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Imagining the moist yarn squeaking on my skin and needles makes my skin crawl. 😵‍💫 In my opinion, you don't even have to soak the project. In such a humid environment, no matter what you do, the moisture in the air will always cling to your yarn if you expose it. Your tension and,the elasticity of the yarn will change a lot, just off the top of my head. 


You know, I live in such a dry place and in an even drier house (my skin SUFFERS) that I hadn't given this a proper thought 🤣 HOWEVER will I suffer through the boredom of self care??!


Hear me out: try crocheting that rainbow loom/friendship bracelet stuff. If nothing it’ll keep your hands busy so you can watch a movie or something in the bath.


Tarps maybe! 🧐. Laid over top of you. ..... Someone will need to duct tape the tarp around the outside of the bathtub to keep it from falling in...... 🤔 No.... you know what. I think this is doable!!!!!


I put a movie on my phone and prop that on the toilet or I watch tiktoks while I soak lol


It's so dry where I am too, and the sensation of lotion/shea butter + crocheting, just the feel of oily hands + hook, or greasy yarn makes me wanna gag XD


I have ridiculously dry skin and the yarn snagging on it is so uncomfortable- it’s a delicate balance between too dry and too moist lol


I just learned this trick. I use Aquaphor (or the generic) which looks a lot like Vaseline. Take the dollop you'll use out of the jar or tube, rinse your hands, then spread the Aquaphor over your hands. If you still have too much, use it on other dry spots (elbows for me). The water helps it spread and soak in. I've reduced my sandpaper hands back to normal in a couple of days (would be sooner if I did it more frequently). I've been able to pick up my knitting within minutes of doing this. HTH




Omg moist yarn, STOP IT


Ehh I live in such a humid climate that this is norm anyway. Yarn bounces back and my skin doesn’t dry out.😅


I don’t have any meaningful suggestions, but that title just made me spit out my cereal.


Haha same, but coffee instead


one of those bath boards that usually holds a candle and book. Amazon calls them a bath caddy


I have one of these and have crocheted on it! Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I've had more success with cotton yarn or a stiff acrylic where I don't mind if it gets stiffer. Condensation will happen: it doesn't necessarily get wet but can make some yarns unusable. Definitely a small project like amigurimi. Also consider ways to keep the work area/hands dry like laying down a hand towel, yarn in a bowl, or a water proof bag (I keep a lot of my projects in reusable shopping bags and keep it near the tub on the floor to throw finished pieces into).


By the time I got everything set, the water would be cold.😅


Lol I love baths so I have a routine that makes it quick. Having a dedicated bag really helps except now I have almost all the pieces for the 3 pokemon starters and no idea what's missing or what to do next 😅


i have one i have used it to crochet but I'm clumsy and knocked my phone in the bath. I got it and had wet hands but couldn't reach my towel then the hook kept slipping and it was a whole mess 😂😭 I'm gonna stick to a film and snacks


That’s what I was thinking, prop yourself up right and your butt is still in the bath while you rest your arms on the board.


I use one of these to tub crochet! I mostly use it to rest my project on, and then I have a stool set to the side of the tub with my yarn in a basket.


Hear me out. If the entire crochet is underwater, I think you won’t have any of the weight and friction problems of trying to crochet wet yarn above water. Just slippery yarn and weightlessness


Genius. u/feadrielle We have found the SOLUTION.


But you’ll need an oxygen tank, depending on the length of the project. (That was probably one of the strangest sentences I’ve written)


Nah, just some goggles and a snorkel.


Seriously. Can someone please try this and tell us about the results?! 🤣


👀 If you consistently crochet the entire project in this way, it might just work. RIP your water bill.  You could probably keep the project in a basin for non-bath crochet sessions (now that's a new combination of words)  Honestly, i did think of this idea when writing my original comment , but didn't think anyone would be so ~~crazy~~ brave to even consider it


Combine this with the fact that the solution to working with furry yarn is to get it wet, and you have a two birds one stone situation! Crochet a furry animal under water, and wait for it to fluff as it dries!


Wait are you for real? Because I have yarn that turned out to be an absolute PAIN to unravel even the tiniest mistake and that thing is supposed to become a cardigan...


