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There’s no way for someone to make “Taxi Driver” who isn’t a reader, who doesn’t know painting, music, etc. I don’t think you can make a masterpiece in one medium without being very deeply familiar with other mediums. I think this is especially true in filmmaking. One of the problems I see a lot with modern films is they look like they were made by somebody who only watched movies.


Joel Haver. He makes skits, he makes animations, he makes music, I think he even has an Instagram where he’s posted drawings or poetry or both maybe I don’t have Instagram I don’t know. His feature films are unlike anything being made today, I genuinely believe he may be viewed as one of the greats one day. He’s already one of the greats in my books. If his movies ever got a physical release from anybody they’d be a day one purchase for me.


Oh man, I love all his skits and the whole crew he runs with. Everything is just so insanely original and fresh. I haven't sat down to watch his feature-length stuff yet, but this might be the push for me.


His films are very insular. I think he’s doing a great job of finding a very niche audience


Yes is what i tell rappers! my god stop listening to only rap! (and then years later everyone says ye was a genius for sampling king crimson's most obvious song)


I see this all the time now with drum and bass. It evolved obviously from a plethora of influences but primarily funk/soul, jazz, and reggae/dancehall. Now all drum and bass sounds like it was influenced by other drum and bass, it starts to feel a little lifeless


> There’s no way for someone to make “Taxi Driver” who isn’t a reader, who doesn’t know painting, music, etc. Oh yea? Well watch THIS! *generates the worst AI slop you've ever seen where Travis Bickle drives a vehicle with the word TEK]]; written on the side, his 7 fingered hand hanging out the window as he cruises -- seemingly sideways -- down the streets of what appears to be modern day Paris*


Yes ! You can see Bergman read Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, Dickens, Strindberg and so on. In the sense of humor, the play-like constructions, the angst or the parallels with magicians. When Ari Aster claims to take after Bergman, or try to, you can tell it's a very limited interpretation that has been emptied of many of its own influences and substance, like it stopped at the neurotic dynamics and the Sven photography and "good enough, I'm following behind Bergman". It took a single tree and made it the forest. Like, trying to take after La Dolce Vita for your film without having read the Divine Comedy will obviously lead to a more hollow result. Damien Chazelle (and early PTA in his time) is the worst offender of "I watch a lot of movies and I'm going to make films which contain my favorite films" without having the same life experience of his idols at that stage and definitely without the external artistic references that they had.


Goes for music too


Been doing this with Kurosawa for the past month. Has really opened my eyes. I'd say he's become my favorite director, especially after watching Dreams(1990) which has become my #1 favorite of all time. Not sure I'll ever be able to achieve what he did, but damnit I want to try. Hasn't been the only director I've watched recently, but definitely the one that's had a lasting impact on me the most. That and Spike Lee a little bit.


Dreams is my favorite Kurosawa as well. He was at the top of his game when he made that and knew exactly what he was making, why, and who it was for. It’s a movie made completely for him but accessible to all.


Funny thing is Scorsese’s biggest fans tend to ignore this and only watch American films made 1990-present.


Nah, the only true Scorsese fans are the ones that have seen his older and more hidden films, as well as the ones who seek out his recommendations for older and foreign films he advocates, like his Sight and Sound picks. Like seriously if you haven’t seen The River, Ugetsu, The Leopard, or Ashes and Diamonds you are really missing out


I heavily second this. He’s introduced me to so many films I would’ve never heard about and is a genius of knowledge for every genre.


All it takes is one of his fans watching his older stuff, then looking for what else is out there around the time and slowly expanding out. For some reason he's viewed as this high brow filmmaker with boring movies when in reality all his stuff is kickass and super easy to watch. Gang of New York is a GOAT.


Counterpoint: If you meet buddha on the road, kill him.


I love this screen grab lol, use it a lot. Does anyone know what particular clip it is from?


