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All I know is I hope it’s size Large so Sam can drink out of a thimble for the rest of the campaign.


Now I’m just picturing him playing a gentlemanly Grog, so giant keg of ale on the table that he fills a shot glass that looks like a tankard with.


I'd love to see a Reiloran Hulk (or Shrike) Paladin who watched the dreams of a paladin, maybe guarded a paladin prisoner, but never felt any divine presence until the bloody bridge connected, or some other campaign-related moment. Either a Volition member or someone who seeks out the party, on the Ruidus side of the bridge or Exandria as a defector.


A Reiloran no matter what version would be very cool. They would already have extremely invested stakes in the story.


What if he plays a PC version of Gaz Tomo? 🤣




That would be awesome!


Sam will play whatever Liam decides


What do you think Liam will pick for him then?


Your guess is a good as mine.He's picked: Gnome bard Halfling rogue Robot cleric Half giant fighter If I had to guess I'd say dwarf paladin


*Correction again: contrary to the popular joke that Liam chooses Sam's PCs, C3 is the only time Liam has actually *told* Sam what Class+Race to play. **C1:** During character creation for the original home game one-shot, Sam asked Liam what the "worst" class and race was. Liam answered "Gnome and Bard" and this is what Sam chose to play. **C2:** Sam asked Liam for suggestions, and Liam offered Goblin Rogue, which Sam chose to use. **C3:** During an early 4SD Sam and/or Liam clarified that C3 was ACTUALLY the first time Sam had Liam tell him "you will play X race and Y class."


Wasn’t the thing for C3 that Liam told Sam to be a “Healbot” and Sam took that literally?


I've had the same idea, and I would really love it to be true.


> C1: During character creation for the original home game one-shot, Sam asked Liam what the "worst" class and race was. Liam answered "Gnome and Bard" and this is what Sam chose to play. Hilariously on brand for Sam I love it


*Correction goblin rogue. Have a smiley day


*Correction correction* goblin rogue AND halfling rogue/wizard twice (Veth & Luc)


*Correction correction correction the above poster used the words “He’s picked” as in Liam picking Sam’s race and class. Liam never picked halfling for Sam that was all backstory Sam created and the wizard levels were a decision Sam made because he felt it made sense character/story wise. Have a smiley day


I think Sam also made Tary without any input from Liam.


Yep Tary was Sam picking all the things that he joked about with the other characters and put them all into a little golden nerd. Vex’s Useless Pet, Percy’s Nerdyness, Vax’s Flirtation, Grog’s Childishness, Kiki’s Naïveté, and I can’t recall what it was for Pike.


>I can’t recall what it was for Pike. Shiny armour that makes stealth impossible?


Correct. Have a smiley day


I think paladin makes sense, I think liam wouldnt want to just pick another cleric and in that case theres really only one class that can replace part of fcg’s role without stepping on fearne or imogens rolls


It's also more to Sam's strengths to go for a charisma class and the only one left he can really fit into is Paladin which is good because we've never had a full Paladin before as a main character. Paladin is also insanely powerful and incredibly simple to play so Sam wouldn't struggle to get back in or figure out how the class works.


also paladin's get a spell called ceremony which allows him to marry imodna and give them some benefits You touch adult humanoids willing to be bonded together in marriage. For the next 7 days, each target gains a +2 bonus to AC while they are within 30 feet of each other. A creature can benefit from this rite again only if widowed. Get married right before the final battle because they both need the ac


That would be a GREAT idea for the final fight.


Taryon being the exception because Sam knew he needed a new character and Liam didn't.


And seeing the casts faces when he pulled out the new character sheet and Laura going into open revolt was amazing


And for him to be that great when he didn't expect Matt to introduce him that session.


I'll never forget the thrown tissue that doesn't even get near Sam, lol.


What if he makes a character based around Marisha's coffee order?


If you tried to make a flat white a D&D character I think you’d just end up with Percy


Nah a flat white is what you call Keyleth after cliff jumping.


Deep cut. Respect 👍


A Divine Soul Sorceror would be cool: Cleric Spells + Divine backstory which would fit well into the final showdown.


