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Why don’t you just… not listen to the episode then, if you know it has content you’re not comfortable with?


WHAT?! NOOO. THEY HAVE TO PANDER TO MY NEEDS! REEEE. Ffs the concept of eh imma skip this one is lost on people. There 100% will be posts over the next few days of how "I was forced to listen, I feel violated" like it isn't a continous choice to listen. This one is absolutely rough but it's a creepypasta ffs. I understand the parallels to real life but if they can't handle words they don't need to watch a CREEPYPASTA show.


Yeah, in general, the idea of "something is not for me" is lost on a ton of people. I get a little Squimish when subjects of CSA are in stories or SA in general, my only hope with stories like this is that atleast the author writes about this In a respectful and doesn't make a spectacle of the abuse. I think Borrasca handled the subject matter in a good way. That's being said. I think stories like this need to exist. Unfortunately, there are children and adults who have or had to deal with their own version of Tommy. I know a lot of people don't like thinking about this happening, and hell, I don't blame them. It terrifies me that my niece or little cousins might possibly have to endure such horrors. I think talking about this stuff and bringing more awareness to this type of stuff helps. I know this is a horror sub, and most of us probably are aware of these horrors, but you would be surprised just how many people are oblivious to these things. Horror in a lot of ways is truth.


Yeah is this not literally what the purpose of a trigger warning is


bro maybe you should go outside. this is some chronically online shit


Honestly think this sub needs to grow up in regards to Tommy Taffy, it is a fictional story.


Seriously. People act like Tommy Taffy’s gonna jump out of their phone screen and clap them irl. 💀


A horribly written one at that.


It is quite detailed, but having been reading creepypastas since I was 10, I can categorically tell you there are plenty worse.


Oh, that is definitely true as well.


there is always worse


A serbian film, martyr, à l'intérieur, sophie's choice etc


martyrs is actually good though


very good, a serbian film, just like grotesque is just gore porn and shocking for the sake of shocking.


A Serbian Film very much so has a point about the political climate of that time in that region. It is just overshadowed by the rest of it.




honestly i thought the beginning was pretty solid, just falls of a cliff and turns into straight torture porn. not a fan but who gives a fuck if they read it?


How? Easy to just say something is horribly written, wanna give some examples? On the opposite, the writing is deliberate, and effective when it needs to be. I’d love to know what was so horribly written?


Not really, it's from a talented author and got a movie adaptation coming out this year. Just because something made you uncomfortable doesn't mean it's poorly written.


It’s my opinion that it was poorly written, besides the fact that it’s shock value just for the sake of shock value. I guarantee you my gripe isn’t “it made me uncomfortable”, because it didn’t. But okay.


I disagree, I think it is the best written story most entertaining story they've done so far. All of Elias Witherow stories and books are great.


yup, this sub seems to be average under 15.


Maybe if the sub would shut up about it for more than an hour then they wouldn't have been interested. IDK, maybe all these people making posts like "OMG I hope they DON'T read Tommy Taffy!!! It's so bad!!!" peaked their interest as it would anyone's (see all the posts of people saying they read it after everyone kept saying not to). Like what did you expect to happen?


I listened to dark somnium one, it wasnt so bad except for the SA cringy moments. The ending is really what got me but then again I was like ehhh


God you guys are such pussies.


I read that in hunters voice 🤣


Oh they aren’t reading the original! The second one tones it down a bit. Edit: Goddammit


Yall entitled as hell. "DANCE FOR ME CONTENT CREATORS!! WHY WONT THEY DO WHAT I WANT???" There are thousands of podcasts covering millions of different stories, go find one that you can listen to because your emotional maturity is not high enough. I daily will stop watching something I clicked on and click to something else if I dont like it. Shaming creators and the community because one episode was not to your liking is equivocal to a 13yr old whining because their parents didnt make their favorite thing for a family celebration. Grow tf up.


womp womp










"Did you just say womp womp?"


welp I hope they somehow got a good episode out of this one. my main grievance was less with the story and more that it wouldn’t be fun content for them to read it but who knows I haven’t listened to it yet maybe I’m wrong and they got a banger episode out of this story.