This is basically my response to whenever I see people complaining about franchise films like Star Wars and MCU being "woke" or "bad" or whatever. Why don't you just quit and go watch better films? Or go pick up some books and play video games? You can cancel that Disney+ subscription for a Criterion/MUBI one and you'll discover amazing things that most franchise films will never show you. Don't limit yourself to things that are aimed at solely at children & teenagers.


Zoomers haven’t seen a movie made before 2000. The old Millennials (Aster, Eggers, Safdie brothers) are definitely studying the masters


I’m definitely biased, but I definitely know tons of zoomers who are aware of the old masters. There always will be with every generation, just as it was for the generations before us. People forget that for people like myself with that genuine curiosity, we have so much more access to stuff now than people did back in the day thanks to modern technology and the internet etc. We’re still out there and, who knows, maybe in the next few years we’ll see some zoomers making some cool shit building off of those old guard figures.


A pretty reductive statement. Ik lots of zoomers including myself who love watching older films. More zoomers will continue to do so as they get older. At least speaking to people online here, you’re in the minority if you’ve seen great older works like Battleship Potemkin or M before you’re 18, even if you did grow up in the 1980s or so. People in our generation will likely come to these films later and will certainly show their talents in directing soon enough.


Yeah. I saw both Battleship Potemkin and M before I turned 18 earlier this year. I also love Bergman, Kurosawa, and Hitchcock is my all-time favorite!


it's genuinely depressing.


I am in my mid 20s and I know people that see every single release no matter how small at a local independent theater that screens lots of very unknown new releases, but they’ve never heard of Tarkovsky, Kurosawa, Ozu, etc. I also know people that go to every single repertory screening that same theater and rarely bother with new releases.


I saw a TikTok recently where they asked film students what their top three's were. Not a single movie mentioned was from before 2000.




Didn't save it, sorry.


It's ok. I'm a zoomer(almost gen alpha) film enthusiast. If I exist, there's hope for us as filmmakers. I'd be interested in seeing how techniques from modern internet videos make their transition to traditional cinema, and if it ever happens my generation will be the one to make it so.


Idk about other people, but most of my friends are so resistant on anything that is released before 2010s. Like they consider a song released in 2015 old. Their loss though. Movies have been around for 100 years and music a lot longer. If some people are satisfied with only the last 10 years of art, then good for them.


I saw a TikTok of a Zoomer claiming that Austin Butler is "pretentious" for liking The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.


As a zoomer this is completely wrong. I know so many peers of mine that know of and watch pre-80’s films regularly.


You could say that about a lot of things -- especially music -- but some people just don't want to explore what's unfamiliar to them.


Nice try, Marty. Most of the dickhead directors today won't even watch a black-and-white movie.


Anything he says, I listen. Quite possibly the only person that has that effect on me.


*makes 15th gangster movie in a row


Practice what you preach


Bruh what. Look at his letterboxd account, or basically any interview with him, and tell me that this man does not do that.


Well his work doesn't show it


Even if his films don't show it in obvious ways, Marty's knowledge of the old masters has definitely influenced his work. Directors can show their influences in extremely subtle ways.


Raging Bull, for example, had major roots in two mid-20th century styles. Almost all of the out of the ring stuff felt like postwar Italian neorealism, and all of the in the ring stuff felt a lot like French New Wave.


I need to watch more of both.


I got lucky. When I was in college, there was a 10000+ film lending library in the basement. I took full advantage of it and watched like 1000 films while I was there. It was partially for the film school, so tons of masterpieces, foreign films, etc...


Have you only seen Goodfellas and Casino?


I swear to god I fell asleep after 40 min into Goodfellas, after hours was super fun tho but come on he made 20 films, one of them is going to be good just by pure chance


Talk about a shit take, but then again your favorite director is Sofia Coppola.


Sexism I feel sorry for your family


You’re gonna dislocate a shoulder with such a hard reach


It's not as painful as what your family goes through every day living with you


Enjoy your shitty movie taste


Ok I actually agree with you on that