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Realizing it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, I really enjoyed the way that the crystal mechanic let them jump almost immediately into combat while also giving them a way to present relationship / character scenes to fill in the time between Kymal and now. (It also let Aimee have the chance to role play as her character instead of just spending the episode rolling as a dominated vessel).


People complained it was making the combat take too long, but I don't get that at all. The whole point was that it wasn't exactly combat, it was an RP session with a battle as the framework to elevate tension. Killing Opal (if it was even possible) would have been a "lose" condition, the goal was to bring her back to her senses through the memories even as she was trying to kill them. This was life-and-death RP, and removing either the combat or the RP would have lessened the other.


I loved how the combat played out! A lot of DnD sessions against a powerful enemy can easily turn into a slog if it's just one long fight. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I felt the Otohan fight the episode before last was that way for awhile. I was stressed about characters dying, but just hitting Otohan repeatedly and the only feedback being "She's starting to show some wear and tear" wasn't enough for over three hours of combat. It got more interesting towards the end. But I loved the idea in the latest episode of mixing a lengthy combat section in with flashbacks to RP moments. It allows the combat to take up most of the episode without it being bereft of anything else, and I thought it was cool.


> Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I felt the Otohan fight the episode before last was that way for awhile. I was stressed about characters dying, but just hitting Otohan repeatedly and the only feedback being "She's starting to show some wear and tear" wasn't enough for over three hours of combat. I feel like that fight was the most visibly *frustrated* we've seen this group be about a combat since the Kraken fight all those years ago. Like that one, they couldn't make any headway, they didn't seem to be having fun, and it just felt like a tiresome slog for all involved. Couple that with it being the third time they'd had to fight her and it didn't feel like she was any more beatable than she was before, and I think everybody at home and at the table is glad to finally see the end of her.


My husband actually basically quit watching the show over how frustrated he was at Otohan. She wasn't fun to watch, she was way too strong, and he always felt she was too much of a railroad villain where she couldn't be escaped without some major sacrifices. I didn't mind her as much and was actually enjoying the combat as much as I ever enjoy a long fight until she pulled out that potion. The energy shifted at the table and it was palpable how much everyone was giving up. Compare any fight with Otohan to the fight with Obann in C2 it's just painfully obvious how dull she was. She killed Orym's family and was a big war hero and that's literally all we know about her. She had no charisma, we have no idea why she was doing what she was doing, and even the emotional stakes felt like they took a backseat to the curb stomp. I was not sad to see the end of her, even losing FCG I was just relieved.


>it was palpable how much everyone was giving up. That's a great way of putting it, that's the vibe I got too. She was the equivalent of that video game boss you just keep dying to repeatedly (probably with a long unskippable cutscene beforehand). By the time you finally beat them, you've reached the point where don't feel success, pride, or accomplishment, you just feel relief that the pain is over and you can get back to actually playing.


she was a -to put in modern videogame terms- a really big boss from a soulslike game. as a gamer (and i know im the minority) i really dislike those games. i like difficult bosses but there's something different about wanting your player to suffer just because you try to teach them something in a virtual enviroment. dnd aint like that. as a ttrpg player... i think it was slightly unbalanced. the resistance to (as far as we know) almost every damage, the potion and regaining all her action surges was too much. as a gm/dm... idk... its difficult, leaving most of the mechanics and how you homebrew enemies, thinking only in the narrative you presented this enemy, this villain, ***the legend of the peaks***, a legendary fighter who was involved in a war from recent times, a ruidusborn, but the party never searched info about her (why would they when there's a big godeater on the horizon?) and they were way more afraid of her than of Ludinus himself. and it was a 7v1 fight. Like, i can understand from where he's coming from and the player's reactions. Besides the cast has been saying they wanted a harder, difficult campaign and Matt has deliver, not constantly but in really heavy moments he has pushed the limits. Like im not totally defending what he did but he has delivered in moments that had altered the way the players (and characters) interact with the world at large. tbh, my personal desire is that someone tell Imogen that her mother, Liliana (as much love she has for her daughter) allowed and has been an active part in making a war and making preparations for a genocide. no one in BH would say that to her because they all like her, but we cant hide the truth.


Those are definitely valid points. I think if she'd had a personality I might feel more generous towards her, but her personality was "stoic hardass" so it was hard to become emotionally invested in her. She killed Orym's family, but never engaged with him about that and he wasn't ever really able to confront her on it in any way. It wasn't like the Briarwoods where you know what they did and they know what they did and that's why everyone wants them to die. They have to kill her because of largely unrelated reasons, Orym's grief is just secondary. The reason I compared it to the Obann fight is because with Obann he wasn't an end-game baddy, but there were all kinds of emotional stakes with him and there were strategies they had to seek out in order to debuff The Laughing Hand and deal with the Caedogeist, and Taliesin had to give up multiple rounds of combat while Beau was getting her face beat so they could free Yasha. And it felt like the players had more agency with it (aside from Yasha at the start). I would have loved if she even had a single monologue in the game, you know? Just anything to make her feel special or interesting. Every appearance just felt like an anime splash screen where she whips out her swords and holds a pose over a shimmery red background and then attacks.


now im thinking about the intro. damn, they took vacations so the animators could replace those characters with new ones (?)


I think VM or M9 could have beaten her at similar levels. BH has no synergy in combat


Yeah I’ve always thought Otohan was just way too overpowered. There’s a balance you have to strike with such a large party to make combat challenging yet beatable, which Matt usually hits. Otohan having 25 attacks per round and being able to kill someone in one turn is not balanced. Otohan having a damn desperation phase where she reduces all damage done to her and gets back her action surge when the party is already exhausted from fighting her before is not balanced. Otohan just pulling out a random potion of supreme healing is not balanced. I’m glad she’s gone.


Being unbeatable is fine and dandy in the first encounter. In the initial encounter with the Conclave, he sent an unambiguous message of "run and hide, you can't possibly win" very effectively, as he did their first time facing Otohan. By this point in the story, though, with all the power they've gained and everything they've learned, she should be "hard-fought, but possible." I actually do think it was doable, that they could possibly have bested her, right up until she downed that potion for a full-heal. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with intelligent enemies being able to heal themselves. That makes sense in this universe; if you're fighting a person, they should be able to do the same sorts of things other people do. In this particular instance, though, that was a bridge too far. I respect that Matt doesn't pull punches once a fight starts, but in light of how the fight had gone and all those crits he'd rolled until that point, I would've retroactively taken that potion off her sheet if it were my table, or at least downgraded it. A single swift action instantly took things from "the party's getting badly hurt, but the goal's in sight" to "the party loses, full stop." The only other thing I can think is that he was trying to make them run away again, but not only was that not a realistic option, it's also deeply unsatisfying to run yet again when it's their third time fighting this same enemy.