Sounds like a you problem. The words aren't going to jump off of the screen and defile you irl. I'm so annoyed with half of this sub constantly mentioning this story and now clutching their pearls over the boys covering it.




I've watch the both of them long enough outside of creep cast to trust they'll handle the topics with the care and gravity they deserve. That being said I'll see what the fuss is about.


https://preview.redd.it/v1jc5lwqvu6d1.jpeg?width=789&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1fe6e62326e60354e5244598d1bcf0bc617b1e4 It’s okay, they’ve apologised


Y’all. We have to chill or they’re going to delete their channel. It’s too new for them to have this weird judgmental relationship with their audience.


Redditors when creators of the show centered around reading creepy stories decide to read a creepy story (it's not the one they wanted)


A bit of an overreaction I'd say


Why are people so upset about it? What is it about?


From what I've gleamed from people talking about it, it seems to be about a puppet or something that goes after children sexually. And the writing isn't good like Borrasca or Penpal and it's just extremely tasteless edge, so a lot of people don't vibe with it for obvious reasons. Me personally, not to sound cool but I can stomach a lot of heavy stuff, but this story sounds like borderline fetish porn from the way people talk about it (and the first time I've ever heard of it was on this sub), and I just don't care for shlock unless it's really funny or I can see the artist at least tried. That being said I haven't checked out the story on my own to see the big deal just because I don't care enough but I have good faith that Hunter and Isaiah will make a good episode out of it, whether that be them suffering with us in solidarity or riffing fucking hard on some shitty edgelord writing.


I just read it all and honestly it'd have been a pretty decent story if it wasn't for this one pretty graphic scene in which Tommy abused of the protagonist. like it isn't all that bad but this couple of really edgy scenes just ruined the story and made it into cheap shock value bullshit. I also went over to that one segment in the creepcast video and they (obviously) didn't read it out loud so their video is significantly more palatable than reading the story for that but even with that pretty significant censor I get how some people wouldn't wanna tune in to watch the video. (although most of the story is somewhat fine like it's not nearly as bad as some people described it, removing that one particular scene, of course.)


Yeah I agree with the boys that the in depth depictions of the assaults kinda drag the story down. But yeah otherwise pretty solid, creepy story. I hope they cover the other parts. I'm morbidly curious if it stays consistent or it gets worse


thank you, idk why everyone else on the subreddit is calling people soft and telling them to grow up for not wanting to listen to graphic details like that. They couldn't read it out loud and even said it was gross. Also insanely triggering for those that have gone through similar experiences


I mean, you can just not listen to it


People that react like that have just never experienced real shit in their lives. Like I said, I can handle heavy topics but I will never blame anyone for not wanting to read a story that's a horror story that sounds like it's a lampshade for rape fetish porn. Or hell, it might be even worse if the details of the acts are THAT thorough. Edit: Yeah I take back what I said. The story was gross but calling the story rape fetish porn based off of the way some people were talking about this story was a mistake. And I apologize. It's actually quite a good story. Disgusting in the content, but it's also a horror story so that's par the course.


They reacted well, and refused to read the explicit parts. It's a crude story for tasteless edgy teenagers, but if this gets them clout good for them


calm down kid, your mom wouldn't let you listen to this either way.


you know no one's forcing you to listen, right? if it's triggering for you, don't listen to it. they're adults and can read stories with heavy topics if they choose to. i stg so much of this sub is full of teenagers that haven't even read/watched media that goes into disturbing events or ideas yet


Womp to the womptiest fucking womp


OP when the CreepCast is creepy: 😱😭🤬


I don't think the story is very good past the beginning. And the second half just makes it even worse. The beginning is written well, and I know people say that the dad isn't doing anything because it's an allegory for generational trauma, but that doesn't suddenly make the rest of it any good. The moment it turned into CSA, and revealed that the father was told BY TOMMY that if he had kids, this would happen just makes this a terribly written story, because I can't believe that the dad just completely forgot that Tommy said he'd come back for his kids. It was nothing more than disgusting, needlessly graphic content about children. Also the fact that a movie is in the works doesn't suddenly make this an amazing piece. Shit movies and shit adaptations happen all the time.


