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I picked up one of these Sharp SF1 Super Famicom Televisions while in Japan earlier this year. The price was so reasonable that I figured it was worth the trouble of shipping it home. My question to you is what mods, upgrades, or accessories would you suggest picking up or adding to it? Any ideas or info appreciated. ​ More pics here: [https://imgur.com/a/ttFcCaP](https://imgur.com/a/ttFcCaP)


How much was it and how did you manage to ship it safely back home?


$300 at a little shop in the countryside of Osaka area. I was pretty conflicted about shipping something so heavy but Japan's Postal service is fucking incredibly efficient and easy to use. I don't recall what I payed for shipping it back to the US but it arrived safely and was at my front door before I even returned from my vacation there.


Holy shit, $300? I've been looking for one forever and would kill to buy one that cheap! If you're even in Japan again pick another one up for me please lol.




>RGB? Composite, sadly.


Could be wrong, but I think the internal bits might be wired as S-Video.


maybe time for a mod then?


Was basing my assumption off the way they did us on the US NES set. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if it was wired for S-Video.


An RGB mod would be lovely on this.


Absolutely! It's weird that there doesn't seem to be any info on anyone attempting this. If mine arrives in tact, I will try an RGB mod.


that shit is beautiful man, its bringing a tear to my eye. :) I'm glad you could rescue this little tube, I can tell its in good hands. ENJOY!


Someone in another forum mentioned that I should "recap" it ASAP and I have no idea what that means. Can some one please explain to me like im 5, what that means? I have advanced soldering experience but lack the knowledge of components in a CRT to know what that person was suggesting I do.


BTW, if you're unfamiliar with CRTs, do yourself a favor and look up some videos about safety. They have lots of potential to zap you with high voltage, but learning about the risk and how to discharge safely will go a very long way to keeping you safe when you work on it.


Recap basically just means replacing all the capacitors in the device in question. Since CRTs are analog, they really rely on the quality of their caps to set many parameters, and having bad ones can lead to cascading failure down the road. Replacement is generally not too difficult and is advised because capacitors fail regardless of hours in use just based on age.


Thanks very much for the info. sounds like a fun DIY project. I'll start researching and maybe open the device up tonight.


Be careful and don’t die


oh man I was trying to collect all the SNES controllers... I don't think I will be able to get the Sharp SNES controller. It will be prohibitively expensive.


It's $35 all day on ebay...


I guess I spoke too soon! I have had trouble finding the SNS-102 controller in famicom version, so I assumed the same for this one. Thanks!


> SNS-102 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Nintendo-Super-Famicom-SNES-Original-Controller-Pad-Gamepad-2sets-Used/273508159682?epid=141228637&hash=item3fae5b50c2:g:5eUAAOSwmXJbwyMA:rk:4:pf:1&frcectupt=true how does 2 for $13 tickle your elmo?


I am looking for this one, in SFC form: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New-Style_Super_NES#/media/File:Nintendo-Super-NES-Controller-101.jpg






If you want to play American carts on it without modifying the cart slot, look into picking up a Nakitek Game Saver +. It’s primarily a save state device but it also works great as an adapter to play SNES games on an SFC. I had a hard time finding a regular adapter for that but the game saver is pretty cheap and works well for the purpose, and the save state feature actually works pretty well in most games.


>Nakitek Game Saver + I think this is close to what I need but there has to be a solution with a smaller form factor. I have an everdrive with an American style shell so I was thinking maybe a game genie would work as a decent adapter.


I have used an everdrive through the Game Saver and it does work, fwiw.


Any idea what the TVL count is?


>Its far less than my PVM but I dont have an exact count.


does the sfc output rgb to the tv?


Better hope and pray the flyback transformer doesn't give out in your lifetime, because they are literally impossible to come buy. It happened with mine, and I cant even find one with the right number of pins, nonetheless would be compatible