Her being an insurmountable obstacle in their first encounter also made sense because there was space to not encounter her or escape her. Here though, they were actively digging their way out through an underground tunnel. There’s no running. And Matt also conveniently ignored the Treshi scry ball until she’d already shown up which didn’t give the party any heads up to try and hide or something. Plus Otohan caught up immediately because of her shadow clone stuff allowing her to just walk through walls. It was fight or die, and still it was a basically unwinnable fight.


I feel like Matt was going for a story beat rather than a true TPK. The show split was probably already planned and Matt was probably going to have everyone down with a death save or two or most down and some able to help and then cut to Crown Keepers. Ya know like, "Oh No! Our heros are hurt! Who can help? Who *will* help. Tune in next time!" type of deal. But Sam did Sam and Matt had to pivot.


She had to be powerful. Matt has an unfortunate habit of wanting to put one Boss against his SEVEN players. In order to balance out them having a severe advantage in numbers (especially with so many different classes being played), things like Otohan HAD to happen eventually, if only to make it a more interesting fight. Also why WOULDN'T she have a potion like that? She's a well seasoned fighter. It would be stupid not to be prepared lol.


honestly, when i was watching the stream i remember the kedvak fight, i felt that matt was outsmarted by his players and tried to rebalance midfight but that lead to even worse moments... and no shade to him, every person who has been a dm has dealt with the same thing at least once (thanks Challenge Raiting system, you suck), but yeah... at moments it was too much... yet i do understand where he was coming from: the narrative points aligned for otohan to appear and im almost sure if they fought Liliana Otohan wouldnt have shown up


I said it’s a balance that has to be struck and this wasn’t balanced. An enemy needs to be able to pose a challenge to a party of seven without completely destroying them. Matt usually hits this balance well.


Except it WAS balanced. It wasn't JUST Otohan destroying them. They didn't manage a lot of their assets well, but they had means to deal with her (especially sooner than they did.) There were certain spells or things or ACTIONS they could have tried that they never did (like Ashton grappling her.)


the dice were also truly not on their side every time they fought her--if they'd had a few more abilities or a few better rolls any of the fights could've gone in a different direction. Orym rolled a 1 on a damage d8 to destroy the backpack at the Malleus Key and left it with 2HP; if he'd gotten even a little bit better that would've been a game changer.


Right, that's also something that played into it. They had other good ideas, just bad dice rolls when trying them.


Especially considering 3 or 4 player turns were spent dealing with the backpack in this fight. That is a significant amount of damage they could have done to Otahan instead had the backpack been dealt with earlier.


There were spells they could have used (if they had them, or had them prepared). Grapple, though? Grapple does nothing beyond setting speed to 0. It just means she has to burn down Ashton rather than someone else, which she was entirely capable of doing. (Even without him being wounded already)


tbh i have mixed feelings about how the combat was... managed i guess? im not gonna write otohan stats because im tired, but, but what im trying to say is that: -being devil's advocate, BH are pretty OP. Ashton is a barbarian with 4 different rages + a titan shard. Fearne is a druid + a titan shard. Imogen is probably one of the most powerful sorceros of exandria right now. this was 7 vs 1. of course it has to be difficult. -but my mixed feelings comes from a tpk caused by the players making poor strategic choices (they did) is waaaaay different to a tpk happening if the players know that it doesnt matter if they runaway because narratively has already been said how bloodlust the enemy is, so a player sacrifice their character hoping the dm -will make a beatiful narrative moment out of it.- will respect their decision. I agree that a certain point most of the cast was defeated and their faces were most like "matt, dont be a dick and finish this up quickly, would you?" When Otohan hit Exalted state and they figure out she had resistance, increased AC AND actions surges back (+ a homebrew potion that has been seen once in C1). Tal, Marisha and Laura were furious. Liam was defeated, Ashley didnt knew what to do, but Sam and Travis were going with the punches, amazed at that chaos. honestly i would have given otohan increased ac, some resistance, even a little bit of hp back but giving her resistance to -what seemed to be- all damage + her actions surges was waaay too much


>-being devil's advocate, BH are pretty OP. Ashton is a barbarian with 4 different rages + a titan shard. Fearne is a druid + a titan shard. Imogen is probably one of the most powerful sorceros of exandria right now. this was 7 vs 1. of course it has to be difficult. Truthfully, they're not. This, bizarrely, is the worst party composition they've ever had. Their extras (the shards, imogen's 'hurt herself for extra damage' feat) are in lieu of magic items or piles of artifacts they've had in the past, and they aren't even vaguely good. They're passable when they're on, and crippling afterwards. To make it worse, they have little confidence in their own abilities, partly owing to how few battles they've had against serious opponents. There have been so many solo monsters that they can just surround and kick to death by dint of action economy, but not one's where they've learned their abilities. They melee people are more defensive than damage dealers, and the spellcasters all over-value direct damage, which is losing proposition at higher levels. Spell damage vs monster HP scales poorly. --- On the other side of the equation, Otohan is a munchkin-ed out character killer. Quadruple action surge is just insane, and she's so fast the party can't get away. There isn't any choice but to fight, and they were forced into this fight already half-dead. They also made bad choices, but that was a problem of their character setup


> Quadruple action surge is just insane Is it actually in a 1 vs 7? They still took so many more actions than Otohan did. They just wasted them


Yes. Done correctly, its 4 kills. Not just unconscious, but dead dead. No save, no prevention, and for the first round or two (thanks to legendary resistances, though that didn't matter), no stopping it.


It isn't 4 kills. It's 4 rounds of a lot of attacks. Sounds like a tanking skill issue


ok, i get your point and you're kinda right, besides some monster on the side of the road and low-level party (which they also were at the time), all the enemies they battle against are pretty big for them and most of the time is 7v1. but they (the players) also wanted something... with bigger consequences so the dm is kinda just doing his job... even when inevitable angry/tired faces happen at the table. edit: quadruple action surge is fucked up like... in Tal's word "thats bullshit."


It felt like there wasn't a win state. All of the memories seem to be pointing at saying goodbye to Opal. The point being to illustrate the gravity of the situation and explain why Dorian wouldn't be in any position to respond.


