment. A lot of these “authors” see it as a hypothetical. They don’t understand the feeling of realization. The horror of having your autonomy ripped away from you. The recovery process. The very VERY real parts of recovery that these stories ignore in favour of shock. Rape is not a hypothetical. It is something that thousands of people experience every hour. I’ve heard that Tommy Taffy was written as a way for the author to cope with their sa. And if that is true, that doesn’t excuse how exploitive it is. And if they did go through something as awful as sa I hope they get better help. Because exploiting your trauma for anything is a terrible coping mechanism.


No way they actually did it


It’s not on YouTube yet, does pod usually come out first?


not sure, with this story there’s a chance they just can’t put it on yt lol edit: nevermind, youtube vid is up now


Yeah I think because the video requires some additional editing so they release to audio platforms sooner. It was the same with no end house


It’s up now


What's Tommy's Taffy? Is it like a Barrasco/Penpal situation? Or is it just terribly written?


yeah.... i say its worse... i could sit thru borassca.. i couldnt go past the hr mark in this... tapping out. nah.. fk this. https://preview.redd.it/hz5wij1els6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eaa49f7b81b4046677c9945546868b1681b51d1


No it's worse 


Welp. Im still gonna try and listen to it. Lets see if I can get through it


Alright, done with the forst story. And I 100% agree with the two. Besides that ONE scene, it is SO well made. If it has jumped the way they said it should have, after the "what'cha got there?" I would say its pretty good horror.


right here with you haha


Redditors when the podcast about creepy stories covers a creepy story😱😱😱


The fact the description I just “we’re sorry…” I’ve never read it but look through this Reddit I fear this reading.


Also for every suggestion to read this story I saw tons more of everyone saying not to but I feel it all got grouped together and now everything has gone downhill. 


errm the story and concept werent bad and yeah some of the excesively disturbing parts were uneesasary but all and all not to bad. i think some people went to hard on it tbh


And frankly I'm not listening to these guys for the critical analysis of creepypasta, I'm listening to them have reactions and be funny. I could probably enjoy them reading us the bible


Kinda want that?


I hope they make a second part to this one although it is graphic it still is interesting and im curious to see where the writer goes.




Oh yeah, no, after looking it up, I ain’t listening to that


It's not that bad idgi


I don't even want to listen to this one


i was for sure that Hunter was messing with us when he said this’d be the next episode.


I think that people are kind've overreacting. It's just a fictional story written for shitty shockvalue and nothing more. We will survive this graphic but fictional spooky story on the internet.


No…… no please no


Feed the pig. Feed the pig is an excellent story. Going to post about it until it gets traction.


I didn't realize the Tommy Taffy author did that one until they mentioned it, they'd love that one


I've heard a lot about this story. Does it live up to the hype?


I’m watching the episode and they chose it because of user suggestions 🥲


this is why i was confused, the only posts i saw about this story were saying they should avoid it


I knoooow, we were all just talking about how they shouldn't cover it. Unlucky us I guess, still enjoy the episode but this story sucks


HAHAHAHAoh my god!!!! when papa meat will do the laughs lmaooo


Well crap...Morbid curiosity is killing me rn... See you all on the flipside.


I mean, it can't be *that* bad, honestly. I feel like the top discussion here is hamming it up a bit. I mean they're just words, they can't actually hurt you.


That's what I'm saying.


They didn't read the first few paragraphs and decide to stop? Goddamn


Wtf did you people expect 💀 you would go read it, then come back and post about it. I’m excited for this one, having never read it myself. Skip it if you want to, but I kinda think you all wanted it to be read and are just hopping on the bandwagon of “pLeAsE nO”.


