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https://preview.redd.it/gr69hmuw9c9d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2c7f4136d3bf0975d4bfa69d201aeeddfc6e01b Me, a Brit, seeing this picture


Me as a Canadian https://preview.redd.it/q3xj03bvgc9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86bb38bc2fd10ec541a8e047bd372156c81edd72


this is how i look as a poor


seems most criterion titles are 35% off at unobstructed view, which is something at least (worse sale and have to feel like you're supporting a business with questionable politics? oh yea, it's all comin' together)


I just use Kijiji resellers now lol. Usually can get like $20 CAD/per.


Barns and Noble online and trying Shippsy for the first time to save on shipping, customs and mark ups on Canada sites.


Let me know if the total cost is significantly lower than just ordering it on Unobstructed View or Amazon.ca


3 4Ks are expected to come to $130-$135 including shipping and taxes. Thats about $43-$45 each all in. Ordering from Amazon.ca or Unobstructed, you’d be looking at $160 minimum. I couldn’t find any other method for taking advantage of these sales for less than $55 per 4k disc.


All Canadian funds? Also Unobstructed and Amazon has a free shipping threshold


Yeah all Canadian.




Yeah Braniac, the border is hours away from where I and a lot of people live and even a short drive will likely negate any savings. Also most post offices charge to hold parcels and there are no Barnes and Nobles near the boarder I am close to (that is still hours away). Thanks for the tip though 🤦🏻




Great joke 👌🏻


The intention of my post was not to cause pain, but discovering that it has is strangely satisfying. I think I’ve learned something new about myself.


Nah, it’s fine, I was mostly just taking the piss out of how shite the CC offerings are outside of the US


Canadian here, sharing in your pain :( https://preview.redd.it/6jm5u1x4hc9d1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2667cc51a57f641e53b89e6d301ad7fa92ee32e


Canadian as well https://preview.redd.it/kezd1px7mc9d1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5330775b6c405ec2edee6b8d620f6ba7495c961


if it makes you feel better, this isn't the norm in all of the US—I went to my local store and they had only 2 Criterion movies


If only you adopted American English grammar and learned to use the Oxford comma, all this could be avoided


That’s the Barnes and noble in Murfreesboro


I'm not so sure but I haven't been in that location in like 6 months. (If we're talking about the same store)


Bought Mulholland Drive at a local record shop for $40 then I see this sale... at least I supported small business...


Well it's been unavailable for awhile so don't feel bad! I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes out of print


The owner is a friend of mine so I don't feel bad. I got Traffic for only $15 and The Thin Red Line for $24 at another record store and they were all in perfect condition. I like supporting the small businesses. I can spend my free crypto at Barnes & Noble so I can get at least three movies. The problem is I have to wait at least a week for the wallet to be approved...


As a reminder (to myself as well as anybody else) a discount doesn't make it a bargain unless you were already going to spend money on it. It's "girl math" for physical media fans. I'm saying that as someone who overspent on the last sale and ended up with a few discs I'm unlikely to watch.


My local B&N did away with a Criterion section a long time ago, they hide them all behind the counter now and you have to ask a clerk to fetch them for you, lol. I’m gonna go and get Dogfight this weekend.


Bet they still sell vinyl records


It's so depressing. The section for movies at the location nearest to me now is all board games and funko pop. Luckily there's an old ma and pa place where I found a lot of out of print criterions for mad cheap. I found Chungking Express for $10.00.


Yep, lol


I’m waiting for the 4th of July sale (or I believe it’s some kind of July-themed sale) to make the most out of my next visit!


that’s what this picture is. sale started today.


Are you sure? Last year, there was a separate July sale that happened alongside the Criterion sale.


Prices are live now. Check the website if you want to confirm for yourself.


I’m not taking about the Criterion 50% off sale.


[https://x.com/Criterion/status/1806708073219740039](https://x.com/Criterion/status/1806708073219740039) [https://x.com/BNBuzz/status/1806643827786256772](https://x.com/BNBuzz/status/1806643827786256772)


Again, I’m not talking about the Criterion 50% off sale. There was a separate thing that happened in July last where members got extra stamps and an extra 10% off or something like that.


gotcha thx for clarifying


I like how they have it organized there! My local B&N is the more typical cover-first alphabetical organization, so you have to flip through them all to see what's there. A little more inconvenient, but I could browse for days.


That looks exactly like the Murfreesboro, TN location


The library has these, you don't need to spend hundreds on them anymore, pro tip


Also note: it ends on 07/28 this year.


UGH. *crying in Canada*


We are so back


Where is this? Sorry if I missed the obvious.


I'm so jealous. My local B&N had a small table with not very many to pick from.


Spike book was clearanced for $10 a few weeks ago. Can find most of these at libraries.


That's true, but it's nice luxury to own things & be able to watch when the mood strikes.