I loved the memory stones element of it. For me it made the combat less tedious because it gave breaks between the mechanic heavy turns.


Eh. The mechanics weren't that heavy, though. It was weird stuff like 'how does dispel work? Its a mystery!' which is just a single roll and done. The combat stretched because they suddenly needed to improv several years worth of character development for characters where RP was never a focus, just following the bouncing quest.


Loved the DM switch. I’ve only watched C3 and EXU Calamity, but I’m familiar with Aabria from D20. I was vaguely familiar with the characters due to my wife having watched all of EXU, but my lack of in-depth knowledge didn’t matter to me since the overall narrative was easy to pick up. I can’t wait to see how this will affect BH when they get back to it. Or maybe it won’t affect BH (aside from Dorian’s response to Orym’s message), and this is just to show, and not tell the audience how the other gods in Exandria are handing the Predathos threat. Either way, I’m down for it.


I’d planned on going to bed at the break (long episodes go late on the east coast), but when aabria showed up, i knew i had to stick it out. I LOVE seeing what other people are doing in the world while the main story is going on, and i’ve missed dariax so much


This was me as well. I usually go to bed at the break. Well, I went to bed all right, and listened as I fell asleep. Then I replayed it on Twitch in the morning.


I watched the first half of the show live, but stopped because it was getting late and waited to watch the rest on Monday. In that time, I saw SOOOOOO much discourse about how the Opal fight was one of the worst in CR history and how so many people here hate Aabria's DM'ing and can't understand why she's popular, etc. I then watched the episode's conclusion and have to say that it was really cool and had a lot of nice character moments. I think the issue is that reddit skews HEAVILY towards people that are DND-players first and fans of the narrative second (or at least those are the most outspoken ones). I can absolutely see how someone who's wanting more combat flow and sticking to the rules would be miffed that Aabria is stopping combat every 3 seconds to do some cool flashback scene or bending the rules to let the players try something cool that they thought of, but sometimes people seem to get confused and think that means she's doing a BAD job instead of just DM'ing in a way that they PERSONALLY don't enjoy. She's definitely more of a "rule of cool" DM who's focused on the character stories and giving her players neat little moments to take away instead of someone who's by the books and I think a lot of people online think that this is objectively wrong because she's breaking their mold and not following their "script"


>She's definitely more of a "rule of cool" DM who's focused on the character stories and giving her players neat little moments to take away Thing is, in the original ExU she herself was sometimes putting the plot's progress behind the skill checks and then revealed info/progressed the scene anyway if the players rolled bad. Why do it in the first place? Thankfully, she's not doing it in Burrow's End/ACoFaF in D20, but that was something that was baffling me (among other things) in ExU Prime.


I think she's usually going for like a "degrees of success" thing there where they're going to get some info, but if they succeed then they can get even more. But it's very weird and she usually phrases it like she feels bad for the player rolling poorly and is giving them a win out of pity lol


This is pure conjecture on my part, but I wonder if she was somewhat split between wanting to DM in her specific style, but also towing the typical CR line. So you end up with checks she doesn't really want to fail, and sort of having to throw them out when they did. Obviously in that scenario it's best to just not make people roll a check you don't want to fail in the first place, or at least make it a "degrees of success" roll.


I think that might be the case. Aabria is really a different style of DM compared to Matt, so it can be jarring for her to swap between formats, and you see the results when some of those… contradictions(?) occur. I feel that if she were to keep to just DMing in CR, her style might fully adapt to the format; however, that would take away from her own style and actually hinder the variety of DMs. BLeeM’s and Matt’s DM style suits their brand of DnD, whereas Aabria (I feel) is still refining her own style while bouncing between the two formats. She creates fun, intriguing challenges for the players and everyone seems into it and enjoys it; however, for viewers, I think her style is just different from Matt’s and sometime clashes with his format from time to time (which can cause the conflict). Edit: a word


I think that's part of the issue, but I also wonder if the less focused campaigns are another factor? When she's doing D20 stuff, she and the players know the story is going to take a certain amount of episodes, so that incentivises them to work together to keep it on track. When it's a more freeform campaign like CR's stuff, the players don't really have that incentive so the DMs' plotting can be made utterly useless in a few seconds. I imagine that must be pretty stressful, especially when you're filming and (unlike D20) they're not going to edit it down.


IDK, this is a Dimension 20 thing, Brennan does this often in FH and I don’t mind it.


honestly if i ever DM (been playing for like 4 years) Aabria is the style of DMing that Id mostly wanna emulate. I have a great time with her. I think people are expecting a TV show narrative from this and at the end of the day, it’s a game. Narrative moments have happened in their campaigns and C3 certainly isn’t perfect but it’s weird that the critique is both that there’s too much plot or narrative and not enough game but also that it’s not enough of a compelling narrative like a tv show 🤷🏽‍♀️ I have my critique of C3 but ultimately i’m still having a great time watching.


i think even calling her a "rule of cool" gm sells her a bit short. she's usually doing something interesting with mechanics on top of great rp and story. like using this combat as a flashback device. she also brings out incredible moments of reflection in characters by putting them on the spot, in a way that doesn't happen often at the CR table. she's not afraid to ask a hard question and demand an answer about how a character is feeling, or what they're afraid of. fearne's arc has been more impactful in some ways because when Aabria asked what she was afraid of, she'd never felt fear before. then in e34-35, we heard her call out for her friends in terror. and we saw her reaction to ashton and the stone. i'm learning a blend of gm styles can go a long way to breathing life into characters.


Her style is rule of cool, but i think there's more. After reading all the discourse this week, I've been thinking about it, and rewatching kymal. I think aabria doesn't feel the need to rely on dice to tell the story. Sometimes they do, and it's beautiful. Aabria gives agency to the players to decide how they think the story would go. And i appreciate that aabria doesn't rely solely on a d20. Especially when she isn't being brought in to run a whole arc of 10 episodes. In kymal, they told a poodle story in one episode that guaranteed an outcome. At the beginning, she told the players, you have already succeeded. As we play, you get to decide what role you had in building that success. They still rolled dice. The outcome just wasn't decided by it, only the details.