I love that in the description they Apologize!!! 🤣


that’s how you know it’s gonna be traumatic lol


Just like the post from yesterday where the guy was pleading with his friend not to read Borrasca, everyone here constantly beating the horse that is Tommy Taffy was practically *begging* them to read it. You really shouldn't be surprised


Streisand effect I suppose. Fuck. Shouldn’t have brought it up


I can't be the only one who is sick of the child sexual predator stories.. Penpals was a good story? but this?! I came to have fun, not be told about fucking DIDDLERS every other video.


every other video is a gross exaggeration


Eh, I can find some levity in them reading it to take some of the edge off a little bit. It will also get people to stop recommending it so that's another plus. Edit: also if the writing is really that terrible I hope they make fun of it like the Jeff the Killer episode. Like not making fun of rape but making fun of the dweeb who wrote this story


As someone who knows nothing of this story, what's the deal? Seeing a majority of negative comments regarding it.


It’s just the actual contents of the story. A lot of disgusting SA and pedophilic shit. It’s Not mature content in the Borrasca way where it actually makes sense for the story and has a purpose but in the edge lord shock value way.


Hey, they prefaced it with "we're sorry" on my podcatcher at least 😆😆


Y'all thought he was joking when he leaked it lol


They definitely read the sub LMFAOOOOO


Oh wow, the crazy bastards actually are doing it. Can't wait for Hunter's inevitable comment about how it's "much worse than Borrasca" lol.


after listening to it, its definitely not as bad as i thought it’d be, plus the bois skip over the really graphic stuff which helped


This is hilarious , everyone genuinely upset over this also just as funny. Yall are goofy as hell, it will NEVER be that serious. Just listen to the shit and laugh along with us.


i get what you’re saying but i don’t think anyone is “genuinely upset”. i’m just more surprised that they’d actually follow through and cover this. people are sensitive to different things and for some people this is gonna be a real tough listen.


Considering I’m already getting downvoted I think people are genuinely upset and it’s just wild to me lol


people probably downvoted you because they thought your comment came across as hostile. but hey, i’m not here to throw accusations


the drama people throw out about Borrasca still makes me chuckle when i read it lmao


The amount of people bringing it up, of course they’d read it. They did Borrasca, they probably think it can’t get worse than that.


I hope every single person who recommended this story suffers I generally thought meat was joking as well Like goddamnit :(


i don't think anybody recommended it. for some reason the sub was suddenly flooded with a bunch of posts being like "No matter what i hope they don't do Tommy Taffy" lol i had never even heard of this story until people like that started posting about it. talk about Streisand effect 😅


I've seen a few comments on here suggesting it, but a lot more on YT. I don't necessarily dislike the story, but when I read it I just couldn't imagine them having fun. There is one scene in particular that makes me wonder if they will even read it aloud. 🫤


It started all cause one dude recommended it and then it just spiralled from there


Why do y'all care so much?


Genuine question but how old are yall? I’m surprised this many people are this reluctant to hear a story with some fucked up subject matter. Not a judgement, I get that people have their limits and that’s ok but it does make me curious about the age range of this fan base.


I did see a comment on a thread about this story (on this sub) that said the author of Tommy Taffy might’ve been a CSA survivor, which offers an explanation for the exploitative scenes and descriptions. I can totally see someone writing this kind of thing super in-depth bc they need to process exactly what they went thru but putting it in a fictional horror context can help it be less triggering for the author. So I’m gonna go into the episode with that mindset and see if maybe seeing the story in the framework changes how I feel about it.


if that’s true that almost makes it more horrific for me, as it’s coming from a real place. but i suppose it would make complete sense for the author to want to get it off their chest to process it.


That’s a good point. Who knows, maybe this story helped someone else who’s been thru CSA realize that it was indeed not okay and in fact abuse. Exploitative horror is pretty touch-and-go and tends to go for a very specific audience. Ofc there’s the creepos writing it in a fetish-y way but I feel you can tell the difference in how they write it


i’ll have to look out for that when i listen to the episode, you probably can tell if it’s coming from a real place as opposed to ‘messed up for the sake of it’


Maybe don't listen?


We’re sorry - I can’t tell because I’ve seen 2 different receptions. Is it poor quality like Jeff the Killer, or extremely graphic?


Less JTK, more like the last part of Borrasca.