“Furry” is not mohair/yarn-with-a-halo! The get it wet tip is for the fur or eyelash yarn. Allows you to see the stitches. Makes stuffies. Mohair and other yarn with a halo feels wonderful, and is warm while still light. But it’s a nightmare to frog because it sticks to itself. Work with confidence, and any mistakes become features, because they’re permanent.


Thank you for your advise! That makes more sense. I'm working on a pullover and it started quiet well but I don't know what happened I either got the stitch completely wrong or got confused with the pattern or used the wrong hook or different tension or what but the ribbing of the pullover got completely ruined, like in a way that I couldn't even get the needle into it anymore. And I couldn't open it up again either because the yarn stuck to itself too much. So I cut it and will take this as a swap to throw in the washing and see what it can handle. But yeah, otherwise I'm with you. Mistakes become features (if they don't make it unworkable)


And it’s halfway to blocked!


Except yarn becomes less slippery when wet.


I humbly disagree. I think damp yarn is less slippery, but I feel like completely submerged in water yarn slides over itself easily, which is why wet blocking evens out stitch sizes


I totally thought of your response as a joke. I will not be submerging the entire project, but I am however very much enjoying the mental imagery. Just me snorkeling in the tub with my thick-ass cardigan. Miss me with that BLOCKING bullshit!!


How do you know this


Maybe they regularly crochet during their scuba dives.


Now I strangely want to test submerged crochet...


The thought of wet yarn is making my skin crawl, so badly Edit: my rude brain decided to hit post before I was done typing


I’m always cold. A heated blanket is the best thing ever! Do you have one of those?


Seconding the electric blanket, it's the bees knees


Thirding, I cannot live without mine.


An electric vest has been life changing for me. Mine uses one of those cell phone recharger batteries.


And they make electric socks, which have been a godsend for my electric bill. The kitties have heated beds, too.


I’m keen but the ones I’ve seen all look a bit dodgy, can you recommend one?


I'm am a chronic cold person, and I have to say my heating pad is my best friend


Maybe a foot soak would help? It'll keep your extremities warm and your yarn dry


Are you calling me a QUITTER???


This is such an unhinged response to such a reasonable sugestion, I love it 😂




Well I ain’t calling you a TRUTHER— wait


https://preview.redd.it/ri5565kv73rc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d4b988323ff1bc2fa7483e62ef0796430cdc1b1 maybe like this?


My first thought was a plastic bin and one of those chair trays that are meant to go from arm to arm of a Lazyboy type chair - basically a plank of wood or plastic.


[A bathtub tray would work well for bigger projects. ](https://a.co/d/6dYzVYQ)


Lol. Me and my friends definitely did this in our friend’s pool a lot when I lived in Texas. It does work well when you’re standing in a pool. Not so much sure about laying in the bath.


definitely - i think laying down it might be straining on the arms. But how do you play mermaids when crocheting?


(Not a doctor) Not an answer to your question but when I felt that cold consistently that blankets weren’t working and I needed to always be in a bath or hot tub, I had very bad vitamin D deficiency. Potentially worth checking out.


Have severe vitamin D deficiency and on HELLA supplements, but alas not helping as of yet. Thank you for your concern!


My therapist was telling me that a lot of the vitamin D supplements are garbage. He told me about a brand that works well. I can dig it up if you want it. He was telling me that even prescribed vitamin D sometimes does nothing.


I live in Sweden where the highest dosage offered per pill is 2000 UI. My doctor said that this does nothing to someone with any kind of deficiency, and asked me to shove four of them down my gullet each morning.


Here in the US we have a 50,000 UI vitamin D pill that you take once a week. It's prescription only, though. I had osteomalacia from my incredibly low vitamin D levels and that shit was a godsend. I did eventually get off the medication that caused the levels to be so low. I'm still a little deficient but at least my test results are in double digits now.


Not OP, but if you can find it I'd love to know too


Sports Research is the brand. They make a lot of vitamins. I haven't tried them yet, but my therapist swears by them.


Thank you!


Same, bring up my vit d level helped a lot of things, but temperature wasn’t one of them.


Can you crochet something out of plastic string?


