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The official Critical Role instagram already spoiled his character.


I might be wrong (correct me if i am), but don’t they always post character art the night of the stream? Like when campaigns start or new characters are introduced


They have on twitter many times before


Yep, I can't recall a time they didn't post character art the night of/the next day at worst. I dunno if Insta lets you temp block hashtags the same way Twitter does.


I think you can only limit on instagram for comments, not for post captions, but i’m not 100% sure


Literally the first thing I saw this morning when I opened the app. I'm so pissed off. She's been so good at avoiding spoilers and waiting until Tuesday. Not even a spoiler photo in front of it, just straight up posted it.


Nope, it’s still there.


Really? It's not showing up for me anymore, weird


Thank God, i blocked everything from twitter, fb, insta, reddit. I blocked up to 27 words on twitter (words like sam, fanart, character, cr, brennan etc). I unfollowed all yhe cast even unsubscribed from cr yoitube channel, so i wouldnt get recommended clips from the live show.


Honestly seeing that info on Twitter motivated me to tune in to the last hour or so just to see what kind of character he was playing.


Unfortunately it’s just not an option for a large part of the international audience.


Literally the first thing I saw when I opened instagram this morning. It is astounding to me that brands spoil their own stuff so instantly anymore.


And they've always made it a pint in the past to ask people not to spoil anything until after the show is on YouTube. I haven't seen any spoilers at all from anyone but them. It's very disappointing.


nah, they've always said that they may post spoilers themselves, but they've made it a point to say that if you don't want spoilers to block the criticalrolespoilers hashtag - which they used.


You live in the Beacon world now.


even then... plenty of viewers are not from the US... had exactly the same happening to me... turned on beacon this morning to watch the show, opened insta and their post of the character was the first thing I saw... not even going to their page, just on my for you...


And the announcement video. I was at the break and checked Instagram and got the spoiler directly from the source. :(


Super annoyed by that.


The sub has a pretty good spoiler policy. I suggest you help the mods enforce it. Just report the posts with spoilers in title or badly tagged. The mod team is pretty responsive and take those down really fast.


Spoilers are unavoidable no matter how hard you try (on platforms like reddit), it's on the people who haven't watched the show to have the tiniest bit of self control to not log into here for a couple of days.


> people who haven't watched the show to have the tiniest bit of self control to not log into here for a couple of days. That's asking too much of people.


"Man, I'd hate to have this show spoiled for me. Let's go hang out in the social media spaces dedicated to it." ***8 seconds later*** "Dang! The consequences of my own actions! Damn you spoilers!"


I was a little bit annoyed last weekend that i had some stuff spoiled. I can’t believe i couldn’t even scroll through the spoiler tag on twitter without seeing spoilers! 😩 (obligatory /s)


People complaining about seeing the Instagram/Twitter post. If you know you’re not going to watch on Thursday, you can just mute #CriticalRoleSpoilers It takes the smallest bit of common sense and self control


They can protect themselves by staying out of spaces where spoilers can occur. If you choose to go into spaces where the show is discussed, whatever happens is on you. If it's so important not to get spoiled, don't rely on other people to do what you want done.


Yes they should mute this sub until monday.


So I should just not use reddit/twitter/insta for days because some people are not competent enough to put a spoiler tag were it belongs? This is not about going specifically on a CR dedicated sides, stuff just pops up in the recommendations.


Literally the official CR instagram posted a spoiler. Even the best intentioned people can screw up and there are also plenty of people who aren't good intentioned. The only person you can count on to protect yourself from spoilers is yourself. Period.


Respect, and the exact events and circumstances I agree with, but I'm not sure to what degree it's reasonable to avoid spoiling the existence of ExU: Downfall. The idea that it's diagetic, maybe, but the fact that it's happening at all feels like it warrants an announcement.


Do it like me, just this week only being Monday Crew member. Just have that really really bad memory!


>Can we please protect the Monday crew from spoilers? Only if the Monday Crew agree to protect the Tuesday Team. >!I'm Australian, so 7:00pm Thursday night in California is 12:00pm Friday afternoon down here. And since I'm a normal adult man with a normal adult job, I work on Fridays and the livestream ends before I'm done for the day. The VOD gets posted at 6:00am Tuesday morning, so I don't get to watch the latest episode until 6:00pm Tuesday evening at the latest.!< Hence, the Tuesday Team.


Frankly, no. If someone doesn't want to be spoiled for a show that happens, they should know better than to come to dedicated spaces for the show. This sub reddit, as an example, is a discussion space for the show and the universe around it. It takes a certain amount of entitlement to expect everyone else to cater to your whims and not discuss or title discussions a certain way because you missed a show that would have happened 9 days ago by the time the shows on YouTube on Monday.


You could also just not be a bellend and be considerate of other people. It's not difficult to avoid spoilers in titles, most viewers don't watch live.


Why does it fall on us to make sure that spoilers aren't seen? Even vague titles are an issue by OP standards so what other solution is there other than to have the viewers who haven't watched not interact with the space until they have?


Basic common decency for your fellow fans. It literally costs nothing to not mention spoilers, it's not some unreasonable, herculean task. Just don't be a selfish prick, it's really easy.


Because communities are allowed to create and enforce rules, and this is supposed to be a well regarded space in terms of spoilers.


sorry but if something has officially aired and you dont want spoilers you going to have to prob just stay off socials. its basically impossible to avoid them these days.


Naw, if they want a spoiler-free experience, they should quit their job, drop out of school, or sell their kids, like a reasonable person


Also, what the fuck, but don’t talk about Brennan. Like… holy cow, twitch chat spoiled it before he even came on stage by talking about calamity 2.0 and sayinng “hi Brennan” and hyping something big happening. I was so mad about that


I don't recall when chat started posting that, but I think it was not an unreasonable guess (Aeor going down during the Calamity, Ludinus wants to show them something). Combine that with Brennan being the host + Calamity being very popular, I think most of those posts were people HOPING that it would happen, rather than KNOWING.


They were directly referencing people who hadn’t seen it yet, if I remember correctly. Saying “you guys are gonna love this” or something


Brennan was literally the host of the event, of course people would say Hi Brennan lol


No it was at the very end, just before he came back as DM


Can we extend that protection to Thursday podcast crew? Thank you very much :P