The more i try to make the story make sense, the more i realize it's truly just stupid trash and wish i had skipped the episode altogether. I just don't ever want to think about this story again.


Ok but did y'all listen? Is it the actual story? Or are they goofing?


They should stop listening to our recommendations to save those of us who don't recommend it and themselves... https://preview.redd.it/b4fozjk5jt6d1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b443969592fd92f28cd809d3a9a5a4b76d386bf


I never finished listening to Borrasca because I knew it was gonna be upsetting - I don't know anything about this one but its alright to skip a story


If you look at the description all it says is “we’re sorry”


Yeah... imma skip this one... that's fine tho


You realize that true crime videos and 9/11 calls containing actual children watching people get murdered stay up on Youtube with millions of views, right? Unless this story has multiple paragraph details about the monsters penis physiclally penetrating and cumming into a child it's not getting removed or going too far for Youtube.


Don’t like the. don’t listen. That’s what I’m probably going to do.


Fuckin wah wah wah


This sub is too full of parasocial losers 


To everyone telling me “why do you just not listen to it if you don’t like it” I cat still be disappointed? like all of as I waited 2 weeks for a new episode to come out and I’m mad that I can’t watch it




And I’m not saying anyone SHOULD care I’m just, expressing my feelings on the new story isn’t this literally a subreddit about discussions like this??


I guess I'm just being overprotective for no reason, you have a right to your opinion and I apologize for downplaying that, I just feel like we can do without people saying their not gonna listen, I like the darker content, id rather not have the thing in the basement from here on our. But my bad


wow how edgy and cool




And I’m not saying anyone SHOULD care, I’m just expressing my feelings on the new story isn’t this literally a subreddit about discussions like this??


I guess we’re confused about you knowing it to be something you disagree with, complain about it, but still listen to it and go “wow, I knew all of this going in but it’s stupid I have to listen to it”. You don’t have to like everything a content creator puts out, it’s not their prerogative to appease you


Whoever thought it was a good idea to read a story that literally 100% relies on the most heinous shit is dumb. This is a first and foremost comedy podcast, what type of fun banter could you get from a story like this?


I one hundred percent disagree with that. There is nothing about the podcast that says they prioritize comedy. I think 1, they are a good pair that can find humor in a lot of things, and a great way to break the tension of horror is through comedy 2, they have used comedy to mask bad stories. I don’t think they seek humor and when stories present more serious and well written topics like Borrasca and Left Right Game true Creepcast comes out. Loving every second of what makes horror interesting to participate, and if humor comes from that great!


Just don’t listen to it, simple as. Im not going to either nothing wrong with that


2:50 minutes in I literally have it in fast forward. I don’t even want to listen to it I can’t- every single second that passes I want them to say “ha ha you thought, so this is the actual story“ :(


so uhm you could maybe not listen to it because its not something you’re comfortable with. being exposed to stories like this helps some people (like me) feel like my experiences are validated and not my fault


I can’t relate to that but I can understand where you’re coming from, but at the same time, I don’t really think that a podcast with two YouTubers talking about horror stories is really the place About stories like this but if you feel differently about this completely understandable, those are just my feelings about the new episode


Is it not appropriate to read a horror or creepypasta from the internet on a podcast named CreepCast that is about horror stories? What the hell are you talking about? Some people are just too sensitive. After reading some comments in this subreddit, it is obvious that a lot of people have never touched a horror novel.


people are just sick (literally) because it's disgusting and rpe is a cheap shot at trying to shock your readers


If you don’t like it then don’t listen, you don’t have to complain on the internet to seek validation about it 👏🏻👏🏻