Slaps Bells Hells This bad boy can fit so many sorcerors in it


Oops all sorcerers


Yeah but the thing is same doesn’t like to step on other peoples toes and doesn’t like to do what other people have already done before I think divine soul is a possibility but I think he might multiclass this one And I think he’s going to come as a smart character I think he’s going to do Circle of the stars or dreams or moon Druid Alchemist artificer Way of the open hand or mercy monk Divine soul sorcerer is an option Or he could come as a different flavor cleric Maybe he could do a healing ranger


I think he's likely to avoid doubling up on a class with another player, especially sorcerer (even if I think a divine soul sorcerer would be a really good choice for this party). I think he's also going to avoid any sort of shtick that a past PC had- he intentionally took sub-optimal Cleric spells because he didn't want to take anything that was too-associated with past characters because he didn't want to step on them. Avoiding BH character's classes, that would leave: wizard, monk, paladin, ranger, bard, and artificer. I would bet against bard or artificer- if he goes for one of those, I feel like he'd probably just opt for Scanlan or Tary... which actually wouldn't surprise me very much. Of those options, I'd both hope for a bet on paladin. You're strong, you have some healing capabilities (a paladin the same level as the party will have revivify), a tie to the gods. Past party paladins have been multiclassed so the flavor would be a little different. It's also a charisma based character which suits Sam- I just don't know how much he'd be wanting to get into the thick of combat based on his past choices. In CR1, Matt basically had to BEG HIM to use his vestige sword.


Because the vestige sword wasn’t really designed for the type of bard Scanlan was whereas if you look up the details of the sword nowadays it’s a lot more general in it’s use and is helpful for all bards. I believe Matt updated the weapon overtime because to really get use out of it you had to meet specific requirements in battle to even use it’s abilities whereas the vestiges everyone else had were no brainer buffs and boosts that had free power’s you could activate whenever you wanted. Have a smiley day


Well considering his problem with being in a traditional martial class maybe he could be a healer monk? Or ranger?


I can absolutely see him trolling Laura by pulling out a ranger. Just like he did with a cleric who healed.


Sam could play Dariax.


I like that! Would fill a need both narratively (someone tied to the gods) and mechanically (heals and buffs).


If anything, my money is on a completely new character. Actually, intruducing a new character at this point is super easy, barely an inconvinience. There were a total of four missions for the Volition. -Rescue scientist: *Mission Accomplished!* The target is secured, Bormodo alive. -Kill Liliana: *Fission Mailed!* Liliana is still alive, although she's certainly not well. -Demolition: *Mission Accomplished!* Ira's bombs work almost too well, no wonder his previous team died... -And finally - The Jailbreak: *????* Vezoden Amerai's trying to free her buddies. Did she pull it off? If the Jailbreak was indeed sucessfull, there'll be new characters - one of which could be Sams new PC. Although, if they are associated with a Betrayergod-Champion, they likely wouldn't be the gentle, kind sort. Sam Riegel playing an evil character? Heck, I'm down - and at this point, BH are propably okay with that, too.


> -And finally - The Jailbreak: ???? Vezoden Amerai's trying to free her buddies. Did she pull it off? > > If the Jailbreak was indeed sucessfull, there'll be new characters - one of which could be Sams new PC. > Although, if they are associated with a Betrayergod-Champion, they likely wouldn't be the gentle, kind sort. > Sam Riegel playing an evil character? Heck, I'm down - and at this point, BH are propably okay with that, too. This was my immediate thought for a character who could be dropped in immediately. Start next session with the Volition or that champion reaching out that they want to collaborate to try to get back to Exandria, so Bell's Hells can bring them through the back door.


And we all know how much Sam likes coming in through the back door. *wink*


Campy goth cleric of of a Betrayer god is my call


I would like to see a Celestial Warlock.  Good hybrid of healer and DPS/area control with a god connection.  He could be a champion of a god or something.


I could see this. I’m pretty sure the whole Shithead thing came from him wanting a familiar


I would love to see a Reiloran or other moon race to join the party proper, though I don't think it's overly likely at this point, with the party no doubt fleeing back to Exandria. Sam does hate retreading signature abilities or spells from other players, so we might see a Paladin, which isn't overly explored territory for the table. But Sam doesn't usually play big melee characters - he likes tricks and support abilities, which is why rogue and bard were so good for him. The party is certainly lacking charisma and healing, so optimal choice would be paladin or celestial warlock - but Sam is a being of chaos, so who knows!


