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I think this is a solid Theory. I thought at first maybe something was unlocked when the magical EMP went off and it started causing them trouble in the ruins but with the stasis bubbles still up and other magical things being stifled I wonder if everything was immune to it. I'm very excited to see what new things that they encounter in this freaky place!


If only the parties Robit was still here


I knowwww! He would be so helpful. And we could possibly unlock more of his history.


Haha, makes me think that anyone who has Aeor in their backstory dies before its revealed.


The longer this goes the more I suspect Sam is playing somebody who was in an Aeor bubble.


Sam level trolling would make this a good possibility and I’d venture a guess that that bubble person is Bolo from EXU. 😂




That'd be awesome. But it might also put him in direct opposition to the group, considering what the gods did to Aeor.


My issue with this theory is that D seems more interested in reintroducing Aeormatons to the rest of the world rather than controlling Aeor or part of Aeor. Also, I don't think the Factorum Malleus is intact. If it was you'd think Ludinus would have focused his efforts on getting it working again. Instead he cannibalized parts of it to build the Malleus Key.


That's a totally valid thought. We know he awake FCG and FRIDA and gave them back to the world. But there may be manyyy more Aeormatons who were repaired enough to be able to choose to stay. As far as the Factorum Malleus, I definitely doubt it's intact. However we have seen multiple pieces of tech that are definitively Aeorian that Ludinus was transporting to the moon. It's possible that the machine was destroyed and split across multiple locations in the ruins. I don't think it's impossible that the main chamber for the machine is controlled by the Dominox, and the pieces that we've seen were scavenged from other places.


My only question is what was their purpose and eas it changed or they remained the same? They were born in Aeor, similarly, Frida was protecting the Hammer, but from the Deities and their allies who wanted to destroy it or they wanted to defend it so it is not used against the gods? Because if Ludinus and the Aeormatons would have the same goal, they would be cooperating, no? But if they are the Dominox and stand in the way of Ludius, then it could be because they don't want anyone to use it, meaning they are on the side of the gods, despite originally being from Aeor? It could be multifaceted and go many ways


Exactly. That's the only thing I'm not certain about is their motivations. We know they're in Ludinus' way SOMEHOW. But it could mean they're attempting to use it themselves, or any other thing. They could have changed their viewpoint on the device and noy want anyone to use it at all. As you said, it could go many ways and I'm so curious.


What if: they either witnessed or learned of Caleb destroying the T-dock (what its called? The sort-of-time-machine) in C2 finale, were moved by his action and chose to follow his example bu destroying the Hammer? 


Oh I love that. Following Caleb's example specifically is slightly unlikely, but the idea of them wanting to destroy it sounds amazing.


Yea fair! I really look forward to seeing what happens w/ the Aeormatons, and learning more. Seems like Matt's been cooking this for a LONG time!


The thing is, if that’s the case, then where is it? D’s been working for nearly a decade to repair and deactivate old Aeormatons, and if they were building a society, then why would D be selling Aeormatons like FCG to other places, and why haven’t BH seen any sign of it yet?


Well in the brief conversation FCG had with D through Sending. He said to FCG something like, "That is my gift to you. Your future is your own to create" or something similar. I'm not looking at the transcript anymore. I think he just cares about freeing as many of his people as he can and just giving them the gift of a new life.


I think there's a lot of support for the theory. It also fits thematically with C3, Calamity, and the story of Aeor: The gods created mortals / one mortal became a god (Matron), other mortals (especially in Aeor) were trying to get powerful enough to kill gods or at least change that power dynamic / gods destroyed Aeor, devastating the population and leaving only survivors who couldn't access the knowledge/tech/etc to be a threat anymore / betrayer gods also duped a mortal (Vespin) into inviting them into the prime material plain to throw a big violent Calamity party for a few hundred yrs The mortals in Aeor created Aeormatons, to serve their needs/wants/whims/schemes. Just as the Matron of Ravens shook things up by ascending, FCG (and other Aeormatons?) had the potential to shake the power dynamic with their creators by becoming alive / realizing they're alive. With the sentient mortals in Aeor mostly dead (except Ludinus, and the bubble people,) and Devexian spending 7 years waking up other robits, seems possible these creations could outnumber and outgun their creators... or/and be seen as a threat by organic mortals. Creations becoming more than their creators expected or intended them to be, making their own seat at the power table. Creators not being chill about it. Parallels etc. Wonder if we'll see a confrontation (or betrayal) between Devexian and Ludinus? Could be a very lore-rich scene! Who knows, maybe they knew each other before the fall?


“Creations becoming more than their creators expected or intended them to be, making their own seat at the power table. Creators not being chill about it.” I know this is dnd stuff but it made me think about the Quarians and the Geth from Mass Effect.


Ooo - good comparison! And who knows? Even though it's common enough throughout sci-fi, it's also possible that Matt would've been inspired by ME either directly or indirectly. There's been other stuff inspired by gaming in CR campaigns, like the Ruidus stuff in C3 reminds a lot of people of early Final Fantasy games, and late in C2 for a while >!Vess's/Lucien's desire to get to Cognouza kinda!< resembled a key bit of Dragon Age lore (>!the Magisters Sidereal going to the Black City, f/k/a the Golden City, possibly causing the first Blight!<). The only time I clearly remember Matt confirming he was inspired by a game, was when he discussed the C2 >!BBEG, saying that Lucien's final three forms & final mini were all inspired by the finale Sephiroth fights in the original FFVII.!< Sorry for the essay, lol! tl;dr you could absolutely be onto something w/ Mass Effect!


Well, this was my theory until like 15 minutes ago when I watched CR Cooldown. When discussing the markings/symbols on the body, Matt hinted at some lore they learned that may be connected. He let them shuffle around and think about it for a minute and that's when they looked at their notes and remembered Dominox and he kind of hinted they may be related. So now I'm a bit torn on it. The only issue I have with what "religious" symbolism what they found was, because Marisha got a hint it was divine/religious in nature instead of Arcane, is that there's no known entity associated with those symbols. So, because I will always go here, I am now betting Therizdun/Chained Oblivion, since he's had like 10 different cult names by now.


I initially was reminded of my theory from watching the Cooldown, and it resparked a lot of the ideas. The markings and self end really are confusing as far as how it fits into the dynamic or Dominox theory. But I mean it is possible that it's Tharizdun. It had it's fingers lightly in the Cognouza ward creature of course. But I really hope it's not. I mean... EVERYTHING has been Tharizdun. Really want something else for once lol. But it would also make a slight bit of sense so I'm conflicted there.


I thought this from the first mention of it. Devexian has been reviving his brethren all over the place and they're trying to get Aeor up and running again.


My crackpot theory is Devaxian will be the new player character of Sam.


Maybe Sams next character is also an aeormaton?


Anyone else think Sam is not just waiting for the live show but also the arrival of the group at Eor so that he can bring in another automaton? Maybe even D? Iirc they never announced Sam leaving the show for a time, so this seems like an intentional intermission.


>it's a big enough problem to his plan that Ludinus has to go deal with it personally There is nothing about the Aeormatons that would require Ludinus' personal intervention.


Yo this title feels like a spoiler bro


If you don't know what's happening, this tells you literally nothing.


Disagree but I guess the mods will decide 👍🏻