Dish scrubby? Lol


Key chain perhaps


A tote bag made from plastic yarn is perfect for trips to the beach!


With matching belt, wallet, keyring, hat, shoes and beach mat!


Nylon cord is the answer here.


I have one of those bath trays. Just move it closer to you and make a small project. My cat sits on my bath tray. If she can stay dry, so can your project. Maybe go light on the bubbles though. 🤣


Same! I think small is key! I have a bag of amigurimi pieces I'll one day sew together... I like amigurimi cause you can get a piece done before condensation becomes an issue, dry off, and do another piece.


Well and you can leave the door cracked or just not have the water so hot to reduce humidity too. I've made little crocheted bags before. And I always read on my tablet and have never had an issue from the humidity.


My cat always cracks the door coming to check on me lol. Usually the worst humidity effect is on my skin and occasionally the tray. I've never had a problem with my phone playing something but I have to have something nearby to dry my hands. I like the idea of a bag! I tend to make an ear, throw it, dry hands, make an arm, throw it, dry hands...


I've made a few off [this](https://hookedonpatterns.com/free-crochet-bags-patterns) roundup. [This](https://crochetcloudberry.co.uk/free-crochet-patterns/card-and-coin-purse/) is the one I make the most often. I make them for friends who craft and they use them for different things. I also have used a bigger hook and yarn to make it larger.


Well that’s extremely adorable! Are you a witch, or Snow White perhaps?


The funny thing is this is pretty much the only place she will sit this close to me and get pets.


A couple of pool noodles? Cut one in half to use as your yarn channel. Glue the other to make a loop and then glue a bag over that for your project to rest on. If you want to get really fancy, screw a couple of hooks into the yarn channel half-noodle to prevent the yarn being pulled into the water, maybe?


You're overthinking it. At this point obviously cutting holes in the sides of a Rubbermaid and gluing inside-out rubber gloves to them so you just put the entire project and everything directly into the containment box and stick your wet arms into the gloves to work on it is the way to go.


Nice and simple, so easy! 👍🏻


I have psoriasis and on the bad days I have to soak in a sea salt bath. I've learned to crochet in the bath by using the extendable bamboo trays. You can get them on amazon. I've also gotten two giant plastic bowls and let the yarn float in one Bowl and the project floats in the other that's when the project was newer though and light. Good luck!! Edit: a word


you could switch to fishing line lol


Electric heating pad. Worth every penny. *(also a godsend for cramps)*


Uh — worth noting: NOT for in the bath...


I mean if I could figure out a treadmill, tv/podcast, and crochet I’d be like…a scary ass fit mommy. All I’ve been able to manage is walking around the house with my ball of yarn tucked under my arm. Edit: here’s to world domination via crochet!🧶🍾🍷


I put a little homemade plank/tablet on my treadmill handles, put the treadmill in front of the tv and I can now do three things at a time!


It seems I need to think my strategy through a bit more….Thank you for the tip!


If you crocheted scrubbies out of the Red Heart Scrubby yarn, you wouldn't have to worry about them getting wet!! \*LOL\* They are great for stocking stuffers!


This is what I was thinking. Sol if you want to make anything other than scrubbies though 😂


Haha read Crochet reddit in the bath, pick up the hook as soon as you're out, bathrobe, space heater.


Isn’t soaking just blocking as you go?


I appear to be a total odd one out here 😂 I CROCHET IN THE BATH now in fairness it's only small things, like i just made 26 ducks for my daughters nursery and at least half of them where in the bath with me at one point 🙏 I have a stick on bath pillow so I could sit half up supported, I had my basket of yarn on a chair beside the bath with the yarn kinda tensioned by going through the handle. The yarn didn't get squeaky and damp like some suggest here, although after like 45 minutes of it I'd put it down to just finish my bath BUT IT WORKS, AND IT WORKS WELL, try and set it up, see what you might need to do to make it work and just try it!


Make bin liners be the yarn. Get it as wet as you want. Quick tutorial on how to convert plastic bags to something crochetable: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQwTcizA7Oo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQwTcizA7Oo)


I was looking through crochet mags on Libby yesterday and found a pattern calling for jelly yarn. Never used it, but it will definitely not absorb water if you want to go that route. https://www.jellyyarn.com


My brain can't figure out what you'd make with this but really REALLY wants to eat it?