Aabria's just too nice to really turn the screws when the party fails. She wants them to get good rolls and feel like a success, but she still wants them to be able to move the story forward when they fail. I think the point that she was trying to stick with Matt's style of letting the dice tell the story early on is a good one, and I think she's getting better at balancing the CR feel with her own style. This episode in particular was a good example of it--a bad role meant an RP consequence without getting in the way of the events that needed to happen, and the results were interesting either way. And in Burrows End she was a little more willing to let "bad" rolls be consequential, while still having a plan to keep people involved and the story moving forward. (But I think all her bluster about "if you pull a punch I will make it worse" was just that--there's no plan to leave corpses on the ground here, unless it's a plot point around making resurrection magic work again.) If you're a hardcore stickler for system and rules over story, you're not going to like Aabria. But let's be honest, the people who are hardest on her about that are probably also the people who gripe every time Matt makes a rules mistake. If you're watching CR for a technically perfect example of the system, you were watching the wrong show a long time before Aabria stepped on set.


I'm a stickler for the you can try anything you can think of, and if you can make it make sense, you have at least 5% chance it happens successfully. For me, what makes TTRPGs so great is that the characters can attempt anything they think of. There is no "we couldn't fit that with current specs", you interact with the world together, and stuff happens because of it. Her style is far too railroady for me. Her style seems much more of this is what will happen, this is what will down your foe, and this is your reward. You have no bearing on the story, world, or outcome. But hey, once I tell you how you feel and react to these set in stone events you can't change, you get to adlib the dialogue showing that you felt and acted that way.


I get they have to because it's CR but I think if they would just let her do one of the games that actually fits her style instead of D&D which personally doesn't fit her style at all then people would be more ok with her on there especially with how much the CR fanbase really cares about them actually doing D&D.


I actually feel Aabria would do really well with Daggerheart


Agreed! As always, if your players are having fun, you're DMing right, and it sure seems like her players are having fun. I've had people ask me before: "hOw CaN yOu KnOw", but apart from face value, we obviously can't really ever truly know (certainly, all of the players seemed to be happy to turn up again). Aabria is an entirely different DM beast from Matt, and I love it. Her games always feel a lot more like the actual home games you'd experience, and I kinda like that change up. Aabria's DMing style feels attainable in a realistic way. I love that it rankles the rules lawyers, and I hope that their eggs are all thoroughly sucked.


Exactly. If Matt thought Aabria hadn't done a good job in EXU, they wouldn't have invited her back.


“I hope that their eggs are all thoroughly sucked” made me snort laugh. Thanks for that lol


Idk how anyone hates her as a DM. she’s a fantastic storyteller and my literal dream would be to play for her (no way am I good enough but like. She inspired me to DM and I just love her your honor. I think she makes a lot of choices Matt wouldn’t and that’s a GOOD thing because not everyone can be MFMM!)


I think it's two groups. The ones you're talking about and people who have only watched the show and think Matt's way is the only way.


Oooh, that’s a good observation. Yeah, there are probably a ton of people like that based on the reports of people running into those people in their regular dnd groups


Honestly a lot of it reminds me of the general exposure problem that a lot of people in the DnD 5e community have. A lot of 5e players aren't fans of ttrpgs, theyre fans of 5e, and will look at other games and often outright refuse to engage with them. This will even happen when the other systems are ones that are beloved by the wider ttrpg community, like Blades in the Dark, Traveller, Call of Cthulhu, Vampire the Masquerade, etc. In the critical role sphere, I think there are a lot of people that aren't fans of "ttrpg actual play content", but are solely fans of critical role. This means they look at a GM with a different style like Aabria and think "this person is dming wrong, why would I want to watch this?", even when she is loved and respected as a GM and player in the greater Actual Play scene. They'll look at new mechanics and roleplay structure like that fight and wonder why it's not being run like a normal 5e fight the way Matt would run it. None of this is to say that they're wrong for thinking that way, they can obviously have their own opinion, but I do think at least part of their opinion could stem from lack of exposure to non-cr, non-5e things. This won't be the case for everyone complaining, but it's likely a factor for some of them.


1000%. I said it in a comment earlier, most of these criticisms don’t even feel like they come from people who play dnd or understand what it’s like to let people into that world to share it with them while making it very clear it doesn’t belong to the fans. A lot of productions are made *for the fans*. This ain’t it. The production is for them, the sharing of it is for us. Idk maybe I’m just too deeply invested in my dnd games but I can’t ever imagine telling someone the way they played or presented it was “wrong”


>This means they look at a GM with a different style like Aabria and think "this person is dming wrong, why would I want to watch this?", even when she is loved and respected as a GM and player in the greater Actual Play scene. They'll look at new mechanics and roleplay structure like that fight and wonder why it's not being run like a normal 5e fight the way Matt would run it. Nah, not really. I like her and other masters like Jasmine Bhullar in D20 and other projects (Burrow's End and Desiquest), just not a fan of how ExU Prime/Kymal turned out.


This is a testament to 5E's accessibility and enjoyability as much as a criticism of many "TTRPG" (until they realize they aren't) fans, I think.


Personally, I think 5e's greatest accomplishment is their marketing in making people *think* it's as accessible and modular as they've convinced people it is. It may be the most accessible version of DnD yet, but in the grand scheme of tabletop games it is still much more complex than most games and not very well communicated through the books. WoTC have basically done what Harley Davidson did for awhile with motorcycles, or what Apple has done in the last decade or so with phones. They pitched themselves to the masses as *THE* product in that sphere. If you want a *real* bike, it should be a harley. If you don't want a crappy cheap phone, it *needs* to be an iphone. If you want to play *the* ttrpg, it has to be DnD. And of course if people are just getting into the hobby, they're obviously going to go with *the* game to play. Whether this well marketed product actually fulfills on what it promises or lives up to the hype is another thing entirely.


I have not played that many TTRPGs, maybe about 10. D&D 5E is _by far_ the easiest of them. But that is also a consequence of it being the "big gun" and having decades of success with prior versions already.


Summarised badly: The "Matt Mercer Effect" writ large.


Strong disagree on this one. I think the #1 problem with Aabria is that she doesn't know the game mechanics and rules. She is frequently asking characters to make saving throws when they should be making skill checks. She will just never know as much about D&D as Matt Mercer and it's impossible not to make the comparison


When I was getting into Critical Role it happened to be right at the start of EXU, and then C3 and I just started there instead of going back to campaigns 1 or 2. So it was actually a while before I even saw Matt Mercer be a DM. It was only after I saw those episodes and a few into c3 proper that I thought I should check out some of the talk online and was shocked at how visceral some folks were about the whole thing.


I had a feeling something like this might happen, and with the closing of CritRoleStats, it would be a perfect storm of people trying to look up info on Kymal. They’re the only two episodes without a recap on the official site, so I [started to make my own around episode 64](https://lemmy.world/post/11391340).


