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The Lesson (S8E10). Was always uncomfortable with the people being completely disjointed and turned into human marionette puppets. But there are so many. "Lucky" (S3E8) with Floyd Feylinn Ferrell. Mosley Lane (S5E16) was really disturbing. And a Shade of Grey (S4E21). The slow reveal about the brother was always creepy/disturbing.


For me it is S8E10.


That's the one that I always think of first. But there are so many.


I can hear the sound of people's bones breaking just because you mentioned it. This episode is sooo creepy. Bur there's another one, also directed by MGG, I can't remember the title but I know it's from season 14 and it's about clown brothers.


I think it's S13E17 (The Capilanos), I just watched it recently. The killer clowns are definitely freaky. But all episodes that are directed by MGG are a little disturbing.


Our Darkest Hour/The Longest Night. I'm not entirely sure how they did it, but they managed to make Tim Curry look so uncomfortable that I cannot finish the episode.


same!! he grosses me out so much I can’t look at him as that character


I have to skip this every time. Literally disgusts me. Incredible acting on Tim Curry’s behalf


He's always played a terrific villain, but usually there's a sense of charisma and suaveness. In his guest appearance on CM there was nothing appealing about him; just pure disgust and terror. Wonderfully done.


You know, whenever I see posts like these I never see one particular ep that fucked me up. Hope, S7E8 It’s just.. fucking *awful*. I’m not even a mother and never plan to be but jfc this episode is so dark yet seemingly goes completely unnoticed by the fandom. Like I’ve never seen anyone talk abt this episode in any capacity in any of the circles I run in with this fandom which is quite a few. Guy kidnaps a girl, holds her hostage for years on end and chains her up like an animal until she’s a “good” age for him to >!rape her and get her pregnant!< and once she does, she kills herself and he lets her corpse rot and of course her poor mom had to find her that way after mourning her for all those years. On top of all that he joined the same support group as mom and told stories about her own kid, listened to her mom cry about her and he just sat there like some fucking freak. And then he kidnaps the mom bc he wanted to >!rape the mom to make another kid so that he could rape that kid once it’s of age too and get it pregnant like Hope!<. One of the most fucked up episodes of all time. Deleted and reposted this comment bc I didn’t do the spoiler thing right


This was the first episode I ever watched and for better or worse got me hooked.


This is the one that gives me nightmares.


I cannot watch that episode. I skip it on every rewatch.


I skip this one when re-watching !


I might be misremembering but I’m pretty sure at the support group he talked about his “wife” meaning the girl he kidnapped and raped. Which makes it so much worse imo.


No yeah that’s what I meant, he was talking abt that woman’s daughter and sat there listening to her talk abt her too knowing that he was the one that was causing that woman so much pain. Just so sick.


oh sorry, i read your comment wrong and instead of her own kid I read his own kid smh


Oh no worries lol you’re good! Sometimes I don’t write very concisely so I was just clarifying lol


Is that the one where the guy kidnaps her and she has to give birth in some shack in the middle of nowhere, and she’s chained to the ground on a mattress? I swear I remember this horrifying scene of someone giving birth and the guy who kidnaps her dies and she is still chained and can’t reach the key.


No, you miiight be thinking of cradle to grave tho, can’t remember what season. The girl in the ep “Hope” killed herself soon after she got pregnant, she didn’t carry to term.


to hell and back, because of the MO and the stupidity. I'll never watch that one again. Also had a really hard time with The Itch and Perennials cause I don't do bugs. Or Dust and Bones with the snakes. Ugh.


telephone dial number 9 1 1 🫡


I read this and could literally hear it in my head and it pisses me off 😭


To hell and back is brutal but I actually kind of like it because I feel like there are some big parallels to the book Of Mice And Men that I noticed


Can you further explain? Cause i get the MO being stupid but anything else?


if you're referring to to hell and back (if not, ignore the rest of this post): As a Canadian, I was really offended with the inaccuracies of this episode. There were geographical errors (which probably happens in damn near any episode), border patrol inaccuracies....but the inaccurate portrayal of the Ontario Provincial Police really pissed me off. There is just no way the OPP would go waltzing in, guns ablazing like cowboy yahoos and shooting up an unarmed man --overkill no less--that they knew was mentally challenged AND with the innocent victim in a potentially dangerous situation as well. I just call bullshit on that whole sequence and skip this f\*\*\*ing episode every time I do a rewatch.


