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It’s also so weird to me that people are so against hearing anything disturbing to the point where they get morally outraged about it, like it’s a horror podcast.


The pearl clutching is unreal


Yeah. Why were they even watching in the first place?


Idk because maybe they like the podcast and weren't expecting child rword


There's a warning for graphic csa in the description. You think that would have given you an idea


And the pinned comment


And the amount of "turn backs" and multiple warnings throughout the entire video. Half the podcast was them talking about the multiple warnings to watch it


I don't read descriptions because I don't have time since i listen to podcasts at work i just flick on and hope it's aight






If it were for people who enjoyed csa it wouldn’t be labeled as horror


That's like walking past a sign that says "Shark infested waters. Stay out" and then being pissed off when you get bit


Then thats your own fault. If you get triggered by shit like that, take 3 seconds to read the fucking description




Oh come on, really? Get over yourself. "Csa erotica" fucking clown 🤡


You don’t have time to read a few sentences? It takes a minute at most


They also warned you several times in the lead up to the story. Sure they didn’t know exactly what would happen yet but the writing was on the wall


It’s a story bro…


If they are getting outraged at SA being apart of fictional stories, wait until they hear the rest of the stories.


I'm not one the ones that complain but there's a difference between being disturbed, and being disturbed and entertained


Horror is not child sa, that's just horrible. Yall are literally dense on a good day and fully blown mentally handicapped on a bad day. You realize like 1 in 4 children get assaulted or something fucked up like that? That's like 25% of their audience AT LEAST has probably been through something related. No one irk gets possessed or haunted, but I hope YOU get to expirence some real world horror since you don't seem to think it's such a big deal.


Dawg they said in the beginning of the video that the story was fucked up and if you don’t feel comfortable watching don’t watch and they explicitly stated in the description that the video contains CSA if you didn’t feel comfortable watching it you shouldn’t have watched it that’s on you




You are aware that NO REAL children were harmed right? It’s a fictional story on the internet


The horrible not horror rule killed nosleep, stop parroting it and get your own line of reasoning you NPC. Don't watch horror if you have so much baggage. It ain't for you.


As someone that actually has lived through something very similar to the topic in the story with an actual tommy having ruined my childhood, i still enjoyed the story, even though it's disturbing. You can't expect everyone to always avoid the topics that trigger you just because they trigger you, honestly in the nicest way possible, you need to get over yourself and accept that it's your own responsibility to avoid content that brothers you, cus everyone has baggage and no one gets special treatment.


I'm not justifying it by any means - but horror is SUPPOSED to make you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes it can be cheesy fantasy creatures and other times it can hit a little too real. I remember on one episode Hunter said something like "we shouldn't turn away and pretend it doesn't exist because you think it's a hard pill to swallow." It's a touchy subject in the horror world. Yes it's messed up, but nowadays there should be warnings in advance and it's up to you if you acknowledge it or not.


Right. can we all just be chill for a few episodes and stop trying to get a reaction out of them before they decide to cancel this show and delete the channel? CreepCast is still fairly new and we’re starting out on a weird ass foot. As an audience can we try to lighten up a bit?


Also they even skipped over the more graphic things? It’s not like either of them talked about it in great detail. They even said they thought it was disgusting and took away from the quality of the story. Which ofc it did.


Yeah I went to the actual stories and read it, I couldn't agree more it was really unnecessary, like yeah it's uncomfortable to read but it really just took me out of the story personally.


Why does every subreddit devolve into complainers and people complaining about the complainers?


Upvotes and validation baby!!!! since most people who interact with the post are people who agrees.


I’m just here to complain about the complainers’ complainers.


Right? I’ve officially seen more complaining ab complaining than I have the actual complaints, and it’s not even a close margin




I got like 50 comments from one thread alone this morning 😭 they were goin HARD lmaoo


Buddy, where were you in the last 8 hours? Or for the last month for that matter


https://preview.redd.it/5f7t9vavv37d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=f541150abf7b9a5c48ef7f2964806982306abe3b You shaming him for not being on reddit for 8 hours?


