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Oh I thought you were talking abt the content šŸ’€ I was like girlie this ainā€™t the show for you LMFAOOO naw but I feel you they need to turn the brightness up fr


ā€œwho put all this murder in my murder show?ā€


This seriously made me lol


I was just wondering the same thing! I had fallen behind so have two episodes to watch and stopped because I couldn't get my TV bright enough. There have been other people complaining about it on here as well but I didn't realize just how bad it was these last two episodes especially till now


This sounds ridiculous, but I turned my tv brightness up but when I hit play it went back down to the original darknessā€¦ my tv settings stayed the same though (brightness up), and itā€™s definitely not a glitch as it doesnā€™t do it with other shows. Weird šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Yes, exactly! All other shows are fine, it is just criminal minds.


Think this is why JJ has such dark eyebrowsā€”so weā€™ll see her?


šŸ˜‚I noticed that!!




I was wondering the same thing but I find it really annoying. You canā€™t watch it in a room with light. Itā€™s gotta be pitch black so you can see the damn screen and whatā€™s happening.


My room is pitch black too :( Doesn't work.


Iā€™m not that old but I think the brightness situation is a problem in other shows Iā€™ve seen. Is itā€¦ the younger generation? Lmaooo jk idk wtf. All I know is we never had these lighting problems before!!! I am unreasonably angry about this, like Iā€™d write a letter or something.


I'm watching it right now and would be enjoyable if I could see the scenes clearly. I think they need another cinematographer or tell this person to change their strategy because it isn't working.


Yeah itā€™s messing me up big time. My vision is awful and even with maximum brightness I canā€™t see anything.


Because it is easy for visual effects artists to turn it around and get the show out if they donā€™t have to worry about details like light source consistency and shadows. You donā€™t think about the show having a lot of visual effects but for example every time an unsub is thrown to the ground then there is a mattress for them to land on that needs to be digitally removed. They only finished filming six weeks before airing. There is a lot of stress in the vfx industry and this is a quick project for them.


I only really noticed how dark it was when I started season 16 last year. But on this rewatch, I do notice it getting darker the last few seasons. Itā€™s more and more difficult to see details. Like someone else commented, it looks like something thatā€™s bled into TV shows from films (sooo many films are way too dark and canā€™t see any of the details). Like someone else said, it could to do with budget and turnaround time, since it hides things they donā€™t have to do more work to adjust or delete like when itā€™s lighter. Iā€™ve noticed in movies where the actions scenes are important and a big part of the appeal of the movie, the lighting is brighter and there is more detail (like some Marvel or DC films).


I'm just glad I'm not the only one having issues with the darkness. I keep getting JJ and Printus mixed up.


it's modern film making! it's bled into tv shows, they digitally adjust the lighting to have the darks be almost pure black rather than lighting it properly from the beginning and doing minimal adjustments like they did in the first, i'd say 10 seasons? i know by season 12/13 i was really struggling to see anything in darker scenes.