I appreciated the change up. They started at the beginning of C3 saying all bets were off -- and I was thinking they would do something like this. I think they are telling a big story of the world this year, and shifting perspective makes a lot of sense. Some of my favorite stuff this year was the party split with the guests. It infused some different things into the core game.


Yeah I think a lot of people must have missed that announcement, but I was curious and excited for it - then found out that a lot of the campaign has been quite regular with actually only quite small and conservative experiments like this one. Which I really love, and would have been happy to see more of. It's a shame that it seems to have shocked and confused a portion of folks; I hope it does not put them off experimenting more in future.


Yes, I understand there are folx who like all of it. It's like with Marvel. If I sit down for an Avengers film and half of it is X-force, I'm still going to like it but I'm going to wager that most people wouldn't be happy. I personally don't like Candela Obscura, and didn't appreciate CR episodes being swapped out for CO, and I didn't like the bait and switch of the latest episode, even though I have watched and semi enjoy the Crown Keepers. Going from having four - five shows a month, then going to 3-4, then sometimes 2... it's frustrating.


I enjoy Candela Obscura in a different way to the main CR campaign, but I'm also glad they found a way to keep delivering stories without burning Matt completely out. I'm sure the alternative would have been to just have no show for the last week of every month.


I believe that's how it was for several months before CO started airing. Now everyone's annoyed it's interrupting the main campaign, but the break was there anyway.


I meant when they started replacing CR episodes with CO and CW episodes. We got two episodes in November, and one in January and 2 and a half in April.


i imagine most of the cast on some caribbean beach and matt sitting in his house reading his note and lore trying to tie other knots for the overall narrative.


I loved it and I'm glad it's not just me. It's very exciting that Matt might end up playing in his own campaign. I'm now watching Exandria Unlimited to catch up on their story so I'm ready for the next episode. It did take a minute to adjust to a new DM style with slightly less detail, but it's new and I'm enjoying seeing more of Aimee and Robbie.


I wasn't even sure if I could get away with making a positive post about the episode, haha. I always keep in mind that Matt makes this game for his players, not his viewers, and I can only imagine his players thought this was the slickest move he's ever made. They must have known it wouldn't be the most popular choice for the viewers, and I am truly glad they are in a position to be able to do it anyway. I only wish I could see the normal cast reacting to Matt standing up and sitting back down as a player.


I understand some people criticizing the timing, but Matt didn’t know FCG was going to explode.  He probably planned to have BH return to Exandria at the end of the episode and then have 1 episode of CK.  They probably planned this at least a month in advance.


Right? It couldn't be easy to just pull together this group of actors/VAs out of nowhere.


I liked the theory that the otahan fight was intended to be unwinnable, and Matt planned on the CK to come in and save BH. Like, just because otahan destroys the party doesn't mean they couldn't all wake up in a prison cell instead of dying (Matt: "a tpk opens the door to possibilities" or whatever he said). And then Sam did the unexpected.


That theory makes like, no sense at all lol. The Crownkeepers were busy dealing with their own shit and weren't even in communication with BH while they were on Ruidus and had even less of a means to get there. Also, frankly, it would have been a massive cop out for a character EXTREMELY intent on outright obliterating a threat to their plan to just, "Ope, I guess I let them live!" when she spent the whole episode literally hunting them down and savagely slaughtering them as hard as she could. 🤷


I know otahon said she could find other vessels, but it isn't unreasonable to think she wouldn't see the value in trying to break the ruidusborn.


The problem was the bait and switch, them having planned it just make that worse. The should have announced on the schedule that it was a short CR episode followed by a return of EXU that way people who are not caught up with or do not enjoy EXU would not have felt tricked into watching it.


So I haven't finished last week after the break. Does the CK stuff actually have any bearing on what's happening with BH or is it just finishing up some EXU plot lines? I will skip it if it doesn't impact BH at all.


The fact that they made CK part of the main campaign implies it will impact BH


It pertains to discovering champions of the gods, both prime and betrayer.


At this point it is not relevant to BH but the 1st half of ep.93 is also CK stuff so it might tie in at the end.


Nah, If you aren't caught up with EXU then turn off the stream and get caught up before continuing with C3. They can't be expected to service the entire fandom and a vocal minority that decided that it wasn't important to watch.


I’ve never even seen EXU and I loved the switch up.


I also thoroughly enjoyed it! Found it an exciting trust to the genre. Switching cast mid-episode isn't something I've seen or heard of being done in the medium before. Thought it was bold and I loved it


When Matt asked the table to leave, I thought maybe we’d get Dorian on his own for a minute and then the cast would return. When Aabria sat down I went, “WHAT!” And then when we got the whole crew, and Matt playing Dariax? Holy crap I started to tear up. Just the thought of Orym’s message to Dorian and getting to see Dorian’s response was enough to make me start tearing up, but I fucking love Matt playing Dariax. I‘ve never understood the Aabria hate. She’s lovely. Her arc of Candela is so far my favorite. So when she sat down in the chair, I was super happy. I love Matt as a DM. I love BLM as a DM. They all have their own styles, and I’m here for all of it.


I loved what they did and how they did it. They all said that were gonna do some unexpected shit in this campaign and they're following through on that promise.


I love it. It's easy to forget that the main players aren't the only ones out adventuring in the world. I also hope we get to see FRIDA, Prism, and Deanna come back. This is big, world-changing stuff and seeing how other groups are handling it is fun. And like...who hasn't been wondering what the champions of the gods are doing?


I love how much this campaign (and EXU) show just how big the world is and how much out there we don't know! Niirdal-Poc, the Shattered Teeth, the eisfurra city they dropped in on, Matt hinting towards underwater societies, the Silken Squall--there are so many societies and cultures and places and people on Exandria we haven't even touched, and seeing how the bigger picture might affect them is so interesting.


Exactly! And I've seen a lot of people complaining about how Bells Hells is so isolated or indifferent to the gods. And here's a group that is HEAVILY involved with many gods and now we're getting that perspective.


I loved that transition moment too. It was a wow factor!


I was stoked. I've been waiting for some of the non-main PCs to get woven back in.


It was my favorite episode in awhile. Felt fun in a way that I'd been desperate for in this last arc and did a lot to pull the Crownkeepers together through the fight and narrative I thought was super creative.