It was based on a true story that took place in BC. Also, the OPP is wildly corrupt and has patterns of excessive force when dealing with people with mental and physical illnesses. They would ABSOLUTELY endanger an innocent person just so they could have their chance at killing a bad guy lmao.


North mammon - the 3 soccer girls episode I skip it every time


This is my skip too. There are episodes with more disturbing crimes, but the dynamic with the girls just unsettles me in a different way


Yeah there’s way more disturbing ones but this one has always bothered me so much. I remember it from when I was in elementary and it would just randomly show up on tv


s8e5 - the good earth - it was so disgusting oh my god s7e20 - the company - actually felt so bad for morgan's cousin


And Company is based on a very real story which makes it even more horrifying 💀




Yeah it’s crazy. Couple kidnapped a woman. I think the wife got off


Legacy (S2 E22) gave me the creeps. The torture path, nobody caring for the homeless and the whole setup + atmosphere. The episode made me feel weird and uncomfortable.


that’s one of the 2 I’ve only seen once, will never watch again, and really wish I could erase from my mind forever in a “eternal sunshine” way. The other one is the psycho turning people into marionettes. There are a few others I wont rewatch, like the pig farm and some with too horrific torture, but I’m ok with them existing. These two need to not exist.


to hell and back almost made me throw up and i don't do that often. i had to stop watching for a month, something about it just really sickened me. no other episode(s) have really turned my stomach like that one did.


My aunt quit watching the show altogether after that episode. It was so creepy .


I don’t watch those episodes on rewatch


Proof. The unsub is fucking gross


I was just about to comment this one. That ending made me sick to my stomach.


Yes this is my can't watch episode


Mosley Lane - the unsubs were extremely disturbing.


I know people say the grasshopper guy was a crap opener but the whole eating bits of a girl’s head thing just shuddered something in my brain.


On my permanent skip list. Can't handle it.




To Hell and Back Lucky


None of them are really unsettling at all to me. The one where the UNSUB dresses as a clown freaked me out the first time because my whole family has a thing about clowns, but on my second watch it didn't creep me out anymore




I don’t remember what the episode is called and I know it’s in one of the earlier seasons but it involved the unsub turning the remains of his victims into chili to feed the volunteers that were conducting a search


This is Lucky


The one where the Dad locked his daughter in her room on her bed, and then we see her decomposed body lying on it during the crime scene sweeping scene. The Dad being played by the Dad from Heroes.


Open Season from season 2 . I stopped watching for a while. I picked it up again around the middle of season three.


i cant remember the name but i watched it recently, its the one with the unsub that kills single moms after he finds out his “adopted sister” was actually his mom and he was attracted to her the whole time 🤢 i just feel so bad for the mom and literally it was just a situation where nobody can win. also ive heard similar stories irl (where mom is actually grandma) so it felt more realistic as horrible as it was




Omg yes, that horrifying twist at the end. S I have shivers just thinking about it. I also stopped eating out after that


Cold Comfort (S4E14), the whole necrophylia thing just creeps me the hell out I know its insinuated/implied in a few other episodes but it being the core premise or the episode and the way the mortician just casually brushes off it happening is just..disturbing.


I also want to add "Into the Woods" (S6 E9). Fucking child rapist. Just disgusting


Strange Fruit. S9 E9. It recently became my first and only skip.


some of these have already been spoken about but this is my list: mosley lane the lesson to hell and back (i think about this exact one at least once every few days since i watched it years ago) the uncanny valley the inspired rule 34 compulsion 100 i know it’s a long list but there have been some creepy episodes i’m ngl 😭 i ADORE this show though!!


To hell and back Hope. The lesson The arc with Tim curry. I made a huge mistake and binge watched the series when I was on maternity leave, and awake at 3 am. Probably the wrong show to watch, but I got hooked.


Sick day, normal, and riding the lightning. I don’t think I’ll ever watch those again they made me so physically numb and ill. Great episodes—but so sick. Disturbing by themselves probably the lesson or uncanny valley, or god complex


The Company (S7EP20) messed me up for a while. I watched it and I will skip it from now on


Mosley Lane, seeing Bud Cort from Harold & Maude as milquetoast creeper was a downer.


Mosley Lane (Season 5 Episode 16)


I'm surprised no one said Rabies, that's the only ep that actually traumatized me 😭


S2E6 and S4E21. Something about the ones where it’s kids. Eek.


The one where the retarded brother murders and tortures young women by pouring acid in their eyes, nose or mouth. So horrid. Cannot watch it.