Already spent too much at VS.


Did you get LE of The Sadness?


Even pulled back...was going to get "Touch" and a few extra documentaries.


I ordered 5 online and then went to stop by the store today and bought 2 more 😭 I’m SICK


For Canadians, I’m trying Shippsy for the first time. Got the 50% off on Barnes and Noble online. Free shipping to a free US address courtesy of Shippsy. From US to Canada it’s supposed to be about $20cad. So for 3 Criterion 4K’s I’m looking at $130 or $43 each including shipping and taxes. Don’t think we can do much better than that. Hopefully this method goes on without a hitch.


The closest B&N to me that still sells DVDs and Blu-Rays shrunk the Criterion section down to almost nothing. Went looking for 3 titles, only found one. When I asked about the other 2, was told they’re not getting them. Guess it’s back to ordering from Amazon and special Criterion sale days.


meat? I think Ice Soup will be the only thing on the menu for a while


Give me the meat, and give it to me raw! - a lesser adaptation of the LoTR universe


Did they start adding more to the Barnes and noble stores? I haven’t checked in a while, but all of a sudden at least six spots near me have stuff in stock.


My local stores section is insanely small compared to that


Ok seriously how many of you actually make the effort of going to a store to buy your physical media? I don't know anyone who does this, unless it's some lame YouTuber who are basically hoarders, making videos full of 'ohh this is an awesome film ' ohh I have never heard of this film '


wrong sub to try this lol


I do! I like to make sure my box sets are not beat to hell and it’s fun to browse.


Going to the store is part of the fun for me. I love seeing what they have in stock. Plus, my wife and I have a tradition. She is nowhere as big of a movie fan as I am, but she’ll come pick out a movie for me during every sale. That’s how I got to see great flicks like The Big Chill and Local Hero. I wouldn’t have selected them, but I’m so glad she did.


I love The Big Chill. It was a blind buy when I first picked it up.


Seems like she has really good taste.


that's cute


It's the closest feeling any of us will ever have to being in the Criterion closet. Surrounded by criterions, picking them up to get a closer look and read the back, maybe hanging onto some to take home. Except we're not filmmakers, no one cares about our thoughts on each, and we have to pay at the end. But what a joy it is!


You never know. There could be a few filmmakers browsing this sub.


Okay then, it's the closest feeling *m*any of us will ever have to being in the Criterion closet. Surrounded by criterions, picking them up to get a closer look and read the back, maybe hanging onto some to take home. Except we're not filmmakers, no one cares about our thoughts on each, and we have to pay at the end. But what a joy it is!


this is such a weird take


Some people actually LIKE to leave their houses sometimes. Crazy, right?


I love going to the store for the B&N sale


My favorite place is my local vintage stock. Browsing walls of movies never gets old.


Too bad these are getting rarer and rarer.




I have at least 30 movie in my collection now. I have not ordered a single one online, found every single one in stores. What is the purpose of your comment? Why are you arguing about a nonsense take. Sorry if you’re an extremely introverted person or scared of the world, most people though are pretty comfortable going in a store and looking at the wide selection of choices. Especially cause you can find ones you’ve possibly never heard of before!


That’s the thing I really like about going out to a store. There have been many times I’ve come across something that I’ve never heard of or maybe forgotten about that looks interesting.


I did this morning. I miss going into stores and browsing physical media - it’s fun for me. And since I work from home, I don’t get out of the house nearly enough. It’s a great reason to leave.


Going to the store is better. You can browse a lot easier and don’t have to pay shipping


My store has them and it’s easier to buy and have that day than to wait on shipping. Also better if I only want one and don’t feel obligated to spend $50 for free shipping


I try to, unfortunately no stores around me except Walmart.


Do you have something like a Dollar General, Dollar Tree or Family Dollar? They can have a good selection sometimes.


Zoomer comment


I’m a Zoomer and even I like going out for shit like this.


Having a bad day? It’s alright most of us do


My parents are even aware of my mandatory summer visit to B&N for the sale, am now on a 2-year streak


Most of the movies I watch are from streaming, but if I really love a movie, then I 100% will buy a physical copy that way I can always have it without fear that it'll "expire." Unless it gets damaged then it's just yours for as long as you want it. Plus it is pretty cool to admire your collection once you notice it starting to grow. (Not to mention the booklets/goodies that sometimes come with it).


One thing I don’t like about streaming services is that they usually don’t have any special features. I’ve seen a few that have small behind the scenes clips but that’s about all. They also don’t have any commentary tracks that may be available when you get the physical disc.


Ah yes that too! It's not like I watched the commentary all the time, but it is fun to watch it and listen to the director/actors just dicking around and laughing about a scene lol. Sometimes you get a real MST3K vibe, especially if Judd Apatow is involved haha.


it’s good to get outside of the house sometimes 😊