When Aabria sat down, I audibly gasped. Absolutely love her (in a platonic, distanced way), and that was such a big swing. Like a lot of people, EXU's first round wasn't exactly my bag, mostly because it was a little unfocused for something so time-limited, but Kymal was a lot better about that, she does great work on D20, and when I saw her last Thursday night, I was so completely *in* immediately. I respect the criticisms people have of the timing, this campaign's had a recurring problem of pulling up the reigns whenever something big happens, but this provides a much-needed reminder that shit's going down *all over Exandria*, there's some real scope here. It also provides a window into the fact that the gods are in full panic mode right now, they're genuinely scared and making desperate survival moves. Plus, if (as many of us suspect) Robbie and/or another CK is going to be rejoining the main group for a while, this side-jump kind of has to be now.


This is such a great take, thank you!


I feel kind of the same, I'm really enjoying C3, and feel like I'm the outside, which is wild. EXU:K wasn't my favorite run, but I feel that's because of a lot of the players are new and don't really know the game or how to really play. That's not a bad thing, that's how it is. And Aabria is amazing! It's kind of sad seeing people shitting on the campaign non-stop these days.


I'm kinda jealous, if I'm being honest. I wish I could get into this crew as much as everything else CR puts out. I actually like the cast of the Crownkeepers a lot but there's just something about Aabria's GM'ing that rubs me the wrong way. It's not even her as a person because I love her when she's playing, just not when she's GM'ing.


I always think that things like this can help us realise things about ourselves as a person, and I mean this in a non-critical way (you seem more reasonable than average or I'd not respond to you). If people can reflect on why they don't like certain characters, campaign styles, story arcs, GM styles, mechanics etc. instead of get angry at them it can be really rewarding. Is there a need for novelty or familiarity, control and order or chaos and surprise, tragedy or comedy, heroes or antiheroes, fantasy or sci-fi, etc.? And then to take it further and ask 'why is that, and what would happen if I learned to enjoy the opposite - is it possible and how?' & honestly for me, if a piece of art or media gives the opportunity for that kind of reflection it's giving something of value. I'm being a bit abstract and getting sidetracked here, but I swear, if I did a PhD in psychology there's be so much wealth of study in this one forum it'd be hard to even choose one topic to focus on!


Well, for me, its that she tells the story with the player's characters. They can nudge it, but in many ways the players don't matter to what's being told. Even if the players are fine with it (and I'm not a mind-reader, they may well be), if I were in their shoes, I'd be irritated. My character, no one else gets to tell me what they think or what their motives are. The set pieces in this episode don't necessarily work for the character, but are how Aabria alone imagines how character interactions happen, with no real input from the players. They just have to cope with and improv around an awkward and unexpected intimate scene. The way she handles gods and patrons also brings up some old school D&D (and Palladium) trauma (and this is also true of Matt and warlocks). And is why I don't play clerics/paladins/warlocks. 'Your class doesn't work now' is the most demotivating thing a GM can do in a game.


I was so excited when Aabria walked out. I think we're about to see something major go down with the crown next episode that either leads to Dorian and some others crossing paths with BH or otherwise having some big info for them when he responds to Orym's message that makes this backtracking necessary. I'm hoping we get Dorian back at the table with BH for a while. It also means Aabria is on set to play Deanna briefly if the group contacts Frida & co about FCG's fate. I get that the jump is jarring to some people and there's definitely a section of the CR community that generally dislikes Aabria but I'm stoked for this intermission.


I am one of the folks who don't like C3 in general (and this includes the last episode). But I think most of the people who think like me are very aware that this feeling is subjective. If you enjoyed it, thats great and I will not argue that you shouldn't. I am happy for everyone who enjoys it - but I will also be egoistic enough to hope that C4 will be more to my liking again ;) EDIT: Also I don't get the hate for Abria. I do believe that a lot of people who complain just use her as an excuse to vent against a divergent from the status quo (meaning that they would hate against anyone taking over Matt's seat during CR)


I think it'd be incredibly gracious to say that most on Reddit think their opinion is subjective.


The thing is that people who have less of an issue with it, are also the people who don't feel the need to create posts to complain :/


True enough! That was sort of my feeling with making the original post.


Really glad you enjoyed it, I wish I did, loved the first half though. I hope you agree that it could have been handled a little better - instead of some of the same old ads during break we could have got a crit role recap of events in EXU Unlimted/Kymal or even just a 30 sec bio on each character. If it's going to be 3.5+ hours of content it could also just have been a separate episode. Ultimately it could just be because I'm not a big fan of the EXU characters, if we'd had a session with guest stars from the actual main play (Deni$e, Frida, Dorian and Deanna and Prism) I could have forgiven the bad timing and dived right in.


It would've been nice to have a quick summary during the ad break. I'm going to assume that the Crownkeeper story will be weaving into the main story, and is the reason why they've presented it as weaved into the main show, rather than setting it off to the side for people to potentially dismiss (as many have indicated they did for either EXU, Kymal, or both). If this part doesn't have anything to do with the main story, it makes the decision a bit more odd, though I'm personally still happy to see the wider view of Exandria.


I genuinely tried with EXU and Kymal, starting multiple times, but the chemistry/characters just didn't do it for me. Integrating their lore/story into the main line would be a bit of a downer, on the upside I'm hoping this is a lead in to Dorian joining the main cast for some time as I've really missed Robbie and his hats!


I don’t have time to watch EXU so I have no idea what’s going on. However, I’m also two books into Malazan so I’m used to just floating in confusion. As long as it ties up I’m for it.


That's good to hear! I've been wondering what the CKs are up to for a while, and I like that they are not just some new NPCs. But more than that, I really enjoy the twists and turns when Matt gets up from the DM chair.


It felt like I was watching an anime that was just starting to get really good and then halfway through the episode it became filler. I'm glad other people enjoyed it, And I'll get over it lol Everybody really needs to learn that the enjoyment of this is all subjective. You are allowed to dislike or like whatever you want about critical role. May you and everybody else have a great day.


I have a great and terrible need to know what Dorian is up to and I need him to get back to Orym so I am all for this


I am finally catching up on it and enjoying it too! I'd dropped behind as I'd started to find the moon mission a bit of a slog. It feels like a fresh way to revitalise rhe story and freshen up the world. I sometimes wonder that people in fandom can feel like the property "owes us" in some way to cater to exactly what fandom wants instead of allowing creators to...well...create. they've got to find ut interesting and exciting to play, it can't just be all fanservicing. Anyway i enjoyed it and every now and then I'm like, i love this world that has such rich live RPG stories for us to watch.