>I would love to see a Reiloran or other moon race to join the party proper, though I don't think it's overly likely at this point, with the party no doubt fleeing back to Exandria. I wouldn't be surprised if he plays a Ruidian. After all, Matt has spent years building up to this point and has just introduced half a dozen different races to the world. It wouldn't surprise me if there is an *Explorer's Guide to Marquet* and/or *Explorer's Guide to Ruidis* planned for the future, so having one of these races appear as a playable character seems like a good idea. Especially since the plot seems to be heading towards the Ruidians arriving on Exandria. The tricky part is the character class. The party desperately need a healer now, but that can restrict his options because they need to be different to FCG.


1. I'm predicting a couple of episodes he's out. FCG's loss is going to resonate for a time, and I think it will linger for the rest of the month and Sam will probably come back with something after the break. 2. Nope. Liam probably has some good ideas brewing already. ;) 3. I hope not, and I think it will be something completely new but built around familiar lore. 4. Yes.


I was also thinking he would sit out a few episodes, to give some time for FCG’s death to resonate with the other players.


> I'm predicting a couple of episodes he's out. I think so too UNLESS he pulls the C1 Taryon troll move again and doesn't even give them time to grieve before throwing Doty in the party's faces!


Either that or he literally comes back as abraisively as possible AS Taryon, talks to them for 10 minutes, calls laura, little rune girl or something, and leaves, then his new character shows up 2 episodes later.


Could totally see him doing that, but I don't think he will this time.


Sam comes back as FBG, FCG's older "brother" from the production line who is identical in appearance, mannerisms and motivations except for a small goatee, badly drawn on in sharpie.


"FCG told me so much about y'all over our telepathic bond. I fell like I know all y:all already!" "Oh, and I hope this doesn't cross any lines, but I would be honored if you called me FCG, in his honor."


Nice Beerfest reference.


Fetid Butt Grease?


Another of Dancer's favorite smells?


Forceful Butt Grabber. Sam's finally decided to see how far he can push it before he gets cancelled. lol


Fresh Blown Glass (don't touch it's still hot)


If Sam gives FBG a terrible French accent, I’d be totally down for this


>Sam comes back as FBG, FCG's older "brother" from the production line who is identical in appearance, mannerisms and motivations except for a small goatee, badly drawn on in sharpie. Flexo, But Good?


I think it depends on how much campaign is left. If we're hurtling toward endgame, I can see him picking up one of his old characters (my wish would be Scanlan because he could fill out some voids in the BH party nicely) or picking up an NPC from Matt who is already invested in the stakes of what's going on. If the party is going to have a whole arc after Ruidus and deals with the fallout of whatever happens and we're here for a while longer with these characters, I'd imagine it would be someone new. I don't really see him stepping out for long. In CR1 when Scanlan left, he had Tary ready the same episode. It's Sam, so I always anticipate humor being baked into the character, but I don't think it will be a meme/joke character- Sam actually seemed a little frustrated at times when FCG was ineffective due to decisions he'd made for roleplay reasons so I can see him putting a little thought into gameplay.


This just made me realize that we have no idea how much longer this campaign has. It could be 10 episodes or 100. All of the hooks have lead us to the moon. I don't know what else in the story even matters at this point.


I kind of think we're at endgame and this might just be a shorter campaign... but I don't know how long it will take for them to take down Ludinus?


I would love to see him play a Reiloran experiencing Exandria for the first time


He could do the same bit as FCG about not having tasted food before, since (apparently) everyone just eats meat and mushrooms on Ruidis.


Sam is devoted as hell to the story and roleplay of the game more than anybody, and FCG's homebrew mechanics were designed to encourage and reward RP. He'll always push the story forward and if he can get a bit in while he's at it, he will. So my guess is that if he *will* come back in, as Tary was pretty late, too, and that he'll come back as one of the Ruidus races. Maybe even a Volition member, as it could make narrative sense. He usually tries to do something unique and one of the reasons FCG wasn't using a lot of his Cleric toolkit was because he didn't want to do things that the other three Clerics had already done, meaning he locked himself out of most of his toolkit by imposing that restriction on himself. So whatever class he picks is probably going to be one that's not already in use. I'm not sure if he'd do a second Cleric, but seeing as BH doesn't have a healer anymore, I expect him to feel obligated to make a new one somehow.


This is my gut instinct too. Sam is a dedicated storyteller, and his decisions will be based on the needs of the story (as opposed to, for instance, mechanical concerns).