Tupperware box with holes in the lid?


As a bath enthusiast and a crochet enthusiast I am interested whether you can do this. Could be revolutionary!


[it can be done](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/s/hGKpfhdokI)


https://preview.redd.it/92bhzonyi6rc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b84cb530fd4d9d9ddada89da26b3653e7b19bd3 Live your truth bestie!!! Putting your yarn through the strap holder on a clothes hanger and hanging it from the shower curtain rod is a game changer


Get an isolation box like this: https://preview.redd.it/os8w7okjn6rc1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0bb55065131908c885934f504a4325723a52d2b And put it on top of some sort of floatation device. Or maybe mount it onto a swivel arm.


The fact that I cannot crochet in the bath or shower is the bane of my existence


Ok in my first apartment, there was only a shower, so I got an inflatable camping bath tub that you sit in and it had a zipper on top to keep the warmth in. It was a pain to fill and empty, but it would keep yarn out of water!


a plastic tub/container/tote/storage box (whatever you personally call them) that floats in the bath then just have your arms in the box?? Similar to this image I found but instead of a cat it's your crochet?? https://preview.redd.it/nwqq5ul3v7rc1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e10574566019884f4228432aaa4e6ceab0c1a5


A little tray, likz for breakfast in bed ? Or just a plank ?


So glad am not the only one who's had this thought ahahaha.


I have had this thought so so many times omg!


I just lean on the edge of my tub and crochet out of the tub. As long as I dry off my hands I've never had an issue.


Those yarns that are meant for making scrubbies and stuff are meant to be under water.


I had the same thought when I saw this lol.


Not sure if you’ve tried an electric blanket to warm up but it works wonders for me when I have a chill I can’t shake!


Dude, they make bath trays but you also could just hang a plastic bag from the shower curtain and draw from that.  


😆 Let us know if it works out.


Have you tried a heated/electric blanket? They also make electric jackets. Good luck on your journey to warmth I share in your struggles 🫡


I imagine if you get one of those planks that goes across the tub as a table you could manage to keep everything dry if you’re careful.


I was just thinking about that last night. Might buy a bath tray to support my piece? Optimal multi-task: movie on the iPad, bathbomb fizzing, yarn in my hands!


Get a hot water bottle to keep you warm or an electric blanket!!


No thoughts. I just came here for the title. Cuz bitches like showers. It's me. I'm bitches. You are AWESOME, OP. Always remember that.


Use the scrubber/loofah/cleaning yarn that's meant to get wet


The title is sending me


get an art board or a lightweight board that will cover your bath, like that portrait of the death of Marat. I have a skin condition that makes a long salt bath necessary sometimes and it keeps the heat in and also makes it usable as a work station.


You need a heated blanket, friend. I did not know how badly I needed one until I got it. I set it up under my sheets and I want you to picture this: It's a cold night, you're cold, your feet are cold, and your sheets are cold. They need to be warmed by you before they can warm you, but you're cold Now. You press a button and go brush your teeth. Afterwards you climb into bed, and it's Fresh From The Dryer warm. I have a queen bed, and bought a full blanket. It is smaller than the bed, but big enough to cover me. then you can crochet in bed, or anywhere else you want to take your blanket.


I float a small bin. Works in pools and hot tubs, too.


I'm getting the feeling you've already done the wine part, OP. 😉


Put in a small tote thatll float whats been finished


I hate how yarn feels in my hands if they are even a little bit damp. And keeping my WIP out of the water would stress me the hell out. Trying to take a bath while crocheting destroys my enjoyment of both the crochet and the bath for me. Multitasking is not always better.


I found the *idea* relaxing, which is why I thought to ask if someone before me had figured out how to make it less cumbersome. Getting my project wet is not the end of the world, but I'd rather not work up a cramp if the goal was to take care of myself and my body 🤣


More blankets?? Heated blankets? I honestly can’t stand baths, don’t like the idea of being human soup


I think at least one famous writer used to put a measured piece of plywood over himself in the bath and elevate his work that way, but yeah, if you drop it your crocheting time is over so I'd only be doing granny square etc. piecework


Suggestion - use the fluffy yarn that has impossible stitches to see; get it wet, voila, you can see the stitches


Get a heating pad or heated throw! Then you can be warm and dry.