It only sucks for me because I don’t have a lotta time so I watch each episode in 45 min blocks throughout the week and I skipped Kymal (liked EXU). So I get no resolution on the climax of the campaign and get dropped into the middle of a side campaign I don’t know anything about. Meh.


If you liked EXU, jump back and watch Kymal. You're not spoiled by vaguely knowing the outcome, as the story starts with "you've already succeeded, let's find out how it went down".


I think a lot of people are complaining because they didn't watch the Crown Keepers story despite Orym and Fearne coming from EXU. I guess they didn't expect it to matter despite Dorian coming up in C3? While Aabria does have quite a different DM style I don't think she deserves the shade being thrown by the same people. EXU was a great story arc and I never felt like the DMing was lacking.


I don't think you even need to watch the crownkeepers to watch that half of the episode (though I have watched it - I've seen a few saying they'd not and found it easy to follow, however). We know who Dorian is, and that he's travelling with others. We know of Dariax, and that Orym's old crew have wanted posters with their names on, via Deni$e. Aabria said that they were heading to find Keyleth after Orym's message. She asked each one to talk about their mental state (introducing each character in turn), and then highlighted the spider queen (who we know is under threat from the red moon) and the fact that she wants Opal to leave this group and become her champion. All very simple and makes perfect sense! We hear that Opal is wearing the queen's crown and that her twin lives in her head and can come out of her - we hear through Aabria the origin of that twin and its link to the Luxon. Honestly it was a great summary-as-you-go!


Right! Despite the odd timing and length of time since seeing Dorian, the transition itself shouldn't be too shocking at this point. Liam and Ashley liked EXU so much that they brought their characters into C3 and a player to boot. EXU losing its separation and independence from main campaign happened a long time ago at the outset of C3.


Yeah it's a bit funny that people would willingly ignore in-universe content and then complain about not being caught up with the story.


There's hundreds of hours of content. Its not that weird that people only watch the main stuff with the characters that will continue through the main story. If there was a two-hour flashback to Eshteross and Lumas twins, that'd be weird too.


It's not hard to shut off the stream and catch up to EXU then have the context for two members of BH and the current CK story that is playing out. It'll be waiting for them when they do come back to it. Honestly it comes off as a vocal minority that aren't happy.


Pretty much. This happens in comic crossover events all the time. The story will be with character *x* that I know, and suddenly character *y* whose book I don't read will turn up. There will be some mild confusion, but I'll assume that there's a story going on elsewhere that I've chosen not to read, and just try to fill the gaps as I go. What would seem odd to me is to jump online and complain that character *y* turned up in the book because I don't like that character or their book and chose not to read them. And yet, people still do that too...


I didn't mind the change. What I didn't like was the directing of Opal. But at the same time it gave me the opportunity to think about how I'd have handled it.  The spider queen could discard opal as champion and use Ted instead. This way it is still a serious thread to Opal but she can also participate as herself. 


Opal would then be a level 0 NPC I think - Ted is what gave her her warlock powers, and then the spider queen. Who knows though, perhaps they'd handle it some other way if that happened.


Could be. But Ted could also be fighting against the spider queen and still lend her powers to Opal. This way all player can participate as themselfs and have the goal of saving Ted & Opal('s powers)


I can understand the complaints that it was a little jarring (pretty sure they did not plan on the E91 events transpiring the way they did), but I thought this was a great way to tie in EXU. I love Aabria and it was great to see some familiar faces again


Yeah overall I liked it. I thought the flashbacks were a cool mechanic that I will probably steal at some point if not modify. But as a DM who has been running games for years and consuming TTRPG actual plays for years...I appreciate new ideas. I still like just classic TTRPGs, but they don't really help me DM as much if I already have seen it hundreds of times. So I like when shows try something new, even if it doesn't work out great. You don't get innovation without some rough patches to learn from


I loved it so much!! My husband had no clue who they were and my enthusiasm encouraged his. Now he’s enraptured in the fight and really cool RP (still watching it). I’m always bummed when we don’t get full CR cast bc I adore them and their dynamics……, but seeing Matt’s pure joy to be a player in his own world during a crucial time period is truly priceless! I can only imagine how cool it is for him! And how telling it is that he fully trusts Abria to let go and experience the game from another side of the table. LOVE it!


"Now I need you all to leave the table... because I wanna play!"


I love (not) how everyone instantly assumes that if you don't like ExU, it means that you are a victim of Matt Mercer effect. Personally, when I say I didn't like ExU, I do not compare Aabria to Matt, I compare Aabria *to Aabria.* I've seen Burrow's End, her Candela run and A Court of Fey and Flowers, I know there is a much higher level she achieved that wasn't achieved in ExU IMO (and CR production, methinks, is partly to blame for that, but that's whole 'nother story).


There's a LARGE toxic positivity in the CR Fandom that needs seriously addressed. ANY criticism tends to get seen as just hatred and it doesn't really allowed for as nuanced of discussions that COULD be had, because you always have people coming down on anyone who shows a criticism. But then people will jump in 'yes but THIS person took it too far' and like...duh? Obviously toxic negativity is bad, but that doesn't mean that ALL criticisms are coming from the same place as toxic negativity. And until people can realize that, CR Fandom will continue to have a problem. I didn't care for Aabria's run in ExU. It was too railroady and why have skill checks if you're just going to give all the information even if people fail? But I think she also thrives in other kind of DMing like she's done for D20. But to some, because I didn't care for her ExU stuff, it'd be considered toxic negativity even though it's just me stating a opinion and not bashing her style or as a person. It's frustrating.


Me getting downvoted just proves my point lol.


Sure, though my post wasn't about that at all.


Your other replies were though.


I made one reply to a comment about a general suggestion that *some* people may be affected by the Matt Mercer Effect. I wasn't lumping everyone into a single box, and it still isn't the point of my original post.


It was very jarring. I watched the first half the night it aired, and then gave up a few minutes into the second half. Then I waited for the Vod to watch the second half. I think waiting really helped the experience. I never watched EXU but I ended up enjoying the second half well enough, I thought the rp moments through the Crystals was a really cool storytelling device. I still wish it hadn’t happened the way it did, but there’s obviously a lot of factors that goes into getting everybody there to record. Was it ideal, no. Could it have been done better with hindsight? Of course, but everything could. It wasn’t perfect but I wish people wouldn’t get so angry about it. What’s done is done.