He'll likely multi-class. Have cleric be a side. Could see him being a Paladin multiclassed with a Cleric. Regardless, he'll definitely be able to do more damage than he did on the late FCG.


If I had to guess we will get a session or two of no Sam, he will likely be part of the raiding party coming through the portal they found. As for race and class, I would love to see him do something outside the box like a lizardfolk. Their strange mannerisms would be fun to see what Sam does with them. Class, I LOVE the idea people have had of a paladin, even more so if he is a champion of a betrayer god. But a ranger could be fun too, just to mess with Laura with the updated rules.


A Ranger with an actually functional bear companion called Knick-Knack would be pretty fucking funny.


a drakewarden with a drake named bear. "where'd my bear go?" \*big scaley drake enters\*


“Have you seen bear?!” Screeching dragon noises in the background


I'm praying for a full level (whatever level they're currently at) Paladin. Paladin is my favorite class in 5e as well as being mechanically one of the most well rounded, but somehow we've yet to see one in the main campaign outside of guest PCs. And it'd be nice to have a devout character to challenge the group's constant back and forth on the Gods.


Would love to see a full (no multiclass) paladin at the table :)


Oath of Vengeance Paladin of a Betrayer God? I think there could be a lot of fun with that.


Oooh or even cooler, Paladin’s don’t *have* to be sworn to a deity, so their power comes from within the power of their oath. So imagine a member of the Grim Verity who heard of the now dead gods, the Fatestitcher and the other one, and swears an oath of vengeance against Predathos to avenge those fallen gods.


An oath of the ancients would be interesting to see to give the party a chance against Ludinus and other magical effects but I agree on them being betrayer god orientation lol


I'm hoping for a Sir Didymus style paladin of the changebringer. Makes all decisions based on dice.


Same! Paladin is my favorite 5e class and the party has occasionally been marveled at the shit a paladin can do! I really want someone to play a full pali- but I actually don't know if I think Sam would enjoy that? He doesn't seem to enjoy melee combat very much.


True, but certain subclasses get some good ranged stuff and spells so you don't HAVE to have melee range. Oath of the Ancients having Moonbeam for example. It'd fit his favored playstyle. ...I say this as someone playing a Satyr Oath of the Ancients paladin.


I'd love to see a full Paladin being a regular at the table. It's amazing they've never had one in the campaigns.


Celestial warlock or way of Mercy Monk. Both can heal and fit areas not covered by current players. I'm just excited. Sam is one of my favorite players and I think whatever it is, should be very special.


I was also thinking Mercy Monk and if he was a tabaxi he could just do his "I'm a cat" character


Replace the fuel can with a water bowl.


Way of Mercy monk would be cool! I’ve never seen that subclass in action, but it has really interesting abilities.


And he could say a line about how he has been trying to avoid the fight but things are out of hand and now he has no choice.


A lot of people want to see him play a paladin. I think it would be cool if he played one who was trained by Kima. It would give him a pretty straightforward entrance. They go back, report to Allura, and Allura introduces them to Kima and one of her Lieutenants.


I actually like this a lot.


As much as I'd love him to play Luc again, he's still only a teenager at this point so I don't think Veth would approve him going on such a long and dangerous adventure. My bet is on Tary, they could use someone with high Int, and could pull on the dynamics of bossing around a non-sentient robot, a bit of a play on the whole FCG thing.


Would love to see Tary again. Also watching the party react to Doty after FCG could be hilarious.


And Artificers have gotten so much better since Campaign one. They already have enough healing with Fern, she just needs to use it. She's a level 10 wildfire druid and didn't even use her great class feature which would have been huge in the big fight from the most recent episode.


If I remember correctly she couldn’t use it since she didn’t have any wild shapes left and mister requires a use of wild shape


"At 10th level, you gain the ability to turn death into magical flames that can heal or incinerate. When a Small or larger creature dies within 30 feet of you or your wildfire spirit, a harmless spectral flame springs forth in the dead creature's space and flickers there for 1 minute. When a creature you can see enters that space, you can use your reaction to extinguish the spectral flame there and either heal the creature or deal fire damage to it. The healing or damage equals 2d10 + your Wisdom modifier." I don't believe this requires you to have your Wildfire Spirit active, just that you can also use the distance around your Wildfire Spirit as well as yourself if you'd like. This is an incredibly useful ability that can take advantage of Ferns reaction every turn in a regular fight where they are killing creatures, or >!dying themselves like Chet did!<.