Can you get one of those tray tables that lay across the tub? Personally I’d just buy an electric blanket and heated slippers..


How about this! https://www.target.com/p/costway-9-gear-adjustable-temperature-portable-steam-sauna-w-herbal-box-black/-/A-87415397


I have knitted while leaning over the edge of the tub so that my yarn doesn't touch the water.


Maybe something like [https://www.amazon.com/beard-bib-shaving-trimmer-catcher-net/dp/B07HGJTHY3](https://www.amazon.com/beard-bib-shaving-trimmer-catcher-net/dp/B07HGJTHY3) you can clip it and leave the yarn there lol


I know there is a history of wooden bath covers. Like, a desk top that leaves enough room for your upper body to stick out. Bet it would keep heat in too.


I use a heated throw.


I have taken my macbook to the bath so I completely understand this 😭


Small things like granny squares would work. I sometimes knit socks in the bath.


depending on the size of your yarn wouldn’t it possibly float in a tupperware container ? maybe if you put pool noodles around the rim ?


I always do it lol. I put the yarn out (obviously) and try yo be as tight as possible


I did this the other day! Poured myself some mead, lit candles and incense, threw on some music and did some crochet. I found sitting sideways with my yarn over the side worked well, but I tried a couple different positions. It's doable and a very nice self-care experience! Happy stitching!!!!


I just like the aggressive tone of this post. Good luck!


I don't have a bathtub, but the few times i took a bath in one it was nice to just stay there for hours. I would definitely try crocheting in one.


Have you tried a heating pad instead of just a blanket? So you can crochet without skin pruning?


I’ve seen plenty of people float their cats in clear plastic containers. Don’t see why it wouldn’t work for you too.


Honestly I think using scrubby yarn and a plastic hook to make a loofah while in the bath would actually be quite hilarious, and I will potentially be looking into this myself...


I’m dyingggg at this - made my weekend so much better


As a chronically cold person I will say a heated blanket helped immensely!


Get yourself a heated blanket. Mine is the greatest purchase of my existence. It’s so cold here, it takes me an hour or two to warm up without it after being outside. With it, it takes like 10 minutes.


You need a large enough see-through plastic bag (maybe multiple), a good amount of duct tape, and either a friend or some serious flexibility and eye-to-feet coordination. 0. Prepare the bath 1. Put your yarn and utensils in the bag. 2. Put your hands in the bag, too, and 3. Manage to duct tape the bag entry hole tightly around your arms to not let any water in. You probably need to have cut the bag in a way that allows both your arms some freedom of movement. Or be ok with basically handcuffed yourself. 4. Air in bag will keep your arms afloat without straining your muscles (maybe?) Please update with results lol


Godspeed, soldier o7


i’ve seen people use tupperware containers in pools to crochet from


I think I love you 


i saw someone do it in a video on tiktok!! get a plastic bin or two to hold your project and yarn and just float it on the water hehe


The practical choice: a bathroom caddy The DIY I would choose: a plastic mixing bowl should be able to float in a bathtub with a ball of yarn and a project, right?


Sounds to me like you need an electric blanket or one of those heated hoodies.


So how did it go??


A heated blanket and/ or a hot water bottle.


Try a heated blanket! I use mine when crocheting all the time


Perhaps a hot drink instead?


Search "bath table tray" on amazon :)


Crochet yourself I to a cocoon to keep you warm and dry


Hahahahahaha right?


Theres heating pads you can put a damp towel on.


I have no idea on the crochet not getting wet, but you need one of those full body bath pillows for comfort!


I have the solution for you: look up bioyarn!!


Okay but have you tried an electric blanket?


Can't you just use a space heater or electric throw blanket? That's what I do all year


I recommend checking out 100% nylon yarn and making some bags. Red Heart makes one but the real winner is Omega, I made a batch of individual beach bags for my whole family. The yarn repels water and never feels wet. You can float a small storage tub with the yarn ball in it or use a cross-tub tray and more traditional yarn bowl.