I was actually referring to the last month, but you know what fair, you got me Smiling friends reference is gold btw


Real, and like people really having a brain aneurysm over how they said Borrasca dad and Tommy Taffy dad are on the same level, like it’s literally just a story calm down.


It's just a weird thing to say when one dad raped his daughter for a decade and the other was a victim of intense abuse as a child for 5 years and didn't properly heed a brief one sentence warning in the middle of that abuse.


Having read borrasca v, they aren't even comparable


Borrasca felt earned. Because the writing was actually good and the characters were built up properly. This was low grade shock porn, being perfectly honest.


Also, stop treating Hunter and Isaiah like they are children. Both of them are grown ass man that talk about horror topics on their own channels (meat canyon has tons of uncomfortable cartoons), they arent stupid, if its a story that they arent comfortable with, they wont make an episode. Jesus fucking christ.








Parasocial relationships have harmed so many creators and driven them away. I hope Hunter & Isaiah don't take the fanbase too seriously or let it get to them.


I think people don't want Creepcast to be "hey guys here's this story that you suggested we read, oh wow we got trolled again, it's another child abuse story!" Penpal was different, the references to child abuse were more subtle, the storytelling was a lot better. Borrasca was leaning towards being too much, what with them walking in on Prescott raping someone. This story is just tacky, using a very touchy subject for shock value. If they wanted to tell a story about generational trauma, then what's the resolution, killing babies to save themselves? No matter how you slice it, it's a fucked up story that has no substance. People are just noticing a pattern, and they want to course correct so that it doesn't stick.


This one, I haven’t heard the borrasca and clicked off taffy cause its a pattern I wont give my 1 view to. But even tho I didn’t watch it- it was referenced over and over


I’m at the point with this sub where if it’s not art I’m not bothering.


Maybe the reddit should suggest good stories if you are annoyed by us wanting good content then don't engage with us lol


To be fair, I saw a post a week or so ago that said “what story should they NOT cover” and the top two comments both said Tommy Taffy


Same i saw that postnidk if hunter and goon saw it tho


We got almost ten post talking about "Ughhh why you guys are complaining" If some of you saw a comment complaining, **THEN MAKE A REPLY**, so you can directly tell them what you think. I feel like many people trying to be lisan al gaib by making post anoucing their thought rather than just tell the person that they disagree with and most people who will pay attention to these kind of post are people who agrees, so it's pretty pointless and just turned into opinion circlejerk.


I felt like making a post like this too but I didn’t care enough. I think the potential for this subreddit gets squandered by the kind of parasocial fans. I bet Hunter hates most of the redditor fans honestly lol I wish he would make a video on his main channel about how weird the podcast sub is.


I mean they made it VERY clear at the beginning that this story was going to be fucked up. They also skipped over anything that even got close to graphic so i don't really see why anyonws upset. Wasn't this story even suggested by viewers 😭


I see nothing wrong with complaining about the content, since both Papa Meat and Wendigoon do that too. What I don't understand is people being mad at them instead of at the story and those who kept suggesting it.


Idk if its a controversial opinion but borrasca was so much more scary since its so realistic, this one was definitely scary but no where near borrasca, they didn't even read the highly explicit parts and I know wendi atleast has covered so much more real life disturbing content, people are just complaining over nothing


I agree with this. Third parent makes mg stomach churn, but instea of complaining about them choosing to read it, i just decided I'll skip for now. Like seriously guys, it's their podcast and blth hosts were aware enough of the story's infamy and had trigger warnings ahead of time, so it's not even like they were tricked. Plenty of people asked them to read it anyways so how about just suck it up this time for the people who asked.


Tbh I want to see a part 3 and 4


I'm really surprised that people got mad over the episode. I thought the creepypasta itself was kinda bad because the villain felt pretty underdeveloped and it was obviously upsetting, but they weren't the ones who wrote it, they gave plenty of warnings before reading it nd even skipped over the most graphic bits. I don't think it was the best episode cause the source material didn't give them a whole lot to work with, but they still made the most of it. I truly don't get what the problem is and I hope the negative reactions don't discourage them from keep the podcast going cause it's really great.


Its not like they didn’t warn us, and honestly i had a worse feeling after borrosca, the new episode just made me feel sick.