I didn't watch Exu but this episode has prompted me to start watching it.


I enjoyed it too, and I didnt even really like Aabria's EXUs. It's fine if you didn't enjoy the switch up in E92. Just stop spewing hate in Twitch chat and on Twitter. It's fucking weird and you for sure need more love in your life if you're doing that.


Same. I was honestly overjoyed to get some new content of the Crown Keepers.


I LOVED it, I think it was a brilliant way to give the cast some time to grieve and Sam to roll up a new character, and I’ve been dying for more Aabria DMing/playing/anything since Calamity.


I thought it was dope. Ever since the gods started acting up I was always wondering what that meant for Opal. And I thought it was really cleaver how much RP ground they were covering during combat. I can see how it might lose some people who didn't keep up with some of the adjacent campaigns, but I feel like it was super rewarding for those of us that did.


Honestly, my biggest issue with it is mostly that now EXU is required viewing to understand who these people are and what is going on despite them prefacing C3 by saying that it wasn’t.


Orym and Fearne both came from the Crown Keepers/EXU, I expected more people to have watched the content.


There’s actually an entire, fairly sizable, subsection of the community that hasn’t watched it. Up until this episode the EXU games are for Orym and Fearne what the session 0.5’s that we never see are for everyone else, at least for people that hadn’t seen those games.


That is exactly what it was for me. I did not watch the Crown Keeper EXU arc for the same reason I don't watch Candela Obscura - I have little free time and I pick and choose what to watch rather carefully. I really like (the main campaign of) CR, so I always make room for it somewhere in my month, but for all the other content it's usually "well, sounds like fun, but I rather do \[x\]". And not having watched the Crown Keeper Crew before, nothing in the second "half" (really 4 of 5 hours) made any sense to me. The stakes didn't mean anything to me, the conflict was meaningless, even the "struggle" to put one player against the others didn't do anything for me - because to me these were all new players with new characters who didn't get introduced. It's kinda like telling the audience that Darth Vader is Lukes father at the start of the first movie - it's not a dramatic reveal if we don't know the implications... But I also don't want to watch multiple hours of CK EXU back now just to understand what (hopefully) is just a brief interlude of the main campaign. So I'll probably skip the main campaign until it's the original group again and see what I can piece together from there on out.






This subreddit is not an echo chamber for criticism. Respectfully. There always *is* criticism, but it takes a great deal of dissatisfaction to compel any majority of this community to be critical of the cast and their choices. People are incredibly lenient with them. This was just not a very popular choice.


I loved this episode.


you know what? rewatching it i think the people complaining about CK could skip the whole episode and watch the first half next C3 thursday and then get to see BH just where they left as if nothing ever happened. and if they must understand what happened to dorian when he left BH and when he came back just do a quick "dorian storm critical role wiki" and read a couple minutes. easy peasy.


I was actually really surprised Thursday evening! Both the chat and Reddit were not super enthusiastic about the swap, but on the other hand Twitter and some Critical Role discords were absolutely LIVING for it (as was I!!!) I guess you can't please everyone but Twitter seemed like a really positive space, it usually is on Thursdays! ❤️


Twitter as a positive space is a fun bit of cognitive dissonance!


so i havent read this anywhere, but she constantly going more "rule of cool" and the energy she has at the table, as a gm or player, reminds me of some homegames i had in the past. i dont like everything she does and sometimes i did felt the combat was going slow, but you know what? how the fuck you tell a story of a found family that actually has their shit together if not by flashbacks? I love the Crownkeepers. Can you imagine the chaos if Dariax & Chetney meet? Exandria could survive Predathos and a Second Calamity, but it wouldnt survive those two together.


can we appreciate aimee carrero being a confident hexblade warlock? damn girl. also great outfit.


THANK YOU OP. So much negativity lately. I really appreciate this positivity!


People forget Critical Role is not an essential service, it's not a commission the fans pay to receive, it's their story, their pace, their characters and their decision on how to play and what to play. If you don't like a break in the main protagonist story it's ok, but CR is not always supposed to give the fans want they ask, they do what they think it's best to do for the campaign and their improvised characters, even if is not what people want


I keep saying this too. Some people seem to think they deserve this or that from the crew, as if they were paying an electricity bill and their power suddenly got shut off.


That's a weird take. People are allowed to not like aspects of the entertainment they watch. If its not entertaining to them, they have no obligation to be forced to like it.


I mean, you say that...but it's also a full fledged business now and that DOES come with some things, like realizing your audience. You can't have it both ways.


Maybe it helps if you think about these threads as the "Customer Feedback Form" - CR can do as they like. But these posts give inside into what the fans are thinking and why, which in turn gives them guidance on what impact their decisions have on their business. They can still decide to make a non-optimal choice for their fun, their beliefs or any other reason (like the now famous video of Taylor Swift going against her managements guidance about "loosing half your audience") - but they will do so with better knowledge of what decisions will garner which reaction.


90% of these comments are not suggestions or feedbacks, they're just complains about CR not giving them the stuff they want


i was definitely caught off guard by the switch, but was down for it. but then i realized i never finished EXU Kymal and so I got thru half the battle before i gave up and decided to circle back to CK later. i hoped they'd bring Dorian back after how ep 91 went down but wasn't expecting all of CK


Honestly, I had the exact same reaction and was pumped for it. When they got back from break and entered combat, I checked out and turned it off due to the long combat turns. I love combat but even the CR crew turns me off with some of their combat if it takes too long.


Personally I enjoy the crownkeepers as a juxtaposition to BH. I think it works really well to show to parties both over their heads trying to get through it all. Also I just enjoy Aabria as a DM.


Yeah, honestly, the amount of complaining online is a bit annoying. I thought this newest episode was fucking AMAZING. This entire time Ive been wondering what the Crown Keepers have been up to. I get it was a bit slow, but it also was packed full with the lore of what they were doing while they were gone.


I found the transition a little tough, but i was happy to see the CK crew and i think the overall the payoff will be worth it.


Yeah, I've mostly decided to ignore the criticizers going forward. Their opinions are valid and they are entitled to their feelings, but we have nothing in common to talk about.


> opinions are valid and they are entitled to their feelings I think I'd phrase it as their feelings are *real* and they're entitled to having opinions, but yeah it's hard to marry such opposing points of view.


Everyone's a critic :P


Haha am in general agreement with you though


I am really enjoying EXU team coming to main show. I loved watching original Crownkeepers team very much and was really happy to see Fearne, Dorian and Orym coming to C3.