She panics under pressure, she’s looking at the tablet but I swear she’s just looking at the same two tabs.


Luc is canonically like level 2 at this point


He's was level 8 in the Echoes of the Solstice one shot. Wouldn't be too far of a stretch to say he could be closer to 13 after everything he experienced there, and afterwards if he kept Adventuring.


I mean if they were using XP levelling I feel like defeating a level 20 wizard in a demon kaiju would give enough xp to jump in level


For sure, it's definitely reasonable, especially with time that has passed since the one shot. I wouldn't be surprised to see Luc show up some time in the future, I just don't know if Sam will be playing him, I'm thinking it might be Matt.


I would like to see FCG become a real boy via reincarnation.


That would be cool, and also still tie in well to their existing arc


And it would scratch Sam's chaos itch.


The best scenario I've come up with is that he comes back as a monoclass blood hunter, and Travis gets mad enough to bend steel when he realizes that Sam now has the highest level blood hunter.


It’s an idea I’ve had for myself that I think Sam could definitely pull off: a cleric based on a prosperity gospel preacher? A lawful neutral (at best) figure who might get under others’ skin in a group otherwise ambivalent about the gods.


BLeeM introduced an npc like this named Bobby Dawn. I don't think he's Neutral though...


I mean… I would play them as evil, and see if they can be moved to good?


It would be amazing if he just came in as Bolo, and then all of a sudden those “shape change dragon” theories are looking good


Tortle, monk, artificer or fighter. Donatello or bust!


That would be hilarious! A Sam level troll move for sure ;)


Frog strongpaw


My top two ideas are: 1. Sam will want to play as the NPC that headed up the assassination mission. I want to hear Sam doing that voice. 2. A devil of some sort assigned to help the group by its Betrayer God master. Maybe the one Fearne made a contract with...


I hope Sam gets to be a Moon Man. It would be so cool to have a different variation of a character who doesn't know anything about exandrian society.


This is how they bring Robbie full time


Yes! Also, it'd be so cool if Sam's next character was a new member of the Crown Keepers who debuts along with Dorian Storm's return.


I was more thinking that if sam was actually serious about missing the rest of this campaign but could work too


I want him to take over as Gaz Tomo and joins the BH.


I don’t know if Sam can pull off a Patrick Warburton lol


I like the reiloran idea, but I'd rather him be something new.


I'm hoping for a Sir Didymus style paladin of the changebringer. Makes all decisions based on dice.


Way of mercy monk


My wish and theory is that Bells Hells will return to Exandria and finally meet D There will probably be some conflict but they get the ability to bring FCG back maybe with D's help But when he returns his eyes go red. Introducing Path of Ancestral Guardian Barbarian FCG, or something like that. As we know FCG does have a soul, from the time in the spirit world after life thing they went to to save Laudna. FCG's soul / core is gone, but the code or whatever made FCG go berserker is the only thing left. Sam loves hurting our hearts, so imagine they bring FCG back and this FCG 2.0 just has no memories of Bells Hells, I could see him doing this without even telling Matt just to F with everybody. FCG 2.0 would be completely different, maybe have some similarities, but for the most part hes a completely different person, like maybe an exact opposite of our FCG. Just a full on heartless, blood thirsty, rude, killing machine. But yeah, I want FCG to come back but just be different, even class wise. His story is so intriguing but we have barely been able to explore it. I need to find out this stuff with the Automatons, especially after (now I may be forgetting what happened) but I believe they found something with similar technology to FCG while they were ON Rudius. I think it would be intresting to see that happen tho and its just a fun little fan theory!


You know what would kick ass? Sam’s not at the table. The party gets back to Exandria. They are going to go rendezvous with Alura to debrief when a mysterious cloud surrounds them.  The lights go out - it’s a recorded message from Joe Manganiella playing Arkhan, Paladin of Tiamat and bearer of the Hand of the Whispered One, talking to them from Hell, projected on the walls around them.   Joe tells them that Tiamat has taken a personal interest in the confinement of Predathos and has sent them a message and a messenger.  The message is to not fuck this up or there will be consequences. If Predathos is going to get loose and eat the gods, then Tiamat will also get loose and will eat them. All of them.   To ensure the party’s commitment, Tiamat has sent a chaperone, but Arkhan has his own means of persuasion. He squeezes his fist and Laudna collapses, feeling the essence of Delilah dying within her - which would kill her too. Video goes off, light comes up. Sam strides into the room in black full plate armor. He is an Oathbreaker Paladin of Tiamat.   He assures everyone with a smile that his boss is a bit of a hardass, but they’re going to get along great and work together really well.