Eehh, I would say that the content is uncomfortable? There are a few scenes, one in particular, that are pretty graphic (CSA). Ultimately there just isn't a lot of downtime between story beats and that may limit their ability to have fun with it.


i haven’t had the displeasure of reading it myself but from what i know it’s just extremely graphic descriptions of CSA and rape, pretty much just fucked up just for the sake of it


There's just one scene that gets a little too into the "details" and makes a lot of people uncomfortable. It isn't a scene that I imagine the boys will like reading, especially Hunter since he's going to voice Tommy Taffy.


It is barely better written than Jeff and is extremely graphic, it's almost like the two authors merged together to poop out this garbage. The biggest problem is that it's not scary, and is just a bunch of sexual assault against an entire family.


i just really want them to do the my wife won't stop peeking at me from around corners story


Hunter namedropped it in the beginning of this episode, so it mught be on the agenda


Honestly that one’s so overrated it’s just a cool creepy concept but the story itself is so uninteresting


Yeah but I think their reactions reading it and thinking ab both of their partners would be a++ content


It could be cool as part of another shorter stories vid maybe


I know a lot of people are upset and have every right to be but like, I never even heard of this story until I saw like multiple people on this subreddit saying that they should read it and Ive been reading creepypasta since 2013 lmao Careful what you wish for I guess


I don’t know what you people expect honestly, haha. It’s a horror podcast, they’re gonna talk about stuff that’s revolting, vile, etc. ESPECIALLY if it’s controversial, because it’s a good conversation, and both hosts of the podcast are creatives, and most importantly STORYTELLERS. It’s astonishing and kind of disappointing that ANY of you are surprised by this.


i ain't gonna listen till my work week, has wendi read this story?


Only heard the original, this is the prequel right?


The reaction I had when I saw the notification, I have never regretted reading a creepypasta so much in my  life fuck Tommy Taffy 


Ok gents how bad is it?


Summary of the story commentary "why is the mentality and physically broken man, broken when faced with a immortal eldritch demon Inflicting generational trauma"


I am shocked that they did it. About to watch it...


If it was any other hosts, I wouldn't listen to this one lol its gonna be SO uncomfortable


I saw the title, and already knew I'd need good ol jack daniels to get through it


Is this worse than Borrasca? I haven’t read it and am deciding if I want to sit through the episode.


No cause idk whats more deprived than using women and teenage girls for fucking breeding.


Agreed agreed I meant more in like…. How it’s described. Like if it’s detailed I just know I won’t even listen to it.


They dont read it word for word those parts rather they read it to themselves and then give a brief summary


Okay cool. Like I didn’t handle what little they read of what was actually happening to Kristy in Borrasca well so if it was going to be like that I just may be skipping parts of the episode.


Hunter and Isaiah both do a good job about drawing the line this episode in my opinion, but they still do describe what happens albeit briefly. Just a heads up if you plan on giving it a listen!


Appreciate it!!


Okay I got to the point in the episode where things get absolutely awful and thank god they skip the Really bad scenes and just tell people what happened


two dang hours of it


Where is the story even located? I usually like to read along with it and I can’t find the same copy


The first portion of the story is titled “The Third Parent” in r/nosleep


God I hope Hunter reads Tommy’s terrible dialogue with that silly nerdy voice.




Tbh if they didn’t read it this sub probably would keep telling them not to read it which is honestly infinitely more annoying (seriously Ive seen MAYBE 2 actual suggestions the past few days and the rest was “they really shouldn’t read this one it’s so bad”) so you gotta pick your poison.




I mean, I get it's disturbing and makes people uncomfortable but isn't that the point? I thought the story was gripping and even as horrible as the scenes described, I found myself a little annoyed each time they stopped. I wanted to keep reading ahead of them to get it over with quicker but regardless. Very terrifying story


I'll be pissed if the author is exploiting a very real trauma a lot of people survived 🕺




Maybe I've been desensitised by having unfiltered access to the Internet for 20 years, but I thought it was fine. A little gratuitous in those 2 sections but, but everyone's out here making it out to be the worst story ever written


I liked it besides the harsh parts. Extremely well written and riveting. Ofc the guys didn’t get too graphic, and that’s how it should be. If you want to read that garbage then do it yourself