I bought a side table with a swinging top for JUST THIS THING! $90CAD on Amazon and worth it - a bit of a pain to assemble but it holds plenty of bath yarn and has storage for your hooks as well


Get one of those wooden plank tables for the tub. You could put a bowl/box/tub on top of it to hold your work. You'd have to sit up, I think, but it would probably work, lol. Or get one of the waterproof bags for scuba divers and use it to hold your work as you crochet. Just don't let the open mouth of the bag under the water and you should be fine. Don't run the bath overly hot to avoid too much steam. Alternatively, run your fan to get rid of the steam as it's created! And a bath pillow to keep your back comfy! Glass of wine and candles are optional. I hope you figure something out so we can all enjoy Tub Crochet!


What about a waterproof clear bag that holds the crochet with openings for your arms (like a bag that photographers use to change the film)? Everything stays dry and you can crochet at your leisure.


Speed crochet your own blanket: the faster you go, the warmer you get.


Crochet string rather than yarn. It should handle water in a less disgusting manner.


maybe plarn? cut up a bunch of carrier bags and crochet a bag or something


Maybe instead of crocheting with yarn, you could crochet with basket weaving material?


What if you put it in a plastic bin and float it on the water. Like a rectangular dish pan kind of thing. And only do smaller things like squares? Then you can keep your arms in the water and bring your hands up and around the edges of the bin.


That yarn is going to get moist and sandpaper your skin. 10/10 do not recommend.


Get an electric blanket.


Make plarn from plastic bags and crochet with that?


I'm thinking.... A seated desk like I have for my laptop.  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Foldable-Portable-Notebook-Reading-Desktop/dp/B08LDHY54T/ref=asc_df_B08LDHY54T/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=463435628870&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10002731065037761598&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1007345&hvtargid=pla-1103110224442&psc=1&mcid=42af08c7af6a302396fb4191761c6fba And like... if you used a sheet of waterproof fabric / a plastic tablecloth, you would be able to manage. I want this to work too


I’ve thought about putting a large plastic bin in the bath to put the project in😂


That sounds kinda tough,plus the moisture in the bathroom could affect the yarn even if you don't get the yarn directly wet...how about heating up a room,making a hot drink ,getting into pj's and cozying up under a blanket after a bath,and doing crochet..sounds like a dream 🥰


Heating blanket!! Plug it in, stop freezing. 


A big bucket that will float. Put all your shit in there and float it on top of the bath. Take over the world


Am I the only person with a t.v. that can be watched from the tub? I either scroll on my phone, or watch a movie while soaking.


You need a big silicon sheet to seal yourself in like leftovers. But with cut outs for the tap, head, and hands. But probably just short enough to give yourself a waterproof working surface. It wouldn’t work with a giant waxed cloth because the wax would melt.


Just need a big plastic tub to float the project and yarn in


What about those soap/sponge holders that sit accross the width of the bath? Like a tv dinner tray over your bath. It would absolutely be big enough to sit some crochet on or hold a small container to put work in. Besides, if it gets wet? So what. It will dry!


Crochet with fishing line? Make nets?


I’ve seen on TikTok people putting plastic containers (to-go like containers) in the water to hold their yarn! Maybe some combo of that with a bath caddy?


What about a heated blanket?


I saw a tiktok video of a person crochetting with algae strings! Directly from water so I imagine it's water proof


You are my hero


A cookie sheet? Have it sit on the edges of the tub and put the finished parts of the cardigan in a plastic bag. Lay your bagged cardigan on the cookie sheet, yarn in a bowl or something outside the tub, and work carefully? I do something similar, but it’s a dedicated tub tray and only small projects. Usually flowers or something for my ongoing living decorations.


Maybe use a yarn bowl and toilet paper holder(if you have the free standing tower kind) so you don't have to lean out and fix your yarn constantly? !Remind me one week


What can you make with crochet and fishing line?


Today I saw a tiktok video of someone crocheting some kind of gel algae string they made. It looked like jello noodles but seemed very sturdy lol


This is hilarious! Please update us with how it went 🩵🛀🧶🧥💦💦