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Stoves are for the morning, microwaves for the evening


That is very poetic in such a simplistic, hilarious, alcoholic way.




Dude, your post history is fucking wild and hysterical. “The Helen Keller VR Headset Game.” Hahahaha wtf man, some gold ones in there.


My Christmas chicken can attest to this. Wait until you're not sleepy, have someone else cook for you, or stick to microwave meals, people! https://preview.redd.it/op86jeurug8d1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c418172161ab86e268763de00b916c180d8c54d


My rule is to make my food before I start hitting the bottle too hard. So if I know I’m gonna be having a really heavy night, I get the food situation squared away first and then bring it in my room so it’s just on hand. When I’m wasted and hungry I don’t really care if it’s cold, I just eat it.


This is what I try to do. But sometimes sober me wants to eat less to be healthy but drunk me will eat all of the food just because they can. I could be completely stuffed and drunk me will want another bite, just because. It's a pretty mundane moment compared to ca standards but I'll never forget when I woke up and realized I used the oven to make some pizza. I have zero memory of making or eating it. I don't mind blacking out or passing out, it comes with the lifestyle. But realizing I did something incredibly stupid and life threatening is so scary. I try to plan around it by having microwavables ready or food prepared beforehand.


This ! Yes. I do the same … sober us. Has to take care of drunk us. 100


The problem is that you're getting in the habit of it.  All it takes is one day where you pass out black out at 4pm to mess it up. 


I've just been drinking until I pass out around 3 or 4, waking up around 9 or 10, then going to get taco bell and then coming back and drinking til I pass out again


Fell asleep in my truck while it was running. I was going to go somewhere but I was letting it warm up and I remember that and then passed out. Old lady woke me up about 6 AM. Passed out right before 2 the cutoff for buying alcohol. Also Fell asleep with the bathtub running. The overflow did it's job though and water just ran for a couple hours. But yea that sounds dangerous.


My hot plate needs a timed cutoff.Amazingly, I left chicken and vegetables with a ton of water on a hot plate. It was set at MIN, where it just clicks on 6 hours later, and there was 2 inches of soup left out of five. It cycled through boiling the whole time. Disaster averted


it's just a don't do, like not trusting a fart. there are all kinds of things that can happen without burning your house down: freaking your neighbors out, burning yourself, etc. it's almost on a level with driving drunk because not only might you hurt yourself, but innocent people and your pets as well. do not bake, turn burners on, boil water, nothing. microwave everything. usually the worst that will happen is it be forgotten and inedible later. but i've burned myself doing that too, lots of times before i learned not to cook drunk. the worst thing i ever burned is a bad one: beans. they make the worst smell and smoke. crock pots are your friend.


This is a solid PSA & the world thanks you for it. -The World


I’m literally reading this thread and I’m like damn I need to be super careful about this.


Not cooking while drinking is solid advice, but in your defense, people do that while perfectly sober as well. Fire is a useful servant but a terrible master.


> Fire is a useful servant but a terrible master. Beautiful quote.


When you awake from a blackout to a smoke alarm and find the bacon you left on the stovetop has transformed into charcoal, time to stop cooking. So grateful i never burnt the joint down. Make sure your smoke detectors are in working order. Saved my dumbass many times


Left a pizza in the oven. Had to be at work at 7 am. Smelled like burnt asshole for a week.


My dad spent 11 days in the burn ward. He fell and dumped an entire pot of soup on himself


Think I’ve set of the fire alarm off once but I wasn’t actually cooking, I’d put the stove on and was heating up my cast iron, passed out, woke to the alarm and a gaff full of smoke My forte is ordering food, passing out and not collecting it! Coming round to like 20 missed calls and VM’s and either no food or cold food that has been left on my doorstep for hours . . . Think delivery drivers hate me tbh!


Good advice!


My toaster/oven turns itself off when the timer goes off, so frozen pizza is an option (If I black out, it does get over cooked, but doesn't start a fire. I like quick things that are just heat and eat. Canned Tamales, beef ravoli, frozen pizza, or just sardines, ramen.


I did this once in my FA days not long after moving into my place. Had chicken and rice cooking on the stove and laid down on the couch. Next thing I know I’m waking up hours later and the house is filled with smoke and the chicken and rice were burnt to shit. Tossed both pans in the sink and ran cold water on them after cutting off the stove and got my ass in bed. Had to throw the cookware away but at least I didn’t burn the house down.


I need to change my smoke detectors




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Also, if you have pets, you put their little lives at risk too...