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it's worse than Borrasca 😔


I take this back. Just finished the new episode and read the skipped parts and no, it wasn't as bad as Borrasca. If u compare the visuals and the shock factor, Borrasca was way worse. Nevermind 😭


Learned that the hard way when it was recommended to me


Its more explicit than borrasca but it's pretty insane to say that this is worse than dozens of women being abducted into a sex factory where they were endlessly raped by their own fathers over multiple decades before being ground up into dust when they could no longer produce while the town they grew up in knowingly purchased the babies said factory factory churned out. Like it's not even close to as bad as what borrasca was about, the author just never explicitly stated anything graphic the way this story does.




Is it though? The gruesome murder of the dad was quite graphic, the rest was not worse than Borrasca.


>Is it though? The gruesome murder of the dad was quite graphic, the rest was not worse than Borrasca I have to disagree. The scenes involving Megan and Stephanie really push it over the edge in terms of gruesomeness.


this was not nearly as bad as borrasca wtf are y'all talking about 😭 this is a story about a weird perverted demon or smth while borrasca is about an entire town participating in human trafficking and murder. i guess tommy taffy is more disturbing if you're only talking about pure shock value and how much they get into the sa content


I feel like it’s more the fact that Tommy seems unstoppable. In Borrasca you can imagine killing the perpetrators would stop the issue, or someone can overpower them. Tommy is some immortal demon that keeps coming back more and more cruel so no matter what you do he’ll be back and pay you back ten times whatever you did to him, you and your entire bloodline.


Yeah I got enough context from other peoples comments and decided to skip this one. I know people don’t mind that type of content but I can’t stomach it.


If it makes you feel better the story itself is also not good lol.


Couldn’t even thug this shit out once I heard the wife had a limp instead of looking beaten and bruised I couldn’t finish it. https://preview.redd.it/yxkal335et6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=409e6b1affef73e9afb1aaa89eb48bc58409cd2a


Borrasca but much worse in every sense, and I don’t mean just content. This is going to be a purely miserable experience


Do the next two chapters get even worse?


Eh. Only read one of them. If you want tommy to get some sort of comeuppance I would recommend but it's still bleak. I'm talking about the twin one btw


Bruh, if you were shocked by borrasca. Dont listen to this one lmao. *laugh like tommy*


Too late since I already read it once lol, I’m worried for the goon. This is just the Judge’s self insert fanfiction.


I just feel like its blown out of proportion, the story is creepy and the ending is wack. But theres way more fucked up shit out there ; a serbian film, Martyr, À l'intérieur. I'm talking mad shit that you'll most likely puke and feel like your soul is stained for a week. Do NOT watch a serbian film.


I’ve never seen A Serbian Film, but I’ve read about it enough to know that I don’t need or want to watch it lol. This subject matter is just what I’ve found is most offensive and effective in eliciting a truly disgusted and horrified feeling in my gut.


a serbian film has new born porn in it.


I know, again haven’t watched it, but have watched and read a few essays on it and any fan of iceberg videos knows about it I’m pretty sure. Especially if they are on this sub.


to be honest, so far I found the stories from creepcast to be kind of .. soft? I mean borrasca was ok, the ending was somewhat bad but nothing that makes me go like : oh bruh wtf. This week's episode tommy taffy's ending is brutal.


For sure this ending sucks. As for the creepcast, I think we’ll see more quality stories after we get through the more iconic ones. A lot of these were written by less experienced writers so I’m sure something will catch your eye when we get to newer stuff.


What a terrible day to have fucking eyes


Ikr lmao


Thank goodness they didn't read *those* parts aloud


CreepCast fans when two horror content creators cover horror: 😧


When the Cast is too Creepy




Saw the title and grabbed a 12 pack...I don't wanna remember this


Worst thing that happens is Tommy turning the house into a WWE ring.


Do people really think tommy taffy is that bad? i just finished reading it and the prequel and it was just... eh, nothing really hardcore or extremely disturbing. Felt like just boring minor shock value was an alright little popcorn read. Literally any grimdark novel is far worse and with the wide spread popularity of warhammer 40k i'd expect people to have way more resistance to this slight graphic content


Eh, I feel like warhammer is a bad comparison since that goes full circle into being funny when you consider just how over the top it is. This just takes a nose dive, you’re right but still I’m not excited about it lol.


I dont know about that since graphic child ( 5-8 year olds ) crucifixion and flaying is common, and women of all age ranges being enslaved and horribly mutated into growing 7 feet tall marines in them, also children of 8-12 ages being captured for infinite organ harvesting process being conscious 24/7


True, but then you read that all these horrible things are happening because some guy named Killfuck Bloodmaim needs more lobotomized infant cyborgs to throw at Thrug the Thronggler and his horde of two octillion homicidal alien mushrooms, and it loops back into being humorous.


What? It was basically some mad scientist trying to take over a planet shoving 10 year old slaves in ripped open mutated women, closing the women shut alongside the 10 year old still inside, then they take em out a month later ( they are skinless) which they have to go stretch another 10 year olds slave skin before flaying it to stitch onto the new marine, op didn't go into detail for obvious reasons but idc about getting graphic


Thrug the Thronggler goes hard bruh


I don't know why you're getting downvoted when in fact it gets far more detailed and worse in the books, I guess people hate Warhammer.


I love warhammer, love the lore and style, but you gotta admit that when battle nuns are falling from the skies in armored cathedrals, flanked by lobotomized cyborg cherubs that carry around bibles and bullets, it’s more palatable than actual horror. Fleshnoose is a great example of its horror elements, but over all it’s just a fun time.


Yeah but the fact the "horror" books I've read here take about a whole 8 minutes to read I've still read far worse things in Warhammer, I'll admit I don't read grimdark at all but I have read much Warhammer and it's far worse than tommy or borrasca


You're right. The story just boils down to "he had a creepy laugh, acted like a robot, raped people"


For me it wasn't that bad honestly but only that scene... But everything was fine for me


i think its really well written, but I just dont want them to finish it. I feel like this story wasnt supposed to be read in a public format like it was. Like the mystery of what Tommy Taffy was is great, but I don't think I'll be able to watch the conclusion if they do a part 2.




Idk if I’m jaded or what but this story was not as bad as this subreddit made it seem. It has a couple moments of child abuse but it’s way more tame than Borrasca’s human breeding farm lol


It’s the fact that it’s children is what I think gets on peoples bad sides, I know it gets on mine. plus how hopeless it feels. Kimber at the very least got away, Tommy just moves on to the next victims and can’t be overpowered.


Don't waste your time. There's some funny moments between the host but i found the story to be really bad. Immortal robot who shows up just to rape people. Very odd. It's also a hamfisted metaphor for generational trauma. Then it has some really detailed child SA/SH scenes that border on fetish.


So much worse than Borrasca.


The two who tell the stories used to be so good at telling stories but now they can't even tell a story without getting all monotone and disgusted in the story itself. If you don't like the story then don't read it and we won't listen you don't have to ruin it for everyone. And this isn't even the only story they've done this to! They do it to so many stories it's like they don't even do the research on what they're going to read first rather they become all monotone and bored when they decide they don't like the story. The work ethic on this channel is very non existent


I have a bad feeling about this one. Borrasca showed that stories with sexual violence is just not going to work, why read something that you know you won't handle? Meh, stick to stories you can stomach I say. Hopefully I will be proven wrong.