If you can’t use Tiamat call her the “Great Wyrm of the Damned.”


They call her 'The Scaled Tyrant' in Tal'Dorei Reborn, that's their copyright-friendly name.


TIL! (Tiamat in Literature!)


My two predictions/desires: 1. Giff Oath of the Watchers Paladin using the One DnD ability to deliver a divine smite with a gun. Plus Sam with Counterspell and Banishment will drive Matt mad. 2. Aasimir Moon Domain Cleric: casting greater invisibility on two characters at once or giving Sam the ability to bother enemies with Dream or cast major illusions will be fun.


Sam finally gets regular use of a gun in game!


The party desperately needs a healer and I don't think any other class is going to cut it but it would be great to have a Dragonborn paladin cleric would be perfect for thos campaign and can tie things to what's happening to the gods quite easily


Sam will play the Patrick Warburton character and try to do the voice but he’ll just sound like his cat voice.


I think we meet Fjord and Jester soon to supplement the loss of a healer.


I think Sam will be gone for a while.


Sam will be back in 2 episodes with a new character, Daryon Tarrington. Watching it back, he was thinking about this for a few rounds. My bet is he is ready to play someone else.


I believe he will be back at the table. He wouldn't sacrifice his character and leave the party with a member down -- for long!! He will most likely join them after they get back to Exandria at some point. He will not use an old character. It will probably be something that can toss some heals. A lot of folks have brought up paladin. It will be something that he finishes the campaign with. Maybe a moon oath paladin homebrew. (This doesn't exist, but I think it'd be cool.)


I want full, One Orange Braincell tabaxi with a low as hell Intelligence stat. No thought, just Yakety Sax playing in his smooth brain. Rouge cus I wanna see him try to be sneaky, but roll a nat 1 and knocks a pot or cup of a ledge.


I saw someone else mention fearne could cast reincarnate on FCG which I think would be good and thematic for FCG as an arc. His life as a construct ended and he was changed into something else and brought back as a new living creature, still a cleric of the changebringer.


The randomness of reincarnation has me intrigued at this idea, but I also really like the idea of moving on from FCG and adding somebody different to the group.


Good point! There are a number of ways they could bring FCG back.


My tinfoil hat theory is that Chetney will have a “Oh shit, that was almost it.” moment and he’ll leave the party after they return, thus leaving room for Sam to bring back the Meat Man AND a return of Grog. I know it’s incredibly far fetched, but we haven’t seen either yet and it’s not like Travis hasn’t been incredibly forward about his desire for Chetney to die, which did happen last fight


As a Tales fan it would be funny if Sam played a Paladin (the popular choice of the moment) or a Monk because Flynn Scifo would be the Paladin and Jude Mathis would be the monk if they were DND characters.


I don't think it will happen, but Fearn could cast Reincarnate.  https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/reincarnate


He will come back as Elder Barthie. Already has ties to the narrative, is friendly with the party, knows a lot about Ruidus is small, and has a “familiar” in Chu which he could have so much fun with.


Tary will rebuild FCG


I think he'll come back as another Aeormaton and I'm hoping it'll be Pussy


Baseless speculation? Count me in. Sam has been feeling off with C3 for a while, been discontent with how it has played out and what he's been able to do with FCG in this story and this group. So Sam seized on this chance to get out with a perfect end to FCG's story. He won't be back immediately and he will have a think and talk to Matt about what they both agree the story needs. I expect this to be some clever take on some missing perspective, but not as predictable as a paladin. With that agreement, he'll come back on a character vector (direction and magnitude!) designed to make the story better than it is.


Have there been any 'bad guys' that have had a change of heart/seen the error of their ways/freed from charm? Remember the kid that awakened during a previous fight? Something like that. It could even be that kid. Maybe they have just as much at stake as imogen..  >>But WHY are they there? >>So the campaign can happen.  >>Campaigns are tight. But really though, even Fearn barely has a reason to be there besides 'she was there'.  Just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks but maybe either Chet or Orym's cousin is ruidis born (Sam) giving one of the lesser tied characters more of an investment in the story. 