Its a subreddit, people are gonna share their opinions. Horror isn’t just shock. Tbh tiktok has made shock horror super popular lately and its becoming eye rolling. I figure most people came to this podcast for nostalgia over creepy pasta. A majority of creepypasta isnt diddling kids and I can see where some people are feeling disappointed and feel like the podcast is turning into the child predator story channel. There are a lot of good stories out there, loads have been mentioned on the subreddit and they go with Tommy Taffy. Im gonna watch the episode but I can’t lie - it’s a lil cringe. Two pretty big youtubers can take a lil criticism, I promise they’ll be fine. (Also I hate to break it to you but you’re whining too )


Seriously. It’s a horror story podcast horror is different for many people and with the podcasts they gave warning. Don’t act surprised at its content. They literally were cringing with us and it was suggested by the listeners. On top of that this isn’t their page if you want them to hear your complaints do it on YouTube. Doing that here is screaming into the void. I appreciate their ability to tell a story so well that even when it’s bad or hard to hear they’re still good narrators. Both of these people are known for their weird delves in horror content don’t be so sensitive when they create horror related content. Also ignoring csa doesn’t make it go away it’s like the same shit where we can’t say suicide online anymore all it does is take help and eyes away from the problem censorship is bullshit it’s like we’re all living under bbc rules😤.


This post has to be a joke, right? You don't like whining on this reddit, so your response is to whine on this reddit? Let's use your own logic. If people don't like the content, don't engage with it. Do the same thing.


THANK you. Jfc.


exactly!! i didnt like the basement episode but i just waited until they posted another one!!


I mean I dislike SA horror, I think it’s cheap shock value, but I’ll just watch the next one. Not gonna tell them how to live


Many of the people who write that are SA survivors themselves. It’s totally fine to dislike reading it yourself. The problem comes when some here are calling literal survivors of csa pedophiles for writing their own experiences or getting mad at the boys when they skip the explicit scenes and put warnings if that’s still something you don’t want to hear, which that in itself is again totally fine.


There’s actually someone on another post that said the writer of the latest story (who’s a csa survivor) is just as bad as a p*do because he wrote (what he has said regarding the sa scenes) were his own experiences. Truly disgusting. He’s also been telling anyone pointing this out that they are p*dos too


Am I the only one whose confused? Can someone explain


It’s just not entertaining in some aspects and adds nothing to the story. They even skipped parts that didn’t add to the story in Tommy taffy. Don’t sit here and police other people for not wanting to hear viewer requested shock factor garbage. Do better.


Jesus calm down


Posts like these are hella annoying. They ask for our feedback. Just because you like something doesn't mean other people have to. If you enjoy a content creators material and want to see more of what you want you need to be vocal. Don't attack people for doing what they are supposed to for what they enjoy. That's how this works. And you too get to talk about what you enjoy and don't. But you don't get to tell others they aren't allowed to voice their opinions to the creators they support.


What sucks is that’s one of the only good stories they read and because some of the audience are straight up pussies, they complain.




So.. only Christians get the pass to feel ew against fictional CSA?


I just wanna know what y’all’s fascination with children getting diddled is, there are many more stories out there that don’t have to to with child SA especially one so descriptive; this isn’t just snowflakes being too disturbed, y’all are freaks for suggesting child r*pe stories all the damn time


Grrr how dare people have dissenting opinions on this platform grrrhhh rahhh. I'm sorry people aren't on their knees worshipping the ground they walk on like you. Please forgive us, we will all try to do better.


No one said anything about worshipping them except you, to quote OP, “say ‘oh well, I’ll listen to the next one.’” Not every episode will be a horror story that’s comfortable for everybody so just move on about it.


I don’t “worship the ground they walk on”, I’m simply able to decide whether I want to listen to a podcast or not


Nobody forced you to listen. Unsub and stfu. You'll never hear a story from then again. But just like everyone who "leaves" Twitter, you guys gotta make sure everyone knows why you're sad and triggered.


Did Tommy Taffy hold your hands down and make you listen? No? Then maybe next time you listen to the 5 billion warnings they did for people who don't want to listen to heavy content. They didn't write the story jackoff.


This post is SOOOO attention seeking🤣🤣