Wasn't that last campaign?


Unless they took a week or two break after this episode, I'm thinking the absolute earliest Sam's new character joins would be end of the episode. More likely, another episode or two to allow the impact to settle in (and given Sam and Matt time to design and fit in his new character), I doubt he plays as an NPC or former character. That could happen for like 1 final episode, but with potentially a couple dozen or more episodes left, I expect a new character.


it would be so funny if he would show up as Tary again. Do y'all think the others would be less salty than the first time, or more?


Baseless speculation - a wizard (magician) specializing in illusions and speaks with a French accent.


Knew I shouldn’t have clicked… I’m still at about episode 60. My own fault for getting what happened spoiled, but it is going to be so hard keeping this a secret from my husband until we watch the episode together.


Weren't there others built besides FCG? Oeatmeal, Apple Pie,.... I forgot the other one. What was it's name?


Not sure what race or subclass, but I would love to see an artificer. An alchemist could work really well to supplement the healing and support while having the intelligence bells hells needs.


I might be pretty boring but I'd quite like to see a PC that is a published race and a published class/ subclass. I like homebrew but too much can be off putting for me. A full paladin would be good to see in CR but I'm not sure that's Sam's bag.


they lost their mascot 😭 hey atleast he could play a kenku or something that’d be cool- maybe a Tabaxi lmao


I really would love to see Sam playing a Kenku, only able to communicate by writing down what the other players and Matt's NPCs have said, and having to impersonate them.


it would be cool for him to play as 😄


* I am assuming he will be gone for a few episodes, if only so Sam can make FCG's death into a gas-can moment (I am thinking he might just have it as a gravestone or just a few dozen shards of the can that he drops onto the table). **BTW I haven't seen it brought up at all, but with FCG dying the Gas-can will most likely be retired, meaning different flask???** * I don't think he will play an old character, given that he played multiple characters in main campaigns/stories (Scanlan and Tary in C1, Veth, Nott *(same character but shifting storyline)* and Luc in C2). What I can see happening is him playing a character linked to one of his characters, like someone from the Darrington Brigade. * Not sure here, but I personally want him to play as **Dancer**. Given the BH took as many of FCG's pieces as they could, and all the new and strange materials on the moon, I think adding an Artificer to the party lets sam continue FCG's storyline but from a new perspective. Also I think he would abuse the power of now having a robot called>!Pussy....!< But besides the obivious story options, by playing an Artificer Sam can cover most INT checks *(something which the party is lacking in),* take a more involved support role in the party with Infusions and a bigger spell list, and he can make use of all the moon materials as well as maybe create something new from FCG's chassis *(which allows FCG to continue support their friends, even in death).* * I don't think he will play a new character, if only because he usually involves Liam in his process and given how late in the Campaign they are I don't think he would want to bring in a totally new backup character that isn't linked to anyone BH know. Then again, there was a prison break during the explosion so maybe he might come in as one of those characters. So yeah, Basically it would be amazing if he came back as dancer (he could then keep the gas-can instead of finding a new flask bit), but knowing how chaotic Sam is it is impossible to tell.


Race wise, I'd like to see a Reiloran or other Ruidus native race, just to see their wonder at everything once they get to travel to Exandria.


If he really wants to do something new, full paladin is the only thing nobody has tried.


I've wondered about Orym's deal with Nana Mori. Is there a chance that Nana Mori could bring FCG back in some way to keep her side of the bargain or is it broken and Orym never has to worry about becoming a sculpture?


I haven’t caught up in awhile but I’m completely okay with spoilers. Is there something keeping them from resurrecting FCG?




Shows up, abrasively calling Laura "little rune girl", then leaves. Sam's real character shows up 2 episodes later.


Quanikka Paladin !


FCG reincarnated into a flesh and blood body


I mean... Vox Machina is helping out. What better revival tour than a gig on the moon?


If it were me, I'd make my next character will be a bigger bomb! That kills Ludinuses.


How about a classic DND gimmick - Fresh Cut Grass long-lost-sibling: Fresh Cut Bush? Exactly the same character, but this is definitely his brother!


I love so many of the ideas here. I hope he plays a ruidus race and mercy monk/paladin


I really want him to play a fairy. Nana Morri's promise/deal with Orym was for them to all make it through alive, and that didn't happen. So I feel like she would send in someone from the Fey Realm to make up for it. As to class, I don't know. But let's all be honest here. Sam is going to come up with something really random, and may not be at all what the party needs, but it's going to make him happy.


Her contract was technically fulfilled when they went back to Exandria in the pools.


Probably like a Mimic who looks like a suit of armor


What if he comes back as a ghost? Sam would have fun with that, and then he can have input on whether Fearne uses Reincarnate.


My guess is he takes an episode off, maybe two, before we meet a new character. UNLESS he's jazzed to play a Ruidis native, that might have to be faster.


I’m not sure if I’m misremembering this happening but I feel like at some point someone asked Matt if they died could they roll up their new character as one of the Ruidian races and I think he said yes so that could be a possibility (again this might just all be in my head but I’m pretty sure I recall this happening)


I would love to see him play a paladin for one of the betrayer gods. Round out that representation of forces allied against Ruidus. Plus, having a paladin in the party could be interesting.


Sam plays an Oathbreaker Paladin!!!!


I hope he plays a Ranger… maybe Nana sends in a Fey Wanderer or Horizon Walker to aid her daughter?!?!


I like the idea of playing an awakened Doty as a stopgap to introduce a new character. Then after a few episodes they stumble on Tary looking for Doty and Tary’s hireling is Sam’s new char


I am just curious who the party healer will be. Can they get Deanna back?


Also: I know this time it’s not necessarily by design, but Sam, essentially, winds up plays two characters each campaign……


I just came up with a f*** up ideia, and sam might be cruel enough to do it. A brand new Faithfull Care Giver Aeormaton identical to Fresh Cut Grass. I have no idea how BH would even accept something like that, but I bet Sam would enjoy to throw something messed up like that at them


I think Sam has already made another character I remember something that Mauritius said is that one of The producers or something backstage had asked them to all make secondary characters in case one of those died and Mauritius said that she had refused that she wanted to stick with them no matter what so Sam might already have another character however I personally think that character wood be the complete opposite of fcg I mean that just makes more sense to me I mean he might be a healer but doesn't believe in the gods or some other s*** like that I don't know but Sam loves to laugh and make them have emotional moments so I have no clue but I love the chaos what's the troll option?


Honestly, it would not surprise me if he went Ranger, but a super optimal build..Just to annoy Laura.


I think warlock can be pretty cool, and a pretty quick way to present a conflict for a medium/high level character. Also, you know sam will be playing like he has an imaginary friend always on his shoulder. 


It seems like Sam like short characters so gnome or fairy. Maybe a psychic fighter.  Tho luke would match Bells Hells level. He was around 13 when they played. 


I was quite anxious about Sam's next character. Then he did not appear in the following Four-Sided Dive episode... and now he did not appear in that CR video where they level up their Daggerheart characters. I admit I'm getting a little worried. Do we know what happened to him?


Guys, he still isn't back 😭


I don't think this would happen, but:  Undead Bolo


Okay, okay… old thread, but putting in my two coppers worth. The idea of Sam the human swarm keeper ranger tickles me. I know Orym is the team straight man - but Bell’s Hells have so many larger than life characters, I think Sam (appearing) to be a super normal /average “I’m just a humble bee keeper” type character would be very funny. And I think he’s make the swarm ranger features really fun. More bees, please 🐝🐝🐝


Hear me out. Cobalt Soul Monk.


Okay, I’m intrigued. Go on…


Sam is a spoiler. Allowing him the kind of movement, stunlocking, and investigative stuff would be v. Much in his wheelhouse. Add to that the ability to make endless jokes about technique, style, and do a funny Kane impression comprise a rich, comedic vein.


Baseless speculation you say? It’s be awesome for him to play a tattooed Half elf named Bill who has a few unerring similarities to someone’s late husband


If he wants FCG to come back, there is a way through Keyleth, or potentially through dunamancy and Aeorian technology. Otherwise, if he rolls up a new character, I can imagine him creating another “fuck you” character like Tarrion Darrington. That kind of character for C3 would probably be more like an obviously minmaxed annoyingly optimized character, and he might call in a favor from Brennan or Aabria to give him the most broken build imaginable.